Items from licensee: Unlicensed

Food Products / Drinks / Premiums
Phantom Menace
___ Bootleg Amidala (1) Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg Amidala (2) Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg Anakin (1) Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg Boss Nass Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg Ki-Adi-Mundi Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg Obi-Wan (2) Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg Princess Leia Figural Bottle Cap
___ Bootleg R2-D2 Figural Bottle Cap
Toys / Puppets
A New Hope
United States
___ Darth Vader Boxer puppet
Revenge of the Sith
___ Darth Vader Marionette
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Mural Frame Tray Puzzle, Darth Vader
___ Mural Frame Tray Puzzle, Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia
___ Mural Frame Tray Puzzle, R2-D2
___ Mural Frame Tray Puzzle, Unknown 4th Image
Star Wars Special Editions
___ AT-AT/Darth Vader Helmet Frame Tray Puzzle
___ Darth Vader/Stormtrooper Etc Frame Tray Puzzle
Phantom Menace
___ Episode 1 'B' Art Frame Tray Puzzle
___ Episode 1 'B' Art Puzzle (Boxed)
Posters / Retail
A New Hope
United States
___ Mos Eisley Spaceport Cantina Poster
___ SW 'A' Art Over 5 Blue Border Photos On Magenta Field Poster
Return of the Jedi
United States
___ Black & White Photo Montage ROTJ Poster
___ SW Beach Party Poster
___ Wanted: Han Solo Poster
___ Wanted: Luke Skywalker Poster
___ Wanted: Princess Leia Poster
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
United States
___ Panini Wrapper Poster
___ Poster of the Entire International Vintage Kenner Action Figure Collection
Phantom Menace
___ Character Montage Around Anakin Poster
___ Darth Maul Eyes & Character Montage Poster
___ Heroes & Anakin Running Poster
Revenge of the Sith
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Light Cardstock Poster
___ ROTS Heroes Light Cardstock Poster
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Retro 2004 Yucatan, Mexico
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ 'The Clone Attack' Black T-Shirt
___ 'The Fett' Black T-Shirt
___ 'The Kenobi' Black T-Shirt
___ 'The Luke' Black T-Shirt
___ 'The Yoda' Black T-Shirt
Jewelry / Rings
A New Hope
___ The Force Black Plastic Ring
___ The Force White Plastic Ring
United States
___ TIE Fighter Blue Plastic Ring
___ TIE Fighter White Plastic Ring
___ TIE Fighter Yellow Plastic Ring
___ X-Wing Fighter White Plastic Ring
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Darth Vader Helmet Ring
___ Stormtrooper Helmet Ring
Books / Scripts
A New Hope
United States
___ The Star Wars
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
United States
___ Fall of the Republic
Art / Sculptures, Statues, and Maquettes
___ Ewok (Wicket) Mini-Statue with Name & 'Argentina' Base
___ Ewok Mini-Statue with Name & 'Argentina' Base
___ Darth Maul Statue
___ Yoda Statue
___ Snowspeeder Aluminum Sculpture
United States
___ Darth Vader TIE Fighter Hardware Sculpture
Star Wars Special Editions
___ TSE Ingot Light-Up Etched Glass Panel
Phantom Menace
___ Anakin Skywalker Mini-Statue with Name & 'Argentina' Base
___ Boss Nass Mini-Statue with Name & 'Argentina' Base
___ Palpatine Mini-Statue with Name & 'Argentina' Base
___ Qui-Gon Jinn Mini-Statue with Name & 'Argentina' Base
Czech Republic
___ Episode I Russian Nesting Doll
___ Slave Quarter (Ksar) Tunisian Sculpture
Attack of the Clones
___ Jedi Starfighter Aluminum Sculpture
Stickers / Sheets
A New Hope
United States
___ Puffy Stickers Space War Header (Including Similar to Darth Vader & Death Star)
___ Puffy Stickers Space War Header (Including Similar to X-Wing & R2-D2)
___ Puffy Stickers Star Sticker Header (Including Similar to Escape Pod, Tusken Raider, & Bith)
Return of the Jedi
United States
___ McQuarrie Art Puffy Stickers (4 Images including Exploding Sail Barge)
___ McQuarrie Art Puffy Stickers (4 Images Including Jabba's Palace Exterior & A-Wings)
___ McQuarrie Art Puffy Stickers (4 Images Including Luke On Speeder Bike)
___ McQuarrie Art Puffy Stickers (4 Images Including Rebo Band)
___ Puff Stickers Of ROTJ Bookmark Art
___ Puffy Stickers Bunny & Deer Header (Concept Ewoks to Wicket)
___ Puffy Stickers Bunny & Deer Header (Concept Rancor to Concept Gamorrean Guard)
___ Puffy Stickers Bunny & Deer Header (Darth Vader to Lando Skiff Guard)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Header (Concept Ewoks to Wicket)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Header (Concept Rancor to Concept Gamorrean Guard)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Header (Darth Vader to Lando Skiff Guard)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Header (Princess Leia to Chewbacca)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Vinyl Stick On Header (Darth Vader to Millennium Falcon)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Vinyl Stick On Header (Princess Leia to Shuttle Tydirium)
___ Puffy Stickers Elephant Vinyl Stick On Header (R2-D2 to Yoda)
___ Puffy Stickers ROTJ Logo Header (Darth Vader to Millennium Falcon)
___ Puffy Stickers ROTJ Logo Header (Princess Leia To Shuttle Tydirium)
___ Puffy Stickers ROTJ Logo Header (R2-D2 to Yoda)
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Blue Border Sticker Sheet (Mostly Han Solo & Princess Leia Scenes)
___ Grey Border Sticker Sheet (Mostly Luke Skywalker Scenes)
___ Mauve Border Sticker Sheet (Yoda Scenes)
___ Pink Border Sticker Sheet (AOTC Images & McQuarrie Art)
___ Yellow Border Sticker Sheet (SW Scenes & SW 'A' Art)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (JSL01A, Chewbacca to Boba Fett)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (JSL01B, Luke to Jabba)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (JSL01C, Admiral Ackbar to Darth Vader)
Phantom Menace
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (#5704, Naboo Starfighter to Queen Amidala)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (#5705, Anakin/Yoda to Battle Droid)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (#5705, Royal Starship to Darth Maul)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C179A, Darth Maul to Jabba)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C179B, Nute/Rune to JarJar/Qui-Gon)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C179C, Queen Amidala to Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C180A, B-Wings to C-3PO)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C180B, Queen Amidala to Yoda)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C180C, Queen Amidala to Anakin)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C181A, SW logo to Obi-Wan)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C181B, Watto to Naboo Guard)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (C181C, Droid to Queen Amidala)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (CF372-1, Droids to Qui-Gon)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (CF372-2, C-3PO to Amidala)
___ Prismatic Sticker Sheet (CF372-3, Obi-Wan to Jabba)
United States
___ Laser Stickers Gold Border Sheet (Obi-Wan/Padme In Heart To Watto) #5704
___ Laser Stickers, Large Anakin Skywalker Surrounded By Other Stickers
___ Laser Stickers, Large Queen Amidala Surrounded By Other Stickers
___ Stickers Gold Border Sheet (C-3PO Bust In Starburst Over Amidala Headdress Art) #5703
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Sitges 04
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Sitges 04 'Wanted' Flyer (Dave Prowse)
___ Sitges 04 'Wanted' Flyer (Duncan Jenkins)
___ Sitges 04 'Wanted' Flyer (Gus Lopez)
___ Sitges 04 'Wanted' Flyer (Jeremy Bulloch)
___ Sitges 04 'Wanted' Flyer (Steve Sansweet)
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Bootleg)
A New Hope
___ C-3P0 and Chewbacca on a bad hair day
___ PVC 2" Figures
___ C-3PO
___ Chewbacca (?), Darth Vader, and Stormtrooper
___ Dutch R2-D2
___ Dutch Vader Bootleg and Mini-Me
Return of the Jedi
___ Non-Articulated AT-AT Commander
___ Non-Articulated AT-ST Drivers
___ Non-Articulated Barada (Brown)
___ Non-Articulated Biker Scout (Green)
___ Non-Articulated Boba Fett (Blue)
___ Non-Articulated C-3PO (Silver)
___ Non-Articulated Chewbaccas
___ Non-Articulated Darth Vader (Black)
___ Non-Articulated Han Solo
___ Non-Articulated Hoth Rebel Soldier (Green)
___ Non-Articulated Hoth Stormtrooper (Silver)
___ Non-Articulated Imperial Gunner (Gold)
___ Non-Articulated Imperial Gunner (Silver)
___ Non-Articulated Obi-Wan Kenobi (Green)
___ Non-Articulated Original Luke (Blue)
___ Non-Articulated Prune Face
___ Non-Articulated Rebel Commando (Brown)
___ Non-Articulated Stormtrooper and Hoth Stormtrooper (Silver)
___ Non-Articulated Tusken Raider (Green)
___ Non-Articulated X-Wing Pilot (Olive)
___ Non-Articulated X-Wing Pilots (Blue)
___ Non-Articulated Zuckuss
___ Biker Scout
___ Boba Fett
___ C-3PO
___ Chewbacca
___ Darth Vader
___ Darth Vader and Blister Card
___ Han Solo
___ Hoth Stormtrooper
___ Hungarian 10 Pack Display Board
___ Hungarian Figures (Loose)
___ Leia (Carded-with name tag)
___ Leia and Han (Carded)
___ Luke and Boba Fett (Carded)
___ Luke Skywalker
___ Princess Leia
___ Princess Leia
___ Princess Leia
___ Wicket
___ Yoda (Color Variants)
___ Yoda and Blister Card (Black)
___ Yoda and Blister Card (Blue)
___ Biker Scouts (Various)
___ Boba Fett (Bagged)
___ Boba Fett (Loose)
___ Darth Vader (Rubber)
___ Darth Vader 2 Pack (Bagged)
___ Darth Vader 6" (Carded)
___ Darth Vader Figures (Various)
___ Emperor's Royal Guard (Bagged)
___ Emperor's Royal Guard and Chewbacca (Carded)
___ Luke Bespins (Bagged)
___ Luke Jedi 6" (Carded)
___ Luke Jedi/ Darth Vader
___ Mex/SA Bootleg Figures (Bagged)
___ Mexican Figures (Loose)
___ Weapon Tree (Bagged)
___ AT-AT Commander, Nein Nunb, Ben Kenobi and Imperial Gunner
___ AT-AT Drivers (Loose Articulated and Deluxe)
___ Boba Fett (Loose Figure Run)
___ Hoth Stormtrooper (Carded-Black)
___ Hoth Stormtroopers (Loose-Red and Black)
___ Scary Ewoks
___ Stormtrooper and Luke X-Wing on Stormtrooper Cardback
___ AT-AT Driver (Version 3)
___ AT-AT Driver (Version 2)
___ AT-AT Drivers (Version 1 and 2)
___ AT-AT Leader
United Kingdom
___ Yak Face Figure (Metal)
United States
___ Fx_Master Fake
Droids Cartoon
___ Polish/German C-3PO and R2-D2 (Droids/Star Tours)
___ Polish/German C-3PO and R2-D2 (Droids/Star Tours)
___ Polish/German C-3POs (Droids/Star Tours)
___ Polish/German R2-D2 (Droids/Star Tours)
___ Polish/German Stormtrooper (Droids/Star Tours)
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Darth Vader
___ Stormtrooper
___ Bootleg 2-1B
___ Bootleg 5 Figure Pack
___ Bootleg AT-AT Driver (Blue)
___ Bootleg AT-AT Driver (Red)
___ Bootleg Ben Kenobi
___ Bootleg Black Vader & White Vader figure 2-pk
___ Bootleg Darth Vader
___ Bootleg Darth Vader
___ Bootleg Darth Vader/C-3PO 2pk
___ Bootleg Greedo
___ Bootleg Leia Bespin
___ Bootleg Luke (Bespin)
___ Bootleg R2-D2
___ Bootleg R5-D4
___ Bootleg Snowtrooper
___ Bootleg Snowtrooper
___ Bootleg Stormtrooper in Ship
___ Enemies of He-Man Bootleg Pack
___ Jalisco Fan Force Figure
___ Play Pack
___ POTF2 Bootlegs on Vintage Style Cardbacks
United States
___ Boba Fett Galaxy Empire Figure
___ Chewbacca Galaxy Empire Figure
___ Darth Vader Galaxy Empire Figure
___ Han Solo Galaxy Empire Figure
___ Stormtrooper Galaxy Empire Figure
Phantom Menace
___ "Space Wars" 4-pack
___ Watto
Attack of the Clones
___ Clone Trooper (Action Pose)
___ Clone Trooper (Standing Pose)
Office Supplies / Stationery
A New Hope
United States
___ S. Landon Art Sheet of Stationery
Crafts / Sun Catchers
United States
___ C-3PO Instant Stained Glass
___ Darth Vader Instant Stained Glass
___ R2-D2 Instant Stained Glass
___ X-Wing Instant Stained Glass
Apparel / Shirts / T-Shirts
United Kingdom
___ C-3PO, Diagonal SW Logo, Luke & Princess Leia White T-Shirt
___ Darth Vader Helmet, Diagonal SW Logo, X-Wings White T-Shirt
___ R2-D2, C-3PO, Chewbacaa, & Han Solo Over SW Logo White T-Shirt
___ Stylized Darth Vader Over Stormtroopers & Droids Yellow T-Shirt
United States
___ Luke/Leia Line-art Of Hildebrandt Pose Brown T-Shirt
___ Luke/Leia Line-art Of Hildebrandt Pose White T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Line-art Of Hildebrandt Pose Brown T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 & C-3PO Line-art Of Hildebrandt Pose White T-Shirt
___ Space Marauders Jersey Style Shirt
___ Space Wars Darth Vader & Ben Kenobi Duel T-Shirt
Empire Strikes Back
United States
___ AT-AT Kenner Line Art T-Shirt
Blue Harvest
___ Blue Harvest 12 Inch Scale T-Shirt
Revenge of the Jedi
United States
___ Bootleg Revenge of the Jedi Red Logo on Black T-Shirt
Return of the Jedi
United States
___ Luke Skywaker Jedi (Head & Hands with Lightsaber Only) Over Bib Fortuna Head, Space, Blue T-Shirt
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ 'CHE'wbacca Grey T-Shirt (Chewie With Beret)
___ eWorld 2003 Pabellon SW Red T-Shirt
United Kingdom
___ Darth Vader & Lady Di With Baby Grey T-Shirt (Red Dot)
___ Darth Vader Pruning Shrub To Look Like Death Star Green T-Shirt
United States
___ Anakin Dynamite/Vote For Palpatine Fan Film Black Sleeves T-Shirt
___ Chicago Force (Blue Background) Black T-Shirt
___ Chicago Force (Red Background) Black T-Shirt
___ Han Shot First B&W T-Shirt
___ I Belong to the Dark Side Glow-in-the-Dark Red T-Shirt
___ Same Sith Different Day White T-Shirt
___ SW Musical Edition (Celebration 3) Black T-Shirt (Dancing Darth Vader & Stormtroopers)
___ Thank You George Red & White T-Shirt
___ The Force Among Us Black T-Shirt
Star Wars Special Editions
United States
___ SWSE Struzan Art Over Pink SW Logo & Purple 'The Fantasy Continues' White T-Shirt
Phantom Menace
___ Darth Maul Head Over Name Black T-Shirt
___ Episode 1 'A' Art Photo Black T-Shirt
Attack of the Clones
___ Anakin & Padme Heads Over Jango Fett With Pistols Flanked By Clones Over Ep2 AOTC Logo Black T-Shirt
Clone Wars
___ C-3PO Navy T-Shirt
___ C-3PO Tan T-Shirt
___ Clone Wars Logo Black T-Shirt
___ Clone Wars Logo Red T-Shirt
___ Clone Wars Logo Tan T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 (Blue Highlights) Navy T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 (Blue Highlights) Orange T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 (Blue Highlights) Tan T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 (Purple Highlights) Black T-Shirt
___ R2-D2 (Purple Highlights) Grey T-Shirt
___ Yoda Red T-Shirt
___ Yoda Tan T-Shirt
Revenge of the Sith
___ Half Anakin (Episode 3) Half Vader Face Over Lava & Red SW Logo Black T-Shirt
___ Red Darth Vader Helmet Over Lava & ROTS Logo Black T-Shirt
___ Palpatine For 2005 Philippines Fan Club T-Shirt
___ Yoda For 2005 Philippines Fan Club T-Shirt
___ Yoda Photo Over Russian SW Logo On Black T-Shirt
United States
___ 'Revenge of the THITH' Square Logo On Red T-Shirt
___ Absolut Sith (Darth Vader Vodka Bottle) Black T-Shirt
___ Anakin 'Dark Side, Is It In You?' Black T-Shirt
___ Darth Side Of The Moon (Pink Floyd Album Cover Parody) Black T-Shirt
___ Episode 3 Black T-Shirt
___ Revenge of the NY Line (Statue of Liberty with Lightsaber) Black T-Shirt
___ Silver Darth Vader Helmet 'Revenge of the Staff Dallas Comicon 2005' Black T-Shirt
Apparel / Ties
Phantom Menace
United Kingdom
___ Small Gold Episode 1 Logos Repeating On Black Silk Tie
Store Displays / Toy
Return of the Jedi
United States
___ ROTJ Bootleg Action Figure Display:
Trading Cards and Discs
Empire Strikes Back
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), C-3PO & R2-D2 on Tatooine
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), C-3PO Face
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Chewbacca Face
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Grand Moff Tarkin Talks to Princess Leia
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Han Solo & Chewbacca Shooting
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Han Solo & Princess Leia Kiss
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Lando & Leia Bespin From ESB Storybook
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Luke Skywalker (Bespin) Gun Drawn
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Luke Skywalker X-Wing Outfit on Dagobah
___ B&W Photo Card (Mostly SW but 4 ESB), Princess Leia Escorted By Darth Vader & Guards

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive