Items from licensee: Kenner

Toys / Action Figure Related / Proof Cards
Droids Cartoon
United States
___ Mungo Baobab
___ R2-D2 Proof Card
___ Sise Fromm Proof Card
___ Tig Fromm Proof Card
___ Vlix
Ewoks Cartoon
United States
___ Bondo
___ Chief Chirpa
___ Chituhr Proof Card
___ Logray Proof Card
___ Morag Proof card
___ Paploo
___ Weechee
___ Wicket W. Warrick Proof Card
Power of the Force
United States
___ Power of the Force 8-Card Uncut Proof Sheet
___ Power of the Force 92-Back 2-1B Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back 4-LOM Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back 8-D8 Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back A-Wing Pilot Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Admiral Ackbar Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Amanaman Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Anakin Skywalker Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back AT-AT Commander Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back AT-AT Driver Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back AT-ST Driver Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back B-Wing Pilot Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Barada Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Ben Kenobi Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Bespin Security Guard (black) Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Bespin Security Guard (white) Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Bib Fortuna Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Biker Scout Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Boba Fett Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Bossk Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Bossk Uncut Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back C-3PO Removable Limbs Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Chewbacca Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Chief Chirpa Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Cloud Car Pilot Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Cloud Car Pilot Proof Card (Trimmed)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Darth Vader Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Death Star Droid Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Dengar Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Emperor Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Emperor's Royal Guard Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back EV-9D9 Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back FX-7 Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Gamorrean Guard Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back General Madine Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Greedo Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Hammerhead Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Bespin Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Carbonite Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Hoth Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Solo Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Han Trenchcoat Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Hoth Stormtrooper Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back IG-88 Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Commander Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Dignitary Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Gunner Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Jawa Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-back Jawa Proof Card (Round Corners)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Klaatu Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Klaatu Skiff Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lando Calrissian Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lando General Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lando Skiff Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Bespin Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Boushh Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Hoth Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Poncho Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lobot Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Logray Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Bespin Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Hoth Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Jedi Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Poncho Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Skywalker Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Stormtrooper Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke X-Wing Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke X-wing Proof Card (Uncut)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Lumat Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Nien Nunb Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Nikto Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Paploo Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Power Droid Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Princess Leia
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Princess Leia Boushh Proof Card (Uncut)
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Prune Face
___ Power of the Force 92-Back R2-D2
___ Power of the Force 92-Back R5-D4
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Rancor Keeper
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Rebel Commander
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Rebel Commando
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Rebel Soldier
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Ree Yees
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Romba
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Snaggletooth
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Squid Head
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Star Destroyer Commader
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Stormtrooper Proof Card
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Teebo
___ Power of the Force 92-Back TIE Pilot
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Tusken Raider
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Ugnaught
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Walrusman
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Warok
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Weequay
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Wicket
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Yak Face
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Yoda
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Zuckuss
___ Power of the Force Biker Scout Sample Card
___ Power of the Force Royal Guard Printer's Proof Card
___ Power of the Force Stormtrooper Proof Card (
Prototypes / Prototype Packaging and Proofs
A New Hope
United States
___ Ben Kenobi Packaging Prototype Series
___ Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Arctic Outfit
___ Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Flight Suit Outfit
___ Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Leisure Outfit
___ Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Luke Jump Suit
___ Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Luke Presentation Outfit
___ Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Luke X-Wing Flight Suit
___ Cromalin for Kenner Three-Pack Store Display Box
___ Early Bird Certificate Package Flat
___ Gold Dewback Box Cromalin
___ Mock-Up Box for Large Size Boba Fett with Firing Rockets and Electronics
___ Princess Leia 12 back Cromalin
___ Princess Leia 20 back Cromalin
___ Prototype Package for Star Wars Androids 3-Pack
___ Prototype Package for Star Wars Heroes 3-Pack
___ Prototype Package for Star Wars Villains 3-Pack
___ Radio Controlled Sandcrawler Engineering Pilot
___ Star Wars 12-Back Cromalin Proof Sheet
___ Star Wars 20-Back Greedo Cromalin
___ Star Wars 20-Back Luke X-wing Cromalin
___ Star Wars Boba Fett Large Size Figure Early Box Design
___ Star Wars C-3PO (Fett Offer) Action Figure Packaging Cromalin
___ Star Wars Inflatable Light Saber Cromalin
___ Star Wars Logo Emblem Proof
___ Star Wars Three Pack Flat
___ Star Wars Tusken Raider 20 back mock-up
___ SW Han Doll Box Flat
___ SW Leia Doll Box Flat
___ SW Luke Doll Box Flat
___ SW Stormtrooper Doll Box Flat
Empire Strikes Back
United States
___ CAP-2 Packaging Cromalin
___ Comp Sheet for ESB 12 inch Lando Calrissian
___ Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) 4-LOM Cromalin
___ Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Han Bespin Proof Card (with color bars)
___ Empire Strikes Back 48-Back Han Bespin Proof Card
___ Empire Strikes Back C-3PO Switcheroo Proof Card
___ Empire Strikes Back CAP-2 (Rebate Offer) Cromalin
___ Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader Switcheroo Proof Card
___ Empire Strikes Back Logo Reflex
___ Empire Strikes Back Proof Sheet (ESB 45-Backs 9-Sheet)
___ Empire Strikes Back Proof Sheets (ESB 45-Backs: 6-Sheets)
___ Empire Strikes Back R2-D2 Switcheroo Proof Card
___ ESB (Bespin Set) 3-Pack Test Packaging
___ ESB (Imperial Set) 3-Pack Test Packaging
___ ESB (Rebel Set) 3-Pack Test Packaging
___ ESB Battle Damaged X-Wing Box Flat
___ ESB Ben Kenobi Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Boba Fett Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB C-3PO Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Chewbacca Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Cloud City Playset Packaging Layout Board
___ ESB Darth Vader Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Darth Vader's Star Destroyer with Leia Bespin
___ ESB Diecast Snowspeeder Proof Card
___ ESB Han Hoth Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB IG-88 Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Imperial Attack Base Box Flat
___ ESB Jawa Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Leia Bespin Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Luke Bespin Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB R2-D2 Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Rebel Transport Cromalin
___ ESB Stormtrooper Large Figure Box Flat
___ ESB Yoda Hand Puppet Box Flat
___ Hoth Generator Attack Cromalin
___ Micro Collection Display Unused Proof
___ MLC-3 Mini-Rig Cromalin
___ Mock-Up Box for MTV-7 Mini-Rig
___ Mock-Up Box for PDT-8 Mini-Rig
___ Mock-Up Box for Vehicle Maintenance Energizer
___ Radar Laser Cannon Box Flats
___ Rebel Soldier Packaging Prototype Series
___ Survival Kit Quality Control Sample
Revenge of the Jedi
United States
___ Revenge of the Jedi "Error" Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi 65-Back No Offer Jawa Proof Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi 65-back Proof Sheets
___ Revenge of the Jedi AT-AT Proof Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Ben Kenobi Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi Darth Vader Logo Mock-up Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi Han Bespin Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi Imperial Commander Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi INT-4 Proof Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Lightsaber Store Display Proof Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Logo Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Luke X-wing Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi Millennium Falcon Proof Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
___ Revenge of the Jedi MTV-7 Box Flat
___ Revenge of the Jedi Princess Leia Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi Princess Leia Printer's Proof
___ Revenge of the Jedi R2-D2 (orignial)
___ Revenge of the Jedi Rebel Soldier Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi Rebel Transport Proof Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Tri-pod Cannon Proof Sheet
___ Revenge of the Jedi Tri-pod Laser Cannon Cromalin
___ Revenge of the Jedi X-wing Box
Return of the Jedi
United States
___ Biker Scout Laser Pistol Proof Sheet
___ C-3PO Storage Case Box Flat
___ Endor Forest Ranger Proof Sheet
___ Ewok Attack Glider Box Flat Samples and Proofs
___ Ewok Attack Glider Color Key
___ Ewok Attack Glider Enginering Pilot
___ Ewok Attack Glider Proof Sheet
___ Ewok Village Reflex
___ Ewok Woodland Wagon Proof Sheet
___ Imperial Shuttle Proof Sheet
___ Jabba's Dungeon Playset Cromalin
___ Lando Calrissian in Skiff Guard Disguise Packaging Prototype Series
___ Plush Ewoks Tag Cromalin (with unproduced Zephee)
___ Plush Ewoks Tags Proof Sheet
___ Preschool Ewok Talking Telephone Proof Sheet
___ Ree-Yees on ESB 48-Back Zuckuss carded sample
___ Return of the Jedi (2nd Photo) Ben Kenobi Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) R2-D2 w/ Sensorscope Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Zuckuss Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer)Jawa Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Ben Kenobi Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Chewbacca (2nd Photo) Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Chewbacca Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Emperor Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Han Bespin Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Han Solo (2nd Photo) Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Imperial Commander Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Leia Combat Poncho Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Luke Hoth Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Princess Leia Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Princess Leia Boushh 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Rebel Soldier Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Star Destroyer Commander Cromalin
___ Return of the Jedi Sy Snootles & the Rebo Band Cromalin
Droids Cartoon
United States
___ Comp Sheet for Unproduced Droids Skiff Box
___ Comp Sheet for Unproduced Droids White Witch Box
___ Droids A-Wing Pilot Cromalin
___ Droids C-3PO Action Figure Packaging Cromalin
___ Droids Kea Moll Cromalin
___ Droids Sise Fromm Cromalin and Proof Card
___ Droids Thall Joben Cromalin
___ Layout Board for Droids Vlix Blister Card
___ Mungo Baobab Blister Card Cromalin
Ewoks Cartoon
United States
___ Ewoks Dulok Shaman and Dulock Scout Cromalins
___ Ewoks Dulok Shaman Cromalin
___ Ewoks Urgah Lady Gorneesh and King Gorneesh 2-Sheet Cromalin
___ Ewoks Urgah Lady Gorneesh Cromalin
___ Second Series Ewoks Card Back
Power of the Force
United States
___ Action Masters Produced and Unproduced Packaging Proofs
___ Comp Sheet for Unproduced POTF X-Wing Fighter Box
___ Darth Vader Lightsaber European Box Proof
___ Darth Vader Lightsaber Italian Box Proof
___ POTF A-Wing Box
___ Power of the Force 6-Card Cromalin Sheet
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Gunner Cromalin
___ Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Poncho Cromalin
___ Power of the Force 92-Back R2-D2 Pop-Up Lightsaber Cromalin
___ Power of the Force 93-Back Card Design Reflexes
___ Power of the Force 93-Back Proof Card
___ Power of the Force Ben Kenobi Cromalin
___ Power of the Force C-3PO (Removable Limbs) Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Han Bespin Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Han Hoth Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Jawa Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Lobot Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Luke X-wing Cromalin
___ Power of the Force Rebel Soldier Cromalin
___ Rejected Box for POTF Ewok Battle Wagon
___ Uncut POTF Proof Sheet
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force 1995 European Proof Cards
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force 1995 Italian Proof Cards
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (1 of 4)
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (2 of 4)
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (3 of 4)
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (4 of 4)
___ Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (Back)
___ Unreleased POTF Carded Figures
Shadows of the Empire
United States
___ Unproduced Kenner Virago Ship Packaging Prototypes
Phantom Menace
United States
___ Episode 1 Blister Card Design Prototype
___ Episode I Battle Tank Mock-Up Box
Toys / Punching Bags
A New Hope
United States
___ Chewbacca Bop Bag

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive