The White Witch
For years, this piece remained elusive, but eventually surfaced as this one known prototype of this unproduced toy. It was quite an amazing discovery as collectors had discussed this toy for decades before confirming its existence. The White Witch was a vehicle planned for release in Kenner's Droids action figure line. It was featured in Kenner photography including flyers prepared for retailers. The vehicle has several features such as break-away parts, a sliding slot to position an R2 unit action figure, and a firing mechanism. The one featured here matches the photo in the original Kenner photography.
Description by: Gus Lopez
Photo: Gus Lopez
From the collection of: Gus Lopez
Country:United States
Film:Droids Cartoon
Category:Prototypes / Action Figure Related


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive