Coins / Action Figure |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Admiral Screed [gold] |
___ | Jessica Meade [gold] |
___ | Mon-Julpa [gold] |
___ | Mungo Baobab [gold] |
___ | Tig Fromm [silver, Sise Fromm back] |
___ | Vlix [gold, Villain] |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Bondo [bronze] |
___ | Bondo [silver, jovial in upper case, chieftain typo] |
___ | Chief Chirpa [bronze] |
___ | Chituhr [bronze] |
___ | Morag [bronze] |
___ | Paploo [bronze] |
___ | Weechee [bronze] |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
Empire Strikes Back |
Netherlands |
| Clipper |
___ | Clipper Mailer Survival Kit |
Return of the Jedi |
Netherlands |
| Clipper |
___ | Clipper Mailer Box Biker Scout Pistol |
Prototypes / Action Figure Related |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Blue Snaggletooth Unpainted Hardcopy Left Arm and Left Leg |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Engineering Pilot with Prototype Double Telescoping Saber |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Princess Leia in Bespin Outfit Unpainted Hardcopy Torso |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Han Trench Coat QC Sample |
___ | Max Rebo Unpainted Hardcopy Torso |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | C-3P0 Conceptual Wax Sculpting |
___ | Vlix Comparison of Glasslite and U.S. Prototype Figures |
___ | Vlix Prototype |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Bondo Painted Hardcopy |
Power of the Force |
Brazil |
| Glasslite |
___ | Glasslite Power of the Force C-3PO Mock-Up |
Posters / Advertising |
Droids Cartoon |
Australia |
| CBS/Fox |
___ | Droids and Ewoks Videocassettes Display Poster |
Germany |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Droids Videocassettes Display Poster |
Ewoks Cartoon |
Germany |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Ewoks Videocassettes Display Poster |
Stickers / Albums |
Droids Cartoon |
Spain |
| Pacosa dos International |
___ | Droids Album Card Empty Wrapper (Green Back) |
Electronics / Audio Equipment |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Luke AM Headset Radio |
___ | R2-D2 Radio |
Games / Board |
Ewoks Cartoon |
France |
| Volumetrix |
___ | Les Ewoks Sauvons La Foret (Ewoks Save The Forest) |
Games / Card |
Droids Cartoon |
Spain |
| Heraclio Fournier |
___ | Droids/Ewoks Card Game |
Audio / Narrated / Cassette |
A New Hope |
Germany |
| Phillips Records |
___ | Krieg der Sterne (Story of SW) Cassette |
Ewoks Cartoon |
Germany |
| Karussell |
___ | Ewoks #1 Fogle (Cassette) |
___ | Ewoks #2 Fogle (Cassette) |
___ | Ewoks #3 Fogle (Cassette) |
Books / Childrens |
Germany |
| Bastei |
___ | Ewoks Spezial Nr.1 |
___ | Ewoks Spezial Nr.2 |
| UniPart Verlag |
___ | Ewoks Storybook |
Prototypes / Coin |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Droids C-3PO Coin Signed Quality Control Sample |
___ | Vlix Prototype Gold & Silver Coins |
Comics / Comic Books |
Mexico |
| NovedadesEditores |
___ | Festival Fantastico #65 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #80 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #83 |
United Kingdom |
| Marvel Comics |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #14 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #17 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #19 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #20 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #21 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #22 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #23 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #24 |
___ | Marvel Bumper Comic #25 |
United States |
___ | Droids #1 |
___ | Droids #2 |
___ | Droids #3 |
___ | Droids #4 |
___ | Droids #5 |
___ | Droids #6 |
___ | Droids #7 |
___ | Droids #8 |
Ewoks Cartoon |
Germany |
| Interpart GmBH |
___ | Die Ewoks Comic Super Album #1 |
___ | Die Ewoks Comic-Magazin #3 |
___ | Die Ewoks Comic-Magazin #4 |
___ | Die Ewoks Comic-Magazin #5 |
___ | Die Ewoks Comic-Magazin #6 |
Mexico |
| NovedadesEditores |
___ | Festival Fantastico #11 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #23 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #27 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #3 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #31 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #35 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #39 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #54 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #58 |
___ | Festival Fantastico #7 |
United States |
| Marvel Comics |
___ | Ewoks #1 |
___ | Ewoks #10 |
___ | Ewoks #12 |
___ | Ewoks #13 |
___ | Ewoks #14 |
___ | Ewoks #2 |
___ | Ewoks #3 |
___ | Ewoks #4 |
___ | Ewoks #5 |
___ | Ewoks #6 |
___ | Ewoks #7 |
Stickers / Decals |
Spain |
| Tudor |
___ | Tudor Droids Jord Dusat Sticker |
___ | Tudor Droids Kea Moll Sticker |
___ | Tudor Droids R2-D2 Sticker |
___ | Tudor Droids Sise Fromm Sticker |
___ | Tudor Droids Stinger Thall Joben's Landspeeder Sticker |
___ | Tudor Droids Tig Fromm Sticker |
___ | Tudor Ewoks Chief Chirpa Sticker |
___ | Tudor Ewoks Latara Sticker |
___ | Tudor Ewoks Logray Sticker |
___ | Tudor Ewoks Paploo Sticker |
___ | Tudor Ewoks Princess Kneesaa Sticker |
___ | Tudor Ewoks Wicket Sticker |
Office Supplies / Erasers |
A New Hope |
Japan |
| Maruka Toy Co |
___ | Small C-3PO Figural Eraser (Clear Blue) |
___ | Small C-3PO Figural Eraser (Clear Orange) |
___ | Small C-3PO Figural Eraser (Clear Yellow) |
___ | Small Escape Pod Figural Eraser (Clear Blue) |
___ | Small Escape Pod Figural Eraser (Clear Orange) |
___ | Small Millennium Falcon Figural Eraser (Clear Blue) |
___ | Small Millennium Falcon Figural Eraser (Solid Blue) |
___ | Small X-Wing Fighter Figural Eraser (Clear Green) |
___ | Small Y-Wing Fighter Figural Eraser (Solid Blue) |
___ | Small Y-Wing Fighter Figural Eraser (Solid Green) |
___ | Small Y-Wing Fighter Figural Eraser (Solid White) |
___ | X-Wing Large Figural Eraser Clear Blue (Bagged) |
Catalogs / Flyers |
United States |
| Clipper |
___ | Clipper Darth Vader Mail In Offer Flyer |
Empire Strikes Back |
Netherlands |
| Clipper |
___ | Clipper Display Arena Offer Ad |
___ | Clipper new 41 figure and mini rig flyer |
___ | Clipper Survival Kit Offer Flyer |
Return of the Jedi |
Netherlands |
| Clipper |
___ | Clipper Airfix Contest Flyer |
___ | Clipper Return of the Jedi Rancor Monster Contest Offer |
___ | Clipper Return of the Jedi Speeder Bike Contest Offer |
___ | Clipper Scout Walker (At-St) Vehicle Ad Offer |
Prototypes / Food Related |
United States |
| Pepperidge Farm |
___ | Cookie Mold (Gamorrean Guard) |
Furniture |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Lamplight Farms Inc. |
___ | Kerosene Lamp |
Catalogs / In-Pack and In-Store |
Power of the Force |
Sweden |
| Palitoy/General Mills |
___ | Power of the Force Catalog |
Toys / Role-Playing / Lightsabers |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Lightsaber (green) |
___ | Lightsaber (red) |
Prototypes / Micro Collection |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Boba Fett Production, Test Paint and Unpainted Figures |
___ | Conceptual Dagobah Yoda and Luke Skywalker |
Event Collectibles / Public / Miscellaneous |
A New Hope |
Mexico |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Star Wars Mexican Circus Admission Ticket |
___ | Star Wars Mexican Circus Poster |
Greeting Cards / Miscellaneous |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Patti Marsh Productions |
___ | Latara & Teebo Color-Me Cards 8pk With 4 Colored Pens |
___ | Wicket, Kneesaa, Latatra, & Teebo Color-Me Cards 8pk With 4 Colored Pens |
Toys / Miscellaneous |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
| Applause |
___ | Admiral Ackbar PVC |
___ | Boba Fett PVC |
___ | Bossk PVC |
___ | C-3PO PVC |
___ | Darth Vader PVC |
___ | Emperor PVC |
___ | Greedo PVC |
___ | Han Solo PVC |
___ | Lando Calrissian PVC |
___ | Luke Skywalker PVC |
___ | Princess Leia PVC |
___ | R2-D2 PVC |
___ | TIE Fighter Pilot PVC |
___ | Wedge PVC |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
| Applause |
___ | Anakin Skywalker PVC |
___ | Darth Maul PVC |
___ | Destroyer Droid PVC |
___ | Jar Jar Binks PVC |
___ | Pit Droid PVC |
___ | Queen Amidala PVC |
Posters / Movie |
A New Hope |
Spain |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Star Wars 'D' One Sheet (Circus Poster) |
Food Products / Cookies / Premiums |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Mexico |
| Gamesa |
___ | Ben Kenobi Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Boba Fett Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | C-3PO Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Chewbacca Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Emperor Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Han Solo Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Princess Leia Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Stormtrooper (Kneeling) Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Stormtrooper (Standing) Mini-PVC Figurine |
___ | Yoda Mini-PVC Figurine |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Bootleg) |
Return of the Jedi |
Mexico |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Darth Vader 2 Pack (Bagged) |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Licensed) |
A New Hope |
Italy |
| Harbert |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Star Droid |
Netherlands |
| Clipper |
___ | Star Wars Darth Vader Mailer Box |
Empire Strikes Back |
Italy |
| Harbert |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Boba Fett |
Peru |
| BASA |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Yoda |
Spain |
| PBP |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 45-Back Hammerhead |
Power of the Force |
Japan |
| Tsukuda |
___ | Return of the Jedi Greedo (With Greedo Coin) |
___ | Return of the Jedi Tie Fighter Pilot (With Tie Fighter Pilot Coin) |
Trading Cards and Discs |
A New Hope |
Argentina |
| Topps |
___ | La Guerra de las Galaxias Trading Card Display Box |
Return of the Jedi |
Sweden |
| Nellba |
___ | ROTJ Small Card Series #233, Stjarnornas Krig (c info at top, blank back) |
Video and Film / Videotape |
Droids Cartoon |
Germany |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Das Geheimnis von Roon Videocassette #3 |
___ | Der Killer Satellit Videocassette #1 |
___ | Der Vertrocknete Planet Videocassette (Great Heep) |
___ | Die Piraten von Tarnoonga Videocassette #2 |
Mexico |
| Video Visa/Fox |
___ | Droids Vol 3 Videocassette |
Ewoks Cartoon |
Mexico |
| Video Visa/Fox |
___ | Ewoks No.4 Videocassette |