New Tomart hardbound Star Wars Guide

Gus Lopez
June 9 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

I just received a copy of the new hardbound Tomart Star Wars Guide. Let
me just say this book rocks--it has loads of unproduced Star Wars toys
that have never been pictured anywhere: boxed White Witch, Droids
"companions", Bespin World "six pack", lots of Star Wars packaging
concepts, many unproduced 12" figures and outfits (I didn't realize how
many Luke and Leia disco outfits they considered), unproduced micro
collection playsets, a boxed talking Yoda doll, unproduced plush ewoks,
and a lot more. The price tag is high, but it's well worth it for die
hard Star Wars collectors. You can order it from


Gus Lopez
June 9 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

>ElDavo wrote:
>Will the non-limited edition have the unproduced
>stuff in it? I've been meaning to pick one up
>to find out about my Revenge stuff.

No, I don't think the unproduced stuff will appear in any other format.


June 10 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

Will the non-limited edition have the unproduced
stuff in it? I've been meaning to pick one up
to find out about my Revenge stuff.

daniel alan peck
June 10 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

I guess it's cool that Tomart's made the book, but geez I wish I had known
about a month ago before I bought their softcover second edition...I
assumed that this "new" version would be it for a couple of years....I'd
have much rather bought the hardcover instead.

uurrghg grumble urgha


Don Hancock
June 10 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

The hardcover includes "prototypes" that are not included in the softcover.
This is talked about in issue #2 of the Star Wars Collector magazine.

June 10 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

> I guess it's cool that Tomart's made the book, but geez I wish I had known
> about a month ago before I bought their softcover second edition...I
> assumed that this "new" version would be it for a couple of years....I'd
> have much rather bought the hardcover instead.

Well, we did talk at length about this book on this very newsgroup over a
month ago. Check out "Tomart Ripp off!!" in the "old" archive of

You can always sell your copy and buy this new one. That's what I did with
mine. Thanks Mike! :^)


Darren Marrese II
June 10 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

Gus Lopez wrote:
> I just received a copy of the new hardbound Tomart Star Wars Guide. Let
> me just say this book rocks--

How about a revised section on foreign items? I just bought the second
edition last week, and although I thoroughly enjoyed it, I was somewhat
let down by some of the things that were excluded from it, like the
Canadian Sears ESB exclusives, etc. Of course, it is a large book, so I
may have missed them entirely seeing as though I haven't read it all
yet. Other than that, I am considering ordering this new one.

Darren Marrese

daniel alan peck
June 12 1998
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.starwars.collecting.vintage

Well..I haven't been reading the groups as much of late--so that is my
error to some extent...but still I check the Tomart web page everyday and
*they* made no mention of it!!

I know the hardcover has new material--that's what I don't like--it's got
some 50 new pages (or whatever), but the rest of it is old. I can
understand updating--but the previous edition is only a couple of months
old!!! Tomart's really shouldn't have been so stingy and should have made
a new volume with completely new material, rather than recycling the other
material like they did.

Just my opinion


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