Items from licensee: Amate Textile

Apparel / Shirts / Sweatshirts
Return of the Jedi
___ AT-ST & Speeder Bikes Sweatshirt
___ Darth Vader Standing With Lightsaber Sweatshirt
___ Luke vs Darth Vader In Front Of Emperor Sweatshirt
___ Luke With Lightsaber In Front Of Darth Vader Torso & Window Sweatshirt
Apparel / Shirts / T-Shirts
___ Biker Scouts On Speeder Bikes Art T-Shirt
___ Darth Vader Helmet & Dogfight Over SW & ROTJ Logos Black T-Shirt
___ Leia/Han/Luke In Forest Art T-Shirt
___ Luke vs Darth Vader In Front Of The Emperor T-Shirt
___ Woklings Over 'Baby Ewoks' T-Shirt

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive