Items from licensee: Fleuve Noir

Books / Novels
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Assaut Paperback
___ Dark Lord: L'Ascension de Dark Vador (Rise of Darth Vader) Paperback #79
___ L'Armure Mandalorienne (Mandalorian Armor) Paperback
___ L'Epreuve du Jedi (Jedi Trial) Paperback #74
___ L'Etoile de Cristal (Crystal Star) Paperback
___ L'Heritier de l'Empire (Heir to Empire) Paperback
___ L'Ultime Commandment (Last Command) Paperback
___ La Bataille des Jedi (Dark Force Rising) Paperback
___ La Force Unifiee (Unified Force) Paperback #75
___ La Quete des Jedi (Jedi Search) Paperback
___ La Revanche de Yan Solo (Han Solo's Revenge) Paperback
___ La Tepete Approche (Approaching Storm) Paperback
___ Le Bouclier Furtif (Shield of Lies) Paperback
___ Le Defi du Tyran (Tyrant's Test) Paperback
___ Le Gambit du Hutt (Hutt Gambit) Paperback
___ Le Planete du Crepuscule (Planet of Twilight) Paperback
___ Le Spectre du Passe (Specter Of The Past) Paperback
___ Le Vaisseau Esclave (Slave Ship) Paperback
___ Les Championes de la Force (Champions of the Force) Paperback
___ Les Enfants du Jedi (Children of the Jedi) Paperback
___ Moi, Jedi I: Mirax a Disparu (I, Jedi Part 1) Paperback
___ Moi, Jedi II: L'Heritage de Coran Horn (I, Jedi Part 2) Paperback
___ Nautage Paperback
___ Planete Rebelle (Rogue Planet) Paperback
___ Point d'Equillbre (Balance Point) Paperback
___ Republic Commando Contact Zero Paperback #73
___ Sombre Disciple (Dark Apprentice) Paperback
___ Sombre Voyage (Dark Journey) Paperback
___ Tempete Intergalactique (Approaching Storm) Paperback #83
___ Treve a Bakura (Truce At Bakura) Paperback
___ Vol ver L'Infini (Outbound Flight) Paperback #84
___ X-Wings #1: L'Escadron Rogue (Rogue Squadron) Paperback
___ X-Wings #2: Le Jeu de la Morte (Wedge's Gamble) Paperback
___ X-Wings #3: Un Piege Nomme Krytos (Krytos Trap) Paperback
___ X-Wings #4: La Guerre du Bacta (Bacta War) Paperback
___ X-Wings #5: L'Escadron Spectre (Wraith Squad) Paperback
___ X-Wings #6: (Iron Fist) Paperback
___ X-Wings #7: (Solo Command) Paperback
___ X-Wings #8: (Isard's Revenge) Paperback
___ X-Wings #9: Les Chasseurs Stellaires d'Adumar (Starfighters of Adumar) Paperback
___ Yan Solo le Tresor de Xin (Han Solo and the Lost Legacy) Paperback
___ Yoda Sombre Recontre (Dark Rendezvous) Papreback #80
Phantom Menace
___ Dark Maul: L'Ombre du Chasseur (Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter) Paperback
Attack of the Clones
___ L'Attaque des Clones (AOTC Novel) Paperback

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive