The set pieces are long gone from the Chott el Jerid, but it's not difficult to imagine where the Lars Homestead once stood.

Like many of the locations we visited, you have to give credit to the "movie magic" of the filmmakers. From the right angle, it really looks like you're in the middle of nowhere.

In reality, though, this location is not too far out of town. That dark spot on the horizon is actually the oasis town of Nefta.

Talk about a bad sun burn! It actually gets quite high hot on the chott, and some of the world's highest temperatures are recorded in this area.

Here, Gus saved me from the total geekdom of striking a pose at the craters by asking me to take a GPS reading of our location. My reprieve was short. Later that day, he'd get his fill of retarded pictures of his wife trying to ride a camel when we visited La Grande Dune.

This is the sign for the turnoff on the road leading out of Nefta. The southern road leads out to the craters; the northerly road, which we'll discuss next, leads to another great ANH location, La Grande Dune.

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