Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
| Frito Lay |
___ | Taco Supreme Doritos 99c Bag |
___ | Taco Supreme Doritos Big Grab Bag |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
United States |
| KFC |
___ | Kids Meal Box |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
United States |
| Pepsi |
___ | Caffeine Free Pepsi 2 Liter Bottle (Wrap-Around Label) |
___ | Caffeine Free Pepsi 20oz Bottle |
___ | Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi 2 Liter Bottle (Small Label) |
___ | Diet Caffeine Free Pepsi 20oz Bottle |
___ | Diet Mountain Dew 2 Liter Bottle (Small Label) |
___ | Diet Mountain Dew 2 Liter Bottle (Wrap-Around Label) |
___ | Diet Pepsi 1-Liter Bottle |
___ | Diet Pepsi 2 Liter Bottle (Small Label) |
___ | Diet Pepsi 2 Liter Bottle (Wrap-Around Label) |
___ | Mountain Dew 2 Liter Bottle (Small Label) |
___ | Mountain Dew 2 Liter Bottle (Wrap-Around Label) |
___ | Mountain Dew 24pk (Cube Style) |
___ | Pepsi 1-Liter Bottle |
___ | Pepsi 2 Liter Bottle (Small Label) |
___ | Pepsi 2 Liter Bottle (Wrap-Around Label) |
___ | Pepsi 20oz Bottle |
___ | Pepsi 24pk (Cube Style) Yoda |
___ | Unreleased Pepsi Can (Millennium Falcon & TIE Fighters Over Death Star Surface) Hologram Version |
___ | Unreleased Pepsi Can (Millennium Falcon & TIE Fighters Over Death Star Surface) Non-Hologram Version |
Food Products / Miscellaneous / Packaging |
United States |
| Unknown |
___ | Popcorn Tin |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Phantom Menace |
Argentina |
| Pepsi |
___ | Amidala Pepsi Can |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Can |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Can |
___ | Jar Jar Pepsi Can |
___ | Obi-Wan Pepsi Can |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Amidala) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Anakin Skywalker) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Darth Maul) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Jar Jar) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Obi-Wan) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Qui-Gon Jinn) |
___ | Pepsi 2L Bottle (Darth Maul) |
___ | Qui-Gon Pepsi Can |
Food Products / Candy / Packaging |
Australia |
| Adus Noble |
___ | Darth Maul Lolly Jar |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Australia |
| KFC |
___ | Large Fries Box, Jar Jar |
___ | Small Fries Box, Jar Jar |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Australia |
| Smiths |
___ | Doritos Chip Bag, C-3PO, Cool Tang |
___ | Doritos Chip Bag, Qui-Gon, Nacho Cheese |
___ | Doritos Chip Bag, Qui-Gon, Nacho Cheese |
___ | Doritos Chip Bag, Yoda, Cheese Supreme |
___ | Lays Chip Bag, Amidala, Cheddar Cheese & Onion |
___ | Lays Chip Bag, Anakin, Original |
___ | Lays Chip Bag, Jar Jar, Texas BBQ |
___ | Lays Chip Bag, Obi-Wan, Roast Chicken |
___ | Lays Chip Bag, R2-D2, Salt & Vinegar |
___ | Lays Roast Chicken Chip Bag |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Austria |
| Pepsi |
___ | Jar Jar Pepsi Max Can |
___ | Yoda 7-Up Can |
Food Products / Candy / Packaging |
Belgium |
| Lamy Lutti |
___ | Gummy Anakin |
___ | Gummy Darth Maul |
___ | Gummy Jar Jar |
___ | Gummy R2-D2 |
Canada |
| Farleys |
___ | Fruit Snacks Box, Battle Droid, 24 pack |
___ | Fruit Snacks Box, Battle Droid, 36 pack |
___ | Fruit Snacks Box, Battle Droid, 6 pack |
___ | Glitter Roll Box, Jar Jar, 6 pack |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Canada |
| Frito Lay |
___ | Doritos Nacho Cheese 190g Chip Bag, Darth Maul |
___ | Lays Bar-B-Q 345g Chip Bag, Jar Jar |
___ | Lays Regular 345g Chip Bag, Anakin |
___ | Wavy Lays Regular Rippled 345g Chip Bag, Queen Amidala |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Canada |
| Pepsi |
___ | 7-Up 12-Pack Box, C-3PO |
___ | 7-Up 2L Bottle, C-3PO |
___ | Amidala Diet Pepsi Can |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Can |
___ | Battle Droid Diet Pepsi Can |
___ | Boss Nass 7-UP Can |
___ | C-3PO 7-UP Can |
___ | Chancellor Valorum 7-UP Can |
___ | Darth Maul Mountain Dew Can |
___ | Darth Sidious Pepsi Can |
___ | Diet Pepsi 2L Bottle, Queen Amidala |
___ | Jabba the Hutt Pepsi Can |
___ | Jar Jar Mountain Dew Can |
___ | Lipton's Iced Tea Lemon Flavour Bottle |
___ | Mace Windu Mountain Dew Can |
___ | Mountain Dew 2L Bottle, Darth Maul |
___ | Nute Gunray 7-UP Can |
___ | Obi-Wan Mountain Dew Can |
___ | Padme Diet Pepsi Can |
___ | Palpatine Pepsi Can |
___ | Pepsi 12-Pack Box, Anakin |
___ | Pepsi 1L Bottle, Anakin |
___ | Pepsi 2L Bottle, Anakin |
___ | Qui-Gon Pepsi Can |
___ | R2-D2 Pepsi Can |
___ | Sebulba Pepsi Can |
___ | Shmi Skywalker Diet Pepsi Can |
___ | Watto Pepsi Can |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Chile |
| Frito Lay/Evercrisp |
___ | 3-D Doritos Bag |
___ | Cheetos Bag |
___ | Filitos Bag |
___ | Pizza Doritos Bag |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Finland |
| Pepsi |
___ | 7-UP 0.5L Bottle, Trivia #11/16 |
___ | 7-UP 1.5L Bottle, Trivia #15/16 |
___ | 7-UP 1.5L Bottle, Trivia #5/16 |
___ | Pepsi 0.5L Bottle, Trivia #14/16 |
___ | Pepsi 0.5L Bottle, Trivia #2/16 |
___ | Pepsi Max 0.5L Bottle, Trivia #3/16 |
___ | Pepsi Max 1.5L Bottle, Trivia #7/16 |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
France |
| Biscuiterie Nantaise |
___ | Chip 4pk Plastic Bag, Darth Maul |
Food Products / Miscellaneous / Packaging |
France |
| La Vache qui Rit |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Amidala, 12 portions |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Anakin, 16 portions |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Darth Maul, 16 portions |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Darth Maul, 8 portions |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Jar Jar, 12 portions |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Sebulba, 12 portions |
___ | Cheese Wheel Box, Sebulba, 32 portions |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
France |
| Pepsi |
___ | 4x1.5L Bottles Bag, '1L Gratuit' |
___ | Amidala Pepsi Can |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Can |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Can |
Germany |
___ | Amidala Pepsi Light Can |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Can |
___ | Paper Cup (Jar Jar) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Anakin) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Qui-Gon) |
___ | Pepsi 2L Bottle (Anakin) |
___ | Qui-Gon Pepsi Can |
___ | Watto Miranda Can |
___ | Yoda 7-UP Can |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Germany |
| Pizza Hut |
___ | Paper Placemat (Amidala & Pitchers) |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Greece |
| Pepsi |
___ | Amidala HBN Can (Orange) |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Can |
___ | C-3PO 7-UP Can |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Can |
___ | Pepsi 6pk Plastic Sleeve |
___ | Qui-Gon HBN Can (Light Blue) |
___ | R2-D2 Pepsi Max Can |
___ | Yoda 7-UP Can |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Greece |
| Tasty |
___ | 3-D's Nacho Cheese Chip Bag |
___ | Alati Kai Eudi Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Barbeque Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Dracoulinia Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Dracoulinia Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Lotto Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Pacotinia Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Pizza Chip Bag |
___ | Doritos Rock & Cream Chip Bag |
___ | Doritos Tex Mex Chip Bag |
___ | Doritos Tex Mex Chip Bag |
___ | FouDouNia Chip Bag |
___ | FouDouNia Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Mneikov Patatakia Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Paprika Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Paprika Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Pitsinia Bacon Chip Bag |
___ | Pitsinia Bacon Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Turi Kai Kreuuvdi Lays Chip Bag |
Food Products / Candy / Packaging |
Hungary |
| Fundy Star |
___ | Amidala Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Amidala Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Amidala Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Anakin Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Anakin Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Darth Maul Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Darth Maul Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Jar Jar Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Jar Jar Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Obi-Wan Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Qui-Gon Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Italy |
| Crik Crok |
___ | Amidala Chip Bag |
___ | Obi-Wan Chip Bag |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Japan |
| KFC |
___ | Jar Jar Cup with Figural Topper |
Food Products / Candy / Packaging |
Japan |
| Meiji Seika |
___ | Chocolate Covered Malt Balls Box |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Japan |
| Meiji Seika |
___ | Tube Shaped Chips Bag |
Food Products / Miscellaneous / Packaging |
Japan |
| Nagatanien |
___ | Curry Box (Heroes) |
___ | Curry Box (Villains) |
___ | Curry Foil Pack (Blue) |
___ | Curry Foil Pack (Red) |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Amidala (Purple Dress), Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Amidala (Senate Outfit), Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Amidala, Red |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Anakin, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Anakin, Red |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Battle Droid, Red |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, C-3PO, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Darth Maul, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Darth Maul, Red |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Darth Sidious, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Jar Jar, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Obi-Wan, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Obi-Wan, Red, (Back--Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon) |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Obi-Wan, Red, (Back--Obi-Wan vs Maul) |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Qui-Gon, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Qui-Gon, Red |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, R2-D2, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Sebulba, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Shmi Skywalker, Blue |
___ | Fish Flakes Packet, Yoda, Red |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Japan |
| Pepsi |
___ | Amidala (Purple) Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Amidala (Red) Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Amidala Pepsi 1.5L Bottle |
___ | Amidala Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Anakin (Pod Helmet) Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Anakin (Running) Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Anakin Pepsi 1.5L Bottle |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Can |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi 1.5L Bottle |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Bottle (Get Battle Droid) |
___ | Darth Sidious Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Jabba The Hutt Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Jar Jar Pepsi 1.5L Bottle |
___ | Jar Jar Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Jar Jar Pepsi Bottle (Get Battle Droid) |
___ | Obi-Wan Pepsi 1.5L Bottle |
___ | Obi-Wan Pepsi Bottle |
___ | Obi-Wan Pepsi Bottle (Get Battle Droid) |
___ | Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul Pepsi Bottle |
___ | R2-D2 Pepsi 1.5L Bottle |
___ | R2-D2 Pepsi Bottle |
___ | R2-D2 Pepsi Can (Get R2-D2) |
___ | Watto Pepsi Bottle (Get Battle Droid) |
___ | Yoda Pepsi Bottle (Get Battle Droid) |
Food Products / Ice Cream / Packaging |
Malaysia |
| Walls |
___ | Battle Droid Ice Lolly Wrapper |
Food Products / Cookies / Packaging |
Mexico |
| Gamesa |
___ | Chokis Wrapper, Anakin |
___ | Chokis Wrapper, Jar Jar |
___ | Chokis Wrapper, Padme |
___ | Flups Wrapper, Amidala |
___ | Flups Wrapper, Darth Maul |
___ | Flups Wrapper, Obi-Wan |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Mexico |
| KFC |
___ | Fry Box (Darth Maul) |
___ | Fry Sack (Anakin) |
___ | Trading Card Pack Wrapper |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Mexico |
| Pepsi |
___ | Amidala Pepsi 1L Bottle |
___ | Anakin Pepsi 2L Bottle |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Bottle (2 Part Label) |
___ | Jabba The Hutt 7-UP 600ml Bottle |
___ | Jar Jar Pepsi 600ml Bottle |
___ | Obi-Wan Manzanita Sol 2L Bottle |
___ | Plastic Bottle Cap B&W SW Logo |
___ | Qui-Gon Manzanita Sol 600ml Bottle |
___ | R2-D2 Mirinda Naranja 600ml Bottle |
___ | Watto Mirinda Naranja 2L Bottle |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Mexico |
| Sabritas |
___ | Adobadas Sabritas Chip Bag (Darth Maul) |
___ | Adobadas Sabritas Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Chamoy Sabritas Chip Bag (Obi-Wan) |
___ | Chamoy Sabritas Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Gruexas Sal Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Limon Sabritas Chip Bag (Jar Jar) |
___ | Limon Sabritas Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Onduladas Ruffles Chip Bag (Anakin) |
___ | Queso Ruffles Chip Bag (Jar Jar) |
___ | Queso Ruffles Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Regular Sabritas Chip Bag (Anakin) |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Netherlands |
| KFC |
___ | Paper Tray Liner, Hot Wings Bucket Deal & Toys |
Food Products / Miscellaneous / Packaging |
Netherlands |
| Murillo |
___ | Cigar Band #1 |
___ | Cigar Band #10 |
___ | Cigar Band #2 |
___ | Cigar Band #3 |
___ | Cigar Band #4 |
___ | Cigar Band #5 |
___ | Cigar Band #6 |
___ | Cigar Band #7 |
___ | Cigar Band #8 |
___ | Cigar Band #9 |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
Netherlands |
| Pepsi |
___ | 7-UP 1.5L Label (Back) |
___ | 7-UP 1.5L Label (Yoda) |
___ | Light 7-UP 1.5L Label (C-3PO) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Label (Anakin Back) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Label (Anakin) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Label (Qui-Gon Back) |
___ | Pepsi 1.5L Label (Qui-Gon) |
___ | Pepsi Light 1.5L Label (Amidala) |
___ | Pepsi Light 1.5L Label (Back) |
___ | Pepsi Light 1.5L Label (Obi-Wan) |
___ | Pepsi Max 1.5L Label (Jar Jar) |
___ | Pepsi Max 1.5L Label (R2-D2) |
___ | Sisi 1.5L Label (Watto) |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Netherlands |
| Smiths |
___ | Bugles Nacho Cheese Chips Bag |
___ | Chipito Fromage Chips Bag |
___ | Doritos Chips Bag, US Original |
___ | Mini-Hamka's Chips Bag |
___ | Smiths Chips Bag, Anakin, 50g, Paprika |
___ | Smiths Super Chips Bag, Amidala, 50g, Naturel |
New Zealand |
| Blue Bird |
___ | Burger Rings Chip Bag |
___ | Burger Rings Chip Bag |
___ | Chicken Chips 12pk Bag |
___ | Ready Salted Chip Bag |
___ | Twisties Chip Bag |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
New Zealand |
| Pepsi |
___ | 7-UP 12pk Box |
___ | Diet Pepsi 12pk Box |
___ | Mirinda Orange 12pk Box |
___ | Mountain Dew 12pk Box |
___ | Pepsi 12pk Box |
___ | Pepsi Max 12pk Box |
Food Products / Candy / Packaging |
Peru |
| Winters |
___ | Chocolate Wrapper, Black, Anakin Skywalker, Federation Droid Fighter Back |
___ | Chocolate Wrapper, Black, Battle Droid, Anakin Skywalker Back |
___ | Chocolate Wrapper, Black, Destroyer Droid, R2-D2 Back |