Alec Guinness letter to Jim Rumph
This is an remarkable historical piece for Star Wars merchandising. Jim Rumph, the sculptor and creator of the wonderful character mugs for Chewbacca, Vader, and Obi-Wan distributed by California Originals, sent samples to the actors. This is the handwritten letter that Alec Guinness sent back to Jim Rumph thanking him for the Obi-Wan Kenobi mug.
Description by: Gus Lopez
Photo: Gus Lopez
From the collection of: Gus Lopez
Country:United States
Film:A New Hope
Licensee:California Originals
Category:Ceramics / Mugs


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive