Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 1st Mexican Collectors Convention |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Mexico |
___ | Lili Ledy Empire Strikes Back Convention T Shirt |
Costumes and Masks / Accessories |
Mexico |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Trick or Treat Plastic Bucket |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
Phantom Menace |
Unknown |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Boss Nass Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | C-3PO Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Chancellor Palpatine Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Darth Maul Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Darth Sidious Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Jar Jar Binks Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Queen Amidala Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Watto Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
Revenge of the Sith |
China |
___ | Boba Fett Bear Cell Phone Strap |
___ | C-3PO Bear Cell Phone Strap |
United States |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Mobile Phone Sensor & Black Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Mobile Phone Sensor & Red Strap |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Knock-Off Vinyl Action Figure Carrying Cases |
Power of the Force |
United States |
___ | Weapons Guide |
Books / Activity and Coloring |
Return of the Jedi |
China |
___ | ROTJ Activity Book |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Russia |
___ | Lady Cosmonaut Cover Coloring Book |
Star Wars Special Editions |
Mexico |
___ | TSE Coloring Book (AT-AT Art Cover) |
___ | TSE Coloring Book (Darth Vader & Death Star Art Cover) |
Phantom Menace |
Peru |
___ | Episode 1 Oversize Coloring Book (Darth Maul Face Art over Characters inc. Green Jar Jar) |
Attack of the Clones |
Peru |
___ | AOTC Oversize Coloring Book ('Colorea SW' Photos & Movie Strip Cover) |
___ | AOTC Oversize Coloring Book (Anakin Photo Surrounded by Characters) |
Posters / Advertising |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
___ | Unlicensed Yoda Mardi Gras Poster: |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Italy |
___ | Guerre Stellari a Venezia Convention Poster |
Stickers / Albums |
Taiwan |
___ | Sticker Mini-Album |
Auto Accessories |
United States |
___ | 'Caution...The Force Is With Me' Yellow & Black Novelty Window Hazard Sign |
Luggage / Backpacks |
Mexico |
___ | Darth Vader/R2-D2 Nylon Backpack |
Party / Bags |
Phantom Menace |
Mexico |
___ | Party Treat Sacks 10 Pack (Droids & Naboo Starfighter) |
Revenge of the Sith |
Peru |
___ | Bootleg Hallmark Party Express ROTS Treat Boxes, Anakin on Short Sides |
___ | Bootleg Hallmark Party Express ROTS Treat Boxes, Plain Blue Short Sides |
Banks |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Skor-Mor Darth Vader knock-off plastic bank |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
___ | Yoda ceramic bank |
Return of the Jedi |
Mexico |
___ | Yoda Plastic bank |
United Kingdom |
___ | Chewbacca ceramic bank |
___ | Darth Vader ceramic bank |
Commercial Cards / Banks Books |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | Chewbacca $1 Bill |
___ | Darth Vader $1 Bill |
___ | Princess Leia $1 Bill |
Apparel / Headgear / Baseball Caps |
Revenge of the Sith |
United States |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet, Crossed Lightsabers, 'Imperial Forces' Mesh Trucker Hat (Black) |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet, Crossed Lightsabers, 'Imperial Forces' Mesh Trucker Hat (Blue) |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet, Crossed Lightsabers, 'Imperial Forces' Mesh Trucker Hat (Green) |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet, Crossed Lightsabers, 'Imperial Forces' Mesh Trucker Hat (Red) |
Bath / Towels / Beach |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | Knights Of The Old Republic Beach Towel |
Apparel / Belts and Buckles |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Black & Silver Prismatic Belt Buckle C-3PO & R2-D2 Over SW Logo |
___ | Black & Silver Prismatic Belt Buckle Darth Vader & Death Star Over SW Logo |
___ | Blue & Silver Prismatic Belt Buckle, Darth Vader & Death Star Over SW Logo |
___ | Blue & Silver Prismatic Belt Buckle, Darth Vader & Death Star Over SW Logo |
___ | Blue Prismatic Belt Buckle C-3PO |
___ | Blue Prismatic Belt Buckle Darth Vader Helmet |
___ | Blue Prismatic Belt Buckle R2-D2 |
___ | Blue Prismatic Belt Buckle SW Logo & X-Wing |
___ | C-3PO Bootleg Brass Belt Buckle |
___ | Darth Vadar Lives Prismatic & Black Belt Buckle (Darth Vader Misspelled) |
___ | MTFBWY Logo Belt Buckle |
___ | R2-D2 Bootleg Brass Belt Buckle |
___ | Star Wars Logo Bootleg Brass Belt Buckle |
___ | Unlicensed Star Wars Fabric Belt ('Let The Force Be With You' Buckle) |
Return of the Jedi |
Mexico |
___ | Darth Vader Pointing Brown Leather Belt Buckle |
Toys / Role-Playing / Blasters |
A New Hope |
Spain |
___ | Galaxia Cap Gun |
United States |
___ | Cap Gun (Galaxy Ray Gun) |
Empire Strikes Back |
Spain |
___ | Galaxi Spacial Cap Gun |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
___ | Gun 1001 |
Games / Board |
Hungary |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Board Game |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Mexico |
___ | Memorama |
Russia |
___ | Star Wars Fold-out Travel Boardgame |
Yugoslavia |
___ | Unlicensed Yugoslavian Board Game |
Phantom Menace |
Mexico |
___ | Episode 1 Memorama |
___ | Episode 1 Super Memorama & Puzzle |
Bookmarks |
Star Wars Special Editions |
United Kingdom |
___ | SW Trilogy Bookmark |
Stickers / Bumper Stickers |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Darth Vader Lives Bumper Sticker |
___ | I Saw Star Wars At Mann's Chinese Theatre |
___ | I Saw Star Wars At The Avco Cinema |
___ | I Saw Star Wars at the Plitt Century Plaza |
___ | MTFBWY Blue with White Bumper Sticker |
___ | Use the Force Blue with Green Bumper Sticker |
___ | Wookie's Need Love Too Bumper Sticker (Version 1) Text Only |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | #1 of 7 Imperial Navy Bumper Sticker |
___ | #2 of 7 Astromech Droid On Board Bumper Sticker |
___ | #3 of 7 Bumper Sticker |
___ | #4 of 7 Hutt Shipping Ltd--Wide Load Bumper Sticker |
___ | #5 of 7 Use Of Sith May Damage Health Bumper Sticker |
___ | #6 of 7 Mandalorian For Hire Bumper Sticker |
___ | #7 of 7 Bumper Sticker |
___ | Emperor's Hammer (Black With White) Bumper Sticker |
___ | Emperor's Hammer (White With Black) Bumper Sticker |
Buttons, Badges, and Pins |
A New Hope |
Australia |
___ | Space Wars Darth Vader Lithographed Button |
Canada |
___ | Darth Vader Close Encounters |
___ | Star Wars CHOZ FM |
Germany |
___ | 1978 German Volksmarch Award Medal |
United Kingdom |
___ | R2-D2 and C-3PO |
___ | Star Walls At Budget Stores |
___ | Star Wars Mod Logos |
United States |
___ | Blaster Permit ID Card |
___ | Bounty Hunter ID Card |
___ | Darth Vader "Misil Lives" |
___ | Darth Vader Is Alive & Well |
___ | Darth Vader Lives (Stylized) Button |
___ | Darth Vader Opposes E.R.A. |
___ | Imperial Diplomatic Corps ID Card |
___ | Imperial Intelligence Service ID Card |
___ | Imperial Selective Service ID Card |
___ | May The Force Be With You Button |
___ | MTFBWY, Business Boosters |
___ | MTFBWY, Personalities Inc. |
___ | MTFBWY, Yellow Slogan |
___ | Que La Fuerza Te Acompane Button |
___ | Rebel Alliance ID Card |
___ | Smuggler ID Card |
___ | Star Wars B&W Hildebrandt/Logo |
___ | Star Wars Circular Characters |
___ | X-Wing Pilot ID Card |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Logo Rectangular |
___ | ESB Black on Silver Square Button |
___ | ESB Coming to Hilltop Mall Cinemas |
___ | Yoda For President Badge |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Japan |
___ | Japanese Garrison 501st Button |
Mexico |
___ | Ben Kenobi (Face) Pin |
___ | C-3PO Pin |
___ | Chewbacca (Torso) Pin |
___ | Millennium Falcon Pin |
___ | R2-D2 Pin |
___ | Star Destroyer Pin |
Sweden |
___ | 'Kenner Collect Them All' Vintage Boba Fett Figure Button |
United States |
___ | Air Force Recruitment Button |
___ | Darth Vader Cloisonne Pin |
___ | Thank The Maker Button |
___ | The Force Among Us Appearing at Celebration Europe Button |
Phantom Menace |
United Kingdom |
___ | Anakin & Jar Jar Photo Button |
___ | Anakin & Ki-Adi Mundi Photo Button |
___ | Episode 1 'B' Art Photo Button |
___ | Jawa, C-3PO, Naboo Fighter Photo Button |
___ | Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, & Anakin Photo Button |
Clone Wars |
Mexico |
___ | Anakin Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Anakin vs Asajj Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | ARC Trooper Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Asajj Ventress Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | C-3PO Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Clone Trooper Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Count Dooku Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Durge Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | General Grievous Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Kit Fisto Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Mace Windu Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Padme Amidala Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | R2-D2 Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Yoda Aninmated Art Badge |
Calendars |
Return of the Jedi |
Hungary |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (AT-ATs) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (Character Photos) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (Jabba and Slave Leia) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (X-Wings) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (AT-ST) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Boba Fett and Nikto) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Boba Fett with Blaster Destroyed) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Darth Vader) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Emperor Palpatine) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Endor Bunker Battle) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Han Solo on Tauntaun) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Han Solo) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Jabba's Palace Exterior) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Lando Calrissian vs Nikto) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker Climbing Sail Barge Side) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker Fighting on Top of Sail Barge) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker Talking To Princess Leia) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Nien Nunb) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Rancor) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Rebels Hiking on Endor) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Salacious Crumb) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Skiff Over Sarlacc) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Skiff with Heroes and Guard, White Sky) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Skiff with Heroes and Guards, Blue Sky) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Speeder Bike) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Star Destroyer) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Wicket) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Yoda) |
Ewok Films |
Portugal |
___ | Ewoks A Conquista de Endor (Battle For Endor) 1990 Pocket Calendar Card |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Mexico |
___ | Darth Vader 2005 Calendar |
Portugal |
___ | Han Solo & Chewbacca 'Harrison Ford' 1993 Pocket Calendar Card |
___ | Luke Skywalker on Tauntaun 'Harrison Ford' 1993 Pocket Calendar Card |
Phantom Menace |
Thailand |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Full Obi-Wan in front of blue face) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Full Qui-Gon in front of green face) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Full Qui-Gon on Tatooine) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Hooded Obi-Wan looking at Anakin) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan Bust) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan close-up 'One Choice') |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan head shot with Saber on Naboo) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan on Tatooine leaping with Saber) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan Torso) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Qui-Gon handing Obi-Wan his Saber on Naboo) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Qui-Gon Torso) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Qui-Gon with Saber on Naboo) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (R2-D2 side view) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Sepia Qui-Gon face & hands) |
___ | 1999 Pocket Calendar (Yoda, Obi-Wan, & Qui-Gon busts) |
___ | 2000 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan long-shot 'One Choice') |
___ | Darth Vader 'Episode I' 1999 Calendar Card |
___ | Stormtrooper 'Episode I' 1999 Calendar Card |
___ | Yoda 'Episode I' 1999 Calendar Card |
Attack of the Clones |
Thailand |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin Montage) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin with Saber down, Rock Background) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin with Saber up) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin/Obi-Wan with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin/Padme--Blue Outfit) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Anakin/Padme--Picnic Outfit) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (AOTC 'A' Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (AOTC 'B' Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Dooku International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Episode 1 'B' Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Geonosian International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Jango Fett Montage) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Jango Fett with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Jango International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Mace International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Mace Windu with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Mace Windu/Obi-Wan/Anakin with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan Montage) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Obi-Wan with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Padme International Art) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Padme Montage) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Padme with scene at bottom) |
___ | 2003 Pocket Calendar (Zam Wesell International Art) |
Revenge of the Sith |
Singapore |
___ | Anakin Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | Clone Trooper (Blue) Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | Darth Vader Over Duel Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | General Grievous Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | Mace Windu Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | ROTS 'B' Art Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | Sith Montage (Vader over Obi-Wan, Anakin, & Grievous) Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
___ | Yoda Laminated 2006 Calendar Card |
Games / Card |
A New Hope |
Japan |
___ | Menko Card Game Cards |
United States |
___ | Nick Trost's SW Card Trick |
Return of the Jedi |
Hungary |
___ | SW Super-Mini Card Game 'Gyermekkartya' |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Unknown |
___ | SW Prelude (Prequel) Playing Cards |
___ | SW Trilogy Playing Cards |
Phantom Menace |
Brazil |
___ | Memory Card Game |
Attack of the Clones |
China |
___ | AOTC Playing Cards |
Revenge of the Sith |
Argentina |
___ | ROTS Dos Juegos Card Deck |
Hungary |
___ | ROTS Playing Cards |
Peru |
___ | ROTS Casinos Trading Cards (Playing Cards) |
Russia |
___ | ROTS Card Game |
Audio / Music / Cassette |
A New Hope |
Malaysia |
___ | SW & Other Galactic Funk Cassette |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / Celebration III |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
___ | 501st Droid Hunt Game Card--SW Celebration 3 (C-3PO) |
___ | 501st Legion Celebration 3 Invasion Black T-Shirt |
___ | R2 Builders Celebration 3 Black Knit Shirt |
___ | R2 Builders Celebration 3 T-Shirt |
Books / Childrens |
A New Hope |
Indonesia |
___ | Aneka Ria Anak 2 (SW Storybook) Softcover |
Comics / Comic Books |
China |
___ | Space Ship Cover with Colorful Death Star & X-Wings Background |
___ | SW Adaptation (Woman's Face Looking At Knight) |
___ | SW Adaptation Part 1 (Luke vs Darth Vader & X-Wing Cover) |
___ | SW Adaptation Part 2 (Luke vs Darth Vader & X-Wing Cover) |
___ | SW Newspaper Strip Reprint (Darth Vader, Snowspeeders, Redhead Woman Cover) |
___ | SW Newspaper Strip Reprint (Olive, Dark Purple, Orange Cover) |
___ | SW Newspaper Strip Reprint (Orange, Brown Princess Leia/Spaceship Cover) |
___ | Xing Qiu Da Zhan (Colorful Luke X-Wing Bust/Dogfight Cover) |
___ | Xing Qiu Da Zhan (Spacesuit with Rifle Cover) |
___ | Xing Qiu Da Zhan (SW Adaptation, Girl with Gun Cover) |
Hungary |
___ | Csillagok Haboruja #1 |
___ | Csillagok Haboruja #2 |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Comic Book #2 (artist) |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Comic Books |
Empire Strikes Back |
China |
___ | ESB #1 (Darth Vader Over AT-ATs & Probe Droid Cover) |
___ | ESB #2 (Giant Snake and Spaceship Cover) |
___ | ESB #3 (Generic Spaceship Cover, Final Part of ESB Adaptation) |
___ | ESB #4 (ESB 'A' Style Art Cover) |
___ | ESB 'A' Art Cover (Complete ESB Movie Adaptation) |
___ | Tai Kong Di Guo (Chewbacca Face, 'Lando', Redhead Woman Face Cover) |
Hungary |
___ | A Birodalom Visszavag |
Indonesia |
___ | Superman Makhluk Ajaib (Magical Creature) |
Taiwan |
___ | ESB Movie Adaptation |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
China |
___ | Unknown (Transformer cover, Digest Size, SW adaptation) |
Attack of the Clones |
Taiwan |
___ | AOTC Comic |
Costumes and Masks / Costumes |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Mexico |
___ | Darth Vader Child's Costume |
Party / Cups |
Revenge of the Sith |
Peru |
___ | Bootleg Hallmark Party Express ROTS Plastic Cups 6pk |
Stickers / Decals |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine B&W Sticker (C-3PO Photo) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine B&W Sticker (Chewbacca Photo) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine B&W Sticker (Darth Vader Photo) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine B&W Sticker (Han Solo Photo) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine B&W Sticker (Luke Skywalker Photo) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine B&W Sticker (Princess Leia Photo) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine Sticker (Darth Vadar Lives) |
___ | Bootleg Vending Machine Sticker (May The Force Be With You) |
___ | Prismatic SW logo sticker (Yellow, Red) |
Empire Strikes Back |
Hungary |
___ | Chewbacca, R2-D2, & C-3PO Art Oval Sticker |
___ | Princess Leia & Luke Skywalker Art Oval Sticker |
Revenge of the Jedi |
United States |
___ | I'm Ready For 'Revenge' Sticker |
___ | Only____More Days 'Til Revenge Of The Jedi |
Return of the Jedi |
Hungary |
___ | C-3PO Silenced By Princess Leia & Chewbacca Art Sticker |
___ | Gamorrean Guard Art Sticker, Large |
___ | Gamorrean Guard Art Sticker, Small |
Netherlands |
___ | Harrison Ford (ROTJ Face) B&W Vending Machine Sticker |
___ | Harrison Ford (SW Face) B&W Vending Machine Sticker |
___ | Mark Hamill (ROTJ Face) B&W Vending Machine Sticker |