Items from licensee: Kenner
Toys / Action Figure Related / Proof Cards
Droids Cartoon
United States
Mungo Baobab
R2-D2 Proof Card
Sise Fromm Proof Card
Tig Fromm Proof Card
Ewoks Cartoon
United States
Chief Chirpa
Chituhr Proof Card
Logray Proof Card
Morag Proof card
Wicket W. Warrick Proof Card
Power of the Force
United States
Power of the Force 8-Card Uncut Proof Sheet
Power of the Force 92-Back 2-1B Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back 4-LOM Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back 8-D8 Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back A-Wing Pilot Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Admiral Ackbar Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Amanaman Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Anakin Skywalker Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back AT-AT Commander Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back AT-AT Driver Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back AT-ST Driver Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back B-Wing Pilot Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Barada Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Ben Kenobi Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Bespin Security Guard (black) Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Bespin Security Guard (white) Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Bib Fortuna Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Biker Scout Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Boba Fett Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Bossk Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Bossk Uncut Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back C-3PO Removable Limbs Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Chewbacca Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Chief Chirpa Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Cloud Car Pilot Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Cloud Car Pilot Proof Card (Trimmed)
Power of the Force 92-Back Darth Vader Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Death Star Droid Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Dengar Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Emperor Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Emperor's Royal Guard Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back EV-9D9 Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back FX-7 Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Gamorrean Guard Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back General Madine Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Greedo Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Hammerhead Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Han Bespin Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Han Carbonite Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Han Hoth Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Han Solo Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Han Trenchcoat Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Hoth Stormtrooper Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back IG-88 Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Commander Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Dignitary Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Gunner Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Jawa Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-back Jawa Proof Card (Round Corners)
Power of the Force 92-Back Klaatu Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Klaatu Skiff Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Lando Calrissian Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Lando General Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Lando Skiff Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Bespin Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Boushh Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Hoth Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Leia Poncho Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Lobot Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Logray Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Bespin Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Hoth Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Jedi Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Poncho Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Skywalker Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Stormtrooper Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke X-Wing Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke X-wing Proof Card (Uncut)
Power of the Force 92-Back Lumat Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Nien Nunb Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Nikto Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Paploo Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Power Droid Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Princess Leia
Power of the Force 92-Back Princess Leia Boushh Proof Card (Uncut)
Power of the Force 92-Back Prune Face
Power of the Force 92-Back R2-D2
Power of the Force 92-Back R5-D4
Power of the Force 92-Back Rancor Keeper
Power of the Force 92-Back Rebel Commander
Power of the Force 92-Back Rebel Commando
Power of the Force 92-Back Rebel Soldier
Power of the Force 92-Back Ree Yees
Power of the Force 92-Back Romba
Power of the Force 92-Back Snaggletooth
Power of the Force 92-Back Squid Head
Power of the Force 92-Back Star Destroyer Commader
Power of the Force 92-Back Stormtrooper Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Teebo
Power of the Force 92-Back TIE Pilot
Power of the Force 92-Back Tusken Raider
Power of the Force 92-Back Ugnaught
Power of the Force 92-Back Walrusman
Power of the Force 92-Back Warok
Power of the Force 92-Back Weequay
Power of the Force 92-Back Wicket
Power of the Force 92-Back Yak Face
Power of the Force 92-Back Yoda
Power of the Force 92-Back Zuckuss
Power of the Force Biker Scout Sample Card
Power of the Force Royal Guard Printer's Proof Card
Power of the Force Stormtrooper Proof Card (
Prototypes / Prototype Packaging and Proofs
A New Hope
United States
Ben Kenobi Packaging Prototype Series
Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Arctic Outfit
Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Flight Suit Outfit
Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Leisure Outfit
Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Luke Jump Suit
Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Luke Presentation Outfit
Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Luke X-Wing Flight Suit
Cromalin for Kenner Three-Pack Store Display Box
Early Bird Certificate Package Flat
Gold Dewback Box Cromalin
Mock-Up Box for Large Size Boba Fett with Firing Rockets and Electronics
Princess Leia 12 back Cromalin
Princess Leia 20 back Cromalin
Prototype Package for Star Wars Androids 3-Pack
Prototype Package for Star Wars Heroes 3-Pack
Prototype Package for Star Wars Villains 3-Pack
Radio Controlled Sandcrawler Engineering Pilot
Star Wars 12-Back Cromalin Proof Sheet
Star Wars 20-Back Greedo Cromalin
Star Wars 20-Back Luke X-wing Cromalin
Star Wars Boba Fett Large Size Figure Early Box Design
Star Wars C-3PO (Fett Offer) Action Figure Packaging Cromalin
Star Wars Inflatable Light Saber Cromalin
Star Wars Logo Emblem Proof
Star Wars Three Pack Flat
Star Wars Tusken Raider 20 back mock-up
SW Han Doll Box Flat
SW Leia Doll Box Flat
SW Luke Doll Box Flat
SW Stormtrooper Doll Box Flat
Empire Strikes Back
United States
CAP-2 Packaging Cromalin
Comp Sheet for ESB 12 inch Lando Calrissian
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) 4-LOM Cromalin
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Han Bespin Proof Card (with color bars)
Empire Strikes Back 48-Back Han Bespin Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back C-3PO Switcheroo Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back CAP-2 (Rebate Offer) Cromalin
Empire Strikes Back Darth Vader Switcheroo Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back Logo Reflex
Empire Strikes Back Proof Sheet (ESB 45-Backs 9-Sheet)
Empire Strikes Back Proof Sheets (ESB 45-Backs: 6-Sheets)
Empire Strikes Back R2-D2 Switcheroo Proof Card
ESB (Bespin Set) 3-Pack Test Packaging
ESB (Imperial Set) 3-Pack Test Packaging
ESB (Rebel Set) 3-Pack Test Packaging
ESB Battle Damaged X-Wing Box Flat
ESB Ben Kenobi Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Boba Fett Large Figure Box Flat
ESB C-3PO Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Chewbacca Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Cloud City Playset Packaging Layout Board
ESB Darth Vader Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Darth Vader's Star Destroyer with Leia Bespin
ESB Diecast Snowspeeder Proof Card
ESB Han Hoth Large Figure Box Flat
ESB IG-88 Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Imperial Attack Base Box Flat
ESB Jawa Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Leia Bespin Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Luke Bespin Large Figure Box Flat
ESB R2-D2 Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Rebel Transport Cromalin
ESB Stormtrooper Large Figure Box Flat
ESB Yoda Hand Puppet Box Flat
Hoth Generator Attack Cromalin
Micro Collection Display Unused Proof
MLC-3 Mini-Rig Cromalin
Mock-Up Box for MTV-7 Mini-Rig
Mock-Up Box for PDT-8 Mini-Rig
Mock-Up Box for Vehicle Maintenance Energizer
Radar Laser Cannon Box Flats
Rebel Soldier Packaging Prototype Series
Survival Kit Quality Control Sample
Revenge of the Jedi
United States
Revenge of the Jedi "Error" Card
Revenge of the Jedi 65-Back No Offer Jawa Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 65-back Proof Sheets
Revenge of the Jedi AT-AT Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Ben Kenobi Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Darth Vader Logo Mock-up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Han Bespin Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Imperial Commander Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi INT-4 Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Lightsaber Store Display Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Logo Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Luke X-wing Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Millennium Falcon Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi MTV-7 Box Flat
Revenge of the Jedi Princess Leia Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Princess Leia Printer's Proof
Revenge of the Jedi R2-D2 (orignial)
Revenge of the Jedi Rebel Soldier Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Rebel Transport Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Tri-pod Cannon Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Tri-pod Laser Cannon Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi X-wing Box
Return of the Jedi
United States
Biker Scout Laser Pistol Proof Sheet
C-3PO Storage Case Box Flat
Endor Forest Ranger Proof Sheet
Ewok Attack Glider Box Flat Samples and Proofs
Ewok Attack Glider Color Key
Ewok Attack Glider Enginering Pilot
Ewok Attack Glider Proof Sheet
Ewok Village Reflex
Ewok Woodland Wagon Proof Sheet
Imperial Shuttle Proof Sheet
Jabba's Dungeon Playset Cromalin
Lando Calrissian in Skiff Guard Disguise Packaging Prototype Series
Plush Ewoks Tag Cromalin (with unproduced Zephee)
Plush Ewoks Tags Proof Sheet
Preschool Ewok Talking Telephone Proof Sheet
Ree-Yees on ESB 48-Back Zuckuss carded sample
Return of the Jedi (2nd Photo) Ben Kenobi Cromalin
Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Cromalin
Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) R2-D2 w/ Sensorscope Cromalin
Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Zuckuss Cromalin
Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer)Jawa Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Ben Kenobi Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Chewbacca (2nd Photo) Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Chewbacca Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Emperor Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Han Bespin Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Han Solo (2nd Photo) Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Imperial Commander Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Leia Combat Poncho Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Luke Hoth Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Princess Leia Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Princess Leia Boushh 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Rebel Soldier Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Star Destroyer Commander Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Sy Snootles & the Rebo Band Cromalin
Droids Cartoon
United States
Comp Sheet for Unproduced Droids Skiff Box
Comp Sheet for Unproduced Droids White Witch Box
Droids A-Wing Pilot Cromalin
Droids C-3PO Action Figure Packaging Cromalin
Droids Kea Moll Cromalin
Droids Sise Fromm Cromalin and Proof Card
Droids Thall Joben Cromalin
Layout Board for Droids Vlix Blister Card
Mungo Baobab Blister Card Cromalin
Ewoks Cartoon
United States
Ewoks Dulok Shaman and Dulock Scout Cromalins
Ewoks Dulok Shaman Cromalin
Ewoks Urgah Lady Gorneesh and King Gorneesh 2-Sheet Cromalin
Ewoks Urgah Lady Gorneesh Cromalin
Second Series Ewoks Card Back
Power of the Force
United States
Action Masters Produced and Unproduced Packaging Proofs
Comp Sheet for Unproduced POTF X-Wing Fighter Box
Darth Vader Lightsaber European Box Proof
Darth Vader Lightsaber Italian Box Proof
POTF A-Wing Box
Power of the Force 6-Card Cromalin Sheet
Power of the Force 92-Back Imperial Gunner Cromalin
Power of the Force 92-Back Luke Poncho Cromalin
Power of the Force 92-Back R2-D2 Pop-Up Lightsaber Cromalin
Power of the Force 93-Back Card Design Reflexes
Power of the Force 93-Back Proof Card
Power of the Force Ben Kenobi Cromalin
Power of the Force C-3PO (Removable Limbs) Cromalin
Power of the Force Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
Power of the Force Han Bespin Cromalin
Power of the Force Han Hoth Cromalin
Power of the Force Jawa Cromalin
Power of the Force Lobot Cromalin
Power of the Force Luke X-wing Cromalin
Power of the Force Rebel Soldier Cromalin
Rejected Box for POTF Ewok Battle Wagon
Uncut POTF Proof Sheet
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force 1995 European Proof Cards
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force 1995 Italian Proof Cards
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (1 of 4)
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (2 of 4)
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (3 of 4)
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (4 of 4)
Uncut Sheet of Power of the Force Cards (Back)
Unreleased POTF Carded Figures
Shadows of the Empire
United States
Unproduced Kenner Virago Ship Packaging Prototypes
Phantom Menace
United States
Episode 1 Blister Card Design Prototype
Episode I Battle Tank Mock-Up Box
Toys / Punching Bags
A New Hope
United States
Chewbacca Bop Bag
Checklist by Duncan Jenkins,
Gus Lopez
, and the
Star Wars collecting community
Software by
Chris Nichols
All information © 2025
Star Wars Collectors Archive