Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 10:53:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: STAR WARS
X-UIDL: bf2d69f8500186a184432b707b1519d7


Talking about pathetic efforts to explain nothing! All you and your friends
have screamed since day one is that I don't have my facts straight when all
you offer is what a few Kenner employees have told you and Sansweet. Then it
appears in a magazine and now it becomes fact. Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh yeah it has to
be true cause Sansweet wrote it. Right? WRONG!!! 

All my little paperwork as you called it is more than you guys have. Lou was
right when he said all you have is the word of some Kenner employees. Wait
until you see what this paperwork is going to do to all your little theories
and all the information you've badgered out of former employees. And yes
that's what Nieheisel claims happened to him while he worked for Kenner.  My
little paperwork proves there was only one vendor for the micro collection
and only one original engineer on the project. Sorry about your feable theory
that maybe another vendor did them. Problem is Chris, only Golden had the
authority to order them done for Kenner. My little paperwork and top persons
in authority say your little employees are as full of shit as  you are. 

We certainly do not doubt how many sculptings and unproduced figures you have
seen, but what we're addressing did not come from Kenner. Well maybe the
closest connection to Kenner would be a ex-employee. Which by the way would
not have proper authorization. We have all the records Chris. From day one
until now. Those are what stands up in court, not heresay, something an
employee or employees said nor what anyone put in a publication. Speaking of
publications, we were surprised to see that Sansweet,  the alleged authority
on Star Wars, on his past stories about the unproduced Kenner micro playsets,
didn't consult the proper people in authority either. That's why, just like
you, he's going to look like a f'n daffodil when this hits the news. He
doesn't know any more than you do. We've talked to him. The only thing he has
for sure is a huge ego. The rest of his info is very limited when it comes to
something being investigated. 

None of you even have the basic facts. Only a Kenner employee told me or
Sansweet wrote it in a magazine after he contacted the same warped source
that you did , and I saw pictures! That's about funny as hell. Well how many
folders of authorized documents do you have from the top sources? How many
contracts can you provide between Kenner and the various vendors?  How many
files do you have just on the micro collection that accounts for each figure
from concept to metal? How many documents do you have that includes licensing
contracts for each and every figure signed by all persons in authority? These
lengthly contracts spell out each and every move every project will take,
every person and vendor who will be involved  all the way down to the exact
weight of each and every figure,  and that my friend is concrete proof. Not
what some asshole employee told you.  You know what? In all of these
agreements and contracts, none of those little peeons you've mentioned are
listed, only all the top honchos!!  Wonder why? You're so sure they gave it
to you straight. I don't care if they've all said the same thing, point is
from where they're coming from, that's all they were privy to. How much
documentation did they provide to you? Oh I already know the answer to that
one. You can only come up with " what could be the importance of that?"  As
far as not responding, great.... you don't know anything anyhow. I guess it's
too tuff for you when all you have is pictures, magazines and ex-employees.
Don't worry you aren't by yourself, that's all Sansweet has himself.
