Items from film: Phantom Menace

Art / Sculptures, Statues, and Maquettes
___ Slave Quarter (Ksar) Tunisian Sculpture
United States
___ Amidala Mini-Statuette
___ Darth Maul Mini-Statuette
___ Darth Maul Mini-Statuette (Suncoast exclusive)
___ Duel of the Fates Diorama
___ Obi-Wan Mini-Statuette
___ Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan Statuette
___ Qui-Gon Mini-Statuette
Toys / Role-Playing / Sets
United States
___ Jedi Gear
Bath / Shampoo and Hair Care Products
___ Galactic Shampoo (Anakin Sticker)
United States
___ Anakin Figural Top Galactic Shampoo
Musical Instruments / Sheet Music
 Warner Bros
___ Music from SW Sheet Music Book
United States
 Alfred Publishing
___ Selections from SW Sheet Music Book with Instructional CD (Bass Clef, Logos from OT & Ep1)
 Warner Bros Publications
___ Anakin's Theme Original Sheet Music Edition, $3.95
___ Duel Of The Fates Original Sheet Music Edition, $3.95
___ Episode 1 Easy Piano Sheet Music Book
___ Episode 1 Suite For Piano Sheet Music Book (Intermediate To Advanced)
___ Music From Episode 1 Sheet Music Book with Poster
Stickers / Sheets
 Glow Zone
___ Anakin to Amidala Glo-Stickers
___ Darth Maul to Anakin Glo-Stickers
___ Sticker Sheet (Darth Sidious to R2-D2)
___ Sticker Sheet (Fambaa to Darth Maul)
___ Sticker Sheet (Gian Speeder to MTT)
___ Sticker Sheet (Padme to Nute Gunray)
___ Sticker Sheet (Rune Haako to Boss Nass)
___ Sticker Sheet (Sebulba's Pod Racer to Anakin Skywalker)
___ Sticker Sheet (Trade Federation Droid Ship to Senator Palpatine)
Bedroom / Sheets
 Concord Kids
___ Naboo Starfighter Sheet Set
Stickers / Sheets
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (#5704, Naboo Starfighter to Queen Amidala)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (#5705, Anakin/Yoda to Battle Droid)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (#5705, Royal Starship to Darth Maul)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C179A, Darth Maul to Jabba)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C179B, Nute/Rune to JarJar/Qui-Gon)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C179C, Queen Amidala to Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C180A, B-Wings to C-3PO)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C180B, Queen Amidala to Yoda)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C180C, Queen Amidala to Anakin)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C181A, SW logo to Obi-Wan)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C181B, Watto to Naboo Guard)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C181C, Droid to Queen Amidala)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (CF372-1, Droids to Qui-Gon)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (CF372-2, C-3PO to Amidala)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (CF372-3, Obi-Wan to Jabba)
United States
___ Perk-Up Stickers (Hallmark, 4 sheets, 9 stickers per sheet) Darth Maul to Darth Maul
___ Perk-Up Stickers (Heartline, 4 sheets, 9 stickers per sheet) Darth Maul to Darth Maul
___ Perk-Up Stickers (Heartline, Amidala to Anakin with droids)
___ Perk-Up Stickers (Party Express, Darth Maul to Qui-Gon)
 Lucas Learning, Ltd.
___ Yoda's Challenge Activity Center Sticker Sheets
 Sandy Lion
___ Amidala Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Anakin Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Battle Droids Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Create-a-Sticker Scene
___ Darth Maul Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Heroes Sticker Sheet
___ Jar Jar Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Obi-Wan Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Qui-Gon Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Space Ships Foil Sticker Sheet
___ Villains Sticker Sheet
___ Laser Stickers Gold Border Sheet (Obi-Wan/Padme In Heart To Watto) #5704
___ Laser Stickers, Large Anakin Skywalker Surrounded By Other Stickers
___ Laser Stickers, Large Queen Amidala Surrounded By Other Stickers
___ Stickers Gold Border Sheet (C-3PO Bust In Starburst Over Amidala Headdress Art) #5703
Bedroom / Sheets
United States
 West Point Stevens
___ Sheet Set, Pod Race
___ Sheet Set, Space Battle
___ Unproduced Amidala Style Sheet Set
Cast and Crew / Shirts
United Kingdom
 Industrial Light and Magic
___ ILM/JAK VFX Crew ’99 T-Shirt
 Lucasfilm, Ltd.
___ 'MMmm' Dept T-Shirt
___ Lighting Crew T-Shirt
United States
 Industrial Light and Magic
___ 1999 ILM T-Shirt
___ Alias Wavefront World Convention 1999 Pod Racer T-Shirt
___ Darth Maul Black T-Shirt
___ Episode I Blue Denim Shirt
___ Episode I ILM Polo Shirt (Navy Blue)
___ Episode I ILM Polo Shirt (Royal Blue)
___ Episode I ILM T-Shirt (black)
___ Episode I ILM T-Shirt (grey)
___ Episode I ILM T-Shirt (white)
___ Episode I ILM VFX Crew White Trim Polo Shirt
___ Episode I Workshirt (long sleeve)
___ Episode I Workshirt (short sleeve)
___ Greetings From Theed T-Shirt
___ ILM Department of Defense Propaganda T Shirt (The Empire is Watching)
___ ILM Department of Defense Propaganda T-Shirt (Millennium Falcon -- Loose Lips Sink Starships)
___ ILM Department of Defense Propaganda T-Shirt (The Empire is Listening)
___ ILM Embroidered Logo T-Shirt
___ ILM Star Wars Crawl T-Shirt
___ Jar Jar A Local T-Shirt
___ Pod Racing Team Sebulba Long Sleeve T Shirt
 Lucasfilm, Ltd.
___ Star Wars Art Department T-Shirt
Luggage / Shopping Bags
___ Episode 1 Logo Plastic Bag
___ Racer Game Plastic Bag
___ Episode 1 Comic Plastic Bag
___ R2-D2/C-3PO Art White Plastic Bag
___ TPM/Racer Promo Bag
United States
 FAO Schwarz
___ FAO Schwarz Episode 1 Art Paper Bag
Apparel / Shorts and Short Sets
United States
___ Black Shorts With Large Glittery SW Logo/Blue Burst
___ Black Shorts With Small Glittery SW Logo/Blue Burst
 Kids Headquarters
___ Knit Jersey & shorts (Navy with Grey sleeves & shorts. Square patches of C-3PO, Pit Droid, & R2-D2)
___ Knit Jersey & Shorts (Red with navy sleeves &shorts, Embroidered Anakin Pod Torso)
___ Knit Navy Polo Shirt & Grey shorts (Embroidered yellow 'Naboo Starfighters' On Breast & Schematics)
___ Knit Navy Polo Shirt & Tan Shorts (Embroidered frog on breast/Patch of Jar Jar Peaking Around Side)
___ Knit Short Set (Red Top With Full Darth Maul--Back Hand Up & Double Saber In Front)
___ Knit Short Set (White Top--'Pit Droids' written several times, multi-colored embroidered Pit Droids)
___ Short Set (Black Baseball Jersey. Rt side--Vertical name in Red & white. Lt Side--Maul Torso Patch)
___ Short Set (Black Top With Stars. Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, Qui-Gon All Shown to Knees with Lightsabers)
___ Short Set (Black top--space battle. TFD shooting Naboo Starfighter, other ships, stars, explosions)
___ Short Set (Blue with R2-D2 Art. Plain grey shorts)
___ Short Set (Blue. Top--'Jedi vs Sith' at top, Art of Qui-Gon, Darth Maul, Obi-Wan Fighting)
___ Short Set (Blue/Grey. C-3PO Torso With Name in blue, white, & yellow)
___ Short Set (Grey top With Anakin Racing Torso & Pod, 'Mos Espa Arena Podracing on Tatooine')
___ Short Set (Grey top With Darth Maul to thighs. Lightsaber Ignited. Name in red)
___ Short Set (Navy top. R2-D2/C-3PO, White SW Logo with Red Outline, plain grey shorts)
___ Short Set (Red Football Jersey, Maul Eyes With Black 'Darth' At Top & 'Maul' at Bottom)
___ Short Set (Top--Circles of yellow, turquoise, & orange. Smiling Jar Jar Art, Vertical Name)
___ Short Set (Top--Navy/Royal Circuitry Background & Pit Droids On Front and Back)
Event Collectibles / Licensee and Retailer / Siggraph
United States
 Lucasfilm, Ltd.
___ ILM Naboo Fighter Recruiting Poster
___ Siggraph 1999 ILM Black T-Shirt (Alway 2 There Are...)
___ Siggraph 1999 Team ILM Pod Racing T-Shirt (Navy Blue)
___ Siggraph 1999 Team ILM Pod Racing T-Shirt (White)
Sporting Goods / Skateboards
 Seneca Sports Inc
___ Duel Outline Top/Photo Underneath Skateboard
___ Holographic Darth Maul Skateboard
___ Holographic Podrace Skateboard
___ STAP Outline Top/Photo Underneath Skateboard
United Kingdom
 MV Sports & Leisure
___ Darth Maul Skateboard
___ Jar Jar Skateboard
United States
 Seneca Sports Inc
___ Anakin Podracing Skateboard
___ Darth Maul 'Sith Lord' Skateboard
___ Darth Maul On Sith Speeder Skateboard
___ Naboo Starfighter Skateboard
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Art Skateboard
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Photo Skateboard
 Zap Ltd.
___ STAP Motorized Scooter
Apparel / Headgear / Ski Band
United States
 Fresh Caps
___ 'Star Wars Podracing Episode 1' Knit Headband
___ Anakin/Podracing Knit Headband
___ Darth Maul Knit Headband (Bust In Place Of 'A' In Name)
___ Jar Jar Knit Headband
___ Naboo Starfighter (Front View) Knit Headband
Bedroom / Sleeping Bags
United Kingdom
 Innova International
___ Anakin Skywalker & Sebulba Pod Race Sleeping Bag
United States
 ERO Industries
___ Anakin Podrace Sleeping Bag
___ Space Battle Sleeping Bag
Apparel / Shoes / Slippers
 Kidnation/Buster Brown
___ Darth Maul Face Without Outline Embroidered On Toe Of Black Fuzzy Slippers
United Kingdom
 St Michael/Marks & Spencer
___ Darth Maul Face Without Outline Over Name Black Fuzzy Slippers
___ R2-D2 Over Name Grey & Black Fuzzy Slippers
United States
___ Anakin's Face & Pod Racer On Grey Fuzzy Slippers
___ Darth Maul Dimensional Plastic Head On Black Fuzzy Slippers
___ Jar Jar Dimensional Plastic Head On Orange/Cream Fuzzy Slippers
___ Naboo Starfighter Shaped Fuzzy Slippers
___ Stuffed R2-D2 On Fuzzy Blue Slippers (Episode 1 Tag)
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Bootleg)
___ "Space Wars" 4-pack
___ Watto
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Licensed)
___ Episode I C-3PO & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Padm� Naberrie & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Naboo) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Ric Olie & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Senator Palpatine & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Coruscant)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Butterscotch With Sliver Scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Clean)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream With Black & Sliver Scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream With Sliver Scoring)
___ Episode I Boss Nass
___ Episode I C-3PO
___ Episode I Chancellor Valorum
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Tatooine)
___ Episode I Darth Sidious
___ Episode I Gasgano With Pit Droid
___ Episode I Jar Jar Binks
___ Episode I Ki-Adi-Mundi
___ Episode I Mace Windu
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo)
___ Episode I Ody Mandrell With Pit Droid
___ Episode I OOM-9
___ Episode I Padm� Naberrie (French Chip)
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Coruscant)
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Naboo)
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo)
___ Episode I R2-D2
___ Episode I Ric Olie
___ Episode I Rune Haako
___ Episode I Senator Palpatine
___ Episode I Watto
___ Episode I Yoda
___ Episode I Adi Gallia
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot) & Pit Droid (brown) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot) & Pit Droid (white and tan) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot) & Pit Droid (white) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Butterscotch with silver scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Butterscotch with silver scoring) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Clean)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Clean) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream with black & silver scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream with black & silver scoring) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream with silver scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream with silver scoring) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Boss Nass
___ Episode I C-3PO
___ Episode I C-3PO & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Captain Panaka & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Captain Tarpals
___ Episode I Captian Panaka
___ Episode I Chancellor Valorum
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Jedi Duel) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Sith Lord)
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Sith Lord) & Pit Droid (brown) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Sith Lord) & Pit Droid (white and tan) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Sith Lord) & Pit Droid (white) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Tatooine)
___ Episode I Darth Maul (Tatooine) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Sidious
___ Episode I Darth Sidious & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Sidious (Holograph)
___ Episode I Darth Sidious Holograph & Pit Droid (brown) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Sidious Holograph & Pit Droid (white and tan) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Darth Sidious Holograph & Pit Droid (white) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Destroyer Droid
___ Episode I Destroyer Droid & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Destroyer Droid (Battle Damage)
___ Episode I Gasgano With Pit Droid
___ Episode I Jar Jar Binks
___ Episode I Jar Jar Binks & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Ki-Adi-Mundi
___ Episode I Naboo Royal Guard
___ Episode I Naboo Royal Guard & Pit Droid (brown) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Naboo Royal Guard & Pit Droid (white and tan) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Naboo Royal Guard & Pit Droid (white) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Naboo Royal Security
___ Episode I Naboo Royal Security & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Nute Gunray
___ Episode I Nute Gunray & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel) & Pit Droid (brown) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel) & Pit Droid (white and tan) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel) & Pit Droid (white) 2-Pack
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo)
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Naboo) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I OOM-9
___ Episode I Padm� Naberrie
___ Episode I Padm� Naberrie & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Pit Droids
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Coruscant)
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Coruscant) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Naboo)
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Naboo) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo)
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo) & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I R2-D2
___ Episode I R2-D2 & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Ric Olie
___ Episode I Ric Olie & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Rune Haako
___ Episode I Rune Haako & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Senator Palpatine
___ Episode I Senator Palpatine & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Sio Bibble
___ Episode I Watto
___ Episode I Watto & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Yoda
___ Episode I Yoda & Battle Droid 2-Pack
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream, Scorched & Scarred)
___ Episode I Battle Droid Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I C-3PO
___ Episode I Darth Maul Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Darth Sidious
___ Episode I Jar Jar
___ Episode I Jar Jar Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Obi-Wan Kenobi Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Padm� Naberrie
___ Episode I Padm� Naberrie Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Queen Amidala (Naboo)
___ Episode I Queen Amidala Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi Duel)
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn (Naboo)
___ Episode I Qui-Gon Jinn Mini-Action Figure
___ Episode I Ric Olie
___ Episode I Senator Palpatine
___ Episode I Watto
United States
___ Episode I Adi Gallia
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo Pilot)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Naboo)
___ Episode I Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Butterscotch with Silver Scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream with Black & Silver Scoring)
___ Episode I Battle Droid (Cream with Silver Scoring)

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive