The Art of Star Wars


By Gus Lopez
Photography by Richard Glass, Greg Hanson, and Gus Lopez

The weapons in the Star Wars universe are awe-inspiring. While these were on exhibit in San Francisco, this gallery always experienced long lines. Interestingly enough, many of these weapons were kit-bashed out of household items or actual guns.

These are the lightsabers used by Ben, Darth, and Luke (Return of the Jedi). Darth's saber was constructed from a Heiland flash tube, while the Ben and Luke sabers were machined from scratch.

Nearby is the remote ball where Luke practices his swordsmanship.

Han's blaster changed in subtle ways throughout the Star Wars movies, but all of the designs were based on the German Mauser pistol.

This "stormtrooper blaster" is one of the most common blasters used throughout the trilogy. In addition to being used by stormtroopers throughout the movies, the heroes use these blasters during their escape from the Death Star.

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