Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 1st Mexican Collectors Convention |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Mexico |
| Universo Star Wars |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Baseball Hat (gold visor edge) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Baseball Hat (red visor edge) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Baseball Hat (white visor edge) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Crew Baseball Hat |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Exhibitor Pass (Vinyl Cape Jawa) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Fan Club Pass (Yak Face) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Knit Polo Shirt |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Poster (Darth Vader Carry Case) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Press Pass (Lobot) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Program |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Saturday Pass (Small Head Han Solo) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Security Pass (Gamorrean Guard) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Staff Pass (Stormtrooper) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Staff T-Shirt |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Sunday Pass (Chewbacca) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con T-Shirt |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Two Day Pass (Boba Fett) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con VIP Pass (Yoda) |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Lili Ledy Empire Strikes Back Convention T Shirt |
Costumes and Masks / Accessories |
United States |
| Rubies |
___ | Extendable Lightsaber, Green |
Attack of the Clones |
United States |
| Rubies |
___ | Padme Amidala Blaster & Holster #5088 (carded) |
Coins / Action Figure |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | A-Wing Pilot |
___ | Admiral Screed [silver] |
___ | Boba Fett |
___ | C-3PO [Droids, silver, no Droids logo TM] |
___ | C-3PO [Droids, silver] |
___ | C-3PO [Droids] |
___ | C-3PO [Protocol Droid] |
___ | Jann Tosh |
___ | Jann Tosh [silver, host prince typo] |
___ | Jann Tosh [silver, no Droids logo TM] |
___ | Jann Tosh [silver] |
___ | Jord Dusat |
___ | Jord Dusat [silver, no Droids logo TM] |
___ | Jord Dusat [silver] |
___ | Kea Moll |
___ | Kea Moll [silver, no Droids logo TM] |
___ | Kea Moll [silver] |
___ | Kez Iban [no dash] |
___ | Kez Iban [silver, Jan Josh typo] |
___ | Kez Iban [silver, no dash] |
___ | Kez-Iban [dash] |
___ | Kez-Iban [silver, dash] |
___ | Kleb Zellock [gold] |
___ | Mon-Julpa [silver] |
___ | R2-D2 |
___ | R2-D2 [silver, no Droids logo TM] |
___ | R2-D2 [silver] |
___ | Sise Fromm |
___ | Sise Fromm [silver, Tig Fromm back] |
___ | Sise Fromm [silver] |
___ | Thall Joben |
___ | Thall Joben [silver, no Droids logo TM] |
___ | Thall Joben [silver] |
___ | Tig Fromm |
___ | Tig Fromm [silver] |
___ | Uncle Gundy |
___ | Uncle Gundy [silver, Jann Josh typo] |
___ | Uncle Gundy [silver] |
___ | Vlix [silver, Villain] |
___ | Vlix [silver, Villian] |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Dulok Scout |
___ | Dulok Scout [silver with Droids logo] |
___ | Dulok Scout [silver] |
___ | Dulok Shaman |
___ | Dulok Shaman [silver with Droids logo] |
___ | Dulok Shaman [silver] |
___ | King Gorneesh |
___ | King Gorneesh [silver with Droids logo] |
___ | King Gorneesh [silver] |
___ | Logray |
___ | Logray [silver with Droids logo] |
___ | Logray [silver] |
___ | Urgah |
___ | Urgah [silver with Droids logo] |
___ | Urgah [silver] |
___ | Wicket |
___ | Wicket [silver with Droids logo] |
___ | Wicket [silver] |
Power of the Force |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | 63rd Coin [bronze] |
___ | 63rd Coin [gold] |
___ | 63rd Coin [silver] |
___ | A-Wing Pilot |
___ | A-Wing Pilot [gold] |
___ | A-Wing Pilot [POTF logo] |
___ | Amanaman |
___ | Amanaman [POTF logo] |
___ | Anakin Skywalker |
___ | AT-AT [Armed Fighter] |
___ | AT-AT [Vehicle] |
___ | AT-ST Driver |
___ | B-Wing Pilot |
___ | Barada |
___ | Bib Fortuna |
___ | Biker Scout |
___ | Boba Fett |
___ | C-3PO |
___ | C-3PO [POTF logo] |
___ | Chewbacca |
___ | Chief Chirpa |
___ | Creatures [cafe] |
___ | Creatures [cantina] |
___ | Darth Vader |
___ | Droids |
___ | Emperor |
___ | Emperor's Royal Guard |
___ | EV-9D9 |
___ | EV-9D9 [POTF logo] |
___ | FX-7 |
___ | Gamorrean Guard |
___ | Greedo |
___ | Han Solo Carbon Freeze |
___ | Han Solo Rebel (Trenchcoat) [Hans] |
___ | Han Solo Rebel (Trenchcoat) [Han] |
___ | Han Solo Rebel Fighter (Original) |
___ | Han Solo Rebel Hero (Hoth) |
___ | Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Imperial Commander |
___ | Imperial Dignitary |
___ | Imperial Gunner |
___ | Jawas |
___ | Jawas [POTF logo] |
___ | Lando Calrissian (General) |
___ | Lando Calrissian (General) [Frosted] |
___ | Lando Calrissian (Original) |
___ | Logray |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Bespin) |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Hoth) |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) [Pitch Coin] |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Original) |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Poncho) |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Poncho) [POTF logo] |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) [eyes] |
___ | Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) [no eyes] |
___ | Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot) |
___ | Luke Skywalker (X-wing) [wireframe Yoda, prototype small coin] |
___ | Lumat |
___ | Millenium Falcon [Han] |
___ | Millenium Falcon [Rebel] |
___ | Obi Wan Kenobi |
___ | Paploo |
___ | Power of the Force Coin Mailer |
___ | Power of the Force Unproduced Coin Collector's Album |
___ | Princess Leia (Boushh) |
___ | Princess Leia (Endor) |
___ | Princess Leia (Original) |
___ | R2-D2 |
___ | R2-D2 [gold] |
___ | R2-D2 [POTF logo] |
___ | Romba |
___ | Sail Skiff [no Star Wars] |
___ | Sail Skiff [Sail Barge] |
___ | Sail Skiff [Star Wars] |
___ | Star Destroyer Commander |
___ | Stormtrooper |
___ | Teebo |
___ | TIE Fighter Pilot |
___ | Too-One Bee |
___ | Tusken Raider |
___ | Warok |
___ | Warok [POTF logo] |
___ | Wicket |
___ | Yak Face |
___ | Yoda |
___ | Yoda [POTF logo] |
___ | Zuckuss |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
| Hasbro |
___ | Millennium Mint C-3PO |
___ | Millennium Mint Chewbacca |
___ | Millennium Mint Emperor Palpatine |
___ | Millennium Mint Han Solo Rebel Fighter (Original) |
___ | Millennium Mint Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Millennium Mint Luke Skywalker (Poncho) |
___ | Millennium Mint Princess Leia (Endor) |
| Just Toys |
___ | Millennium Falcon |
___ | Millennium Falcon [silver] |
___ | TIE Fighter |
___ | TIE Fighter [silver] |
___ | X-Wing |
___ | X-Wing [silver] |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
A New Hope |
France |
| Meccano |
___ | Space Battle Display Stand |
United States |
| Tara Toy Corporation |
___ | Space Case Figure Case |
___ | Star World Figure Case |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Droids C-3PO Unproduced Action Figure Case |
Prototypes / Action Figure Related |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | C-3PO Large Size Action Figure Unpainted Hardcopy Head and Torso |
___ | Concept Sketch for 12-Back Blister Card (Star Pattern) |
___ | Darth Vader Large Figure First Shot Pieces |
___ | Diecast X-Wing Pattern |
___ | Greedo Painted First Shot |
___ | Jawa Large Size Action Figure Kenner Quote Samples |
___ | Jawa Sandcrawler Wood Pattern |
___ | Power Droid Early Prototype |
___ | Power Droid Painted First Shot |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Missiles |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Star Wars Proof Card |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Multicolored (L-Slot Version) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Toy Fair Carded Sample |
___ | Unproduced Wind-Up Walking C-3PO |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Chewbacca Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Greedo Figure |
| Kenner Canada |
___ | Regal Chewbacca Store Display Prototype Doll and Costume |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Dagobah Tree Limb Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Darth Vader Meditation Chamber Wood Pattern |
___ | Dewback Hardcopy |
___ | Gold Vader Case |
___ | IG-88 Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Leia Bespin Action Figure Photoart |
___ | Leia Hoth Unpainted First Shot and two versions of the production figure |
___ | Plaster Sculpt for Lando Calrissian Unproduced Large Size Figure Head |
___ | Princess Leia in Bespin Gown Hair Rooting Master |
___ | Probot First Shot |
___ | Prototype Darth Vader Cases |
___ | Prototype White Mold Vader Case Test |
Revenge of the Jedi |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi 2-1B |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi 4-LOM |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi Ben Kenobi |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi Cloud Car Pilot |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi IG-88 |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi Lando Calrissian |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | 8D8 2-up Unpainted Blue Harvest Hardcopy |
___ | Alternate Clear C-3PO Mold Test Case |
___ | B-Wing First Shot |
___ | Bib Fortuna Painted Hardcopy |
___ | C-3PO Case Early Sample |
___ | C-3PO Clear Mold Test Case |
___ | C-3PO Dull Gold Test Case |
___ | C-3PO Packaging Test Case |
___ | C-3PO White Mold Test Case |
___ | Dull Gold Vader Case |
___ | General Madine Carded Figure Signed Production Sample |
___ | Hardcopy C-3PO Case |
___ | Jabba the Hutt Conceptual and Production Prototypes |
___ | Nikto Action Figure Prototypes |
___ | Nikto Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Prototype C-3PO Cases |
___ | Red Cape Bib Fortuna |
___ | Silver C-3PO Case |
___ | Squid Head Unpainted Hardcopy Belt |
___ | Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band Signed Production Sample |
___ | Teebo Accessory First Shots |
___ | Wicket W. Warrick Silicone Mold |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | C-3P0 Paint Master |
___ | Droids C-3PO Case Boxed |
___ | Droids C-3PO Case Boxed (Catalog sample) |
___ | Droids C-3PO Case Boxed (Toy Fair sample) |
___ | Jessica Meade Sculpt |
___ | Mon Julpa Head Silicone Mold |
___ | Mungo Baobab Unpainted First Shot Head |
___ | The White Witch |
___ | Tig and Sise Fromm Unpainted First Shots |
___ | Unproduced Droids and Ewoks Figures |
| Topps |
___ | Droids Boba Fett Star Wars Galaxy Card #199 |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Wax Sculpts for Bondo, Chituhr, and Dulok Scout Figure Heads |
Power of the Force |
United States |
| Hasbro |
___ | Han Hoth Collectors Series Prototype |
___ | POTF2 Collectors Series 12 inch Tauntaun First Shot |
___ | POTF2 Collectors Series 12 inch Wampa First Shot |
___ | POTF2 Han Carbonite Early Product Sample |
| Kenner |
___ | Amanaman Action Figure Plastic Swatches |
___ | Amanaman Figure Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Carded POTF B-Wing Pilot Photo Sample |
___ | Carded POTF Bossk Photo Sample |
___ | Carded POTF Cloud Car Pilot Photo Sample |
___ | Carded POTF Greedo Photo Sample |
___ | Carded POTF Lando Calrissian Photo Sample |
___ | Carded POTF Prune Face Photo Sample |
___ | EV-9D9 Blue Harvest 2-up Hardcopy |
___ | Gargan Action Figure Mold |
___ | Han Carbonite Block Early Sculpting & Mold |
___ | POTF2 Bith Band Member First Shot |
___ | POTF2 C-3PO Mold Test Case |
___ | POTF2 C-3PO Talking Electronic Case Toy Fair Prototype |
___ | POTF2 First Shots |
___ | Romba Prototypes |
___ | Sand Skimmer and Imperial Sniper Production Samples |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Amanaman Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for EV-9D9 Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Han Carbonite Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Romba Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpts for Luke Stormtrooper and Luke Jedi Action Figure Heads |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | M.A.S.K. scale Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot figure conceptual mock-up |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United States |
| Kenner/Hasbro |
___ | Carded Spirit of Obi-Wan |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Jar Jar Figure Wax Sculpt |
Books / Activity and Coloring |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Unproduced Droids Coloring Book |
Posters / Advertising |
A New Hope |
Japan |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Coca-Cola Poster |
United States |
| General Mills |
___ | Cheerios Poster Offer Poster with Kenner Toys Tie-In |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Kenner Coca-Cola Poster |
Attack of the Clones |
Poland |
| Nestlé |
___ | Anakin/Clone Trooper Nestle Cereal Poster (Gratis) |
Art / Animation Cels |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | Droids Miscellaneous Production Animation Cel |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | Ewoks Miscellaneous Production Animation Cel |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
| The Jim Henson Company |
___ | Animal as Yoda Muppet Babies Animation Cel |
Games / Arcade |
Spain |
| Sonic |
___ | Star Wars PInball Game |
Books / Art and Portfolios |
Canada |
| SFT Productions |
___ | The Force in the Flesh |
Electronics / Audio Equipment |
United States |
| XtremeMac |
___ | Star Wars Rocks 30 Gb Video iPod Case |
___ | Star Wars Rocks 60 Gb Video iPod Case |
___ | Stormtrooper Attack Nano iPod Cover |
Celebrity Items / Autographs |
United States |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | Mark Hamill Autographed Plaque (QVC Exclusive) |
Luggage / Backpacks |
United States |
| Pyramid |
___ | Boba Fett Patch Black Faux Leather Backpack |
Sporting Goods / Balls |
Star Wars Saga (2008-Present) |
Singapore |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | Singapore ILM Sandcrawler T-Shirt |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Barna Con |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Spain |
| Spain SW Fan Club |
___ | Barna Con 2000 Domingo Badge (Darth Maul) |
___ | Barna Con 2000 Sabado Badge (Queen Amidala) |