Musical Instruments / Accessories |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Fernandes |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Knob |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Pick |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Knob |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Pick |
___ | Chewbacca Guitar Pick |
___ | Darth Vader & Crossed Sabers Guitar Strap |
___ | Darth Vader & Stormtrooper Guitar Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Knob |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Pick |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | Empty Guitar Pick Counter Display Box |
___ | Empty Guitar Pick Wrapper |
___ | Ewok Guitar Pick |
___ | Galactic Empire Logo Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | Han Solo Guitar Pick |
___ | Hard Plastic Guitar Case |
___ | Jabba the Hutt Guitar Pick |
___ | Jawa Guitar Pick |
___ | Luke Skywalker Guitar Pick |
___ | Princess Leia Guitar Pick |
___ | R2-D2 Guitar Pick |
___ | Rebel Alliance Logo Guitar Pick |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Knob |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Pick |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | SW Logo Guitar Strap |
___ | TIE Pilot Guitar Pick |
___ | Tusken Raider Guitar Pick |
___ | Yoda Guitar Pick |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
| Run'A |
___ | C-3PO Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Stormtrooper Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Yoda Cell Phone Strap |
Attack of the Clones |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | AOTC 'B' Art Metal Square On Cell Phone Strap |
Musical Instruments / Accessories |
| Fernandes |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Guitar Pick |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Anakin/Vader Guitar Pick |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (Red) Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (Red) Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (White) Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (Yellow) Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper Helmet Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Count Dooku Guitar Pick |
___ | Count Dooku Icon Guitar Pick |
___ | Empty Guitar Pick Wrapper |
___ | Jango Fett Guitar Pick |
___ | Jango Fett Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Jedi Starfighter Guitar Pick |
___ | Mace Windu Guitar Pick |
___ | Obi-Wan Guitar Pick |
___ | Padme Guitar Pick |
___ | R2-D2 Guitar Pick |
___ | Super Battle Droid Guitar Pick |
___ | Yoda Guitar Pick |
___ | Yoda Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Zam Wesell Guitar Pick |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
| Showa Note |
___ | C-3PO Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Clonetrooper Cell Phone Strap |
___ | R2-D2 Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Super Battle Droid Cell Phone Strap |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Heart |
___ | Mobile Cleaner, Darth Vader |
___ | Mobile Cleaner, R2-D2 & C-3PO |
___ | Mobile Cleaner, Yoda |
| Showa Note |
___ | Mail Block (Darth Vader Helmet) |
___ | Mail Block (R2-D2) |
| Unknown |
___ | Mobile Phone Seal, C-3PO & R2-D2 |
___ | Mobile Phone Strap, Darth Vader & Clone Trooper |
___ | Mobile Phone Strap, R2-D2 & C-3PO |
Books / Activity and Coloring |
A New Hope |
| Bandai |
___ | SW Iron-On Transfer Book |
Return of the Jedi |
| Futami-Shobo |
___ | ROTJ Activity Book |
___ | ROTJ Book of Masks |
| Oral-B |
___ | Dental Health Adventure Book |
Posters / Advertising |
A New Hope |
| Bandai |
___ | SW Novel Space Battle Display Poster |
___ | X-Wing & TIE Fighter Over Storybook & Photo Album Horizontal Display Poster |
___ | X-Wing & TIE Fighter Over Storybook & Photo Album Vertical Display Poster |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Coca Cola Bottle Caps Promotion |
___ | Coca-Cola Poster |
___ | Coke Bottle Caps/T-Shirt/R2-D2 Radio Horizontal Display Poster |
___ | Coke R2-D2 AM Radio Poster |
___ | Space Battle Shimaoka Art Display Poster |
| Factors |
___ | SW Factors Buttons Display Poster |
| Fuji Film |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2 SW Super 8 Film Display Poster |
| King Records/20th Century Fox Records |
___ | R2-D2 and C-3PO on Blockade Runner |
___ | Story of Star Wars Record Promo Poster |
___ | X-wing vs Darth Vader's TIE Fighter |
| Meiji Seika |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2 Over Candy & Premiums Display Poster |
| Morinaga |
___ | Darth Vader & X-Wing Art Over Candy Boxes Display Poster |
___ | Hildebrandt Art Over Candy Boxes Display Poster |
___ | Hildebrandt Art Over Candy Boxes Display Poster |
| Warner/Pioneer |
___ | SW Soundtrack Display Poster |
Empire Strikes Back |
| RSO Records |
___ | ESB Soundtrack Ohrai Green Art Display Poster |
Return of the Jedi |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | ROTJ 'Best Library' Videocassette Promo Poster |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Aeon |
___ | Capital Ships Size Comparison Poster |
| De Agostini |
___ | SW Fact Files #1 Display Poster |
| Drew Struzan |
___ | Drew Struzan Exhibit Poster (Artist Surrounded By Posters Including SW Art) |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Half Darth Vader Helmet Over Alvin Art 95 Video Re-Release Cassettes Poster |
___ | Half Darth Vader Helmet Over Alvin Art 95 Video Re-Release Cassettes Poster |
___ | Han Solo With Pistol SW Laserdisc Display Poster |
___ | SW Trilogy 95 Re-release THX Video Display Poster (Blue Lightsaber) |
| George Lucas Superlive Adventure |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Luke/Indy Montage (April 27-July 4) |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Luke/Indy Montage (April 27-July 4) |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Luke/Indy Montage (April 27-July 4) TFC Band At Bottom |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Luke/Indy Montage (Sept 15-26 Sticker) |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Luke/Indy Montage (Sept 15-26 Sticker) |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Montage 1 |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Montage 1 |
___ | George Lucas Super Live Adventure--Montage 1 |
___ | Superlive Adventure Display Poster--Red Lucas Visage |
| Hasbro |
___ | Hasbro Vehicles & Princess Leia Figure Display Poster |
___ | SW Video Board Game Display Poster |
| JVC |
___ | Attack On The Death Star Video Game Display Poster |
___ | Attack On The Death Star Video Game Display Poster |
___ | Rebel Assault Video Game Display Poster |
| Kodansha |
___ | SW Vault Darth Vader Helmet Horizontal Display Poster |
___ | SW Vault Darth Vader Helmet Vertical Display Poster |
| Kyoto National Museum |
___ | Art of SW Exhibition Poster (R2-D2 & C-3PO) |
___ | Art of SW Exhibition Poster (R2-D2 & C-3PO) |
| LucasArts |
___ | Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Display Poster |
___ | X-Wing vs TIE Fighter Display Poster |
| Mitsubishi |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 & C-3PO With Cars, Purple Background |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 & C-3PO, White Area In Center With Cars |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 & C-3PO, White Area In Center With Minis |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 & C-3PO, White Area In Center With RVs |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 Above & C-3PO Below Car In Field |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 Above & C-3PO Below Car In Field, Different Cars |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--R2-D2 With Flowers & C-3PO In Field |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--Stars Above R2-D2 & C-3PO |
___ | Star Cars Display Poster--White Band Through Middle Of Starfield,R2-D2 & C-3PO In Upper Right |
| National Science Museum |
___ | SW Science and Art C-3PO/Queen Amidala Transit Poster With White Band At Bottom & 'JR' Info |
___ | SW Science and Art Exhibition Poster |
___ | SW Science and Art Exhibition Poster |
___ | SW Science and Art Transit Poster |
| Panasonic |
___ | Darth Vader Panasonic Poster |
___ | Jabba the Hutt Panasonic Banner |
___ | Lucas In Director's Chair Surrounded By Film Characters Panasonic Banner |
___ | Lucas Levitating Red Apple Panasonic Banner |
___ | Lucas Levitating Red Flower Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas Looking At Illuminated Sparky Robot Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas With Camcorder & C-3PO With Butterfly Net Banner |
___ | Lucas With Camcorder & C-3PO With Butterfly Net Poster |
___ | Lucas With Camcorder & C-3PO With Butterfly Net Poster |
___ | Lucas With Camcorder & C-3PO With Butterfly Net Poster (Big Town Movie Poster Back) |
___ | Lucas With Child Angel Panasonic Banner |
___ | Lucas With Eyes Closed Profile Panasonic Banner |
___ | Lucas With Floating Roses Panasonic Banner |
___ | Lucas With Lightsaber Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas With Pocket TV & Chewbacca Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas with TIE Interceptor on Finger Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas with TIE Interceptor on Finger Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas with TIE Interceptor on Finger Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas, Chewbacca, & Wicket Riding Satellite Pole Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas, Chewbacca, & Wicket Riding Satellite Pole Panasonic Poster |
___ | Lucas, Sparky, Chewbacca, Ewok, & Others In Movie Theater Panasonic Poster |
___ | Panasonic Fair Poster Pink with Tokyo Disneyland in Corner |
___ | Panasonic Rally/Shibuya Map Poster |
___ | R2-D2 & C-3PO With Umbrella And Laptop Panasonic Banner |
___ | Two Ewoks & Japanese Boy Panasonic Banner |
___ | Two Ewoks & Japanese Boy Panasonic Poster |
___ | Two Ewoks Panasonic Poster |
___ | Yoda & Lucas Levitating Panasonic Banner |
___ | Yoda & Lucas Levitating Panasonic Poster |
___ | Yoda & Lucas Levitating Panasonic Poster |
___ | Yoda With Earphones Panasonic Poster |
___ | Yoda With Earphones Panasonic Poster |
| Sankyo |
___ | Fever SW Pachinko Struzan SWSE Art Display Poster |
| Sega |
___ | SW Arcade Sega 32X Video Game Display Poster (Pink/White) |
___ | SW Arcade Sega 32X Video Game Display Poster (Yellow, Red) |
___ | SW Trilogy Arcade Game--X-Wing, AT-AT, Speeder Bikes |
___ | SW Trilogy Arcade Game--X-Wings & Death Star |
| Sezon Museum of Art |
___ | George Lucas Exhibit, Photos in Letters of Name |
___ | George Lucas Exhibit--Lightsaber Poster |
| Shogakukan Prod/Shopro World Comics |
___ | Star Wars Comics World Display Poster |
___ | SW Comics Horizontal Poster |
___ | SW Comics Poster (C-3PO) |
| Sony |
___ | ILM: Art Of Special Effects Book Display Poster |
___ | Masters Of Teras Kasi Arden Lyn Poster |
___ | Masters Of Teras Kasi Arden Lyn, Luke, Boba Fett Poster |
___ | Masters Of Teras Kasi Boba Fett Poster |
___ | Masters Of Teras Kasi Luke Skywalker Poster |
___ | Sony Playstation Display Poster (Vader Helmet on Left Side) |
___ | Sony Playstation Display Poster (Vader Helmet on Right Side) |
___ | Technical Journal Star Destroyer Display Poster |
| Space World |
___ | SW Exhibition--Space World Presents C-3PO Poster |
___ | SW Exhibition--Space World Presents C-3PO Poster |
___ | SW Exhibition--Space World Presents C-3PO Poster (Black Band At Bottom) |
___ | SW Exhibition--Space World Presents Darth Vader Poster |
___ | SW Exhibition--Space World Presents Darth Vader Poster |
___ | SW Exhibition--Space World Presents Darth Vader Poster (Black Band At Bottom) |
| Ta-Ke Shobo Pub |
___ | SW Chronicles Poster |
| WOWOW Home Theater Channel |
___ | SW Trilogy on WOWOW Home Theater Channel, Han Solo & Info Poster |
Shadows of the Empire |
| Nintendo/Lucas Arts |
___ | SOTE Nintendo 64 Stormtrooper Display Poster |
Star Wars Special Editions |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Cast Over Videocassettes Display Poster |
___ | Cast Over Videocassettes Display Poster |
___ | TSE Ingot Art Over Videocassettes Display Poster |
___ | TSE Ingot Art Over Videocassettes Display Poster |
___ | TSE Video Collectors Box Set Display Poster |
| Japan Environmental Agency |
___ | SWSE Environmental Agency Subway Mini-Poster |
___ | SWSE Environmental Agency Subway Poster |
| Teleca |
___ | SWSE Art Phone Cards Display Poster |
Phantom Menace |
| Dark Horse Comics |
___ | Episode 1 Manga Cover Poster |
| Decipher |
___ | Young Jedi CCG Dispaly Poster |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Episode 1 DVD Poster |
___ | Episode 1 DVD Poster |
___ | Episode 1 DVD Poster (Four Poster Snipe) |
___ | Episode 1 Laserdisc Display Poster (April 7) |
___ | Episode 1 Laserdisc Display Poster (Four Poster Snipe) |
___ | Episode 1 Video Poster |
___ | Episode 1 Videocassettes 2-Sided Display Poster |
___ | Episode 1 Videocassettes Horizontal Display Poster |
| KFC |
___ | Anakin & Kids Meal Toys Display Poster |
| LucasArts |
___ | Racer Video Game Display Poster |
___ | TPM Video Game Display Poster |
___ | TPM Video Game Display Poster (12/9/99) |
| Meiji Seika |
___ | Heroes & Scenes Horizontal Display Poster |
___ | Meiji Prizes Display Poster |
| Nagatanien |
___ | Curry Meal Display Poster |
| Pepsi |
___ | Cap Topper Left Half Display Poster (Anakin) |
___ | Cap Topper Left Half Display Poster (Darth Maul) |
___ | Cap Topper Left Half Display Poster (Queen Amidala) |
___ | Cap Topper Right Half Display Poster |
| Pizza Hut |
___ | Heroes Over Pizza Display Poster |
| Premiere Magazine |
___ | Premiere George Lucas & Anakin Skywalker Magazine Cover Display Poster |
| Shin-Gaku-Sha |
___ | Episode 1 Sewing Kits Display Poster |
| Shogakukan Prod/Shopro World Comics |
___ | Episode 1 Manga Display Poster (Qui-Gon Art at Top, Darth Maul T-Shirt Below) |
| Tomy |
___ | Amidala Over Scene Display Poster |
___ | Anakin Over Scene Display Poster |
___ | Battle Droid Over Scene Display Poster |
___ | Darth Maul Over Scene Display Poster |
| Toys R Us |
___ | Naboo Fighter Contest Display Poster |
Attack of the Clones |
| 7-eleven |
___ | 7-11 Contest Display Poster (R2-D2 Refrigerator, Phone Card) |
___ | 7-11 Contest Display Poster (R2-D2 Refrigerator, Phone Card) |
| Crea |
___ | Padme & Anakin Kissing Crea Magazine Cover Display Poster |
| Fine Molds |
___ | Jedi Starfighter Over Model Kits Display Poster |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | AOTC DVD Poster (Yoda) |
___ | AOTC DVD Poster (Yoda, Obi-Wan, Anakin) |
| Kotobukiya |
___ | Vinyl Models Display Poster (Darth Vader, Clone Trooper, Anakin) |
___ | Vinyl Models Display Poster (Darth Vader, Clone Trooper, Jango Fett, Yoda, Etc) |
| Pepsi |
___ | Get More SW Bottle Caps! Display Poster (Shows Premium Caps and Display Stand) |
___ | Get SW Bottle Caps! Display Poster |
___ | Get SW Bottle Caps! Display Poster (Shows Regular Cap Set) |
| Premiere Magazine |
___ | Anakin/Padme Magazine Cover Display Poster |
___ | SW A to Z Poster (Portman & AOTC Scenes) |
| Sony |
___ | Jedi Starfighter PC Poster |
| Wizards of the Coast |
___ | AOTC TCG Display Poster (Hands With Raised Lightsaber) |
___ | AOTC TCG Display Poster (Shows Cards) |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Circle K |
___ | Circle K Prizes Darth Vader Bust & Duel Display Poster |
Games / Arcade |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Sankyo |
___ | Star Wars Pachinko Game |
Books / Art and Portfolios |
A New Hope |
| Bandai |
___ | SW Portfolio Book |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Tokuma |
___ | Noriyoshi Ohrai Illustration Book |
Return of the Jedi |
| Bandai |
___ | ROTJ Sketchbook |
| Unknown |
___ | N. Olai (Ohrai) Original Sketch Collection Book |
Star Wars Special Editions |
| Sony |
___ | Art of SW: ANH Hardback |
___ | Art of SW: ESB Hardback |
___ | Art of SW: ROTJ Hardback |
Phantom Menace |
| Sony |
___ | Phantom Menace Still Collection |
Attack of the Clones |
| Sony |
___ | Art of AOTC Hardback |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Sony |
___ | The Art of SW: ROTS Hardback with Jacket in Box |
Event Collectibles / Public / Art, Prop, and Model Exhibitions / Art of Star Wars |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Expo 2005 Aichi |
___ | Art of SW Darth Vader Display Poster 3/18-6/26, 2005 |
| Kyoto National Museum |
___ | Acklay, model Postcard |
___ | Anakin's Airspeeder (with logos), concept drawing Postcard |
___ | Anchorhead Arena Staging Area, blueprint Postcard |
___ | Art of SW Exhibit Flyer (C-3PO In Room Full Of Props) |
___ | Art of SW Exhibition Postcard (C-3PO In Room Full Of Props) |
___ | Art of SW Memo Pad (Anakin As Child, Teen, & Darth Vader) |
___ | Art of SW Memo Pad (C-3PO In Room Full Of Props) |
___ | Art of SW Pin Set (Clone Trooper, Jedi Academy, Jango Fett) |
___ | Art of SW Pin Set (Darth Vader, R2-D2, Stromtrooper) |
___ | Art of SW Pin Set (Millennium Falcon, Death Star II, X-Wing) |
___ | Art of SW Plastic File Folder (Amidala Senate Gown) |
___ | Art of SW Stationery Set (McQuarrie Art Of Luke On Plateau Overlooking Mos Eisley) |
___ | Battledroid, model Postcard |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2, illustration by Ralph McQuarrie Postcard |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2, still Postcard |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2, storyboard Postcard |
___ | C-3PO, model Postcard |
___ | Clone Trooper, model Postcard |
___ | Clone Walker, concept drawing Postcard |
___ | Coruscant Clone Troopers, production painting & still Postcard |
___ | Coruscant Skyline, illustrations Postcard |
___ | Coruscant Skyline, still Postcard |
___ | Darth Maul, costume Postcard |
___ | Darth Vader Mask for Anakin Skywalker's Reveal, costume headgear Postcard |
___ | Death Star Surface, matte painting Postcard |
___ | Death Star Under Construction, model Postcard |
___ | Droid/Gungan Battle, production painting Postcard |
___ | Entering Beggia's (sic) Canyon, storyboard Postcard |
___ | Geonosian, model Postcard |
___ | Gold Art of SW Logo on Black Plastic File Folder |
___ | Gold Art of SW Logo on Clear Plastic File Folder |
___ | Gungan Bongo Submarine Postcard |
___ | Han Solo in Carbonite, prop Postcard |
___ | Imperial Probe Droid, model Postcard |
___ | Imperial Pursuit, storyboard Postcard |
___ | Imperial Speederbike (photo shows skiff model) Postcard |
___ | Imperial Stormtrooper Helmet Postcard |
___ | Kaminoan, model Postcard |
___ | Millennium Falcon in Hanger, matte painting Postcard |
___ | Multi Troop Transport (MTT), model Postcard |