Catalogs / Retailer |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| AMT/Ertl |
___ | AMT/MPC/Ertl 1989 Catalog |
| Applause |
___ | Applause 1995 SW Catalog |
___ | Applause 1996 SW Catalog Supplement |
___ | Applause 1997 Catalog |
___ | Applause 1998 SW Catalog |
___ | Applause April 1996 Retailer Catalog |
| AT-A-Boy |
___ | AT-A-Boy 1996 Catalog |
| Avon |
___ | Avon 1997 Campaign 21 Catalog |
___ | Avon 1997 Campaign 21 Demo Book |
___ | Avon 1997 Campaign 22 Catalog |
___ | Avon 1997 Campaign 25 Catalog |
___ | Avon 1997 Campaign 26 Catalog |
___ | Avon 1998 Campaign 19 Demo Book |
___ | Avon 1998 Campaign 24 Catalog |
___ | Avon 1999 Campaign 1 Catalog |
___ | Avon 1999 Campaign 3 Catalog |
| Bantam |
___ | Bantam 1994 SW Catalog |
___ | Bantam 1995 Publishing Program |
| Changes |
___ | Changes 1995 Catalog |
| Chronicle Books |
___ | 1999 Flyer/Price list |
___ | Spring/Summer 1999 Catalog |
| Collector Books |
___ | SW Super Collector Wish Book 1st Edition Flyer |
___ | SW Super Collector Wish Book 2nd Edition Flyer |
| Craft House |
___ | Crafthouse 1996 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Crafthouse 1997 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Crafthouse Line Art |
| CUI/Dram Tree/Metalic Images |
___ | Dram Tree 1995 Retailers Catalog |
| Del Rey/Ballantine |
___ | Timeline Booklet |
| Don Post |
___ | Don Post 1997 Catalog (SW 'A' Cover) |
| Doring Kindersly |
___ | DK Family Learning 1999 Catalog |
| Galoob |
___ | Galoob Fall 1994 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Galoob Fall 1996 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Galoob Fall 1998 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Galoob Spring 1997 Retailer Catalog |
| Golden Turtle Press |
___ | 2000 Calendar Catalog |
| Hallmark |
___ | Hallmark 1996 Dreambook |
___ | Hallmark 1997 Dreambook |
___ | Hallmark 1998 Dreambook |
___ | Hallmark 2000 Dreambook |
| Hamilton Collection |
___ | Spring 97 Hamilton Collection Catalog |
| Hasbro |
___ | 1998 Hasbro Toy Fair |
___ | 1998 Milton Bradley Toy Fair |
___ | Boys Toy Fair 1995 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Gallery Order of Presentation 2002 |
___ | Hasbro Boys and Girls Folder |
___ | Milton-Bradley 1996 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Parker Bros. 1996 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Pre-Toy Fair 1996 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Pre-Toy Fair 1997 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Toy Fair 1996 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Toy Fair 1997 Retailer Catalog |
| Hollywood Pins |
___ | Hollywood Pins Catalog |
| Just Toys |
___ | Just Toys Catalog Page |
| Kenner |
___ | Kenner 1994 Retailer Catalog |
| Lucas Books |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 1994 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 1995 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 1996 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 1997 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 1998 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 1999 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 2000 Catalog |
___ | Lucasfilm Publishing 2001 Catalog |
| Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox |
___ | 1984 Licensing Promo |
___ | 1995 Licensing List Kit |
___ | SW Marketing Guide 1996-1999 |
___ | SW Update Vol 4 No 1 |
___ | SW Update Vol 5 No 2 |
| Playthings/Lucasfilm |
___ | Lucas License Magazine |
| Rawcliffe Pewter |
___ | Rawcliffe 1996 Catalog |
| Rubies |
___ | Price List |
| Tiger Electronics |
___ | 1998 Tiger Toy Fair |
| Warner Bros |
___ | Marching Band Music for 1999 catalog |
Star Wars Special Editions |
| Frito Lay |
___ | Dorito's Advertising Schedule Calendar |
Phantom Menace |
| Applause |
___ | Applause Episode 1 Preview Catalog |
| Avon |
___ | Avon 1999 3rd & 4th Quarter Preview Catalog |
___ | Avon 1999 Campaign 15 Catalog |
| Diamond Distribution |
___ | Star System Summer Backlist Catalog |
| Don Post |
___ | Don Post 1999 Catalog |
| Farleys |
___ | Fruit Snacks Retailer Kit |
| Galoob |
___ | 1999 Galoob Fall Buyer's Guide |
| Hasbro |
___ | 1999 Hasbro CD ROM |
___ | 1999 Hasbro Pre-Toy Fair |
___ | 1999 Hasbro Star Wars CD ROM |
___ | Hasbro Pre-Toy Fair 2001 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Hasbro Toy Fair 1999 Episode 1 Workbook |
___ | Hasbro Toy Fair 1999 Retailer Catalog |
___ | Hasbro Toy Fair 2000 Retailer Catalog |
| Hope Industries |
___ | Retailer Catalog |
| Intex |
___ | Availability Sheet |
| KFC |
___ | KFC Rollout Guide |
| Kid Rhino Records |
___ | Retailer Catalog |
| Lego |
___ | Lego Summer 1999 Catalog |
| Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox |
___ | Episode 1 Kickoff Meeting Folder |
___ | SW Update Vol 5 #3 |
| Software Etc/Babbages |
___ | May 3-25, 1999 Catalog |
| Taco Bell |
___ | Module 5 Version 10 |
| Taco Bell/KFC/Pizza Hut |
___ | Yummy Times |
Attack of the Clones |
| Doring Kindersly |
___ | AOTC Books Press Release |
| Lego |
___ | Extreme Summer Catalog 2002 |
| Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox |
___ | Licensee Booklet & Folder (Anakins & Vader Cover) |
| NECA |
___ | NECA 2003 Catalog |
| Rawcliffe Pewter |
___ | Retailer April 2002 Catalog |
Store Displays / Retailer Specific |
Return of the Jedi |
| Spencer Gifts |
___ | Luke vs Darth Vader Clear Plastic Window Display |
| Waldenbooks |
___ | ROTJ Waldenbooks Display |
Ewoks Cartoon |
| Suncoast |
___ | Best Of Fox Translite (Includes Haunted Village) |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Giant |
___ | Target T-Shirt Art Display Card (Polish ROTJ Heroes Art) |
| Hasbro |
___ | Costco X-Wing/TIE Fighter 2pk Display Bin |
| K-Mart |
___ | C-3PO Ceiling Dangler Display |
___ | Darth Vader Ceiling Dangler Display |
___ | Han Solo Ceiling Dangler Display |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) Ceiling Dangler Display |
___ | Millennium Falcon Chased By Star Destroyer Ceiling Dangler Display |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Ceiling Dangler Display |
___ | Space Battle Ceiling Dangler Display (Falcon & Death Star II) |
___ | Space Battle Ceiling Dangler Display (X-Wing vs Vader's TIE) |
___ | Toy Mania At K-Mart 2-Sided Hanging Display |
___ | Yoda Ceiling Dangler Display |
| Lego |
___ | Mindstorm/Y-Wing/Star Destroyer/Lego Wal-Mart Employee Shelf Talker |
| Suncoast |
___ | SW Trilogy 92 Box Set Translite |
| Target |
___ | Darth Vader Blade Sign |
___ | X-Wings & SW Logo Display Strip |
| Toys R Us |
___ | Millennium Falcon Sweepstakes Counter Standee |
___ | Millennium Falcon Sweepstakes Display Card |
| Waldenbooks |
___ | Anakin Masterpiece Edition 2-Sided Display Card |
| Walmart |
___ | Early Bird Certificate Pallett Side Display |
___ | SW Trilogy On DVD Security Sheath |
___ | X-Wing & Vader's TIE Fighter (McQuarrie Galoob) End Cap Header |
Star Wars Special Editions |
| Toys R Us |
___ | Millennium Falcon 'January 29, 1997' Vinyl Banner |
| Walmart |
___ | C-3PO Mini-Action Set Premium Window Sticker |
| Walmart/Fox Video |
___ | Darth Vader Motion Activated Huge Display |
Phantom Menace |
| KB Toys |
___ | Destination Star Wars Table Tent |
| Target |
___ | Anakin Pod Outfit Price Display Card |
| Target/Rubies |
___ | Anakin/Amidala/Darth Maul Costumes 3-Sided Display |
___ | Darth Maul Costume/SW Logo Display Sign |
| Toys R Us |
___ | Star Wars Episode 1 @ Toys R Us Cloth Banner |
| Unknown |
___ | SW Sticker Saturdays Display Sign |
| Walmart |
___ | 3-Sided 4-Way Kit Figures (Jar Jar, Darth Maul, Amidala) |
___ | 4-Way Kit Side Panel (Amidala With Vertical Scene) |
___ | 4-Way Kit Side Panel (Anakin With Vertical Scene) |
___ | 4-Way Kit Side Panel (Darth Maul With Vertical Scene) |
___ | 4-Way Kit Side Panel (Qui-Gon With Vertical Scene) |
___ | Blade Sign (Anakin in Pod on both sides) |
___ | Blade Sign (Battle Droid on STAP on both sides) |
___ | Blade Sign (Full Amidala on both sides) |
___ | Blade Sign (Full Darth Maul on both sides) |
___ | Blade Sign (Qui-Gon on both sides) |
___ | Blade Sign (Space Battle on both sides) |
___ | Floor Stand Sign (Upcoming Events) |
___ | Hardline Backer (Amidala & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Hardline Backer (Anakin & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Hardline Backer (Darth Maul & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Hardline Backer (Obi-Wan & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Hardline Insert (Gold SW Logo with Red Background) |
___ | Hardline Tent Topper (Gold SW logo with Red Background both sides) |
___ | Paper Price Flag (Gold SW Logo) |
___ | Softline Backer (Qui-Gon next to scene) |
___ | Softline Tent Topper 2-Sided (Amidala, SW Logo) |
___ | Softline Tent Topper 2-Sided (Anakin, SW Logo) |
___ | Softline Tent Topper 2-Sided (Obi-Wan, SW Logo) |
___ | Toy Dept Overhead Side Counter Panel (Amidala & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Toy Dept Overhead Side Counter Panel (Anakin & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Toy Dept Overhead Side Counter Panel (Battle Droid & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Toy Dept Overhead Side Counter Panel (Obi-Wan & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Toy Dept Overhead Side Counter Panel (Qui-Gon & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Toy Dept Overhead Side Counter Panel (Watto & Horizontal scene) |
___ | Toy Dept P.O.P. Signing Shipper Box |
Attack of the Clones |
| K-Mart |
___ | AOTC Scratch & Win Cards Are Here Display Sign |
___ | Halloween Costume Vertical Banner Entrance Card |
| Sam Goody/Suncoast |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi '25% off Books' Display Sign |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi 'Goody Got It' Display Sign |
| Target/Rubies |
___ | Padme/Anakin/Jango Fett Halloween Costumes Aisle Header Card |
| Walmart |
___ | Aisle Card (Product Available April 23/Jedi Training May 18) |
___ | Custom SW Cakes In The Bakery Display Card |
___ | Toy Aisle Overhead Panel (Clone Troopers) |
___ | Toy Aisle Overhead Panel (Obi-Wan/Jango Fett) |
___ | Toy Aisle Overhead Panel (SW Logo & Raised Saber) |
Clone Wars |
| Walmart |
___ | New Releases At Wal-Mart Every Tuesday Stanchion Card (Clone Wars Vol 1 & Others) |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Giant |
___ | Target T-Shirt Art Display Card (Chewbacca Bust 'Chewie') |
___ | Target T-Shirt Art Display Card (Distressed Yellow SW Logo) |
___ | Target T-Shirt Art Display Card (It's Not The Jedi Way) |
___ | Target T-Shirt Art Display Card (Vader Was Framed) |
| Hasbro |
___ | Sam's Club Playset/Vehicle With Bonus Figures Bin |
| JAKKS Pacific |
___ | Sam's Club SW TV Games Gift Set Tray |
| K-Mart |
___ | Double Cover Spiral Notebook Counter Display Box |
___ | Super-D Darth Vader Palm Talker/M&M Offer 2-Sided Hanging Display |
___ | Super-D Darth Vader Palm Talker/M&M Offer Shelf Talker |
___ | Two Pocket Portfolio Counter Display Box |
___ | Win A Lifesize Yoda Plush Display Box |
___ | Yoda 'Get a $10 SW Gift Card' Shelf Talker |
___ | Yoda 'Get a $10 SW Gift Card' Sign |
| Safeway |
___ | 'Save $5 & Get A Free 4-Pack Of Cards' Shelf Talker |
| Target |
___ | Darth Vader & Droids Long Display Card |
___ | Darth Vader Half Helmet Over Lava Price Card |
___ | Darth Vader/Anakin Lenticular Display Card |
| Walmart |
___ | 48 Hours of the Force Long Vinyl Banner |
___ | Battlefront II Security Sheath |
___ | Clicks Watches Clip Strip ($6.43 Everyday) |
___ | Darth Vader Endcap Sign |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Over Lava Art 2-Sided Display Card |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Over Lava Art Header Card |
___ | Lego Pallet Display Top 4pc Set |
___ | ROTS On DVD Security Sheath |
___ | ROTS/Batman T-Shirts Pallett Display Card |
Jewelry / Rings |
A New Hope |
| Unlicensed |
___ | TIE Fighter Blue Plastic Ring |
___ | TIE Fighter White Plastic Ring |
___ | TIE Fighter Yellow Plastic Ring |
___ | X-Wing Fighter White Plastic Ring |
| Weingeroff Ent |
___ | 3 Ring Set (Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO) |
___ | 3 Ring Set (Darth Vader, R2-D2, C-3PO) |
___ | 3 Ring Set (Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, X-Wing) |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Wallace Berrie |
___ | Darth Vader Ring |
___ | May The Force Be With You Ring |
___ | R2-D2 & C-3PO Ring |
___ | R2-D2 Ring |
___ | X-Wing Ring |
___ | Yoda Ring |
Return of the Jedi |
| Adam Joseph |
___ | X-Wing Fighter Pilot Gold Tone Ring (Jewelry Card) |
Apparel / Robes |
A New Hope |
| Wilker Bros |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Split By Lightsaber On Breast Of Blue Bath Robe |
___ | Darth Vader, Chewbacca, & Droids Bath Robe |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Wilker Bros |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet & Luke On Tauntaun Bathrobe |
___ | Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Droids, Luke/Tauntaun Blue Bath Robe |
Return of the Jedi |
| Wilker Bros |
___ | Chief Chirpa & Logray Tan With Brown Trim Bath Robe |
___ | Darth Vader & Royal Guards Powder Blue Robe With Navy Trim |
___ | Darth Vader & Royal Guards Tan Robe |
Games / Role-Playing |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Bootstrap Press |
___ | Adventures Unlimited #2 |
| West End Games |
___ | Abduction of the Cry Dawn Singer TPB |
___ | Alien Encounters TPB |
___ | Alliance Inteligence Reports TPB |
___ | Battle for the Golden Sun Module |
___ | Black Ice Module |
___ | Black Sands Of Socorro TPB |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--A New Hope |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Bounty Hunters |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Empire Strikes Back |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Heroes Of The Rebellion |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Forces |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Troopers |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Jabba's Palace |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Mos Eisley Cantina |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Rancor Pit |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Characters |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Troopers |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Return Of The Jedi |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Stormtroopers |
___ | Boxed Metal RPG Figures--Zero-G Assault Troopers |
___ | Campaign Pack |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Aliens of Galaxy #1 (#40429) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Aliens of Galaxy #2 (#40443) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Aliens of Galaxy #3 (#40453) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--AT-PT Deluxe Pack (#40505) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Bantha With Rider Deluxe Pack (#40507) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Bounty Hunters #1 (#40420) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Bounty Hunters #2 (#40422) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Bounty Hunters #3 (#40426) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Cloud City (#40424) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Dark Stryder Crew #1 (#40446) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Dark Stryder Crew #2 (#40447) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Dark Stryder Crew #3 (#40452) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Denizens of Tatooine (#40427) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Droids #1 (#40423) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Emperor (#40425) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Encounter on Hoth (#40442) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Ewoks (#40438) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Gamorrean Guards (#40450) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Heavy Blaster With Crew (#40410) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Heir to Empire Villains (#40437) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Heroes #1 (#40401) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Heroes #2 (#40402) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Hoth Rebels (#40432) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Army Troopers #2 (#40418) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Army Troopers (#40411) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Naval Troopers #1 (#40412) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Naval Troopers #2 (#40419) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Officers (#40415) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Speeder Deluxe Pack (#40502) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Imperial Troop Pack |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Jabba The Hutt (#40444) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Jabba's Servants (#40445) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Jedi Knights (#40430) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Landspeeder Deluxe Pack (#40501) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Mon Calamari (#40436) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Mos Eisley Cantina (#40451) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Mos Eisley Space Station (#40449) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Noghri (#40439) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Pilots & Gunners (#40408) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Pirates (#40448) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Commandos #1 (#40414) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Commandos #2 (#40417) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Operatives (#40434) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Speeder Bikes Deluxe Pack (#40503) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Troop Pack |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Troopers #1 (#40405) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Troopers #2 (#40406) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Troopers #3 (#40413) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Rebel Troopers #4 (#40421) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Sandtroopers (#40428) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Scout Troopers (#40433) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Skywalkers (#40441) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Snowspeeder Deluxe Pack (#40506) |
___ | Carded Metal RPG Figures--Snowtroopers (#40431) |