Hoth Rebel Soldier Costume
This costume of a Rebel Soldier was used in The Empire Strikes Back from the Hoth battle scenes filmed in Finse, Norway in 1979. The main pieces of the costume was worn by Carl Bang, the actor who appears on Kenner's action figure card for the Hoth Rebel Soldier. Various accessories were assembled via trades from several collectors who acquired them from different sources over the years including the macro binoculars, googles, gloves, boots, blaster pistol, blaster rifle, and cap.
Description by: Gus Lopez
Photo: Gus Lopez
From the collection of: Gus Lopez
Film:Empire Strikes Back
Licensee:Lucasfilm, Ltd.
Category:Movie Production Pieces / Costumes


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive