Items from licensee: Model Trem

Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Bootleg)
Return of the Jedi
___ 01 Han Hoth
___ 02 IG-88
___ 03 Hoth Trooper
___ 04 Hoth Rebel Commander
___ 05 2-1B
___ 06 Bossk
___ 07 TIE Pilot
___ 08 Luke X-Wing
___ 09 Lando Calrissian
___ 10 Cloud Car Pilot
___ 11 Lobot
___ 12 Chewbacca
___ 13 Darth Vader
___ 14 Tusken Raider
___ 15 Death Squad Commander
___ 16 Luke Hoth
___ 17 White Bespin Guard
___ 18 Snaggletooth
___ 19 Obi-Wan Kenobi
___ 20 Princess Leia
___ 21 Luke Skywalker
___ 22 Han Solo
___ 23 C-3PO
___ 24 Stormtrooper
___ 25 Biker Scout
___ 26 Wicket W. Warrick
___ 27 Boussh
___ 28 Yoda
___ 29 Gamorrean Guard
___ 30 Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
___ 31 Bib Fortuna
___ 32 Emperor
___ 33 Klaatu Skiff Guard
___ 34 Ree-Yees
___ ATAT Commander
___ Bib Fortuna and Ree-Yees
___ C-3PO
___ Chewbacca, Darth Vader, and Cloud Car Pilot
___ Luke X-wing, Princess Leia, Han Hoth, Han Solo, Hoth Rebel Commader
___ TIE Pilot and Hoth Stormtrooper

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive