Emperor's Royal Guard and Chewbacca (Carded)
These interesting Mexican bootlegs came to me through my Mexican friends Josefina and Luis Galvez. I believe them to be curious hybrids of authentic Lili Ledy and bootleg parts. During the vintage years, Lili Ledy was the official Mexican Star Wars toy producer. In recent years, mixed lots of Lili Ledy figure parts have hit the collector market; they were apparently left over at Lili Ledy factories when the line was shut down. What I think happened in the case of these bootlegs is that someone got a hold of a bunch of these parts and then made bootleg parts in order to add to them and thereby put together complete figures.

The Emperor's Royal Guard figure that you see at the top of this page has an obviously bootlegged head. And check out that ratty cape!

Here you see a somewhat less interesting Chewbacca figure. On this one, the torso looks to be legit, but the limbs are made of an entirely different (and lesser quality) type of plastic.

As you can see, the figures aren't affixed to their cards with bubbles. Rather, they're stapled to them inside of clear plastic bags. Although the figures are definitely made in imitation of vintage items, I believe the artwork used on the cards derives from a '90s boardgame. So they can't be that old.

Description by: Ron Salvatore
Photo: Ron Salvatore
From the collection of: Ron Salvatore
Film:Return of the Jedi
Category:Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Bootleg)


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

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