You searched for: revenge of the jedi - 206 items found

Buttons, Badges, and Pins
Revenge of the Jedi Logo Button
Yuma Daily Sun May 2, 1983 Revenge of The Jedi Preview
Art / Sculptures, Statues, and Maquettes
3-D Sculpted Mini-Poster--Revenge Of The Jedi Struzan Advance Art
3-D Sculpted Mini-Poster--Return Of The Jedi Struzan Advance Art
3-D Sculpted Mini-Poster--Revenge Of The Sith Darth Vader Art
3-D Sculpted Poster--Revenge Of The Sith 'B' Art
Apparel / Shirts / T-Shirts
Bootleg Revenge of the Jedi Red Logo on Black T-Shirt
Bath / Towels / Beach
Struzan Revenge of the Jedi Art Beach Towel
Cast and Crew / Caps
Revenge of the Jedi Cap
Blue Harvest Cap
Cast and Crew / Jackets
Norway Crew Jacket (location crew version)
Cast and Crew / Miscellaneous
Revenge of the Jedi Button (Tall Logo)
Blue Harvest Sign
Revenge of the Jedi Plate
Revenge of the Jedi Plate
Cast and Crew / Stationery
Blue Harvest Letterhead Stationery
Blue Harvest Envelope
Revenge of the Jedi Letterhead Stationery
Revenge of the Jedi Envelope
Revenge of the Jedi Chapter III Stationery
Cast and Crew / Stickers
Revenge Yoda Sticker
Cast and Crew / Sweatshirts
Revenge of the Jedi Sweatshirt (Child)
Cast and Crew / Shirts
Creature Shop Concert T-Shirt
Joe Dunston Cameras (JDC) Revenge of the Jedi Camera Crew T-Shirt (blue)
Joe Dunston Cameras (JDC) Revenge of the Jedi Camera Crew T-Shirt (white)
Blue Harvest T-Shirt
Creature Shop Concert T-Shirt (No Logo)
Revenge of the Ewoks T-Shirt
Catalogs / Flyers
Revenge of the Jedi Flyer
Catalogs / In-Pack and In-Store
Revenge of the Jedi In-Package Flyer
Catalogs / Retailer
1982 Consumer Promotions Catalogue
Revenge Sales Corp. of America 4-Page Foldout
Costumes and Masks / Costumes
Gamorrean Guard Costume #737 (ROTJ Box)
Wicket Costume & Mask #735, ESB Box, Revenge Logo Costume
Admiral Ackbar Costume & Mask #736, ESB Box, Revenge Logo Costume
Gamorrean Guard Costume & Mask #737, ESB Box, Revenge Logo Costume
Klaatu Costume & Mask #738, ESB Box, Revenge Logo Costume
Electronics / Computer Accessories / Mouse Pads
Struzan Revenge of the Jedi Teaser art Mouse Pad
Event Collectibles / Licensee and Retailer / Licensee Events
Fox 1982 Sales & Marketing Convention Hotel Princess Acapulco, Mexico Luggage Tag
Luggage / Wallets
The Jedi's Return Wallet
Movie Collectibles / Theatrical Promotions
Revenge of the Jedi 2-Page Foldout
French Revenge of the Jedi promotional 4 sheet posters
Revenge of the Jedi 4-Page Foldout (Small Size)
Revenge of the Jedi 4-Page Foldout
Posters / Movie
Blue Harvest Poster Mailing Box
Revenge Of The Jedi Advance One Sheet
Press Kits and Books / Press Books
Revenge of the Jedi Promotion Guide
Stickers / Decals
Only____More Days 'Til Revenge Of The Jedi
Store Displays / Miscellaneous
Revenge of the Jedi Convention Sign
Store Displays / Toy
Prototype Designs for Revenge and Return Kenner Shelf-Talkers
Toys / Action Figure Related / Proof Cards
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Princess Leia Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Luke Skywalker Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Chewbacca Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back R2-D2 (Original) Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Han Solo Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Ben Kenobi Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Stormtrooper Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Darth Vader Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Star Destroyer Commader Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Tusken Raider Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Jawa Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Greedo Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Hammerhead Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Walrusman Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back R5-D4 Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Power Droid Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Snaggletooth Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Death Star Droid Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Luke X-Wing Proof Care
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Boba Fett Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Luke Bespin Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Bespin Security Guard (white) Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back FX-7 Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Bossk Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Leia Bespin Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Rebel Soldier Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Han Hoth Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back IG-88 Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Hoth Stormtrooper Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Lando Calrissian Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Yoda Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Han Bespin Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Dengar Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back 2-1B Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back AT-AT Driver Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Ugnaught Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Imperial Commander Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Leia Hoth Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Rebel Commander Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Lobot Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Luke Hoth Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back C-3PO Removable Limbs Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back R2-D2 (Sensorscope) Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back AT-AT Commander Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Cloud Car Pilot Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Bespin Security Guard (black) Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Zuckuss Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back TIE Pilot Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back 4-LOM Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Error Card Proof Card
Power of the Force 92-Back Darth Vader Proof Card
Princess Leia Proof Card Series
Jawa Proof Card Series
IG-88 Proof Card Series
31, 32, and 45 ESB Proof Cards
Revenge of the Jedi Proof Cards Cards (Full set of 50 cards)
Revenge of the Jedi Boba Fett
Revenge of the Jedi 65-Back (Offerless) Jawa Proof Card
Stormtrooper Proofs and Sample Cards
Revenge of the Jedi Jawa Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi Jawa Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 48-Back Stormtrooper Proof Card
Bossk Proof Card Series
Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Chewbacca Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Luke Skywalker Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Lobot Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 48-Back (Admiral Ackbar Offer) Lobot Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Luke Hoth Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Princess Leia Hoth Outfit Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) R2-D2 w/ Sensorscope Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Rebel Commander Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) R2-D2 w/ Sensorscope Proof Card
Empire Strikes Back 48-Back R2-D2 w/ Sensorscope Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 65-Back R2-D2 w/ Sensorscope Proof Card
Return of the Jedi 65-Back Gamorrean Guard Proof Card
Tusken Raider Proof Card Series
Luke Bespin Proof Card Series
Revenge of the Jedi Chief Chirpa Mock-up Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi Weequay (Skiff Guard) Mock-Up Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi 65-Back Ben Kenobi Proof Card
Hammerhead Proof Card Series
Toys / Action Figure Related / Vehicles
Millennium Falcon
AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport)
Battle Damaged X-Wing Fighter
Rebel Transport Vehicle (Yellow Box)
MTV-7 (Multi-Terrain Vehicle) 3-Back
Prototypes / Action Figure Related
Carded Revenge of the Jedi 2-1B
Carded Revenge of the Jedi 4-LOM
Carded Revenge of the Jedi Ben Kenobi
Carded Revenge of the Jedi Chewbacca
Carded Revenge of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot
Carded Revenge of the Jedi IG-88
Carded Revenge of the Jedi Lando Calrissian
Rebel Soldier Unpainted Hardcopy (Complete)
Rebel Soldier Unpainted First Shot
Rebel Soldier Painted First Shots
Art / Original Artwork
Original Concept Artwork for Ewok Watch by Bradley
Original Concept Artwork for Jabba the Hutt Digital Watch by Bradley
Original Concept Artwork for Unproduced Jabba the Hutt Clock by Bradley
Original Concept Artwork for Unproduced Ewok Acrylic Clock by Bradley
Prototypes / Micro Collection
Micro Collection Unproduced "Bucket o' Soldiers"
Micro Collection "Bucket o' Soldiers"
Prototypes / Product Concepts
Unproduced Revenge of the Jedi Master Collector Six Pack
Prototypes / Prototype Packaging and Proofs
Revenge of the Jedi Princess Leia Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi 65-back Proof Sheets
Revenge of the Jedi Logo Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Princess Leia Printer's Proof
Revenge of the Jedi "Error" Card
Revenge of the Jedi R2-D2 (orignial)
Revenge of the Jedi Darth Vader Logo Mock-up Card
ESB Battle Damaged X-Wing Box Flat
Revenge of the Jedi Millennium Falcon Proof Sheet
Prototype Revenge of the Jedi Video Games
Revenge of the Jedi AT-AT Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Lightsaber Store Display Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Rebel Transport Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi MTV-7 Box Flat
Revenge of the Jedi X-wing Box
Revenge of the Jedi 65-Back No Offer Jawa Proof Card
Revenge of the Jedi Rebel Soldier Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Rebel Soldier Cromalin
Power of the Force Rebel Soldier Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Imperial Commander Cromalin
Radar Laser Cannon Box Flats
Revenge of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Tri-pod Laser Cannon Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Tri-pod Cannon Proof Sheet
Empire Strikes Back CAP-2 (Rebate Offer) Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Luke X-wing Cromalin
Revenge of the Jedi Ben Kenobi Cromalin
Return of the Jedi Ben Kenobi Cromalin
Ben Kenobi Packaging Prototype Series
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi Mock Up Card
Revenge of the Jedi INT-4 Proof Sheet
Revenge of the Jedi Han Bespin Cromalin
Movie Production Pieces / Call Sheets
Revenge of the Jedi Call Sheet (Luke meets the Emperor)
Revenge of the Jedi Call Sheet (Ewok Village)
Revenge of the Jedi Call Sheet (Rancor Pit)
Revenge of the Jedi Call Sheet (Wedge and other X-Wing Pilots)
Movie Production Pieces / Miscellaneous
Revenge of the Jedi Unit List
Revenge of the Jedi Telephone List
Chapter III Productions Purchase Order (feet molds)
Chapter III Productions Purchase Order (acrylic)
Revenge of the Jedi letter from Roberts Watts to Stuart Freeborn
Revenge of the Jedi Dressing Room Sign
Blue Harvest Clapperboard (white dry erase, medium-sized)
Revenge of the Jedi Clapperboard (painted title, black chalkboard, medium-sized)
Revenge of the Jedi Clapperboard (taped title, black chalkboard, medium-sized)
Revenge of the Jedi "Classic Creatures" Documentary Crew Clapperboard
Revenge of the Jedi Clapperboard (black chalkboard, large-sized)
Revenge of the Jedi Clapperboard (white dry erase, medium-sized)
Movie Production Pieces / Blueprints
Endor Filming Location Maps

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive