Joseph Yglesias
Author Profile

I am a Star Wars collector in my late-20s. I live in Providence, Rhode Island. I operate two body piercing studios in RI (Luna Sea and Evolution). I have been collecting Star Wars toys for over 10 years. My interest in collecting again was sparked after seeing some SW toys at a Comic show. It went from there, starting with loose Kenner figs and progressing to the point where it is today. I'm currently looking for/focusing on finding any and all foreign bootlegs, carded or loose, especially the Uzay Chewbacca photo variation, Japanese Popy boxed figures, Multi-figure packs, Canadian utility belts...the list could go on forever. My interest in bootleg figures--and not just Uzays in particular--was kindled by fellow collector Paul Levesque. We were set up at a local show together and he had some Hungarian bootleg figures with him. It was the first time that I had looked at any non-licensed item closely. I thought that they were horrendously cheesy, but in a fun way. I bought from him and traded for the ones that I wanted, and that started the ball rolling. He also showed me some other bootlegs from his collection. I was struck by one in particular--a blue rubber Luke. It was the funniest figure that I'd ever seen. Soon after that, I bought my first carded Uzay, the Imperial Gunner figure. I also found an Action Figure News issue with an article on Uazy figs (AFN issue #14). It was the first magazine article on bootlegs that I'd seen. I loved the card art as well as the cheesy renditions of the figures themselves. Now (4 years later), I have a full set of carded Uzays, something that I never thought I'd accomplish. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I've enjoyed collecting them. If you have any questions about Uzay figures, or have any variations/items NOT shown here, please email me and let me know about them.

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