New Acquisitions
Watercolor Illustration by Richard Cox

New Acquisitions
Created by Gus Lopez (

new Item03-25-2025 Marvel Star Wars Weekly #56 UK Cover Art (Gus Lopez)
new Item03-25-2025 Marvel Star Wars #69 Splash Page Art (Page 1) with Princess Leia and C-3PO (Gus Lopez)
new Item03-14-2025 Skiff Guard Vibro Ax used in Return of the Jedi (Gus Lopez)
new Item03-03-2025 Oh Henry! Super Sac with mask (Gus Lopez)
new Item03-03-2025 Papou Cookies (Star Wars contest) (Gus Lopez)
updated Item03-03-2025 York Crunchy Peanut Butter/Beurre d'Arachides Jar (Gus Lopez)
updated Item03-03-2025 Doriana Margarine Plastic Tub, Biker Scout (Gus Lopez)
updated Item03-03-2025 Baked Beans With 8 Grilled Pork Sausages Can (Gus Lopez)
updated Item03-03-2025 Estrellitas Aperitivo de Patata Bag (Gus Lopez)
updated Item03-03-2025 Konga Cola 2L Bottle (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-22-2025 Kenner Store Display Poster Advertising ROTJ Sweepstakes (Duncan Jenkins)
new Item02-22-2025 Kenner 69250 Play-Doh Mobile Display (Ron Salvatore)
new Item02-22-2025 Kenner 69244 Play-Doh Fun Center Header Display (Ron Salvatore)
new Item02-22-2025 Kenner 69294 Play-Doh Vacuum-Formed Store Display (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-22-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker Advertising Poster Mail-Away Offer (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-22-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker Advertising ROTJ Sweepstakes (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-19-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker Advertising Anakin Skywalker Mail-Away Offer (One Pad) (John Kellerman)
updated Item02-18-2025 Kenner 18390 Display Bin and Header Card for ROTJ Coloring Books (Todd Chamberlain)
new Item02-18-2025 Kenner Preschool Shelf-Talker (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-18-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker Advertising ESB Sweepstakes (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-18-2025 Kenner 69264 Yoda Graphic Store Display (Vacuformed) (Chris Georgoulias)
updated Item02-17-2025 Kenner 39000 Display Bin and Header for Action Figures - 20-Back Assortment ('Get a Free Boba Fett') (Steve Hoffman)
updated Item02-17-2025 Kenner Micro Collection Shelf-Talker (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-17-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker (1983/1984) (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-17-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker - Embossed (1981) (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-17-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker - Flat (1982) (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-16-2025 Kenner 38100 Display Bin and Header for Die-Cast Vehicle Assortment (1978) (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-16-2025 Kenner 32110 Display Bin for Plush Chewbacca (Anonymous )
updated Item02-16-2025 Kenner 32100 Display Bin and Header for Plush R2-D2 (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-16-2025 Kenner 39000 Display Bin and Header for Action Figures - 21-Back Assortment (Will Grief)
new Item02-16-2025 Kenner 38100 Display Bin and Header for Die-Cast Vehicle Assortment (1979) (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-16-2025 Kenner 38000 Display Bin and Header for Action Figures - 12-Back Assortment (Steve Hoffman)
updated Item02-15-2025 Kenner 69190 Grocery Store Floor Merchandiser (Anonymous )
updated Item02-15-2025 Kenner 69214 Prepack Store Display for Large-Size Action Figures (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-15-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker - 'Foil' (1980) (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-15-2025 Kenner 69186 Shelf-Talker - 'Toy Galaxy' (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-15-2025 Kenner Shelf-Talker - 'Toy Center' (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-15-2025 Kenner 69192 Star Wars Department Store Promotional Kit (R2-D2 and C-3PO Factors Standees) (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-14-2025 Factors Posters Used as Kenner Store Displays (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-14-2025 Kenner 69288 Action Figure Header Display - 'Collect All 79' (Todd Chamberlain)
updated Item02-14-2025 Kenner 69901 ROTJ Embossed Metallized Header Display - 'Toy Center' (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-14-2025 Kenner 69288 Action Figure Header Display - 'Collect All 65' (Steve Hoffman)
updated Item02-14-2025 Kenner 69234 32 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 32' (Ron Salvatore)
new Item02-14-2025 Kenner 69192-A Star Wars Department Store Promotional Kit (Vader and Chewbacca Factors Standees) (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-14-2025 Kenner 69323 ESB Header Display - 'Foil' Surface (George Emmons)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69291 Three-Sided Mobile Advertising Micro Collection (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69185 Toy Galaxy Mobile Store Display (Chris Georgoulias)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69175 3-D Pole Display for Early Bird Certificate Package (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69228 Three-Sided Mobile - 'Collect All 48' (Rob Johnson)
new Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69209 Demonstration Store Display for Electronic Battle Command Game (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69185 Toy Center Mobile Store Display (Chris Georgoulias)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 38140 Store Display Bin and Header for Early Bird Certificate Package (Todd Chamberlain)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69289 Header Store Display - Hoth Battle (Toys) (Rob Johnson)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69295 Metal Sign Advertising Micro Collection (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-13-2025 Kenner 69180 12 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 12' (Chris Swick)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69178 Four-Sided Floor Merchandiser Dump - 'Star Wars is Here' (Jim Baumgart)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69197 Action Figure Dangler - '3 New Action Figures' (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69184 12 Action Figure Header - 'Collect All 12' (Steve Hoffman)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69180 20 Action Figure Mobile - 'Get A Free Boba Fett' (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69207 Header Store Display - 'Toy Center' (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69220 21 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 21' (Gus Lopez)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69185 Hang/Pole Store Display - 'Toy Galaxy' (Todd Chamberlain)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 93460 ROTJ Action Figures Prepack Store Display (Anonymous )
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 71020 ROTJ Prepack Store Display for Small Action Figure Toys (Anonymous )
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69006 Header Store Display - Space Battle Artwork (Chris Georgoulias)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69246 Header Store Display - Hoth/Space Battle (Rob Johnson)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69245 41 Action Figure Mobile - 'Collect All 41' (Style B) (Phidias Barrios)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69194 Header Store Display Advertising Inflatable Lightsaber (Todd Chamberlain)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 69184 20 Action Figure Header - 'Get A Free Boba Fett' (Todd Chamberlain)
updated Item02-11-2025 Kenner 99520 Woklings Prepack Store Display (Steve York)
updated Item02-10-2025 Kenner 1981 'Save Your Movie Ticket' Toy Rebate Store Display (Chris Georgoulias)
new Item02-09-2025 Kenner 69194 Header Store Display Advertising Laser Pistol and Three-Position Laser Rifle (Ron Salvatore)
new Item02-09-2025 Conceptual Mock-Up of Obi-Wan Kenobi Large-Size Action Figure (Anonymous )
updated Item02-08-2025 Cheerios Poster Offer Poster with Kenner Toys Tie-In (Gus Lopez)
new Item02-08-2025 Kenner 93460 ESB Prepack Store Display for Action Figures (Ron Salvatore)
new Item02-06-2025 Concept Model for Large-Size Boba Fett Action Figure (Kenner File Photo) (Anonymous )
updated Item01-01-2025 1977 Christmas Card (Hollywood Blimp) (Gus Lopez)
new Item12-28-2024 Tudor Batteries Promotional Sticker (Javier Florencio)
updated Item12-01-2024 Circus World Paper Bag (Duncan Jenkins)
updated Item10-26-2024 Emperor Original Design (Bald Head) Unpainted Hardcopy (Chris Georgoulias)
new Item10-24-2024 Allens Grape Drink (Gus Lopez)
new Item10-18-2024 McEwan Miniatures Stormtrooper/Terran Marine FF-40e (Ron Salvatore)
new Item10-18-2024 McEwan Miniatures Stormtrooper/Terran Marine FF-40d (Ron Salvatore)
new Item10-18-2024 McEwan Miniatures Stormtrooper/Terran Marine FF-40c (Ron Salvatore)
new Item10-18-2024 McEwan Miniatures Stormtrooper/Terran Marine FF-40b (Ron Salvatore)
new Item10-18-2024 McEwan Miniatures Stormtrooper/Terran Marine FF-40a (Ron Salvatore)
new Item10-18-2024 McEwan Miniatures Stormtrooper/Terran Marine FF-40 (Ron Salvatore)
new Item10-16-2024 Japanese Stick Bangs by Tiger Chem (Blaze Mackey)
new Item10-16-2024 Unlicensed Yugoslavian Board Game (Blaze Mackey)
new Item10-16-2024 Italian C-3PO Costume by Sarti (Blaze Mackey)
updated Item08-04-2024 Unproduced Gargan Figure Original Wax Sculpting (Chris Georgoulias)
new Item07-07-2024 Sonic Laser Gun by Larami (Han Solo Blaster Knock-Off) (Ron Salvatore)
new Item07-07-2024 Sonic Laser Gun by CM (Han Solo Blaster Knock-Off) (Ron Salvatore)
new Item07-07-2024 The Kid (Grogu) Fountain Firework (Ron Salvatore)
updated Item06-26-2024 Hoth Stormtrooper with Gray Limbs (Rob Godwin)
new Item06-23-2024 Unlicensed Prize Plaques (Steven Petsche)
updated Item06-20-2024 Empire Strikes Back Cross Country Event Ribbons (Gus Lopez)
updated Item06-17-2024 Droids C-3PO Case Boxed (Toy Fair sample) (Gus Lopez)

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Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive