Prototype Speeder Bike

There are few pieces in this hobby that have a longer, stranger history than this Palitoy Speeder Bike Concept model. We have an extensive history of the piece itself presented here on the SWCA, but 2003 was the year that the piece first became known to the collecting world, and it was added to the SWCA in 2005. Basically, a collector came forward and said that his friend had an interesting piece, and asked for information on it. I don't think too many people paid attention to the thread originally, and dismissed it as being a custom of some sort. Upon examining the pictures however, several collectors started to notice that this was no ordinary toy. It was in fact an early concept model, which can be found in a variety of early pictures. It is not everyday a piece of the caliber turns up in a discussion, and this thread excited many collectors.

The thread is also noteworthy for its discussion of "focus mania", a condition that was without a name until then. Offhand, I don't recall it ever being used again, but I have encountered the condition a time or two, so it's nice to be able to call it something. On a side note, a prominent collector and fellow Archive staffer is somewhat embarrassed by the way he comes off in this thread. Try to guess which one. ;- )

Again, as always, this event is presented only for its historical significance and is in no way designed to defame or embarrass anyone.

"Odd Speeder Bike (image added)"

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