Items from country: United States

Apparel / Ties
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
 Ralph Marlin
___ Han & Chewbacca Line Art Tie
___ Imperial AT-AT Tie
___ Jung Poster Art Silk Tie
___ Luke & Yoda Line Art Tie
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Line Art Tie
___ Rebel Alliance Blueprints Silk Tie
___ Star Wars Lord Vader Silk Tie in Collector Tin
___ SW 'C' Art Tie
___ SW Character Icons Tie
___ SW Characters Tie
___ SW Vehicles Silk Tie
___ SW-Death Star Assault Tie
___ TIE Fighter Tie
___ Vader Line Art Tie
___ Vehicles--Black Silk Tie
___ Yoda Silk Tie (McQuarrie Art)
 Ralph Marlin/Wally Wear
___ SW Character Icons Tie (Wally Wear Tag)
___ Film Cel Tie & Suspender Set
Phantom Menace
 Ralph Marlin
___ Anakin Clip-On Tie
___ Anakin Repeat--Black Silk Tie
___ Anakin Repeat--Blue Silk Tie
___ Battle Droids Large Tie
___ Battle Droids Tie
___ Big Jar Jar Tie
___ C-3PO Charicature Tie
___ Darth Maul Clip-On Tie
___ Darth Maul Face/Sith Lord Tie
___ Darth Maul Large Tie
___ Darth Maul Tie
___ Droid Repeat--Black Silk Tie
___ Droid Repeat--Blue Silk Tie
___ Jar Jar Binks Tie (Standing In Front Of Names)
___ Jar Jar Clip-On Tie
___ Jar Jar Large Tie
___ Jar Jar Repeat--Black Silk Tie
___ Jar Jar Repeat--Blue Silk Tie
___ Jar Jar Tie (3 Full Jar Jars Plus Head & Bubbles)
___ Jedi Obi-Wan Tie
___ Jedi Repeat--Black Silk Tie
___ Jedi Repeat--Blue Silk Tie
___ Jedi vs Sith Repeat--Black Silk Tie
___ Master Qui-Gon Tie
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi Tie
___ Qui-Gon Jinn Tie
___ Qui-Gon Large Tie
___ Race To Freedom Tie
___ Sith Darth Maul Tie
___ Sith The Dark Side Tie
___ Space Battle Tie (Naboo At Bottom)
___ Space Battle Tie (Naboo In Middle)
___ Star Fighters Tie
___ Starfighters Blue Print Black Silk Tie
___ Starfighters Blue Print Blue Silk Tie
___ Starfighters Blue Print Green Silk Tie
___ The Dark Side Repeat--Black Silk Tie
___ The Races Tie
___ Two Sides Of The Force Tie (Darth Maul Bust Art Over Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan)
___ Young Skywalker Tie
Bath / Toothbrushes, Toothpaste and Toothbrush Holders
A New Hope
___ SW Battery-Operated Toothbrush
Empire Strikes Back
___ ESB Battery-Operated Toothbrush
Return of the Jedi
___ ROTJ Battery-Operated Toothbrush
___ Darth Vader Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top)
___ Darth Vader Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top, 'Not For Retail Sale' on Plastic Wrap)
___ Darth Vader Toothbrush (Boxed, Without 'NEW' at Top)
___ Darth Vader Toothbrush (Carded)
___ Ewoks Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top)
___ Ewoks Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top, 'Not For Retail Sale' on Plastic Wrap)
___ Ewoks Toothbrush (Boxed, Without 'NEW' at Top)
___ Ewoks Toothbrush (Carded)
___ Han Solo & Chewbacca Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top)
___ Han Solo & Chewbacca Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top, 'Not For Retail Sale' on Plastic Wrap)
___ Han Solo & Chewbacca Toothbrush (Boxed, Without 'NEW' at Top)
___ Han Solo & Chewbacca Toothbrush (Carded)
___ Jedi Masters Toothbrush (Boxed)
___ Luke Skywalker Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top)
___ Luke Skywalker Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top, 'Not For Retail Sale' on Plastic Wrap)
___ Luke Skywalker Toothbrush (Boxed, Without 'NEW' at Top)
___ Luke Skywalker Toothbrush (Carded)
___ Princess Leia Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top)
___ Princess Leia Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top, 'Not For Retail Sale' on Plastic Wrap)
___ Princess Leia Toothbrush (Boxed, Without 'NEW' at Top)
___ Princess Leia Toothbrush (Carded)
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top)
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Toothbrush (Boxed, 'NEW' at Top, 'Not For Retail Sale' on Plastic Wrap)
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Toothbrush (Boxed, Without 'NEW' at Top)
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Toothbrush (Carded)
___ Toothbrush 12pk For Dentist Office Give-Away (2 per style)
___ Toothbrush 3pk with Jedi Masters
Wicket the Ewok
___ Wicket The Ewok Battery-Operated Toothbrush
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Baking Soda Colgate With Darth Vader Toothbrush
___ Baking Soda Colgate With Princess Leia Toothbrush
___ Darth Vader Figural Handle Toothbrush
___ Darth Vader Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Darth Vader Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ Darth Vader Toothpaste Tube
___ Luke Skywalker Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Luke Skywalker Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ Princess Leia Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Princess Leia Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Toothpaste Tube
___ Yoda Figural Handle Toothbrush
___ Tooth Tunes Battery-Operated Toothbrush Plays SW Theme
Phantom Menace
___ Amidala Black Travel Gown Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Amidala Red Gown Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ Amidala Toothbrush with Amidala Holder
___ Amidala Toothbrush with R2-D2 Holder
___ Amidala Toothbrush, Anakin Toothpaste, Amidala Toothbrush Holder
___ Anakin (Pod Outfit) Figural Handle Toothbrush
___ Anakin Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ Anakin Toothbrush with Anakin Holder
___ Anakin Toothbrush with R2-D2 Holder
___ Anakin Toothpaste Tube
___ Baking Soda Colgate With Amidala Toothbrush
___ Baking Soda Colgate With C-3PO Toothbrush
___ Baking Soda Colgate With Darth Maul Toothbrush
___ C-3PO Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Darth Maul Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Jar Jar Adult Soft Toothbrush
___ Jar Jar Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ Jar Jar Figural Handle Toothbrush
___ Jar Jar Toothbrush With Jar Jar Holder
___ Jar Jar Toothbrush with R2-D2 Holder
___ Jar Jar Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Toothbrush Holder
___ Jar Jar Toothpaste Tube
___ Jedi vs Sith Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Toothbrush Holder
___ Jedi vs Sith Toothpaste Tube
___ Obi-Wan Child Extra Soft Toothbrush
___ Obi-Wan Toothbrush With Darth Maul Holder
___ Obi-Wan Toothbrush With R2-D2 Holder
 Jay Franco & Sons
___ Anakin/Sebulba Toothbrush Holder
Luggage / Totebags
A New Hope
___ Darth Vadar (Vader Misspelled) Lives Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
___ Darth Vader Helmet/Dogfight Iron-On On Canvas Book Bag
___ Darth Vader Helmet/Dogfight Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
___ Darth Vader With Lightsaber (Like Factors Poster) Iron-On On Canvas Book Bag
___ Darth Vader With Lightsaber (Like Factors Poster) Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
___ Hildebrandt Art Iron-On On Canvas Book Bag
___ Hildebrandt Art Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
___ MTFBWY Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Iron-On On Canvas Book Bag
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
___ SW Logo Iron-On On Canvas Totebag
Return of the Jedi
 Adam Joseph
___ Darth Vader & Royal Guards Red Canvas Totebag
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Blue Canvas Totebag
___ Yoda Red Canvas Totebag
___ ROTJ Logo in Silver & Red on Black Nylon Totebag
Wicket the Ewok
 Adam Joseph
___ Wicket The Ewok Blue Canvas Totebag
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ White SW Logo on Black & Red Satchel with Bonus Water Bottle
___ Darth Vader & Vader's TIE Fighter Book Bag
___ Darth Vader Helmet Book Bag
___ Luke With X-Wing Orange Trim Book Bag
___ Stormtrooper Helmet Book Bag
Phantom Menace
___ Podracing Patch With 2 Pods Red & Black With Yellow-Blue Stripe Canvas Book Bag
Store Displays / Toy
A New Hope
___ Duel at the Death Star Shelf Talker
___ 12 Action Figure Display Bin + Header
___ 1993 Las Vegas Store Display Auction
___ 20 Action Figure Display Bin + Header (Firing Rocket Exposed)
___ 20 Action Figure Display Bin + Header (Sticker Covering Rocket Mechanism)
___ 21 Action Figure Display Bin + Header
___ 21 Action Figure Hanger - (With Sweepstakes and Secret Figure Offer Stickers)
___ 21 Action Figure Long Header Card
___ Cromalin for Early Bird Display Header
___ Die-Cast Display Bin + Header
___ Die-Cast Mock-Up Display Bin + Header
___ Factors Posters Used as Kenner Store Displays
___ Kenner 1981 'Save Your Movie Ticket' Toy Rebate Store Display
___ Kenner 38140 Store Display Bin and Header for Early Bird Certificate Package
___ Kenner 69175 3-D Pole Display for Early Bird Certificate Package
___ Kenner 69178 Four-Sided Floor Merchandiser Dump - 'Star Wars is Here'
___ Kenner 69180 12 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 12'
___ Kenner 69180 20 Action Figure Mobile - 'Get A Free Boba Fett'
___ Kenner 69184 12 Action Figure Header - 'Collect All 12'
___ Kenner 69184 20 Action Figure Header - 'Get A Free Boba Fett'
___ Kenner 69185 Hang/Pole Store Display - 'Toy Galaxy'
___ Kenner 69185 Toy Center Mobile Store Display
___ Kenner 69185 Toy Galaxy Mobile Store Display
___ Kenner 69186 Shelf-Talker - 'Toy Galaxy'
___ Kenner 69190 Grocery Store Floor Merchandiser
___ Kenner 69192 Star Wars Department Store Promotional Kit (R2-D2 and C-3PO Factors Standees)
___ Kenner 69192-A Star Wars Department Store Promotional Kit (Vader and Chewbacca Factors Standees)
___ Kenner 69194 Header Store Display Advertising Inflatable Lightsaber
___ Kenner 69194 Header Store Display Advertising Laser Pistol and Three-Position Laser Rifle
___ Kenner 69197 Action Figure Dangler - '3 New Action Figures'
___ Kenner 69207 Header Store Display - 'Toy Center'
___ Kenner 69209 Demonstration Store Display for Electronic Battle Command Game
___ Kenner 69214 Prepack Store Display for Large-Size Action Figures
___ Kenner 69220 21 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 21'
___ Kenner Retail Merchandising Display Questionnaire
___ Kenner Retail Merchandising Kit 69180
___ Kenner Shelf-Talker - 'Toy Center'
___ Kenner Three-Pack Store Display Box
___ Movie Cassette Store Display Bin and Header
___ Plush Artoo Detoo Display Bin + Header
___ Plush Chewbacca Store Display Bin
___ Proof Sheet for Laser Rifle/Pistol Display
___ Prototype Display for Electronic Laser Battle Game
___ Prototype Display for Unproduced Star Tots Toys
___ Prototype Star Wars Logo Display
___ Star Wars Toy Center "Merchandising Aids" Toy Fair Sign
___ Star Wars Toy Center "Merchandising is Forever" Toy Fair Sign
___ Star Wars Toy Center "Merchandising" Toy Fair Sign
___ SW 12 Action Figure Hanger (w/ Kit-Bashed Tusken Raider, Jawa and DSC)
___ SW 12 Action Figure Header (w/ Kit-Bashed Tusken Raider, Jawa, and DSC)
___ SW 20 Action Figure Display Bin + Header (Header Shows Kit-Bashed Boba Fett Prototype)
___ SW 20 Action Figure Hanger -'Get A Free Boba Fett' (Removeable Rocket Text)
___ SW 20 Action Figure Header Mock-Up - "Get A Free Boba Fett" (Shows 12" Doll)
___ Toy Area Hanger - 'Toy Center' (With Sweepstakes and Secret Figure Offer Stickers)
___ Unproduced Display Stand for 12" Figures
___ Takara Store Display Bin for Model Kits
Empire Strikes Back
___ "Collect All 32" Design Mock-Up
___ "Collect All 41" Hanger, Style A
___ 41 Action Figure Hanger - 'Collect All 41' (Style A)
___ Chrome Micro Collection Toy Fair Sign
___ Concept Art for Micro Collection/Empire Strikes Back Promo Kit
___ ESB 21 Action Figure Display Bin + Header
___ ESB 31 Action Figure Hanger - 'Collect All 31'
___ ESB 41 Action Figure Hanger - 'Collect All 41' (Alternate Design)
___ ESB 47 Action Figure 3-sided Hanger - 'Collect All 47'
___ ESB Double-Sided Hoth Battle/Rebel Transport Header (With or Without Mounting Tab)
___ ESB Double-Sided Hoth Battle/Star Destroyer Header (With or Without Mounting Tab)
___ ESB Double-Sided Yoda/Vader Hanging Display
___ ESB Foam-Core Logo Mock-Up
___ ESB Hoth Battle Scene w/ Kenner Toys and Movie Photos Toy Area Header
___ ESB Logo Metal Toy Area Sign (silver background)
___ ESB Shelf-Talker - Embossed Plastic
___ ESB Shelf-Talker - Flat Plastic
___ ESB Sweepstakes Shelf-Talker (Different Design, Without Forms)
___ ESB The Force Lightsaber Store Display
___ Kenner 69228 Three-Sided Mobile - 'Collect All 48'
___ Kenner 69234 32 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 32'
___ Kenner 69245 41 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 41' (Style B)
___ Kenner 69246 Header Store Display - Hoth/Space Battle
___ Kenner 69264 Yoda Graphic Store Display (Vacuformed)
___ Kenner 69289 Header Store Display - Hoth Battle (Toys)
___ Kenner 69291 Three-Sided Mobile Advertising Micro Collection
___ Kenner 69295 Metal Sign Advertising Micro Collection
___ Kenner 69323 ESB Header Display - 'Foil' Surface
___ Kenner 93460 ESB Prepack Store Display for Action Figures
___ Kenner Shelf-Talker - 'Foil' (1980)
___ Micro Collection Foam-Core Logo Mock-Up
___ Micro Collection Mail-Away Extension Display
___ Micro Collection Shelf-Talker
___ Prototype ESB Aluminum Display
___ Prototype Mock-Up of Micro Collection Shelf Talker
___ Sweepstakes Shelf-Talker With Forms
___ Toy Fair ESB Action Figures Display
___ Unproduced ESB Hanging Display
___ Unused Flat for Kenner Yoda Vacuform Store Display
Revenge of the Jedi
___ Prototype Designs for Revenge and Return Kenner Shelf-Talkers
Return of the Jedi
___ Cardboard Shelf-Talker with Anakin Forms
___ Cardboard Shelf-Talker with Anakin Forms (Larger Size)
___ Cardboard Shelf-Talker with Poster Forms
___ Cardboard Shelf-Talker with Sweepstakes Forms
___ Kenner 69006 Header Store Display - Space Battle Artwork
___ Kenner 69288 Action Figure Header Display - 'Collect All 65'
___ Kenner 69288 Action Figure Header Display - 'Collect All 79'
___ Kenner 69901 ROTJ Embossed Metallized Header Display - 'Toy Center'
___ Kenner 71020 ROTJ Prepack Store Display for Small Action Figure Toys
___ Kenner 93460 ROTJ Action Figures Prepack Store Display
___ Kenner 99520 Woklings Prepack Store Display
___ Kenner Plush Ewok Display Bin
___ Kenner ROTJ Poster Premium Sign
___ Prototype Large Anakin Skywalker Shelf Talker
___ ROTJ 3-Dimensional "Chrome" Sign
___ ROTJ Foam-Core Logo Mock-Up
___ ROTJ Shelf-Talker
___ ROTJ Sweepstakes Shelf Talker Design Layouts
___ ROTJ The Force Lightsaber Bin Display
___ Wicket the Ewok Kenner coloring book display
___ ROTJ Bootleg Action Figure Display:
Droids Cartoon
___ Droids Logo Toy Area Header
___ Droids Shelf-Talker
___ Droids Thall Joben Coin Mock-Up
___ Ewoks/Droids Display Stand + Header w/ Coin Offer
Ewoks Cartoon
___ Ewoks Logo Toy Area Header
___ Ewoks Logray Coin Mock-Up
___ Ewoks Shelf-Talker
___ Painted Mock-Up for Preschool Ewoks Store Display
Power of the Force
___ Kenner POTF Action Figures Prepack Store Display (Stand + Header with Boba Fett Coin Offer)
___ Kenner POTF Action Figures Prepack Store Display (Stand + Header with Warok Coin Offer)
___ POTF Boba Fett Coin Mock-Up
___ POTF Darth Vader Coin Mock-Up
___ POTF Foam-Core Logo Mock-Up
___ POTF Logo Toy Area Header
___ POTF Shelf-Talker
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Silver SW Logo, McQuarrie Art X-Wing & TIE Fighter 3pc Large Mobile Display
___ SW Logo On Grid Header Card
___ 30th Anniversary Clone Trooper/Yoda Blade Sign
___ 30th Anniversary Clone Trooper/Yoda Shelf Talker
___ 30th Anniversary Coin Album Display Bin
___ Attacktix Battle Figure Game Display Sign
___ Basic Extendable Lightsaber Counter Display Box (All Black with Only Copyright Info on Back)
___ Basic Extendable Lightsaber Counter Display Box OTC style (SW Logo Front Only)
___ Basic Extendable Lightsaber Counter Display Box with J-hooks (SW Logo Front & Sides)
___ Battle Buddies OTC Counter Bin (Blue & White, No OTC Logo)
___ Buddies OTC Counter Bin (B&W With OTC Logos)
___ Darth Vader Buddy OTC Counter Bin (B&W With OTC Logos)
___ Darth Vader with Lightsaber The Original Trilogy Collection Shelf Wobbler
___ Darth Vader's TIE Fighters Shelf Talker

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive