Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Vinyl Action Figure Carry Case |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Darth Vader Collector's Case (31 Back) |
___ | Vinyl Action Figure Collector's Case (Large Yoda Head) |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | Chewbacca Bandolier Strap |
Prototypes / Action Figure Related |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Regal Chewbacca Store Display Prototype Doll and Costume |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
___ | Carded Princess Leia Canadian Toy Fair Display |
Books / Activity and Coloring |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Chewbacca Coloring Book |
___ | Chewie & Luke Coloring Book |
___ | Luke & C-3PO Coloring Book |
___ | R2-D2 Coloring Book |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Darth Vader Flanked by Stormtroopers Coloring Book |
___ | Heroes at Bespin Banquet Coloring Book |
___ | Luke Skywalker in Bespin Doorway Coloring Book |
___ | Princess Leia & Chewbacca on Bespin Coloring Book |
___ | R2-D2 Coloring Book |
___ | Yoda Coloring Book |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | Luke Skywalker Coloring Book |
___ | Rebo Band Coloring Book |
Wicket the Ewok |
Canada |
___ | Wicket on Vine Coloring Book |
___ | Wicket's World Coloring Book |
Toys / Role-Playing / Blasters |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | 3 Position Laser Rifle |
___ | Laser Pistol |
Games / Board |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Game |
___ | Yoda the Jedi Master Game |
Fakes |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Fake Vinyl Cape Jawa |
Household Items |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | C-3PO Switcheroo |
___ | Darth Vader Switcheroo |
___ | R2-D2 Switcheroo |
Catalogs / In-Pack and In-Store |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | In-Pack Toy Catalog (English) |
___ | In-Pack Toy Catalog (French) |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | ESB Logo Bi-Lingual In-Pack Catalog |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Large Size Action Figures |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Boba Fett Large Size Action Figure (Woolco Catalog Sample) |
___ | Ben Kenobi Large Size Action Figure |
___ | C-3PO Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Chewbacca Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Darth Vader Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Han Solo Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Jawa Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Luke Skywalker Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Princess Leia Organa Large Size Action Figure |
___ | R2-D2 Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Stormtrooper Large Size Action Figure |
Toys / Role-Playing / Lightsabers |
Canada |
___ | Inflatable Light Saber |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | The Force Light Saber (red) |
Toys / Miscellaneous |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Darth Vader Van |
___ | Heroes Van |
___ | Walking Wind Up R2-D2 |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Miscellaneous |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Hoth Wampa |
___ | Patrol Dewback (Black Bar Box) |
___ | Patrol Dewback (Regular Box) |
___ | Radar Laser Cannon |
___ | Special Offer Dewback (Printed offer) |
___ | TaunTaun (Original) |
___ | TaunTaun (With Open Belly) |
___ | Tri-Pod Laser Cannon |
___ | Vehicle Maintenance Energizer |
Toys / Miscellaneous |
Canada |
___ | Yoda The Jedi Master Fortune Teller |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Miscellaneous |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | Rancor Monster Figure |
Crafts / Paint/Color |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Dip Dots Painting Design Book |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Playsets |
Canada |
___ | Creature Cantina |
___ | Death Star |
___ | Death Star Space Station (Suitcase-style Opening Box) |
___ | Death Star Space Station (Top & Bottom Opening Box) |
___ | Land of the Jawas |
___ | Special Offer Creature Cantina |
___ | Special Offer Death Star |
___ | Special Offer Land of the Jawas (Jawa Figure) |
___ | Special Offer Land of the Jawas (Yoda Figure) |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Cloud City Playset (Sears Exclusive) |
___ | Dagobah Action Playset |
___ | Darth Vader's Star Destroyer |
___ | Droid Factory (ESB Logo) |
___ | Gun Turret and Probot Playset (Sears Exclusive) |
___ | Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set |
___ | Imperial Attack Base |
Toys / Small Scale Toys / Playsets |
Canada |
___ | Micro Collection Bespin Control Room |
___ | Micro Collection Bespin Freeze Chamber |
___ | Micro Collection Bespin Gantry |
___ | Micro Collection Bespin World |
___ | Micro Collection Death Star Compactor |
___ | Micro Collection Death Star Escape |
___ | Micro Collection Death Star World |
___ | Micro Collection Hoth Generator Attack |
___ | Micro Collection Hoth Turret Defense |
___ | Micro Collection Hoth Wampa Cave |
___ | Micro Collection Hoth World |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Playsets |
Canada |
___ | Special Offer Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set (Hoth Rebel, Luke X-Wing, & Snowtrooper) |
___ | Special Offer Hoth Ice Planet Adventure Set (Snowtrooper) |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | Ewok Village Action Playset |
___ | Jabba The Hutt Action Playset |
Toys / Plush |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Plush Chewbacca |
___ | Plush Jawa |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | The Ewok (Wicket, Boxed) |
Video and Film / Projectors and Viewers |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Star Wars Movie Viewer |
___ | SW Give-A-Show Projector |
Toys / Punching Bags |
Canada |
___ | Chewbacca Bop Bag |
___ | Darth Vader Bop Bag |
___ | Jawa Bop Bag |
___ | R2-D2 Bop Bag |
Toys / Puppets |
Canada |
___ | Chewbacca Hand Puppet |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Yoda Hand Puppet |
Toys / Radio-Controlled |
A New Hope |
Canada |
___ | Radio Controlled R2-D2 |
Toys / Role-Playing / Sets |
Canada |
___ | Darth Vader Utility Belt |
___ | Luke Skywalker Utility Belt |
___ | Princess Leia Utility Belt |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Licensed) |
Canada |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Ben Kenobi (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Ben Kenobi (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back C-3PO (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back C-3PO (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Chewbacca (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Chewbacca (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Darth Vader (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Darth Vader (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Death Squad Commander (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Death Squad Commander (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Han Solo (Original) Large Head (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Han Solo (Original) Large Head (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Jawa (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Jawa (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Jawa Vinyl Cape |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Luke Skywalker (Original) (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Luke Skywalker (Original) (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Princess Leia (Original) (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Princess Leia (Original) (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back R2-D2 (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back R2-D2 (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Sand People (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Sand People (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Stormtrooper (English Logo) |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Stormtrooper (French & English Logos) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Ben Kenobi |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Boba Fett |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back C-3PO |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Chewbacca |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Squad Commander |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Star Droid |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Greedo |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Hammerhead |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Han Solo (Original) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Jawa |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Luke Skywalker (Original) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Power Droid |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Princess Leia (Original) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back R2-D2 |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back R5-D4 |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Sand People |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Snaggletooth |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Stormtrooper |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Walrus Man |
___ | Star Wars 3-Pack Creature Set (Hammerhead, Walrusman, Greedo) |
___ | Star Wars 3-Pack Droid Set (R5-D4, Death Star Droid, Power Droid) |
___ | Star Wars 3-Pack Hero Set (Han, Obi-Wan, Luke X-Wing) |
___ | Star Wars 3-Pack Villain Set (Tusken Raider, Boba Fett, Snaggletooth) |
___ | Star Wars 9-Pack Mini-Figures Set |
___ | Star Wars Multi-Pack C3PO, Chewbacca |
___ | Star Wars Multi-Pack Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader |
___ | Star Wars Multi-Pack Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Darth Vader, Death Squad Commander |
___ | Star Wars Multi-Pack R2-D2, Stormtrooper |
___ | Star Wars R5-D4, Hammerhead, Walrus Man, Luke X-Wing, Boba Fett, Power Droid, DS Droid, Snaggletooth |
Empire Strikes Back |
Canada |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Boba Fett |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back C-3PO |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Jawa |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Luke Skywalker |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back R2-D2 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back R5-D4 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 21-Back Walrusman |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 3-Pack Bespin Alliance Set (Bespin Guard, Lando Calrissian, Luke Bespin) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 3-Pack Hoth Rebels (Han Solo Hoth Outfit, Rebel Soldier, FX-7) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 3-Pack Imperial Forces (Bossk, IG-88, Hoth Stormtrooper) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Bespin Security Guard (White) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Bossk |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back C-3PO (Original) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back FX-7 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Han Solo (Hoth Outit) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back IG-88 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Lando Calrissian |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Luke Bespin (Walking Photo) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Princess Leia Bespin Outift (Profile Photo) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 31-Back Rebel Soldier |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back C-3PO |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back Chewbacca |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back Han Solo |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back Star Destroyer Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 32-Back Yoda (Orange Snake) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Bossk |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) 2-1B |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) AT-AT Driver |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Dengar |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Han Bespin |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Imperial Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Leia Hoth |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Lobot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Rebel Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Ugnaught |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back 2-1B |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back AT-AT Driver |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Chewbacca |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Dengar |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Han Solo (Large Head) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Han Solo Hoth |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back IG-88 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Imperial Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Lobot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Luke Skywalker (Original) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Luke Skywalker X-wing Pilot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Princess Leia (Original) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Rebel Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Snaggletooth |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Stormtrooper |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Tusken Raider |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Ugnaught |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 41-Back Yoda |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) AT-AT Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Bespin Security Guard (Black) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) C-3PO Removable Limbs |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Cloud Car Pilot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 45-Back (Display Arena Offer) Luke Hoth |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) FX-7 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Han Solo (Bespin Outift) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Imperial Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Imperial Tie Fighter Pilot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Rebel Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Rebel Soldier |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Ugnaught |
___ | Empire Strikes Back 47-Back (4-LOM Offer) Zuckuss |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Canadian Consumers Distributing 5-Pack (ESB 31 backs) |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
___ | Return of the Jedi 41-Back (Transition Card) C-3PO |
___ | Return of the Jedi 41-Back (Transition Card) Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Return of the Jedi 41-Back (Transition Card) IG-88 |
___ | Return of the Jedi 41-Back (Trasnition Card) Princess Leia Hoth Outfit |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back (Transition Card) AT-AT Commander |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back (Transition Card) Bespin Guard (Black) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back (Transition Card) C-3PO (Removable Limbs) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back (Transition Card) Cloud Car Pilot |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back (Transition Card) Luke Hoth |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back (Transition Card) R2-D2 Sensorscope |
___ | Return of the Jedi 47-Back (Transition Card) Rebel Soldier |
___ | Return of the Jedi 47-Back (Transition Card) Zuckuss |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) 8D8 |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Klaatu Skiff |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back (Emperor Offer) Nikto |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Admiral Ackbar |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Bib Fortuna |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Biker Scout |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Chief Chirpa |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Emperor's Royal Guard |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Gamorrean Guard |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back General Madine |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Klaatu |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Disguise) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Logray |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight (Green Saber) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Nien Nunb |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Princess Leia (Boussh Disguise) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Prune Face |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Rebel Commando |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Ree-Yees |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Squid Head |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Weequay |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back AT-ST Driver |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back B-Wing Pilot |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Bib Fortuna |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Biker Scout |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Boba Fett |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back C-3PO Removable Limbs |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Chewbacca |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Emperor |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Emperor's Royal Guard |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Han Solo Trench Coat |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Logray |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight (Blue Saber) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight (Green Saber) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Princess Leia (Combat Poncho) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back R2-D2 Sensorscope |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Rancor Keeper |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Stormtrooper |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Teebo |
___ | Return of the Jedi 77-Back Wicket |
___ | Return of the Jedi 79-Back Lumat |
___ | Return of the Jedi 79-Back Paploo |
___ | Return of the Jedi Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band Action Figure Set |
Droids Cartoon |
Canada |
___ | Droids C-3PO |
___ | Droids Jann Tosh |
___ | Droids Jord Dusat |
___ | Droids Kea Moll |
___ | Droids Kez-Iban |
___ | Droids R2-D2 |
___ | Droids Thall Joben |