Posters / Advertising |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
___ | ESBSE/Taco Bell Poster |
___ | Intergalactic Draw Contest Prizes Wall Poster |
___ | ROTSE/Taco Bell Poster |
___ | SWSE/Taco Bell Poster |
Food Products / Fast Food / Employee Items |
United States |
___ | Darth Vader Feel the Force Contest Employee Black T-Shirt |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
___ | Taco Bell Employee SW Episode 1:TPM Logo Baseball Hat |
Store Displays / Food / Fast Food and Restaurant |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
___ | 2pc Mobile (Apple Macintosh Performa 6400) |
___ | 2pc Mobile (Nintendo 64 With SOTE Game) |
___ | 2pc Mobile (THX Home Theater System & Vader on TV) |
___ | 2pc Mobile (Up to $100,000 Cash) |
___ | 2pc Mobile (VFX1 Headgear) |
___ | 2pc Window Cling (Darth Vader Helmet/Intergalactic Drawing) |
___ | 2pc Window Cling (Stormtrooper Helmet/Intergalactic Drawing) |
___ | C-3PO & Fountain Drink Translite |
___ | Chewbacca Oversized Game Piece Tabletent |
___ | Darth Vader On TV Picket Sign |
___ | Drive-Thru Window Cling (purple & white 'Win Valuable SW Prizes') |
___ | Grab A Kids Meal $2.99 Translite |
___ | Intergalactic Drawing Counter Top Standee |
___ | Kid's Display Case Insert (with All 7 Toys) |
___ | Large Drink With Game Piece Window Cling |
___ | Large Window Cling (Millennium Falcon In Asteroids) |
___ | Large Window Cling (Win Millions Of Prizes) |
___ | R2-D2 & Toys Translite |
___ | R2-D2 & Toys Under Counter Poster Display |
___ | R2-D2 'Collect All 7 Toys' Large Window Cling |
___ | R2-D2 'Collect All 7 Toys' Small Window Cling |
___ | R2-D2 Counter Display With Spinner |
___ | R2-D2 Kid's Meal $2.99 Display Sign |
___ | R2-D2 On TV Picket Sign |
___ | R2-D2 With Kids Meal Toys In Case |
___ | SW Heads Outdoor Vinyl Banner |
___ | Tombstone Card (Chewbacca Card Before & After) |
___ | Yoda & Cup Standee |
___ | Yoda Picket Sign |
___ | Yoda Window Cling (Buy A Combo Get A Game Piece) |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
___ | Anakin In Podracer Cockpit 2-Sided Ceiling Dangler |
___ | Counter Card Dangler Poster (Watto, Obi-Wan Kenobi) Module 6 Phase II |
___ | Grab A SW Kids Meal Display Insert (All 9 Toys Attached) |
___ | Jar Jar & Toys/Cups With Toppers 2-Sided Beverage Station Banner |
___ | Jar Jar 'Come In And Be Part Of The Action' 2pc Window Cling |
___ | Kids Display Topper (Goes Over Dimensional Kids Toy Display Insert) |
___ | Large 2pc Darth Maul Window Cling |
___ | Large 2pc Window Cling (Hovercraft/Win Millions of Prizes) |
___ | Large Window Cling (Episode 1 Toys) |
___ | M-Style 2pc Window Front Cling (Anakin Premium Poster) |
___ | Mawhonic 2-Sided Ceiling Dangler |
___ | Menu Board Translite (Cup Toppers) |
___ | Obi-Wan & Tatooine Mountains Counter Card |
___ | Oversize Roof Banner Jar Jar/Anakin/Darth Maul/Watto) |
___ | Phase II Ceiling Banner (Qui-Gon & Jar Jar Posters/Watto Poster) |
___ | Picket Sign (Buy A Drink & Get A Game Medallion) |
___ | Picket Sign (Get A SW Cup Topper & Game Medallion) |
___ | Pod Race 'The Race Is On' Floor Sticker |
___ | Pod Race Cup Topper Ceiling Dangler |
___ | Poster Counter Card (Sliding 'Todays Featured Poster') |
___ | Poster Mural Display |
___ | Quadrenaros Ceiling Dangler |
___ | Register Topper |
___ | Sebulba Ceiling Dangler |
___ | Side Window Cling (Darth Maul Premium Poster) |
___ | Stanchion Sign |
___ | Teemto Pagalies Ceiling Dangler |
___ | Thick Translite?, 'Get it Large', Anakin 'Cruiser Cup' |
___ | Translite, 'Get a SW Cup Topper' Shows all 4 Toppers |
___ | Translite, 'Get All 9 Collectibles $1.49 ea' Shows all 9 Toys |
___ | Translite, 'Grab a SW Kids Meal' Anakin, Meal, & Toy |
___ | Translite, 'Grab a SW Kids Meal' Anakin, Meal, & Toy |
___ | Translite, C-3PO with Cup & Game Piece 'Buy a Drink, Combo...' |
___ | Translite, C-3PO with Cup & Game Piece 'Buy a Drink, Combo...' |
___ | Translite, Darth Maul Poster (#4) |
___ | Translite, Watto Poster, 'Poster 3' |
Catalogs / Flyers |
United States |
___ | Flyer |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
___ | C-3PO Paper Bag |
___ | C-3PO Taco Wrapper |
___ | Darth Vader Large Paper Bag |
___ | ESB Kids Meal Box |
___ | Large Paper Cup, Darth Vader 'Feel The Force' |
___ | Medium Paper Cup, C-3PO 'Feel The Force' |
___ | Paper Tray Liner/Placemat, Feel The Force Prizes |
___ | R2-D2 Paper Bag |
___ | ROTJ Kids Meal Box |
___ | Small Wax Paper Cup, R2-D2 |
___ | SW Kids Meal Box |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
___ | Anakin Cup with Figural Topper |
___ | Darth Maul Cup with Figural Topper |
___ | Grande Meal Box |
___ | Kids Meal Paper Bag |
___ | Large Paper Cup, Obi-Wan |
___ | Large Plasitc Cup (Anakin, R2-D2, Pod) |
___ | Large Plasitc Cup (Qui-Gon, Padme, Jar Jar, Dewback) |
___ | Large Plastic Bag, Darth Maul |
___ | Large Plastic Bag, Watto |
___ | Medium Paper Cup, Amidala |
___ | Medium Paper Cup, Jar Jar |
___ | Paper Tray Liner/Placemat (Defeat The Dark Side) |
___ | Paper Tray Liner/Placemat (Get All 4 Posters) |
___ | Paper Tray Liner/Placemat (Get All 4 to Build the Big Picture!) |
___ | Plasitc Cup, Anakin |
___ | Plasitc Cup, Sebulba |
___ | Sebulba Cup with Figural Topper |
___ | Small Plastic Bag, C-3PO |
___ | Small Plastic Bag, Jar Jar |
___ | Small Plastic Bag, Pit Droid |
___ | Small Plastic Bag, R2-D2 |
___ | Watto Cup with Figural Topper |
Food Products / Fast Food / Premiums |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Puerto Rico |
___ | Lenticular Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader Tumbler |
___ | Lenticular Luke Skywalker with Remote Tumbler |
___ | Lenticular Rebel Fleet Tumbler |
United States |
___ | #1, Luke, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #10, Chewbacca, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #11, R2-D2, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #2, Princess Leia, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #21, Nien Nunb, Cinnamon Twists winner, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #22, Rancor, Cinnamon Twists winner, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #24, Tusken Raider, Nachos winner, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #4, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #5, Lando Calrissian, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #6, C-3PO, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | #7, Emperor Palpatine, Feel the Force game piece |
___ | Balancing Boba Fett |
___ | Exploding Death Star |
___ | Floating Cloud City |
___ | Magic Cube (Darth Vader/Yoda) |
___ | Millennium Falcon Gyro |
___ | Puzzle Cube |
___ | R2-D2 With Princess Leia Playset |
___ | Squeezable Yoda |
___ | Star Wars Decorated Hummer |
___ | Unused Feel The Force Game Sticker |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Transforming Bank |
___ | Anakin Viewer |
___ | Anakin's Pod Racer |
___ | Darth Maul's Sith Speeder |
___ | Hovering Watto |
___ | Joking Jar Jar Binks |
___ | Levitating Queen Amidala's Royal Starship |
___ | Planet Tatooine |
___ | Poster 1--Anakin |
___ | Poster 2--Qui-Gon |
___ | Poster 3--Watto |
___ | Poster 4--Darth Maul |
___ | Sebulba's Pod Racer |
___ | Sith Probe Droid Viewer |
___ | Walking Sebulba |
Catalogs / Retailer |
United States |
___ | Module 5 Version 10 |