Items from licensee: Omni Cosmetics

Posters / Advertising
Return of the Jedi
United States
___ Introducing Omni Cosmetics Display Poster
___ X-Wing Omni Cosmetics Display Poster
Bath / Beauty Kits
United States
___ Luke Skywalker Belt Kit
___ Princess Leia Beauty Bag
Bath / Bubble Bath, Gel, and Foam
United States
___ Bubble Bath Refueling Station
___ Chewbacca Figural Bubble Bath
___ Darth Vader Figural Bubble Bath
___ Jabba the Hutt Figural Bubble Bath
___ Luke X-Wing Figural Bubble Bath
___ Princess Leia Figural Bubble Bath
___ R2-D2 Figural Bubble Bath
___ Wicket Figural Bubble Bath
___ Yoda Figural Bubble Bath
Store Displays / Miscellaneous
United States
___ Bubble Bath Refueling Station Bottle Tray
___ Plastic Bath Collection Display (Space Battle Card)
___ R2-D2 Styrofoam Soap Display
___ Shampoo Refueling Station Bottle Tray
___ Shelf Organizer for SW Soaps
___ Soap Collection Plastic Tray
___ Three Shelf (Vader & ERG's) Display
Art / Sculptures, Statues, and Maquettes
United States
___ Omni Bubble Bath: Wicket the Ewok cap original sculpting
___ Omni Bubble Bath: Jabba the Hutt cap original sculpting
Bath / Shampoo and Hair Care Products
United States
___ Chewbacca Figural Shampoo
___ Darth Vader Figural Shampoo
___ Jabba the Hutt Figural Shampoo
___ Luke X-Wing Figural Shampoo
___ Princess Leia Figural Shampoo
___ R2-D2 Figural Shampoo
___ Shampoo Refueling Station
___ Wicket Figural Shampoo
___ Yoda Figural Shampoo
Bath / Soap
United States
___ C-3PO Soap Bar
___ Darth Vader Soap Bar
___ Gamorrean Guard Soap Bar
___ Luke Soap Bar
___ Princess Leia Soap Bar
___ Soap Collection #1 (Luke/Leia/Yoda/Chewie)
___ Soap Collection #2 (R2-D2/C-3PO/Vader/Lando)
___ Wicket Soap Bar
___ Yoda Soap Bar

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive