

Food Products
          / Entrees
               / Packaging
A New Hope
___ Libby's Alpha-Getti Can - 8oz
___ Libby's Alpha-Getti Can - 14oz
___ Libby's Alpha-Getti Can - 19oz
___ Libby's Spaghetti Can - 28oz
___ Hot Dog Wrapper (Foil & Blue With R2-D2)
   United Kingdom
___ Baked Beans With 4 Grilled Pork Sausages Can - 220g
___ Baked Beans With 8 Grilled Pork Sausages Can - 447g
 Walls Sausage
___ Wall's Skinless Pork Sausage 8pk Wrapper
   United States
 Orchard Hill Farms
___ TV Dinner Box (Safari Supper)
___ TV Dinner Box (Sundown Supper)
Phantom Menace
   United Kingdom
___ SW Pasta in Tomato Sauce Can, Jar Jar photo - 205g
___ SW Pasta in Tomato Sauce Can, Maul Hologram - 400g
___ SW Pasta in Tomato Sauce Can, Maul Non-Hologram Photo - 400g
___ SW Pasta in Tomato Sauce Can, Royal Starship Hologram - 205g
Attack of the Clones
   United States
 20th Century Fox
___ Texas Beef Wrap Meal Box
___ Veggie Wrap Meal Box
Clone Wars
   United States
 ConArgra Foods
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli 6pk Plastic Wrapper
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Anakin on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Count Dooku on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Mace Windu on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Yoda on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Anakin on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Count Dooku on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Mace Windu on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Yoda on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Anakin on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Count Dooku on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Mace Windu on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Yoda on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Anakin on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Count Dooku on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Mace Windu on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Yoda on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Anakin on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Count Dooku on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Mace Windu on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Yoda on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Anakin on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Count Dooku on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Mace Windu on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Yoda on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Anakin on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Count Dooku on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Mace Windu on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Yoda on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Anakin on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Count Dooku on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Mace Windu on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Yoda on inside of box
___ Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Anakin on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Count Dooku on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Mace Windu on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label
___ Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Yoda on inside of label
Revenge of the Sith
 Le Gaulois
___ Aiguillettes - 200 g.
___ Beignets de Poulet - 10x20 g.
___ Beignets de Poulet, DVD Promotion - 10x20 g.
___ Beignets du Monde Asiatique - 2x100 g.
___ Beignets du Monde Indienne - 2x100 g.
___ Calzone Campagnarde - 380 g.
___ Calzone Parisienne - 380 g.
___ Calzone Pizza
___ Chicken Roll BBQ Bag - 250g
___ Club Cuis'in
___ Club Cuis'in Thon a la Provencale - 160g
___ Club Thon Tomates Mayonaise, DVD Promotion - 140g
___ Cordon Bleu 3 Fromages
___ Cordon Bleu de Dinde à L'Emmental - 2x100 g.
___ Cordon Bleu de Dinde à L'Emmental - 4x100 g.
___ Cordon Bleu de Dinde à L'Emmental, DVD Promotion - 2x100g
___ Cordon Bleu de Poulet à L'Emmental - 2x100 g.
___ Cordon Bleu de Poulet � L'Emmental, DVD Promotion - 2x100g
___ Croq' Bolognaise Sauce Cuisinée et Emmental - 2x100g.
___ Croq' Bolognaise Sauce Cuisinée et Emmental, DVD Promotion - 2x100 g.
___ Croq' Cordon Bleu
___ Croq' Fromage À l'Emmental - 2x100 g.
___ Croq' Fromage � l'Emmental - 2x100 g.
___ Croq' Jambon Bolognaise
___ Croq' Jambon Fromage de Dinde - 2x100 g.
___ Croq' Tomate Sauce aux Tomates Confites - 2x100 g.
___ Croq' Tomate Sauce aux Tomates Confites, DVD Promotion - 2x100 g.
___ Cuisses de Poulet Rôties Cuites
___ Divine Chèvre Mozzarella - 200 g.
___ Divine Chèvre Mozzarella - large
___ Divine Chorizo - 200 g.
___ Divine Chorizo - large
___ Divine Jambon Champignons Emmental - 200 g.
___ Divine Jambon Champignons Emmental - large
___ Divine Jambon Champignons Emmental, DVD Promotion - large
___ Divine Lardons Raclette - 200 g.
___ Divine Lardons Raclette - large
___ Émincés de Poulet - 200 g.
___ Filets de Poulet Rôtis Cuits
___ Frites de Poulet - 200 g.
___ Grignottes poulet a l'indienne - 250 g.
___ Jambon Chiffonnade + Mini-Club Jambon
___ Jambon Gouda - 3x70 g.
___ Jambon Gouda, DVD Promotion - 3x70 g.
___ Jambon Supérieur + Mini-Club Fromage
___ Jambon Supérieur Beurre Tendre
___ Le Petit Creux du Volailler
___ Le Petit Creux du Volailler (Mexicain)
___ Nuggets de Dinde - 20x20 g.
___ Nuggets de Dinde - 10x20 g.
___ Nuggets de Dinde, Sticker - 10x20 g.
___ Panés de Dinde - 200 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Alsacienne - 2x100 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Alsacienne, DVD Promotion - 2x100 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Normande - 2x100 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Parisienne - 2x100 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Parisienne, DVD Promotion - 2x100 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Provençale - 2x100 g.
___ Panés de nos Regions Savoyarde - 2x100 g.
___ Panes de Poulet - 200 g.
___ Panés du Monde Mexicaine, DVD Promotion - 2x100 g.
___ Pan�s de nos Regions Savoyarde, DVD Promotion - 2x100g
___ Pan�s du Monde Mexicaine - 2x100 g.
___ Poulet R�ti Mayonnaise DVD Promotion - 3x70g
___ Poulet R�ti Mayonnaise legere, DVD Promotion - 140g
___ Poulet Rôti + Mini-Club Fromage
___ Poulet Rôti Mayonnaise
___ Quiches Lorraines - 2x130 g.
___ Rôti Cuit de Dinde - 160 g.
___ Rôti de Filet de Dinde - 160 g.
___ Sandwich Club
___ Sandwich Dinde
___ Sandwich Jambon Emmental + Dessert Yaourt Fruit Jaune
___ Sandwich Poulet Crudités + Dessert Danette Chocolat
___ Sandwich Poulet Crudit�s + Dessert Danette Chocolat, DVD Promotion - 265g
___ Sandwich Thon Crudités + Dessert Salade de Fruits - 250 g.
___ Tarte aux Trois Fromages
___ Tartes Poireaux
___ Thon Tomate - 3x70 g.
___ Thon Tomate DVD Promotion - 3x70g

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2014 Star Wars Collectors Archive