Items from licensee: Fleuve Noir
Books / Novels
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
Assaut Paperback
Dark Lord: L'Ascension de Dark Vador (Rise of Darth Vader) Paperback #79
L'Armure Mandalorienne (Mandalorian Armor) Paperback
L'Epreuve du Jedi (Jedi Trial) Paperback #74
L'Etoile de Cristal (Crystal Star) Paperback
L'Heritier de l'Empire (Heir to Empire) Paperback
L'Ultime Commandment (Last Command) Paperback
La Bataille des Jedi (Dark Force Rising) Paperback
La Force Unifiee (Unified Force) Paperback #75
La Quete des Jedi (Jedi Search) Paperback
La Revanche de Yan Solo (Han Solo's Revenge) Paperback
La Tepete Approche (Approaching Storm) Paperback
Le Bouclier Furtif (Shield of Lies) Paperback
Le Defi du Tyran (Tyrant's Test) Paperback
Le Gambit du Hutt (Hutt Gambit) Paperback
Le Planete du Crepuscule (Planet of Twilight) Paperback
Le Spectre du Passe (Specter Of The Past) Paperback
Le Vaisseau Esclave (Slave Ship) Paperback
Les Championes de la Force (Champions of the Force) Paperback
Les Enfants du Jedi (Children of the Jedi) Paperback
Moi, Jedi I: Mirax a Disparu (I, Jedi Part 1) Paperback
Moi, Jedi II: L'Heritage de Coran Horn (I, Jedi Part 2) Paperback
Nautage Paperback
Planete Rebelle (Rogue Planet) Paperback
Point d'Equillbre (Balance Point) Paperback
Republic Commando Contact Zero Paperback #73
Sombre Disciple (Dark Apprentice) Paperback
Sombre Voyage (Dark Journey) Paperback
Tempete Intergalactique (Approaching Storm) Paperback #83
Treve a Bakura (Truce At Bakura) Paperback
Vol ver L'Infini (Outbound Flight) Paperback #84
X-Wings #1: L'Escadron Rogue (Rogue Squadron) Paperback
X-Wings #2: Le Jeu de la Morte (Wedge's Gamble) Paperback
X-Wings #3: Un Piege Nomme Krytos (Krytos Trap) Paperback
X-Wings #4: La Guerre du Bacta (Bacta War) Paperback
X-Wings #5: L'Escadron Spectre (Wraith Squad) Paperback
X-Wings #6: (Iron Fist) Paperback
X-Wings #7: (Solo Command) Paperback
X-Wings #8: (Isard's Revenge) Paperback
X-Wings #9: Les Chasseurs Stellaires d'Adumar (Starfighters of Adumar) Paperback
Yan Solo le Tresor de Xin (Han Solo and the Lost Legacy) Paperback
Yoda Sombre Recontre (Dark Rendezvous) Papreback #80
Phantom Menace
Dark Maul: L'Ombre du Chasseur (Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter) Paperback
Attack of the Clones
L'Attaque des Clones (AOTC Novel) Paperback
Checklist by Duncan Jenkins,
Gus Lopez
, and the
Star Wars collecting community
Software by
Chris Nichols
All information © 2014
Star Wars Collectors Archive