

A New Hope
 Kenner Canada
___ Star Wars 12-Back Fake Vinyl Cape Jawa
___ Star Wars Fake Vinyl Cape Jawa MOC
   United States
___ Fake Vinyl Cape Jawa 12-back
___ Star Wars Fake Vinyl Cape Jawa Cardback and Bubble
Empire Strikes Back
   United States
___ Fake Kenner ESB Trade Ad
___ FAKE Kenner ESB Trade Ad
___ Hoth Stormtrooper with Gray Limbs
Return of the Jedi
 Lili Ledy
___ Return of the Jedi Fake vinyl cape Jawa MOC & genuine loose Lili Ledy Jawa
   United States
___ Return of the Jedi Fake Red Caped Bib Fortuna MOC
Power of the Force
   United States
___ Power of the Force Fake C-3PO Storage Case
___ Power of the Force Fake Cloud Car Pilot Carded Figure
___ Power of the Force Fake Leia Carded Figure

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive