Items from country: United States

Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Licensed)
Return of the Jedi
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) AT-AT Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) AT-AT Driver
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) AT-ST Driver
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) B-Wing Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Bespin Security Guard (Black)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Bib Fortuna
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Biker Scout
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) C-3PO Removable Limbs
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Chief Chirpa
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Cloud Car Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Dengar
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Gamorrean Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) General Madine
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Han Solo Bespin Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Han Solo Trench Coat
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Imperial Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Klaatu Skiff Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Klaatu Skiff Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Lobot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Logray
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Luke Skywalker Hoth Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Nien Nunb
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Nikto
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Princess Leia Boushh
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Princess Leia Combat Poncho
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Princess Leia Hoth Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Prune Face
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) R2-D2 Sensorscope
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Rancor Keeper
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Rebel Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Rebel Commando
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Ree Yees
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Squid Head
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Teebo
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) The Emperor
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Ugnaught
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Weequay
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Wicket W. Warrick
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back (Anakin Skywalker Offer Sticker) Zuckuss
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back 2-1B
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back 4-LOM
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back 8D8
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Admiral Ackbar
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back AT-AT Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back AT-AT Driver
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back AT-ST Driver
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back B-Wing Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back B-Wing Pilot (2 Blasters)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Ben Kenobi (front photo)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Bespin Security Guard (Black)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Bespin Security Guard (White)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Bib Fortuna
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Biker Scout
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Boba Fett (ROTJ photo)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Bossk
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back C-3PO Removable Limbs
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Chewbacca (ROTJ photo)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Chief Chirpa
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Cloud Car Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Darth Vader (ROTJ photo)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Death Star Droid
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Dengar
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back FX-7
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Gamorrean Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back General Madine
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Greedo
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Hammerhead
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Han Solo (large head) (two hands on blaster photo)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Han Solo Bespin Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Han Solo Hoth Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Han Solo Trench Coat
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back IG-88
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Imperial Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Imperial Stormtrooper Hoth
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Jawa
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Klaatu
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Klaatu Skiff Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Lando Calrissian (white teeth)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Lobot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Logray
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Luke Skywalker (yellow hair) (Gunner Photo)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Luke Skywalker Bespin Outfit (brown hair)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Luke Skywalker Hoth Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Nien Nunb
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Nikto
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Power Droid
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Princess Leia Bespin Outfit (turtleneck)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Princess Leia Boushh
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Princess Leia Combat Poncho
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Princess Leia Hoth Outfit
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Princess Leia Organa
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Prune Face
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back R2-D2 Sensorscope
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back R5-D4
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Rancor Keeper
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Rebel Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Rebel Commando
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Rebel Soldier Hoth
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Ree Yees
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Snaggletooth
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Squid Head
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Star Destroyer Commander
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Stormtrooper
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Teebo
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back The Emperor
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Tusken Raider (hollow cheek tubes)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Ugnaught
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Walrusman
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Weequay
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Wicket W. Warrick
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Yoda (brown snake) (facing right)
___ Return of the Jedi 79-Back Zuckuss
___ Return of the Jedi Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band Action Figure Set
 Kenner/JC Penney
___ Return of the Jedi Emperor, Klaatu Skiff, Nikto, 8D8, Rancor Keeper, AT-ST Driver, Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi Gamm Guard,Klaatu,Biker Scout,Ree Yees,Weequay,Bib Fortuna,Royal Guard,Squid Head
___ Return of the Jedi JC Penney Catalog 3 Pack
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack B-Wing, Leia Poncho, Wicket, Han Trench, Prune Face, Teebo, Paploo
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Ben Kenobi, R2-D2 (sensorscope), Chewbacca, C-3PO (removable limbs)
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Chewbacca, IG-88, C-3PO (removable limbs), R2-D2 (sensorscope)
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Chief Chirpa, Lumat, Wicket, Logray
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Darth Vader, Luke X-wing, Yoda, Boba Fett
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Han Solo
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper, Stormtrooper
___ Return of the Jedi Rebel Commando, Lando Skiff, Chief Chirpa, Ackbar, Logray, Luke Jedi, Madine
 Kenner/Montgomery Ward
___ Return of the Jedi Gamm Guard,Ree Yees,Bib Fortuna,Biker Scout,Royal Guard,Klaatu,Weequay,Squid Head
___ Return of the Jedi Madine,Rebel Commando,Lando Skiff,Luke Jedi,Chief Chirpa, Logray, Admiral Ackbar
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack C-3PO, Ben, Yoda, Chewbacca, R2-D2, Han Hoth, Leia, Luke X-Wing
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Darth Vader, Emperor, Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Luke Skywalker Jedi, Princess Leia Poncho, Lando Skiff Guard Disguise
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Royal Guard, Biker Scout , Ben, Nein Nunb,C-3PO,R2-D2, TIE Pilot, Yoda
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Wicket, Paploo, Teebo
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Yoda, R2-D2, C-3PO, Ben, Luke X-Wing, Leia, Han Hoth, Chewbacca
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack: Boba Fett, Bib Fortuna, Squid Head
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack: Darth Vader, Biker Scout, Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack: General Madine, Admiral Ackbar, Leia Boussh
___ Return of the Jedi Gamm Guard,Squid Head,Imp Comm,Boba Fett,Biker Scout,Storm,ATAT Comm,Hoth Storm
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Admiral Ackbar, General Madine, Rebel Commando
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Biker Scout, Ben, C-3PO, R2-D2, Yoda, Nein Nunb,TIE Pilot, Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Chief Chirpa, Logray, Chewbacca
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Darth Vader, Emperor, Emperor's Royal Guard
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Darth Vader, Hoth Stormtrooper, Hoth Stormtrooper
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Gamorrean Guard, Squid Head, Bib Fortuna
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Klaatu Skiff, Nikto, 8d8
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Klaatu, Weequay, Ree Yees
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Lando Skiff Disguise, Leia Boussh, Luke Jedi
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack R2-D2, Yoda, Chewbacca, Ben, C-3PO, Han Hoth, Luke X-Wing, Leia Boushh
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Rancor Keeper, Prune Face, AT-ST Driver
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Wicket, Teebo, Paploo
___ Return of the Jedi Gamm Guard,Ree Yees,Bib Fortuna,Biker Scout,Royal Guard,Klaatu,Weequay,Squid Head
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Chief Chirpa, Lumat, Wicket, Logray
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack Lando Skiff Disguise, Leia Boussh, Luke Jedi
___ Return of the Jedi Multi-Pack: Seven Figures
Droids Cartoon
___ Droids A-Wing Pilot
___ Droids Admiral Screed Unproduced Figure
___ Droids Boba Fett
___ Droids C-3PO (Gold Animated Droids Coin)
___ Droids C-3PO (Gold POTF Protocol Droid Coin)
___ Droids Gaff Unproduced Figure
___ Droids Governor Koong Unproduced Figure
___ Droids Jann Tosh
___ Droids Jann Tosh's Unproduced Companion Droid Figure
___ Droids Jessica Meade Unproduced Figure
___ Droids Jessica Meade's Unproduced Companion Droid Figure
___ Droids Jord Dusat
___ Droids Kea Moll
___ Droids Kez Iban
___ Droids Kez Iban's Unproduced Companion Droid Figure
___ Droids Kleb Zellock Unproduced Figure
___ Droids Mon Julpa Unproduced Figure
___ Droids Mungo Baobab Unproduced Figure
___ Droids R2-D2
___ Droids Sise Fromm
___ Droids Thall Joben
___ Droids Tig Fromm
___ Droids Uncle Gundy
___ Droids Vlix Unproduced Figure
 Kenner/JC Penney
___ Droids Jann Tosh, Jord Dusat, Thall Joben, Kea Moll
___ Droids R2-D2 (Droids), C3PO (Droids), Kez Iban, Uncle Gundy
 Kenner/Montgomery Ward
___ Droids Jann Tosh, Kea Moll, Jord Dusat, Thall Joben
Ewoks Cartoon
___ Ewoks Bondo Unproduced Figure
___ Ewoks Chief Chirpa Unproduced Figure
___ Ewoks Chituhr Unproduced Figure
___ Ewoks Dulok Scout
___ Ewoks Dulok Shaman
___ Ewoks King Gorneesh
___ Ewoks Logray
___ Ewoks Morag Unproduced Figure
___ Ewoks Paploo Unproduced Figure
___ Ewoks Urgah Lady Gorneesh
___ Ewoks Weechee Unproduced Figure
___ Ewoks Wicket W. Warrick
 Kenner/JC Penney
___ Ewoks King Gorneesh, Dulok Scout, Dulok Shaman, Lady Gorneesh
___ Ewoks Logray, Warok, Romba, Wicket
 Kenner/Montgomery Ward
___ Ewoks King Gorneesh, Lady Gorneesh, Dulok Scout, Dulok Shaman
Power of the Force
___ Power of the Force 92-Back A-Wing Pilot
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Amanaman
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Anakin Skywalker
___ Power of the Force 92-Back AT-AT Driver
___ Power of the Force 92-Back AT-ST Driver
___ Power of the Force 92-Back B-Wing Pilot
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Barada
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Ben Kenobi (front photo)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Biker Scout
___ Power of the Force 92-Back C-3PO Removable Limbs
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Chewbacca (ROTJ photo)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Darth Vader (ROTJ photo)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back EV-9D9
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Gamorrean Guard
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Solo Carbonite
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Solo Trench Coat
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Dignitary
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Gunner
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Jawa
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lando Calrissian General Pilot
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Skywalker Battle Poncho
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lumat
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Nikto
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Paploo
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Princess Leia Combat Poncho
___ Power of the Force 92-Back R2-D2 Pop-Up Lightsaber
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Romba
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Stormtrooper
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Teebo
___ Power of the Force 92-Back The Emperor
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Warok
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Wicket W. Warrick
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Yoda (brown snake) (facing right)
 Kenner/JC Penney
___ Power of the Force Luke Storm, Han Carbonite, Barada, Imp Gunner, Amanaman, R2D2, Luke Poncho, EV9D9
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode I
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode II (with Jango Fett)
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode II (with Oppo Rancisis)
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode III
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode IV
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode V
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode VI (with Death Star Gunner)
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Episode VI (with Rebel Commando)
___ 30th Anniversary Commemorative Tin Collection Figrin D'an and Modal Nodes
___ 501st Stormtrooper Convention Exclusive Action Figure
___ 501st Stormtrooper Rose Parade Exclusive Action Figure
___ Battle Pack Ambush on Ilum
___ Battle Pack ARC-170 Elite Squad
___ Battle Pack Arena Encounter
___ Battle Pack Battle Above the Sarlacc (Heroes Cheering)
___ Battle Pack Battle Above the Sarlacc (Heroes Not Cheering)
___ Battle Pack Battle of Geonosis (2006 Box)
___ Battle Pack Battle of Geonosis (2007 Box)
___ Battle Pack Betrayal on Bespin
___ Battle Pack Betrayal on Felusia
___ Battle Pack Capture of Tantive IV
___ Battle Pack Clone Attack on Coruscant
___ Battle Pack Deluxe Battle of Endor
___ Battle Pack Deluxe Battle of Hoth
___ Battle Pack Droid Factory Capture
___ Battle Pack Hoth Patrol
___ Battle Pack Hunt for Grievous
___ Battle Pack Jedi Temple Assault
___ Battle Pack Jedi Training on Dagobah
___ Battle Pack Jedi vs Darth Sidious (2006 Box)
___ Battle Pack Jedi vs Darth Sidious (2007 Box)
___ Battle Pack Jedi vs Sith (2007 Box)
___ Battle Pack Mace Windu's Attack Battallion (Battalion mis-spelled)
___ Battle Pack Sith Lord Attack
___ Battle Pack Skirmish in the Senate
___ Battle Pack STAP Attack
___ Battle Pack Treachery on Saleucami
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #01 Kir Kanos, Carnor Jax, & Crimson Empire #6
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #02 Darth Vader (Dark Highlights), Rebel Officer, & Vintage Marvel SW #1
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #02 Darth Vader (Light Highlights), Rebel Officer, & Vintage Marvel SW #1
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #03 Govenor Tarkin, Stormtrooper (Heavy Deco), & Vintage Marvel SW #2
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #03 Govenor Tarkin, Stormtrooper (Light Deco), & Vintage Marvel SW #2
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #04 Chewbacca, Han Solo Stormtrooper (Heavy Deco), & Vintage Marvel SW #3
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #04 Chewbacca, Han Solo Stormtrooper (Light Deco), & Vintage Marvel SW #3
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #05 Quinlan Vos, Vilmarh Grahrk, & SW #19
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #06 Luke Stormtrooper (Heavy Deco), R2-D2, & Vintage Marvel SW #4
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #06 Luke Stormtrooper (Light Deco), R2-D2, & Vintage Marvel SW #4
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #07 Obi-Wan Kenobi, ARC Trooper, & Republic #55
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #08 Asharad Hett, Dark Woman, & SW #31
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #09 Princess Leia, Darth Vader, & SW Infinities #1
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #10 Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker, & Heir to the Empire #5
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #11 Anakin Skywalker, Assassin Droid, & Republic #57
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #12 Baron Soontir Fel, Hobbie Klivian, & X-Wing Rogue Squadron #24
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #13 Bultar Swan, Koffi Arana, & Purge #1
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #14 Lieutenant Jundland, Deena Shan, & Empire #39
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #15 Mouse & Basso Stormtrooper Disguises (both white pauldrons) & Empire #37
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #15 Mouse & Basso Stormtrooper Disguises (one orange pauldrons) & Empire #37
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk #16 Clone Commando, Super Battle Droid, & SW Tales #22
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk Un-Numbered Bail Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, & ROTS #4
___ Comic/Action Figure 2pk Un-Numbered Boba Fett, RA-7 Droid, & SW #81

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive