Posters / Advertising |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | SW Alvin R2-D2/C-3PO Concert Poster |
Ewok Films |
United States |
___ | Ewok Adventure On ABC Poster |
Attack of the Clones |
Unknown |
___ | Anakin/Zam Wesell 2-Sided Mini-Poster Card |
___ | Obi-Wan/Mace/Geonosian 2-Sided Mini-Poster Card |
Art / Animation Cels |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
___ | Droids Miscellaneous Production Animation Cel |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
___ | Ewoks Miscellaneous Production Animation Cel |
Celebrity Items / Autographs |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | Mark Hamill Autographed Plaque (QVC Exclusive) |
Sporting Goods / Balls |
Star Wars Saga (2008-Present) |
Singapore |
___ | Singapore ILM Sandcrawler T-Shirt |
Movie Production Pieces / Blueprints |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | TIE Fighter Blueprint |
Blue Harvest |
United States |
___ | Endor Filming Location Maps |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
___ | Naboo Fighter Blueprint |
___ | Theed Plaza Brick Pattern Blueprint |
Jewelry / Bracelets |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | Rubber Bracelet, Black Starwars.com Circle is Now Complete |
___ | Rubber Bracelet, Blue Starwars.com MTFBWY |
___ | Rubber Bracelet, Grey Starwarsshop.com SW Logo |
___ | Rubber Bracelet, Red Starwars.com At Last We Will Have Revenge |
Revenge of the Sith |
United States |
___ | Red Rubber Bracelet With ROTS Logo & SWShop.com (Large Size) |
___ | Red Rubber Bracelet With ROTS Logo & SWShop.com (Small Size) |
Buttons, Badges, and Pins |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | I Sat Through The Trilogy 1984 |
___ | ILM Siggraph 1997 Triangle Button |
___ | THX 10th Anniversary Square Button |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
___ | SW Trilogy in a THX Theatre for the Very First Time Button |
Revenge of the Sith |
United States |
___ | Lucasfilm Marketing Department ROTS Button (Chewbacca Head/Green Background) |
___ | Lucasfilm Marketing Department ROTS Button (Darth Vader Helmet/Green Background) |
___ | Lucasfilm Marketing Department ROTS Button (R2-D2 Torso/Magenta Background) |
___ | Lucasfilm Marketing Department ROTS Button (Yoda/Blue Background) |
Movie Production Pieces / Call Sheets |
Blue Harvest |
United States |
___ | Blue Harvest Call Sheet (First Unit) |
___ | Blue Harvest Call Sheet (Second Unit) |
Cast and Crew / Caps |
Empire Strikes Back |
Norway |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Norway Hat |
Blue Harvest |
United States |
___ | Blue Harvest Cap |
Revenge of the Jedi |
United States |
___ | Revenge of the Jedi Cap |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
___ | Star Wars Special Edition Cap |
___ | Star Wars Special Edition Party Crew Cap |
Attack of the Clones |
Australia |
___ | Episode II Film Crew Cap |
___ | Episode II R2-D2 Unit Crew Cap |
___ | Panavision Camera Crew Cap (white Australia) |
___ | Panavision Camera Crew Cap (yellow Australia) |
United States |
___ | Episode II Crew Cap |
Revenge of the Sith |
Australia |
___ | Construction Department (Imperial black) cap |
___ | Construction Department (Imperial blue) cap |
___ | Construction Department (Imperial red) cap |
___ | Construction Department (Rebel black) cap |
___ | Construction Department (Rebel blue) cap |
___ | Construction Department (Rebel red) cap |
___ | Construction Department Black Knit Hat |
___ | Construction Department Blue Knit Hat |
___ | Construction Department White Knit Hat |
___ | Creature Crew Black Cap |
United States |
___ | Episode III Lucasfilm Marketing Cap |
___ | Lucasfilm Episode III (Black) Cap |
___ | Lucasfilm Episode III (Flaming) Cap |
___ | Lucasfilm Episode III (Gray) Cap |
___ | Lucasfilm Episode III (Red) Cap |
___ | Revenge of the Sith Lucasfilm Marketing Cap |
Clone Wars 3D |
United States |
___ | Jedi Order Cap |
Star Wars Saga (2008-Present) |
United States |
___ | Javva The Hutt Cap (brown, original style) |
___ | Javva The Hutt Cap (burgundy, original style) |
___ | LFL Skywalker Ranch Picnic 2018 40th Cap (grey) |
___ | LFL Skywalker Ranch Picnic 2018 40th Cap (white) |
___ | Skywalker Ranch Fire Department Cap (contrast bill red) |
___ | Skywalker Ranch Fire Department Cap (double piping navy) |
___ | Skywalker Ranch Fire Department Cap (double piping red) |
___ | Skywalker Ranch Fire Department Cap (navy) |
___ | Skywalker Ranch Fire Department Cap (poly bamboo navy) |
___ | Skywalker Ranch Fire Department Cap (poly bamboo red) |
___ | Yoda Yoga Dad Hat (white) |
___ | Yoda Yoga Mesh Ball Cap (black/white) |
___ | Yoda Yoga Mesh Ball Cap (grey/white) |
The Force Awakens |
United Kingdom |
___ | Episode VII Crew Cap |
___ | Episode VII SFX Crew 2014 Cap |
___ | Episode VII SFX Crew Baseball Cap (VII logo) |
___ | Episode VII SFX Crew Beanie (VII logo) |
___ | Episode VII Stunts (Allstunts Inc) Beanie |
___ | Episode VII Stunts (Allstunts Inc) Mesh Trucker Cap |
___ | Episode VII VFX Crew Beanie |
United States |
___ | Episode VII ILM VFX Cap |
Rogue One |
United Kingdom |
___ | Rogue One Construction Crew Cap |
___ | Rogue One Los Alamos Costume Cap |
The Last Jedi |
United Kingdom |
___ | Episode VIII Costume Crew Cap |
___ | Episode VIII Creature FX Beanie Hat (black) |
___ | Episode VIII Creature FX Beanie Hat (red) |
___ | Episode VIII Creature FX Crew Cap (black) |
___ | Episode VIII Creature FX Crew Cap (red) |
___ | Episode VIII Space Panda Cap |
___ | Episode VIII Special Effects Crew Cap |
___ | Episode VIII Stunts Beanie Hat |
___ | Episode VIII Stunts Crew Cap |
___ | Episode VIII Team BB-8 Crew Cap |
___ | Episode VIII Transport BB-8 Fedora Hat |
___ | Episode VIII Transport Crew Cap |
United States |
___ | ILM VFX Crew 2017 Cap (burgundy) |
___ | ILM VFX Crew 2017 Space Bear Cap (black, black bill) |
___ | ILM VFX Crew 2017 Space Bear Cap (black, gray bill) |
Solo |
United Kingdom |
___ | Costume/Costume FX Cap |
___ | Creature FX Crew Beanie |
___ | Creature FX Crew Cap |
___ | Grip Dept Cap |
___ | Safety Cap |
United States |
___ | LFL Falcon Ball Cap (black) |
___ | LFL Falcon Ball Cap (grey) |
___ | LFL Falcon Color Ball Cap |
___ | LFL Falcon Color Soft Cap |
___ | LFL Mesh Falcon Cap (blue/white) |
___ | LFL Trucker Cap (black) |
___ | LFL Trucker Cap (grey/black) |
The Rise of Skywalker |
United Kingdom |
___ | IX Beanie |
___ | IX:2U Cap |
___ | Trixie Cap (black) |
The Mandalorian |
United States |
___ | Mythasaur Cap (grey) |
Cast and Crew / Cards |
A New Hope |
United Kingdom |
___ | 1978 Christmas Card (Droids Shopping by Ralph McQuarrie) |
United States |
___ | 1977 Christmas Card (Hollywood Blimp) |
___ | 1978 Christmas Card (John Alvin Concert Art) |
___ | 1979 Change of Address Card |
___ | 1979 Christmas Card (C-3PO Santa and R2-D2 with Antlers by Ralph McQuarrie) |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
___ | 1980 Christmas Card (Toy Workshop by Ralph McQuarrie) |
___ | 1981 Christmas Card (Santa Yoda by Ralph McQuarrie, blue background) |
___ | 1981 Christmas Card (Santa Yoda by Ralph McQuarrie, white background) |
___ | 1982 Christmas Card (Santa Yoda on Sleigh by Ralph McQuarrie) |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
___ | 1983 Christmas Card (Ewok Santa by Ralph McQuarrie) |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
___ | 1984 Christmas Card (Ewoks watching Santa in the Sky by Ralph McQuarrie) |
___ | 1985 Christmas Card (Droids and Ewoks Party by Ralph McQuarrie) |
___ | 1986 Christmas Card (Ewoks building C-3PO Snowman) |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | 1994 Christmas Card (Jawas with Presents by Ralph McQuarrie) |
___ | 1995 Christmas Card (Cantina Band Snowglobe by Ralph McQuarrie) |
___ | 1998 R2-D2 & C-3PO '...Trust A Strange Computer' Lucasfilm Internet Holiday Card |
___ | 2001 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Chewbacca with Kids) |
___ | 2003 Lucas Companies Christmas Card (Yoda looking at Costellation) |
___ | 2004 Lucas Companies Snowflakes Christmas Card |
___ | 2007 Lucas Companies (Pop-Up Caroling Stormtroopers) Christmas Card |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
___ | 1999 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Caroling Pod Racers) |
___ | 2000 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Sleds with Podracing Engines) |
Attack of the Clones |
United States |
___ | 2002 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Yoda ‘No Two Alike’) |
Revenge of the Sith |
United States |
___ | 2005 Lucasfilm Christmas Card (Golden Gate Bridge) |
___ | Sith Happens Anakin Skywalker 2005 Happy New Year Card |
Clone Wars 3D |
United States |
___ | 2009 Lucas Companies Ginger Clones Card |
Star Wars Saga (2008-Present) |
United States |
___ | 2010 Lucas Companies Darth Vader Dove Holiday Card |
___ | 2011 Lucas Companies Jabba the Snowman Holiday Card |
___ | 2012 Christmas Card (Retro Santa Yoda by Ralph McQuarrie) |
___ | 2013 Christmas Card (Caroling Bounty Hunters) |
___ | Yoda Fountain LDAC Card |
___ | Yoda Statue Big Rock Postcard |
Rogue One |
United States |
___ | 2016 Lucasfilm Card (K-2SO, BB-8, R2-D2) |
The Last Jedi |
United States |
___ | 2017 Lucasfilm Card (Rey and Kylo Ren illuminated tree) |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Celebration Europe |
Power of the Force |
United States |
___ | Celebration Europe Custom Power of the Force Logo Sticker |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Europe |
___ | Celebration Europe Chewbacca Master (Raw) Medallion |
United Kingdom |
___ | Celebration Europe Associate Gold Medallion Set |
___ | Celebration Europe C-3PO Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Chewbacca Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Darth Vader Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Death Squad Commander Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Han Solo Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Jawa Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Luke Skywalker Medallion Display |
___ | Celebration Europe Luke Skywalker Medallion Pattern |
___ | Celebration Europe Luke Skywalker Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Obi-Wan Kenobi Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Pewter Medallion Set |
___ | Celebration Europe Princess Leia Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe R2-D2 Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration Europe Sandpeople Medallion Sticker |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Celebration III |
United States |
___ | Celebration III 3-Piece Patch Set (PSWCS/DCSWCC/OSWCC) & Prototype Uncut Patch |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Celebration IV |
United States |
___ | Celebration IV Associate Gold Medallion Set |
___ | Celebration IV Badge Set |
___ | Celebration IV Ben Kenobi Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV C-3PO Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV C-3PO Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Chewbacca Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Chewbacca Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Collecting Track Trivia Contest Award |
___ | Celebration IV Darth Vader Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Darth Vader Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Death Squad Commander Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Death Squad Commander Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Han Solo Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Han Solo Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Jawa Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Jawa Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Luke Skywalker Medallion Display |
___ | Celebration IV Luke Skywalker Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Luke Skywalker Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Obi-Wan Kenobi Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Pewter Medallion Set |
___ | Celebration IV Pin |
___ | Celebration IV Princess Leia Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Princess Leia Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV R2-D2 Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV R2-D2 Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Sand Person Pewter Medallion |
___ | Celebration IV Sandpeople Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Stormtrooper Medallion Sticker |
___ | Celebration IV Stormtrooper Pewter Medallion |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Celebration Japan |
Japan |
___ | Celebration Japan Associate Gold Medallion Set |
___ | Celebration Japan Coin |
___ | Celebration Japan Collecting Track Volunteer Shirt |
___ | Celebration Japan Medallion Giveaway Stamper |
___ | Celebration Japan Pewter Medallion Set |
___ | General Grievous Art Print |
Clone Wars 3D |
Japan |
___ | Celebration Japan Clone Wars Bottle Cap |
Prototypes / Coin |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
France |
___ | Reunion II Boba Fett Medallion Mold Test Sample |
United Kingdom |
___ | Celebration Europe Luke Skywalker Medallion Mold Test Samples |
___ | Celebration Europe Luke Skywalker Medallion Molds |
___ | Celebration Europe Six Medallion Mold Test Samples |
United States |
___ | Celebration IV Luke Skywalker Medallion Mold |
___ | Celebration IV Luke Skywalker Medallion Mold Test Samples |
___ | Celebration IV Luke Skywalker Medallion Pattern |
___ | Celebration IV Six Medallion Mold Test Samples |
Movie Production Pieces / Costumes |
A New Hope |
Tunisia |
___ | Luke Skywalker's Belt |
___ | Tatooine Robe |
___ | Tusken Raider Bandolier |
United Kingdom |
___ | Tarkin's Trousers |
___ | Yavin Ceremony Rebel Uniform |
United States |
___ | Duros Prop Hand |
___ | Greedo's (Rodian) Hand |
___ | Kabe's Hand |
___ | Luke Ceremonial Jacket |
___ | Rebel Fleet Trooper Vest |
___ | Tusken Raider Glove |
Empire Strikes Back |
Norway |
___ | Hoth Rebel Soldier Costume |
United Kingdom |
___ | Han Solo Bespin Jacket |
___ | Hoth Rebel Cap |
___ | Hoth Stormtrooper Cod Piece |
United States |
___ | Darth Vader Costume |
___ | Darth Vader Costume |
___ | Hoth Rebel Vest |
___ | Wampa Fur |
Return of the Jedi |
United Kingdom |
___ | Ewok Shorts |
___ | Jabba Bladders |
___ | Paploo (Kenny Baker) Ewok Body Suit |
United States |
___ | C-3PO Hand |
___ | Jabba Henchman Holster |
___ | Josh Ling Rebel Hero |
___ | Josh Ling Rebel Hero In Action |
___ | Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) Belt |
___ | Slave Leia Costume |
Phantom Menace |
United Kingdom |
___ | Naboo Guard Jacket |
United States |
___ | Tusken Raider Bandolier |
Video and Film / DVD and VCD |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | Star Wars Tech DVD |
Household Items |
Revenge of the Sith |
United States |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet/Lava Book Of Matches |
Cast and Crew / Invitations |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Star Wars Cast and Crew Screening Invitation |
___ | Star Wars Wrap Party Invitation |
Empire Strikes Back |
United Kingdom |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (blue bar/white back, Odeon, royal circle, May 4th) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (red bar/white back, Odeon, stalls, May 4th) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (white bar/red back, Odeon, stalls, May 3rd) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (white bar/yellow back, Odeon, circle, May 3rd) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (yellow bar/white back, Odeon, circle, May 4th) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Wrap Party Invitation |
United States |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Cast & Crew Party Invitation (Neptune's Palace San Francisco) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (20th Century Fox Studios, Los Angeles) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (Northpoint Theater, San Francisco) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Crew Screening Invitation (Samuel Goldwyn Theater, Beverly Hills) |
Blue Harvest |
United States |
___ | Blue Harvest Wrap Party Invitation |
Return of the Jedi |
United Kingdom |
___ | Return of the Jedi UK Crew Screening Invitation (London) |
United States |
___ | Christmas 1982 Invitation |
___ | Return of the Jedi US Crew Screening Invitation (Corte Madera) |
___ | Return of the Jedi US Crew Screening Invitation (Los Angeles) |
___ | Return of the Jedi US Crew Screening Invitation (San Francisco) |
Ewok Films |
United States |
___ | Ewoks The Battle for Endor Crew Screening Invitation (Northpoint Theater, San Francisco) |
___ | The Ewok Adventure Crew Screening Invitation (The Darrryl F. Zanuck Theatre, Los Angeles) |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | 2003 Picnic Invitation (Jar Jar in Pie) |
___ | Lucasfilm 1984 July 4 Picnic Invitation (R2-D2 with Musical Instruments) |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Grey, Coronet Theatre) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Purple, Pacific Regency Cinema) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Red, Pacific Roland Theatre) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Yellow, Pacific's Cinema I) |
___ | Return of the Jedi Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Grey, Coronet Theatre) |
___ | Return of the Jedi Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Purple, Pacific Regency Cinema) |
___ | Return of the Jedi Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Red, Pacific Roland Theatre) |
___ | Return of the Jedi Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Yellow, Pacific's Cinema I) |
___ | Star Wars Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Grey, Coronet Theatre) |
___ | Star Wars Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Purple, Pacific Regency Cinema) |
___ | Star Wars Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Red, Pacific Roland Theatre) |
___ | Star Wars Special Edition Crew Screening Invitation (Yellow, Pacific's Cinema I) |
Phantom Menace |
United Kingdom |
___ | Episode I Wrap Party Invitation (Large Size Action Figures) |
United States |
___ | 1999 Christmas Party Invitation (A Crystal Ball) |
___ | 2000 Halloween Party Invitation (Blair Witch Project Parody) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (AMC 1000, Adult) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (AMC 1000, Child) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Cinema 1, Adult) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Cinema 1, Child) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Cinema 21, Adult) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Cinema 21, Child) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Coronet Theater, Adult) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Coronet Theater, Child) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Regency Cinema, Adult) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Regency Cinema, Child) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Rowland Plaza Cinema, Adult) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening and Buffet Lunch Ticket (Rowland Plaza Cinema, Child) |
___ | Episode I Crew Screening Invitation (Queen Amidala Naboo Style) |
___ | ILM 1999 Summer Wrap Party Invitation |
___ | ILM 2000 Summer Wrap Party Invitation |
Attack of the Clones |
Australia |
___ | Episode II Crew Screening Ticket (Australia) |
United States |
___ | Episode II Crew Screening Invitation (Naboo Lake, US) |
Revenge of the Sith |
United States |
___ | Episode III Crew Screening Badge |
___ | Episode III Crew Screening Invitation (Negative Vader, US) |
___ | Episode III Crew Screening Ticket (Century Cinema, Corte Madera) |
___ | Episode III Crew Screening Ticket (Loews Metreon, San Francisco) |
Clone Wars 3D |
United States |
___ | Clone Wars Crew Screening (Letterman Digital Arts Center) |
The Force Awakens |
United Kingdom |
___ | Cast and Crew Screening Invitation |
___ | Star Wars The Force Awakens European Premiere Invitation (Odeon Leicester Square, London) |
___ | Star Wars The Force Awakens Post Premiere Party Invitation (Tate Britain, London) |