Posters / Advertising |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Mexico |
___ | Darth Vader & Droids Sabritas Display Poster |
Phantom Menace |
Mexico |
___ | Jar Jar/Tigra 99 Car Contest Display Poster |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Mexico |
___ | Cacahuates Adobo Loco Bag |
___ | Cacahuates Botana Surtida Bag |
___ | Cacahuates Enchilados Bag |
___ | Cacahuates Estilo Japones Bag |
___ | Cacahuates Salados con llimon Bag |
___ | Cheetos Bag |
___ | Cheetos Colmillos Picositos Bag |
___ | Cheetos Poffs Bag |
___ | Cheetos Torciditos queso y Chile Bag |
___ | Drakis Chip Bag |
___ | Pepitas Chip Bag |
___ | Poffets Caramelo Bag |
___ | Poffets Chille-Limon Bag |
___ | Poffets Queso Bag |
___ | Quesabritas Bag |
___ | Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Ruffles Queso Chip Bag |
___ | SW Chips Bag (Darth Vader) |
___ | SW Chips Bag (R2-D2) |
Phantom Menace |
Mexico |
___ | Adobadas Sabritas Chip Bag |
___ | Adobadas Sabritas Chip Bag (Darth Maul) |
___ | Adobadas Sabritas Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Chamoy Sabritas Chip Bag (Obi-Wan) |
___ | Chamoy Sabritas Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Classic Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Crema y Especias Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Crema y Especias Ruffles Chip Bag (Amidala) |
___ | Gruexas Sal Ruffles Chip Bag |
___ | Limon Sabritas Chip Bag |
___ | Limon Sabritas Chip Bag (Jar Jar) |
___ | Limon Sabritas Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Onduladas Ruffles Chip Bag (Anakin) |
___ | Queso Ruffles Chip Bag (Jar Jar) |
___ | Queso Ruffles Chip Bag (Plastic Strip) |
___ | Regular Sabritas Chip Bag |
___ | Regular Sabritas Chip Bag (Anakin) |
Food Products / Chips / Premiums |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Mexico |
___ | Los Huevos de Doritos Card #3 (Huevo tripio y huevurito) |
___ | Los Huevos de Doritos Card #34 (El huevo qui no vi) |
___ | Los Huevos de Doritos Card #37 (Hue Vader) |
___ | Los Huevos de Doritos Card #38 (Huevacca) |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Mexico |
___ | 1, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, C-3PO |
___ | 10, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Ben Kenobi |
___ | 11, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Han Solo |
___ | 12, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, TIE Fighters in Trench |
___ | 13, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Special Edition Logo |
___ | 14, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker Bespin |
___ | 15, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, C-3PO |
___ | 16, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, R2-D2 |
___ | 17, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Darth Vader Pointing |
___ | 18, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Struzan Revenge Duel Art |
___ | 19, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, & Luke |
___ | 2, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, R2-D2 |
___ | 20, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Sandtrooper & Dewback |
___ | 21, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Han Solo & Princess Leia |
___ | 22, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Darth Vader Helmet in Space |
___ | 23, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Space Battle |
___ | 24, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Princess Leia |
___ | 25, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker & R2-D2 |
___ | 26, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, AT-ATs |
___ | 27, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Lando Kisses Leia's Hand |
___ | 28, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Lando Inspects Han Solo in Carbonite |
___ | 29, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker & Yoda |
___ | 3, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Tusken Raider |
___ | 30, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Darth Vader Beckoning |
___ | 31, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Dagobah with Lightsaber |
___ | 32, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Chewbacca |
___ | 33, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Yoda |
___ | 34, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker Exiting Snowspeeder |
___ | 35, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Jabba the Hutt |
___ | 36, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Droids on the Road to Jabba's Palace |
___ | 37, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Jabba the Hutt and Salacious Crumb |
___ | 38, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Princess Leia |
___ | 39, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Han Solo & Chewbacca |
___ | 4, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Millennium Falcon Cockpit |
___ | 40, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Spears Pointed at Han Solo |
___ | 41, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Wicket |
___ | 42, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader |
___ | 43, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Biker Scout on Speederbike |
___ | 44, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke & Leia on Sail Barge |
___ | 45, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Emperor Palpatine |
___ | 46, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Millennium Falcon Inside Death Star II |
___ | 47, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Darth Vader with Lightsaber |
___ | 48, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Chewbacca |
___ | 49, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker |
___ | 5, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker Ignites Lightsaber |
___ | 50, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, B-Wings |
___ | 6, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Darth Vader |
___ | 7, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Grand Moff Tarkin |
___ | 8, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise |
___ | 9, Sabri Galacticos Tazo, Stormtroopers in Corridor |
Phantom Menace |
Mexico |
___ | 1, Padme Sticker |
___ | 10, Watto Sticker |
___ | 11, Darth Maul Sticker |
___ | 12, Darth Sidious Sticker |
___ | 13, Battle Droids Sticker |
___ | 14, Qui-Gon y Darth Maul Sticker |
___ | 15, Darth Sidious y Darth Maul Sticker |
___ | 16, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul y Obi-Wan Sticker |
___ | 17, C-3PO Sticker |
___ | 18, Yoda Sticker |
___ | 19, Jar Jar Sticker |
___ | 2, Obi-Wan Sticker |
___ | 20, Obi-Wan Sticker |
___ | 21, Yoda Sticker |
___ | 22, R2-D2 y C-3PO Sticker |
___ | 23, Darth Maul Sticker |
___ | 24, Qui-Gon y Watto Sticker |
___ | 25, Sebulba Sticker |
___ | 26, Anakin y Shmi Sticker |
___ | 27, Anakin Sticker |
___ | 28, Obi-Wan, Anakin y Qui-Gon Sticker |
___ | 29, Senador Palpatine Sticker |
___ | 3, Qui-Gon Sticker |
___ | 30, Anakin y Obi-Wan Sticker |
___ | 31, Reina Amidala y Senator Palpatine Sticker |
___ | 32, Canciller Valorum Sticker |
___ | 33, Shmi Sticker |
___ | 34, Capitan Panaka Sticker |
___ | 35, Anakin Sticker |
___ | 36, Capitan Tarpals Sticker |
___ | 37, Destroyer Droid Sticker |
___ | 38, Mace Windu Sticker |
___ | 39, Boss Nass Sticker |
___ | 4, R2-D2 Sticker |
___ | 40, Jabba the Hutt Sticker |
___ | 5, Anakin Sticker |
___ | 6, Darth Maul Sticker |
___ | 7, Reina Amidala Sticker |
___ | 8, Nute y Rune Sticker |
___ | 9, Jar Jar Sticker |
Store Displays / Food / Snack |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Mexico |
___ | Sabri Galacticos Display card (Darth Vader & Droids) |
___ | Sabri Galacticos Stip Display (Darth Vader & Droids) |
Phantom Menace |
Mexico |
___ | Jar Jar/Tigra Car Sabritas Display |
___ | Jar Jar/Tigra Car Shelf Wobbler |