Stickers / Albums |
Return of the Jedi |
| Unknown |
___ | ROTJ Album for 132 Stickers |
Games / Board |
A New Hope |
| Borras |
___ | Escape From The Death Star Game bootleg UFO |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Remoundo |
___ | Yoda O Ekpaideythe Toy Jedi (Jedi Master) Board Game |
Luggage / Briefcases and Laptop Bags |
Wicket the Ewok |
| John Tzamouranes |
___ | Satchel, Brown Fabric with Blue Trim, Brown Handle, Embossed Applique Wicket & Kneesaa Playing Music |
___ | Satchel, Navy Blue Leather with Green Handle, Embossed Applique of Wicket Art with Spear |
Books / Childrens |
Phantom Menace |
| Modern Times |
___ | O Anakin Kepoizei Thn EneyBepia Toy (Anakin's Race For Freedom) |
___ | Proa oxn Jar Jar (Watch Out Jar Jar) |
Comics / Comic Books |
A New Hope |
| Kabanas Hellas/Marvel Comics |
___ | Star Wars #1 |
___ | Star Wars #2 |
___ | Star Wars #3 |
___ | Star Wars #4 |
___ | Star Wars #5 |
___ | Star Wars #6 |
___ | Star Wars #7 |
___ | Star Wars #8 |
___ | Star Wars #9 |
| Unknown |
___ | Agori #100 |
___ | Agori #101 |
___ | Agori #102 |
___ | Agori #122 with Berkey Novel Cover Art Iron-on Premium |
___ | Agori #71 (SW Berkey Novel Art Cover), SW Novel excerpt with McQuarrie Art |
___ | Agori #72 |
___ | Agori #73 |
___ | Agori #74 |
___ | Agori #75 |
___ | Agori #76 |
___ | Agori #77 |
___ | Agori #78 |
___ | Agori #79 |
___ | Agori #80 |
___ | Agori #81 |
___ | Agori #82 |
___ | Agori #83 |
___ | Agori #84 |
___ | Agori #85 |
___ | Agori #86 |
___ | Agori #87 |
___ | Agori #88 |
___ | Agori #89 |
___ | Agori #90 |
___ | Agori #91 |
___ | Agori #92 |
___ | Agori #93 |
___ | Agori #94 |
___ | Agori #95 |
___ | Agori #96 |
___ | Agori #97 |
___ | Agori #98 |
___ | Agori #99 |
___ | KPONOZ No 21, Darth Vader with Bowtie Cover, Non-SW Comic Inside |
___ | Mplek #65 |
___ | Mplek #66 |
___ | Mplek #69 |
___ | Mplek #71 |
___ | Mplek #97 with C-3PO & R2-D2 Iron-on Premium |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Unknown |
___ | Baboypa No. 4 (Non-SW Issue with cover art of Vader with Pong Game Chest) |
___ | Mplek #53, Droids on Hoth Cover & ESB Contest |
Return of the Jedi |
| Unknown |
___ | Mplek #218 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #29 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #31 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #32 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #35 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #37 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #41 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #42 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #46 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #48 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #49 |
___ | Super Mttoy (Super Boy) #50 |
Droids Cartoon |
| Unknown |
___ | Marvel Star Comics #52 |
___ | Marvel Star Comics #55 |
___ | Marvel Star Comics #57 |
___ | Marvel Star Comics #63 |
___ | Marvel Star Comics #76 |
Store Displays / Miscellaneous |
Return of the Jedi |
| Th. Theophanides |
___ | Mini-Puzzle Counter Display Box |
Posters / Movie |
Star Wars Special Editions |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | ESBSE Art Poster |
___ | ROTJSE Art Poster |
___ | SWSE Art Poster |
Phantom Menace |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Episode 1 'B' Poster (Haopath Aneiah) |
Attack of the Clones |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | AOTC 'B' Poster |
Books / Novels |
Return of the Jedi |
| Unknown |
___ | ROTJ Novel Paperback |
Food Products / Cookies / Packaging |
| Vasilios Dagiacos |
___ | Chocolate Wafers Wrapper |
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging |
Phantom Menace |
| Kellogg's |
___ | Corn Flakes, Star Wars Statue |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
| Pepsi |
___ | Amidala HBN Can (Orange) |
___ | Anakin Pepsi Can |
___ | C-3PO 7-UP Can |
___ | Darth Maul Pepsi Can |
___ | Jar Jar HBN Can (Orange) |
___ | Obi-Wan Pepsi Can |
___ | Pepsi 6pk Plastic Sleeve |
___ | Qui-Gon HBN Can (Light Blue) |
___ | R2-D2 Pepsi Max Can |
___ | Watto HBN Can (Lemonade) |
___ | Yoda 7-UP Can |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
| Tasty |
___ | 3-D's Nacho Cheese Chip Bag |
___ | Alati Kai Eudi Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Barbeque Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Dracoulinia Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Dracoulinia Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Lotto Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Lotto Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Pacotinia Chip Bag |
___ | Cheetos Pizza Chip Bag |
___ | Doritos Rock & Cream Chip Bag |
___ | Doritos Tex Mex Chip Bag |
___ | Doritos Tex Mex Chip Bag |
___ | FouDouNia Chip Bag |
___ | FouDouNia Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Klasikn Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Mneikov Patatakia Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Paprika Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Paprika Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Pitsinia Bacon Chip Bag |
___ | Pitsinia Bacon Chip Bag |
___ | Poppers Popcorn Bag |
___ | Riyaun Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Lays Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Riyaun Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Turi Kai Kreuuvdi Lays Chip Bag |
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging |
Attack of the Clones |
| Nestlé |
___ | Cheerios, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Cheerios, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Cheerios, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Cheerios, Qui Gon/Darth Maul Card |
___ | Cheerios, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Cheerios, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
___ | Chocapic, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Chocapic, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Chocapic, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Chocapic, Qui Gon/Darth Maul Card |
___ | Chocapic, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Chocapic, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
___ | Estrellitas, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Estrellitas, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Estrellitas, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Estrellitas, Qui Gon/Darth Mau Card |
___ | Estrellitas, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Estrellitas, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
___ | Nesquik, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Nesquik, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Nesquik, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Nesquik, Qui Gon/Darth Maul Card |
___ | Nesquik, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Nesquik, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Kellogg's |
___ | Chocos, Lightsaber |
___ | Corn Flakes, Lightsaber |
___ | Corn Flakes, Lightsaber |
___ | Corn Flakes, Lightsaber |
___ | Frosties, Lightsaber |
___ | Frosties, Lightsaber |
Clone Wars 3D |
| Kellogg's |
___ | Choco Krispies, Memory Game (Spain/Portugal box with Greece sticker) |
___ | Chocos, Scene Differences Game (Spain/Portugal box with Greece sticker) |
___ | Coco Pops Chocos, C-3PO Premium |
Phantom Menace 3D |
| Kellogg's |
___ | Coco Pops Jumbos, Saber Spoon |
The Force Awakens |
| Nestlé |
___ | Chocapic, Digital Comics |
___ | Cookie Crisp, Digital Comics |
___ | Crunch, Digital Comics |
___ | Honey Nut Cheerios, Digital Comics |
___ | Honey Nut Cheerios, Digital Comics |
___ | Lion, Digital Comics |
___ | Nesquik Duo, Digital Comics |
___ | Nesquik, Digital Comics |
The Rise of Skywalker |
| Nestlé |
___ | Cheerios (Rey), Cut Out Ship |
___ | Cookie Crisp (Rey), Star Wars Maze |
___ | Lion (Kylo Ren), Star Wars Game |
___ | Lion (Kylo Ren), Star Wars Maze |
___ | Nesquik (Rey), Star Wars Maze |
___ | Nesquik Duo (Rey), Star Wars Maze |
___ | Nesquik Extra Choco Waves (Rey), Star Wars Maze |
Food Products / Drinks / Premiums |
Phantom Menace |
| Pepsi |
___ | 1, Anakin Skywalker |
___ | 10, Jar Jar Binks |
___ | 11, Jar Jar Binks |
___ | 12, Jar Jar Binks |
___ | 13, Obi-Wan Kenobi |
___ | 14, Obi-Wan Kenobi |
___ | 15, Obi-Wan Kenobi |
___ | 16, Qui-Gon Jinn |
___ | 17, Qui-Gon Jinn |
___ | 18, Qui-Gon Jinn |
___ | 19, Padme |
___ | 2, Anakin Skywalker |
___ | 20, C-3PO |
___ | 21, R2-D2 |
___ | 22, Darth Sidious |
___ | 23, Sebulba |
___ | 24, Watto |
___ | 25, Chancellor Valorum |
___ | 26, Yoda |
___ | 27, Yoda |
___ | 28, Boss Nass |
___ | 29, Jabba the Hutt |
___ | 3, Shmi Skywalker |
___ | 30, Battle Droid |
___ | 31, Battle Droid |
___ | 32, Mace Windu |
___ | 33, Captain Panaka |
___ | 34, Senator Palpatine |
___ | 35, Rune Haako |
___ | 36, Ric Olie |
___ | 37, Destroyer Droid |
___ | 38, Gasgano |
___ | 39, Even Piell |
___ | 4, Queen Amidala |
___ | 40, Mas Amedda |
___ | 41, Nute Gunray |
___ | 42, Yareal Poof |
___ | 43, Ki-Adi-Mundi |
___ | 44, Sio Bibble |
___ | 45, Adi Gallia |
___ | 5, Queen Amidala |
___ | 6, Queen Amidala |
___ | 7, Darth Maul |
___ | 8, Darth Maul |
___ | 9, Darth Maul |
___ | Foil Wrapper |
___ | Unopened Card Pack |
Food Products / Cereal / Premiums |
Clone Wars 3D |
| Kellogg's |
___ | C-3PO Container |
Puzzles |
Return of the Jedi |
| Th. Theophanides |
___ | Admiral Ackbar Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Darth Vader, Moff Jerjerod, Royal Guards Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Han Solo in Bunker Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Heroes Group Photo on Endor Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Heroes on Skiff Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Luke vs Darth Vader Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Max Rebo Mini-Puzzle |
___ | Yoda Mini-Puzzle |
Books / Scripts |
Phantom Menace |
| Modern Times |
___ | H Aopath Apeinh (Episode 1 Illustrated Screenplay) |
Books / Star Wars Reference |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Doring Kindersly |
___ | SW Visual Dictionary Hardback with Jacket |
Trading Cards and Discs |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series Counter Display Box (Empty) |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series Counter Display Box (Full) |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #1 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #10 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #100 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #101 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #102 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #103 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #104 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #105 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #106 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #107 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #108 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #109 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #11 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #110 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #111 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #112 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #113 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #114 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #115 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #116 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #117 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #118 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #119 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #12 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #120 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #121 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #122 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #123 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #124 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #125 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #126 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #127 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #128 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #129 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #13 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #130 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #131 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #132 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #133 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #134 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #135 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #136 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #137 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #138 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #139 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #14 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #140 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #141 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #142 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #143 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #144 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #145 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #146 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #147 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #148 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #149 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #15 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #150 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #151 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #152 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #153 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #154 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #155 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #156 |
___ | Bootleg ESB Series OLYMPIAD (Large Printing) #157 |