Items from film: Phantom Menace

Buttons, Badges, and Pins
United States
___ C-3PO Cloisonne Pin
___ Darth Maul Cloisonne Pin
___ Episode 1 Logo Cloisonne Pin (Black Background)
___ Episode 1 Logo Cloisonne Pin (Blue Background)
___ Jar Jar Cloisonne Pin
___ Naboo Starfighter Cloisonne Pin
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi Cloisonne Pin
___ Qui-Gon Jinn Cloisonne Pin
___ R2-D2 Cloisonne Pin
___ Star Wars Episode 1 Logo Cloisonne Pin
___ Trade Federation Droid Fighter Cloisonne Pin
 Del Rey/Ballantine
___ Amidala/Anakin 'Books on Sale Now' Button
 Doring Kindersly
___ 'Ask Me About DK Episode 1 Books' Badge
 Fox Home Entertainment
___ 'The One to Own on Video' Episode 1 Video Badge
___ Episode 1 DVD Badge (Amidala Face)
___ Episode 1 DVD Badge (Darth Maul Face)
___ Episode 1 DVD Badge (Darth Maul vs Obi-Wan)
___ Gold SW Logo Red Background Button
___ Hasbro Episode 1 Celebration Premiere Button
 KB Toys
___ KB Toys Destination Star Wars Darth Maul Button
 KB Toys/LucasArts
___ Kay-Bee/Episode 1 Premiere Weekend Badge
___ Battle Droid Enamel Pin
___ Jar Jar Enamel Pin
___ Queen Amidala Enamel Pin
___ Starfighter/Obi-Wan 'Power of the Force for XBox' Button
 Nintendo/Lucas Arts
___ Racer Videogame Button
___ Lenticular Darth Maul Episode 1 Journal Button
___ 'I Played Episode 1 Pinball' Badge
Kitchen / Cake Decorating Supplies
United States
 DecoPac/ Foods
___ Darth Maul Cake Kit
___ A 2000 Calendar
 Ink Group
___ Amidala 2000 Calendar
___ Collector's Edition 2000 Calendar
___ Day to Day 2000 Calendar
___ Episode 1 2000 Diary (Droids, Weapons, Vehicles)
___ Jedi vs Sith 2000 Calendar/Calendrier
 Monda Dori Editore/Marvel Comics
___ Episode 1 Personaggi 2000 Calendar
___ Pepsi Episode 1 2000 Calendar
___ 2001 Kalendarz (Darth Maul)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Full Obi-Wan in front of blue face)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Full Qui-Gon in front of green face)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Full Qui-Gon on Tatooine)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Hooded Obi-Wan looking at Anakin)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan Bust)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan close-up 'One Choice')
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan head shot with Saber on Naboo)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan on Tatooine leaping with Saber)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan Torso)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Qui-Gon handing Obi-Wan his Saber on Naboo)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Qui-Gon Torso)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Qui-Gon with Saber on Naboo)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (R2-D2 side view)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Sepia Qui-Gon face & hands)
___ 1999 Pocket Calendar (Yoda, Obi-Wan, & Qui-Gon busts)
___ 2000 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan long-shot 'One Choice')
___ Darth Vader 'Episode I' 1999 Calendar Card
___ Stormtrooper 'Episode I' 1999 Calendar Card
___ Yoda 'Episode I' 1999 Calendar Card
United States
 20th Century Fox
___ 20th Century Fox 1999 Promo Calendar
 Golden Turtle Press
___ 2000 Engagement Calendar
___ Giant 20 Month Calendar
___ Mini 18 Month Calendar (Amidala)
___ Mini 18 Month Calendar (Darth Maul)
___ Mini 18 Month Calendar (Jar Jar)
___ Mini 18 Month Calendar (Obi-Wan)
___ Pocket Calendar Promo
___ Podrace 2001 Calendar
___ Episode 1 2000 Calendar
Cast and Crew / Caps
United States
 Industrial Light and Magic
___ Episode I ILM Cap (elastic)
___ Episode I ILM Cap (moleskin black)
___ Episode I ILM Cap (twill black)
___ ILM VFX Crew Cap (moleskin black)
___ ILM VFX Crew Cap (twill black)
Games / Card
 Glow Zone
___ Glow In The Dark Playing Cards
___ Memory Card Game
 Intl Playing Card Co
___ Collectors Tin of Playing Cards
___ Uncut Sheet of Playing Cards (Heroes)
___ Uncut Sheet of Playing Cards (Villains)
Czech Republic
 Betexa z.s.
___ Pexso (Memory) Card Game
___ Episode 1 Card Game (Darth Maul Box)
___ Episode 1 Card Game (Queen Amidala Box)
 La Francaise des Jeux
___ Amidala Lottery Ticket
___ C-3PO Lottery Ticket
___ Darth Maul Lottery Ticket
___ Jar Jar Lottery Ticket
___ Mace Windu Lottery Ticket
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi Lottery Ticket
___ Qui-Gon Lottery Ticket
___ R2-D2 Lottery Ticket
___ Yoda Lottery Ticket
___ Playing Cards
United States
___ Episode 1 CCG Boxed Game
 Milton Bradley
___ Clash of Lightsabers Card Game
Cast and Crew / Cards
United States
 Lucas Digital, Ltd.
___ 1999 Lucas Digital Christmas Card (Jar Jar’s Tongue Stuck to Pole)
 Lucas Learning, Ltd.
___ 2000 Lucas Learning Christmas Card (Queen Amidala Christmas Tree)
 Lucas Licensing
___ 1999 Lucas Licensing Christmas Card (Caroling Pod Racers)
___ 1999 LucasArts Christmas Card (Turkey Dinner with Jar Jar, Yoda, Anakin, Shmi, Leia, Maul)
___ 2000 LucasArts Christmas Card (Darth Vader with LucasArts Shadow on Snowman)
 Lucasfilm, Ltd.
___ 1999 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Caroling Pod Racers)
___ 2000 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Sleds with Podracing Engines)
Audio / Carrying Cases
United Kingdom
___ Darth Maul CD Wallet
___ Metal Plaque With SW Logo Black CD Wallet
___ Naboo Starfighter CD Wallet
United States
___ Heroes/Villains Montage CD Wallet
Audio / Music / Cassette
 Madacy Entertainment
___ Space Trax Featuring the Theme From The Phantom Menace/Starlite Orchestra Cassette
Audio / Narrated / Cassette
___ Episode 1 Book & Cassette
___ Episode 1 Book & Cassette
 Egmont Music
___ Episode 1: Den Skjulte Trussel Book & Tape
 Egmont CR
___ Episode 1 Book & Cassette
___ Episode 1 Book & Cassette
United Kingdom
 Random House
___ Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Audio Novel Cassette
United States
___ Episode 1 Audio Book Unabridged Cassette
 Rhino Records
___ Episode 1 Book & Tape (No Micro Machine Version)
___ Episode 1 Book & Tape (with Anakin's Pod Racer Micro Machine)
___ Episode 1 Book & Tape (with Bongo Micro Machine)
___ Episode 1 Book & Tape (with Flash Speeder Micro Machine)
___ Episode 1 Book & Tape (with Sith Infiltrator Micro Machine)
Audio / Music / Cassette
United States
___ Episode 1 Original Soundtrack Cassette
___ Episode 1 Original Soundtrack Cassette, Hangtag Clamshell Package
Games / CCG
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #1 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Junger Jedi
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #10 Yoda, Jedi-Meister
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #100 Kampf-Droide: Offiziere, MTT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #101 Kampf-Droide: Pilot, ATT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #102 Kampf-Droide: Sicherheitsdienst, ATT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #103 Kampf-Droide: Infantrie, ATT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #104 Kampf-Droide: Offiziere, ATT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #105 Neimoidian, Pilot Der Handelsfoderation
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #106 Darth Maul, Lord der Sith
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #107 Sith Lichtschwert
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #108 Aurra Sings Blaster-Gewehr
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #109 Sebulbas Pod-Renner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #11 R2-D2, Astromech-Droide
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #110 Ben Quadinaros Pod-Renner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #111 Gasganos Pod-Renner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #112 Mawhonics Pod-Renner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #113 Teemto Pagalies Pod-Renner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #114 Handelsfoderation Panzer-Laserkanone
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #115 Truppentrasporter Der Handelsfoderation
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #116 STAP
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #117 Tatooine Donnergewehr
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #118 Kampf-Driode Blaster-Gewehr
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #119 Blaster
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #12 C-3PO, Anakins Konstruktion
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #120 Blaster-Gewehr
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #121 Endlich Wird Die Rache Unser Sein
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #122 Beginnt Die Landung Eurer Truppen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #123 Boonta Eve Pod-Rennen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #124 Morderischer Wettkampf
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #125 Vollig Unter Kontrolle
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #126 Kaa Bazza Kundee Hodrudda!
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #127 Opee Killerfisch
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #128 Rennvorbereitung
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #129 Sandsturm
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #13 Boss Nass, Anfuhrer der Gungans
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #130 Heckenschutze
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #131 Die Invasion Lauft Planmassig
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #132 Uble Gangster
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #133 Watto's Wette
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #134 Du Hast Eine Gute Ausbildung Genossen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #135 Tatooine Desert Landing Site
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #136 Coruscant Kammer Des Jedi-Rates
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #137 Naboo Gungan-Sumpf
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #138 Darth Maul Raumjager, Sith Eindringling
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #139 Droiden-Raumjager
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #14 Ric Olie, Piloten-As
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #140 Schlachtschiff, Transporter Handelsfoderation
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #15 Captain Tarpals, Gungan Wachtposten
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #16 Rabe, Dienerin
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #17 Rep Been, Gungan
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #18 Mas Amedda, Vizekanzler
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #19 Naboo Offiziere, Schlachtplaner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #2 Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi-Meister
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #20 Naboo Sicherheitsdienst, Garde
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #21 Bravo Pilot, Fliegerveteran
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #22 Gungan Funktionar, Burokrat
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #23 Gungan Soldat, Kundschafter
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #24 Gungan Garde
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #25 Gungan Krieger, Infantrie
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #26 Gungan Soldat, Veteran
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #27 Ishi Tib, Krieger
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #28 Ithorian, Handler
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #29 Jawa, Dieb
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #3 Jar Jar Binks, Gungan Chuba Dieb
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #30 Jawa, Feilscher
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #31 Konigliche Garde, Anfuhrer
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #32 Konigliche Garde, Veteran
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #33 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #34 Obi-Wan Kenobis Lichtschwert
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #35 Jedi Lichtschwert, Konstruiert Von Ki-Adi-Mundi
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #36 Anakin Skywalkers Pod-Renner
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #37 Captian Panakas Blaster
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #38 Jar Jar Binks' Elektrostab
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #39 Elektrostab
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #4 Anakin Skywalker, Pilot Im Pod-Rennen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #40 Eopie
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #41 Kaadu
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #42 Flash-Gleiter
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #43 Jawa Ionen-Blaster
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #44 Naboo Blaster
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #45 Blaster
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #46 Blaster-Gewehr
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #47 Anakin Skywalker, Darf Ich Dir Obi-Wan Kenobi Vorstellen?
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #48 Bist Du Ein Engel?
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #49 Cha Skrunee Da Pat, Sleemo
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #5 Padme Naberrie, Dienerin
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #50 Gegenstucke
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #51 Die Wessen, Die Hier Wohnen, Sind Durchgeknallt!
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #52 Dafur Ist Es Jetzt Zu Spat
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #53 Angst Zieht Die Angstlichen An
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #54 Gugnan Neugierde
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #55 Es Ist Seine Bestimmung, Euch Zu Helfen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #56 Ich Habe Da Ein Ganz Mieses Gefuhl
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #57 Ich Bin In Verteidigung Ausgebildet
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #58 Freiwillige Sicherheitskrafte
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #59 Shmis Stolz
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #6 Captain Panaka, Beschutzer der Konigin
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #60 Diesmal Ist Die Foderation Zu Weit Gegangen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #61 Die Verhandlungen Waren Sehr Kurz
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #62 Der Plan Der Konigin
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #63 Noch Haben Wir Kein Problem
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #64 Hua! Ihrse Jungs, Superheftig!
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #65 Tatooine Podrace Arena
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #66 Coruscant Captial City
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #67 Naboo Theed-Palast
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #68 Bravo 1, Naboo Raumjager
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #69 Naboo Raumjager
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #7 Mace Windu, Jedi-Meister
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #70 Republikanischer Kreuzer, Transporter
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #71 Darth Maul, Sith-Schuler
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #72 Darth Sidious, Sith-Meister
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #73 Sebulba, Ubellauniger Dug
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #74 Watto, Sklavenbesitzer
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #75 Aurra Sing, Kopfgeldjagerin
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #76 Jabba The Hutt, Ubler Verbrecherboss
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #77 Gardulla The Hutt, Verbrecherboss
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #78 Zerstorer-Droiden Trupp, Sicherheitsabtilung
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #79 Kampf-Droiden Trupp, Angriffseinheit
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #8 Konigin Amidala, Herrscherin Von Naboo
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #80 Ben Quadinaros, Pilot Im Pod-Rennen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #81 Gasgano, Pilot Im Pod-Rennen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #82 Mawhonic, Pilot Im Pod-Rennen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #83 Teemto Pagalies, Pilot Im Pod-Rennen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #84 Bib Fortuna, Twi'lek Berater
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #85 Ann Und Tann Gella, Sebulbas Masseusen
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #86 Gragra, Chuba-Handler
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #87 Passel Argente, Senator
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #88 Panzer der Handelsfoderation Panzerdivision
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #89 Zerstorer-Droide, Rad-Droide
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #9 Konigin Amidala, Konigliche Anfuhrein
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #90 Zerstorer-Droide, Verteidigungs-Droide
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #91 Sith Sonden-Droide, Spionage-Drone
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #92 Boxen-Droide, Ingenieur
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #93 Boxen-Droide, Lastenheber
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #94 Boxen-Droide, Mechaniker
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #95 Tusken Rauber, Nomade
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #96 Tusken Rauber, Scharfschutze
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #97 Kampf-Droide: Pilot, MTT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #98 Kampf-Droide: Sicherheitsdienst, MTT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM #99 Kampf-Droide: Infantrie, MTT Division
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Booster Counter Display Box (Empty)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Booster Counter Display Box (Unopened)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Booster Pack (Empty Wrapper)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Booster Pack (Unopened Pack)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Rule Book
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Starter Deck (Empty)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Starter Deck (Unopened)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Starter Deck Counter Display Box (Empty)
___ Young Jedi, German, MODM Starter Deck Counter Display Box (Unopened)
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #1 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Young Jedi
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #10 Yoda, Jedi Master
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #100 Battle Droid: Officer, MTT Division
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #101 Battle Droid: Pilot, AAT Division
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #102 Battle Droid: Security, AAT Division
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #103 Battle Droid: Infantry, AAT Division
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #104 Battle Droid: Officer, AAT Division
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #105 Neimoidian, Trade Federation Pilot
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #106 Darth Maul, Sith Lord
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #107 Sith Lightsaber
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #108 Aurra Sing's Blaster Rifle
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #109 Sebulba's Podracer
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #11 R2-D2, Astromech Droid
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #110 Ben Quadrinaros' Podracer
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #111 Gasgano's Podracer
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #112 Mawhonic's Podracer
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #113 Teemto Pagalies' Podracer
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #114 Trade Federation Tank Laser Cannon
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #115 Multi Troop Transport
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #116 STAP
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #117 Tatooine Thunder Rifle
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #118 Battle Droid Blaster Rifle
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #119 Blaster
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #12 C-3PO, Anakin's Creation
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #120 Blaster Rifle
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #121 At Last We Will Have Revenge
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #122 Begin Landing Your Troops
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #123 Boonta Eve Podrace
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #124 Grueling Contest
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #125 In Complete Control
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #126 Kaa Bazaa Kundee Hodrudda!
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #127 Opee Sea Killer
___ Young Jedi, Japanese, MODM #128 Podrace Preparation

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive