Items from film: Phantom Menace

Posters / Movie
 20th Century Fox
___ Episode 1 'B' Poster (Serbia & Montenegro)
Ceramics / Mugs
 Crystal Craft
___ Anakin Skywalker Pod Race Art Ceramic Mug
___ Darth Maul Art Ceramic Mug
___ Darth Maul/Battle Droid/Probe/Sebulba Art Ceramic Mug
___ Droids Art Ceramic Mug
___ Jar Jar Art Ceramic Mug
___ Jedi vs Sith Art Ceramic Mug
___ Qui-Gon/Anakin/Jar Jar/Obi-Wan Art Ceramic Mug
___ Ships Art Ceramic Mug
 Long Island Distributors
___ Anakin Art Ceramic Mug
___ Darth Maul 'Sith Lord' Ceramic Mug
___ Darth Maul Face & Tatooine Duel Scene Ceramic Mug
___ Heroes Montage/Villains Montage Ceramic Mug
___ Space Battle Photo Ceramic Mug
___ Jar Jar Tasse (Mug)
___ Jedi vs Sith Tasse (Mug)
___ Naboo Starfighter Tasse (Mug)
___ SW Episode 1 Logo Tasse (Mug)
United Kingdom
___ Amidala Photographic Ceramic Mug
___ Jedi vs Sith Photographic Ceramic Mug
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi Photographic Ceramic Mug
___ Podracing Photographic Ceramic Mug
United States
___ Darth Maul Ceramic Mug
___ Jar Jar Ceramic Mug
___ R2-D2 Ceramic Mug
 Rawcliffe Pewter
___ Qui-Gon Face & Scene Ceramic Mug
Luggage / Multi-Sets
United States
___ Darth Maul Montage Vinyl 3pc Luggage Set
___ Jedi vs Sith Photo Vinyl 3pc Luggage Set
___ Podrace Art Vinyl 3pc Luggage Set
Awards / Music
United States
___ The Phantom Menace Platinum RIAA Award
Party / Napkins
___ Jedi vs Sith Beverage Napkins 16-Pack
___ Jedi vs Sith Luncheon Napkins 16-Pack
United States
___ Episode 1 Beverage Napkins
___ Episode 1 Luncheon Napkins
Jewelry / Necklaces
United States
___ Darth Maul Dog Tag
___ Naboo Starfighter Dog Tag
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi Dog Tag
___ Trade Federation Droid Starfighter Dog Tag
Fan Club / Newsletters
___ SW Insider Special Edition Mook, Darth Maul Cover
Books / Non-Fiction
___ Les Coulisses du Film (Episode 1 Scrapbook)
___ Episode 1 Scrapbook (Le Guide Complet du Film)
___ Episode 1 Info Book
___ Making of Episode 1
 OZ Verlag
___ Episode 1 Official Program Magazine
 Tessloff es Babilon Kindo
___ Making of Episode 1
 Fabbri Editori
___ Episode 1: Guida Al Film (Episode 1 Scrapbook)
___ Episode 1 Scrapbook
___ Making of Phantom Menace
 Egmont CR
___ Czec I: Mroczne Widmo (Making of Episode 1)
 Norma Editorial
___ Como Se Hizo Episodio 1: La Amenaza Fantasma (Making of Episode 1)
___ Episode 1: La Guia Completa (Episode 1 Scrapbook)
___ La Revista Official: La Amenaza Fantasma (Episode 1 Official Souvenir Magazine)
United Kingdom
 Ebury Press
___ Making of Phantom Menace Hardback
___ Making of Phantom Menace Softcover
___ Phantom Menace Scrapbook
___ Episode 1 Collector's Souvenir Edition
United States
 Del Rey/Ballantine
___ Making of Episode 1 Hardback
___ Making of Episode 1 Softcover
 Random House
___ Episode 1 Scrapbook
___ Episode 1 Official Collector's Edition (Hobby Version--Bagged With Chromium Cover)
___ Episode 1 Official Collector's Edition (Newstand Version)
 Wright Group/McGraw Hill
___ Myth Makers
Office Supplies / Notebooks
___ Repeating Darth Mauls With Lightsabers Side Spiral Notebook
___ Repeating Darth Mauls With Lightsabers Top Spiral Notebook
___ Spiral Notebook, Anakin Skywalker
___ Spiral Notebook, Darth Maul
___ Spiral Notebook, Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ Spiral Notebook, R2-D2 & C-3PO
___ Spiral Notebook, Yoda
___ SW Logo Cover Mini-Notebook
Central American Countries
 Conapa Hispasa
___ Spiral Notebook (Horizontal)--Anakin/Sebulba
___ Spiral Notebook (Horizontal)--Obi-Wan/Amidala
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Anakin & Podracer
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Darth Maul Face
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Darth Maul Montage
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Jedi vs Sith
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Queen Amidala
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Sebulba
___ Spiral Notebook (Vertical)--Villains
___ Amidala Die Cut Memo Pad
___ Episode 1 'B' Art Cover Notebook
___ Episode 1 'B' Art Lined Bound Notebook
___ Jar Jar Die Cut Memo Pad
___ R2-D2 Die Cut Memo Pad
___ Spiral Notebook, Anakin Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Battle Droids Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Destroyer Droid Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Heroes Montage Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Jar Jar Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Maul & Qui-Gon Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Maul with saber, Infiltrator, & probes Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Maul with Sith Probes Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Pod Race Poster Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Royal Starship escaping Federation Battleship Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Sebulba Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Spiral Notebook, Space Battle Lenticular cover, 100pg
___ Anakin Skywalker 32 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Anakin Skywalker Pod Racer Helmet Mini-Notepad, 50 Sheets
___ Battle Droid 32 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Jar Jar 60 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Notebook, Anakin Skywalker Pod Race Helmet Cover, hardback, graph paper, 96 sheets
___ Notebook, Villains Collage, hardback, graph paper, 96 sheets
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi 32 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Queen Amidala 32 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Qui-Gon Jinn 32 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Spiral Notebook, Darth Maul Cover, graph paper, 50 sheets
___ Villains Collage Notepad, 50 sheets
___ Villains Montage Mini-Top Spiral Notebook, 50 sheets
___ Watto 32 Sheet A5 Bound Exercise Book
___ Naboo Starfighter Ritblock (Writing Pad)
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Ritblock (Writing Pad)
United Kingdom
 Q Stat
___ Amidala Notebook
___ Darth Maul Photo Spiral Notebook
___ Obi-Wan Kenobi Notebook
___ Queen Amidala Photo Spiral Notebook
United States
___ Amidala Art 50 Sheets Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Anakin Skywalker Art 50 Sheets Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Anakin Skywalker Art 60 Sheets 3x5 Memo Pad
___ Anakin Skywalker in Pod Cockpit 'Tablet' Memo Pads 2pk
___ Anakin Skywalker in Pod Cockpit Photo 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Anakin Skywalker In Pod Cockpit Photo 60 Sheet 3x5 Memo Pad
___ Bumpy Rubber Cover With Riveted Amidala Oval Spiral Notebook
___ Bumpy Rubber Cover With Riveted Anakin Oval Spiral Notebook
___ Bumpy Rubber Cover With Riveted Darth Maul Oval Spiral Notebook
___ Bumpy Rubber Cover With Riveted Jar Jar Oval Spiral Notebook
___ Darth Maul Art 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Darth Maul Art 60 Sheet 3x5 Memo Pad
___ Darth Maul Head over Jedi vs Sith Photo 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Darth Maul Head Over Jedi vs Sith Photo 60 Sheet 3x5 Memo Pad
___ Die-cut Amidala Art 60 Sheet Memo Pad
___ Die-cut Darth Maul Art 50 Sheet Memo Pad
___ Fat Book, Anakin Skywalker in Pod Cockpit photo, 4x5.5, 180 sheets, Spiral Bound
___ Fat Book, Darth Maul Art, 4x5.5, 180 sheets, Spiral Bound
___ Fat Book, Darth Maul Head over Jedi vs Sith photo, 4x5.5, 180 sheets, Spiral Bound
___ Fat Book, Jar Jar art, 4x5.5, 180 sheets, Spiral Bound
___ Jar Jar Art 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Jedi vs Sith Photo 'Tablet' Memo Pads 2pk
___ Qui-Gon Jinn Art 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ R2-D2 Art 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Space Battle Photo 'Tablet' Memo Pads 2pk
___ Space Battle Photo 50 Sheet Wide Rule Spiral Notebook
___ Space Battle Photo 60 Sheet 3x5 Memo Pad
Books / Novels
 Sci-Fi Books
___ Episodio 1: A Ameaca Fantasma (Episode 1 Novel) Oversize Paperback
___ Episode 1 Novel Oversize Paperback
___ Episod 1: Den Usynlige Fjende (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback
___ Episod 1: Pimea Uhka (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback
 Fleuve Noir
___ Dark Maul: L'Ombre du Chasseur (Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter) Paperback
 Presses de la Cite
___ Dark Maul: L'Ombre du Chasseur (Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter) Oversize Paperback
___ Episodio 1: La Menace Fantome (Episode 1 Novel) Oversize Paperback
___ Episode 1 Novel Paperback
___ I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Hardback, Anakin Cover
___ I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, 'B' Art Cover
___ I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, Amidala Cover
___ I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, Darth Maul Cover
___ I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, Obi-Wan Cover
 Sperling & Kupfer Editori
___ Episode 1 Novel Oversize Paperback
___ Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Hardback
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback
___ Episode 1 Novel Paperback
 Plaza Janes
___ Episode 1 Novel Paperback
___ De Woeste Planeet (Rogue Planet) Oversize Paperback
___ Darth Maul--de Schaduwjager (Shadow Hunter) Oversize Paperback
___ Episode 1 Novel Oversize Paperback
 Egmont CR
___ Czec I: Mroczne Widmo (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback
___ Cloak of Deception Hardback
___ Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Hardback
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback
___ Rogue Planet Hardback
 Alberto Santos
___ Darth Maul: El Cazador el las Tinieblas (Shadow Hunter) Hardback
___ Velo de Traiciones (Cloak of Deception) Hardback
 Bonnier Carlsen
___ Episod 1: Det Morka Hotet (Episode 1 Novel) Hardback
___ SW Bolum I: Gizli Tehlike (Episode 1) Paperback Novel
United Kingdom
___ Episode 1 Novel Paperback
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback
___ Rogue Planet Hardback
United States
 Del Rey/Ballantine
___ Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Hardback
___ Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Hardback (Book club Edition)
___ Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter Paperback
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback (Amidala cover)
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback (Anakin cover)
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback (Darth Maul cover)
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback (Obi-Wan cover)
___ Episode 1 Novel Hardback With Slipcase (Red Metallic Darth Maul Face Cover)
___ Episode 1 Novel Paperback (Darth Maul cover)
Art / Original Artwork
United States
 Lucasfilm, Ltd.
___ Queen Amidala Senate Gown costume original art
 Random House
___ Kaadu Hildebrandt Original Art
 Tiger Electronics
___ Original Artwork for Jar Jar's 3D Adventure Game
United States
___ Anakin Skywalker (Pod Race Outfit) 2001 Keepsake Ornament
___ Battle of Naboo Mini-Ornament 3pk 2001 Keepsake
___ Darth Maul 2000 Keepsake Ornament
___ Gungan Submarine 2000 Keepsake Ornament
___ Jar Jar Binks 2001 Keepsake Ornament
___ Jedi Council Mini-Ornament 3pk 2000 Keepsake
___ Naboo Starfighter 1999 Keepsake Ornament
___ Queen Amidala 1999 Keepsake Ornament
___ Qui-Gon Jinn 2000 Keepsake Ornament
___ R2-D2 2001 Keepsake Ornament
___ Royal Starship 2001 Keepsake Ornament
 Rawcliffe Pewter
___ Droid Control Ship & Naboo Starfighter Pewter Ornament
___ Jar Jar Pewter Ornament
___ Jedi vs Sith Pewter Ornament
___ Queen Amidala Pewter Ornament
___ Royal Starship Pewter Ornament
Apparel / Overalls and Outfits
United Kingdom
 St Michael/Marks & Spencer
___ Amidala Vinyl Oval On Pink Velour 2pc Outfit With Fur Trim
United States
 Kids Headquarters
___ Droids Outfit (Knit Top With R2-D2, Pit Droid, C-3PO; Blue Pants)
___ Pit Droid Overalls
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging
___ Amidala Pepsi Can
___ Anakin Pepsi Can
___ Darth Maul Pepsi Can
___ Jar Jar Pepsi Can
___ Obi-Wan Pepsi Can
___ Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Amidala)
___ Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Anakin Skywalker)
___ Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Darth Maul)
___ Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Jar Jar)
___ Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Obi-Wan)
___ Pepsi 1.5L Bottle (Qui-Gon Jinn)
___ Pepsi 2L Bottle (Darth Maul)
___ Qui-Gon Pepsi Can
Food Products / Candy / Packaging
 Adus Noble
___ Darth Maul Lolly Jar
 Harmony Foods
___ Movie Reel Tin (Black)
___ Movie Reel Tin (Silver)
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging
___ Darth Maul Plastic Bag
___ Large Fries Box, Jar Jar
___ Small Fries Box, Jar Jar
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging
___ 7-UP 1.25L Bottle
___ 7-UP 2L Bottle
___ Amidala Diet Pepsi Can
___ Anakin Pepsi Can (Burst Behing Episode 1 Logo)
___ Anakin Pepsi Can (No Burst Behing Episode 1 Logo)
___ C-3PO 7-UP Can
___ Darth Maul Pepsi Can
___ Diet Pepsi 1.25L Bottle
___ Diet Pepsi 2L Bottle
___ Diet Pepsi 660ml Bottle (Amidala)
___ Jar Jar Pepsi Max Can
___ Mountain Dew 1.25L Bottle
___ Mountian Dew 2L Bottle
___ Obi-Wan Pepsi Can
___ Pepsi 1.25L Bottle
___ Pepsi 2L Bottle
___ Pepsi 660ml Bottle (Anakin) Instant Winner
___ Pepsi 660ml Bottle (Anakin) Non-Winner
___ Pepsi Max 1.25L Bottle
___ Pepsi Max 2L Bottle
___ Pepsi Max 660ml Bottle
___ Qui-Gon Pepsi Can
___ Watto Mountain Dew Can
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging
 Pizza Hut
___ Amidala Pizza Box
___ Anakin Pizza Box
___ Jar Jar Pizza Box
___ Paper Placemat/Menu (Darth Maul & Pitchers)
Food Products / Chips / Packaging
___ Doritos Chip Bag, Amidala, Original
___ Doritos Chip Bag, C-3PO, Cool Tang
___ Doritos Chip Bag, C-3PO, Cool Tang
___ Doritos Chip Bag, Qui-Gon, Nacho Cheese
___ Doritos Chip Bag, Qui-Gon, Nacho Cheese
___ Doritos Chip Bag, Yoda, Cheese Supreme
___ Doritos Chip Bag, Yoda, Cheese Supreme
___ Lays Chip 12pk Bag, Anakin, Original
___ Lays Chip 12pk Bag, C-3PO, 4xOriginal, 4xSalt & Vinegar, 4xTexas BBQ
___ Lays Chip 12pk Bag, Jar Jar, Texas BBQ
___ Lays Chip 18pk Bag, Yoda, 6xOriginal, 4x Roast Chicken, 4xTexas BBQ, 4xSalt & Vinegar
___ Lays Chip Bag, Amidala, Cheddar Cheese & Onion
___ Lays Chip Bag, Amidala, Cheddar Cheese & Onion
___ Lays Chip Bag, Amidala, Cheddar Cheese & Onion
___ Lays Chip Bag, Anakin, Original
___ Lays Chip Bag, Anakin, Original
___ Lays Chip Bag, Anakin, Original
___ Lays Chip Bag, Anakin, Original
___ Lays Chip Bag, Jar Jar, Texas BBQ
___ Lays Chip Bag, Jar Jar, Texas BBQ
___ Lays Chip Bag, Jar Jar, Texas BBQ
___ Lays Chip Bag, Obi-Wan, Roast Chicken
___ Lays Chip Bag, Obi-Wan, Roast Chicken
___ Lays Chip Bag, R2-D2, Salt & Vinegar
___ Lays Chip Bag, R2-D2, Salt & Vinegar
___ Lays Chip Bag, R2-D2, Salt & Vinegar
___ Lays Roast Chicken Chip Bag
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging
___ Choco Krispies, Star Wars Statue
___ Chocos, Star Wars Crystal
___ Frosties, Star Wars Crystal
___ Smacks, Star Wars Statue
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging
___ Amidala Pepsi Light Can
___ Anakin Pepsi Can
___ Jar Jar Pepsi Max Can
___ Qui-Gon Pepsi Can
___ Yoda 7-Up Can
Food Products / Candy / Packaging
 Lamy Lutti
___ Gummy Anakin
___ Gummy Darth Maul
___ Gummy Jar Jar
___ Gummy R2-D2
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging
 Pizza Hut
___ Paper Placemat (Character Cirlces & Game)
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging
Benelux Countries
___ Choco Krispies, Star Wars Statue
___ Choco Krispies, Star Wars Statue
___ Choco Krispies, Star Wars Statue
___ Chocos, Star Wars Statue
___ Frosties, Game Pack (Darth Maul cover)
___ Frosties, Game Pack (Darth Maul cover)
___ Frosties, Game Pack (Obi-Wan cover)

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive