Coins / Action Figure |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Gaff [silver] |
___ | Governor Koong [silver] |
___ | Jessica Meade [silver] |
___ | Kleb Zellock [silver] |
___ | Mungo Baobab [silver] |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Bondo [silver] |
___ | Chief Chirpa [silver] |
___ | Chituhr [silver] |
___ | Morag [silver] |
___ | Paploo [silver] |
___ | Weechee [silver] |
Power of the Force |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Lando Calrissian (General) [Frosted] |
___ | Sail Skiff [no Star Wars] |
___ | Sail Skiff [Sail Barge] |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Early Bird Certificate Package |
___ | Mini-Action Figure Collectors Case |
___ | Special Offer Star Wars Action Display Stand |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Knock-Off Vinyl Action Figure Carrying Cases |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Darth Vader Collector's Case |
___ | Darth Vader Collector's Case (Mailer Box Version) |
___ | Mini-Action Figure Collectors Case (SW Art/ESB Logo) |
___ | Special Offer Darth Vader Collector's Case (41 Figures on Back) with Vader, Luke (Bespin), & Yoda |
___ | Vinyl Action Figure Collector's Case (1981 Model--Large Yoda Head) |
___ | Vinyl Action Figure Collector's Case (1982 Model--Full Yoda, Wampa, etc) |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Chewbacca Bandolier Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Collector's Case |
___ | Laser Rifle Carry Case |
___ | See-Threepio (C-3PO) Collector's Case |
___ | Vinyl Action Figure Collector's Case (ROTJ Model) |
Prototypes / Action Figure Related |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Aluminum Prototype Mold for End Cap of X-Wing Fighter |
___ | Ben Kenobi Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Blue Snaggletooth Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | C-3PO Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | C-3PO Chorus Line |
___ | C-3PO First Shot (Black) |
___ | Chewbacca Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Chewbacca Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Chewbacca First Shot |
___ | Darth Vader Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi Telescoping First Shots |
___ | Death Squad Commander Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Diagnoga Hand Painted Prototype |
___ | Early Bird Figure First Shots |
___ | Early Telescoping Sabers With Mushroom Tips |
___ | Greedo Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Greedo Hardcopy Tooling Master |
___ | Greedo Unpainted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Hammerhead Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Hammerhead Painted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Hammerhead Protomolded Photosample |
___ | Hammerhead Unpainted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Han Solo Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Han Solo12 inch First Shot Head with Alternate Sculpting |
___ | Jawa Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Luke Skywalker Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Princess Leia Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | R2-D2 Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | R2-D2 First Shot with Gray, Un-metallized Dome |
___ | Red Snaggletooth Painted First Shot |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett *Yellow* (L-Slot Version) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Hand Painted (L-Slot Version) - Early |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Toy Fair Carded Sample |
___ | Sand People Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Sears Cantina Figures Painted First Shots |
___ | Star Wars C-3PO 12-Back Quality Control Sample with 32-Back Sticker |
___ | Star Wars Han Solo 12-Back Quality Control Sample |
___ | Stormtrooper Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Stormtrooper Large Size Action Figure Unpainted First Shot |
___ | SW 20 Action Figure Hanger Mock-Up -'Get A Free Boba Fett' (Shows 12in. Doll) |
___ | Unproduced Luke X-Wing Outfit for 12" Figure |
___ | Walrus Man Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Wooden Pattern for R2-D2 33/4 |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | 2-1B Bagged Production Sample |
___ | 2-1B Painted Hardcopy and Production Series |
___ | 2-1B Unpainted Figure |
___ | 4-LOM Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Acetate Sculpt for Alternate Zuckuss Head |
___ | Acetate Sculpt for Leia Hoth Action Figure |
___ | Acetate Sculpt for Leia Hoth Action Figure |
___ | AT-AT Commander First Shot |
___ | AT-AT Driver Bagged Production Sample |
___ | AT-AT Driver Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Bossk Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | C-3PO Removable Limbs First Shot |
___ | Dagobah Tree Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Dengar Unpainted First Shot |
___ | ESB Display Arena Toy Fair Mock-Up |
___ | Han Bespin Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Hoth Stormtrooper Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Hoth Stormtrooper Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Hoth Stormtrooper Production Series |
___ | IG-88 Large-Size Figure, Painted Hard Copy Presentation Piece |
___ | IG-88 Non-Sonic Welded First Shot |
___ | IG-88 Signed Carded Sample |
___ | Imperial Cruiser QC Sign-Off |
___ | Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot Painted First Shot |
___ | Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot Painted Sample |
___ | Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Leia Hoth Painted Sample (Urethane and Plastic) |
___ | Luke Hoth Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Mock-Up for Unproduced 36-Figure Vinyl Carrying Case |
___ | Mock-Up for Unproduced 48-Figure Vinyl Carrying Case |
___ | Original Wax Sculpting for Imperial Commander Action Figure |
___ | Rebel Soldier (Hoth Battle Gear) Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Rebel Transport Photosample |
___ | Scout Walker Photosample |
___ | Vendor-Supplied Bag of Rebel Commander Torsos |
___ | Wax Sculpting for Black Bespin Guard Head |
___ | Yoda Painted Hardcopy |
| Kenner Canada |
___ | Carded Princess Leia Canadian Toy Fair Display |
Revenge of the Jedi |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Carded Revenge of the Jedi Chewbacca |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Logray Action Figure Wax Sculpting |
___ | 8D8 Internal First Shot |
___ | 8D8 Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Acetate Sculpting for General Madine Figure |
___ | B-Wing Pilot Protomolded Figure |
___ | B-Wing Pilot Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Biker Scout Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Biker Scout Painted Hardcopy, Unpainted Hardcopy, and First Shots |
___ | Brass Sculpting Buck for Wax Action Figure Sculpting |
___ | Clay and Wax Sculptings for Rancor Keeper Figure |
___ | Emperor Protomolded Figure |
___ | Emperor Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Ewok Body Parts Unpainted Hardcopies |
___ | General Madine Painted Hardcopy |
___ | General Madine Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Hardcopy Prototype for AT-ST Driver Action Figure |
___ | Jabba the Hutt Conceptual and Production Prototypes |
___ | Klaatu in Skiff Outfit Internal First Shot and Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Klaatu Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard Outfit) Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Lando in Skiff Guard Disguise Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Leia Boushh Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Leia in Boussh Disguise Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Leia in Boussh Disguise Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Leia in Combat Poncho Painted Hardcopy -Pink Poncho |
___ | Logray Painted First Shot |
___ | Logray Protomolded Figure |
___ | Luke in Robes Unpainted Hardcopy Torso and Legs |
___ | Luke Jedi Knight Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Luke Jedi Knight Partial Unpainted Hardcopy (Alternate Sculpting) |
___ | Luke Jedi Knight Protomolded Figure |
___ | Lumat Torso Unpainted Hardcopies |
___ | Nien Nunb Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Nien Nunb Unpainted First Shot (non-sonic welded) |
___ | Original Wax Sculpting for General Madine Head |
___ | Photograph of Prototypes of 77-Back Figures |
___ | Protomolded Anakin Skywalker Action Figure |
___ | Protomolded Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight Action Figure |
___ | Protomolded Prototype of General Madine Action Figure |
___ | Prune Face Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Prune Face Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Rancor First Shot |
___ | Rancor Keeper Carded Production Sample With First Shot Figure |
___ | Rancor Keeper Prototypes |
___ | Rancor Keeper Torso Silicone Mold |
___ | Rebel Commando Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Rebel Commando Carded Samples |
___ | Ree Yees Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Ree-Yees Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Ree-Yees Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Silicone Molds for AT-ST Driver Figure |
___ | Speeder Bike First Shot (Black and Tan) |
___ | Squid Head Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Sy Snootles and the Rebo Band Accessories Bagged Production Samples |
___ | Sy Snootles Unpainted Hardcopy |
___ | Teebo Unpainted First Shot Torso |
___ | Teebo (Sneering) Torso & Left Leg Unpainted Hardcopies |
___ | Teebo Accessory Sculpts and Assorted Prototypes |
___ | Teebo Unpainted Hardcopy Torso |
___ | Tooling Master Hardcopy for Admiral Ackbar Action Figure |
___ | Tooling Master Hardcopy for Gamorrean Guard Action Figure |
___ | Tooling Master Hardcopy for General Madine Action Figure |
___ | Tooling Master Hardcopy for Lando in Skiff Guard Disguise Action Figure |
___ | Tooling Master Hardcopy for Leia Boushh Action Figure |
___ | Tooling Master Hardcopy for Weequay Action Figure |
___ | Toolling Master Hardcopy for Bib Fortuna Action Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Ree Yees Action Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpts for Jabba Playset Elements |
___ | White Cape Bib Fortuna--Carded Sample |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Droids Boba Fett Carded Sample |
___ | Gaff Blister Card Cromalin |
___ | Governor Koong Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Jord Dusat Protomolded Figure |
___ | Kit-Bashed Prototype for Uproduced Companion Droid |
___ | Kleb Zellock Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Mon Julpa Painted First Shot |
___ | The Mother Load of Droids and Ewoks Prototypes |
___ | Tig Fromm Conceptual Hardcopy and Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Vlix Hardcopy and Kenner Proof Card |
___ | Vlix Painted First Shot |
___ | Vlix Unproduced Carded Sample |
___ | White Witch Unproduced Vehicle |
___ | White Witch Vehicle Conceptual Model |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Chief Chirpa Alternate Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Chief Chirpa Ewoks Sculptings and Hardcopy |
___ | Chief Chirpa Painted Prototype |
___ | Chief Chirpa Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Chituhr Painted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Chituhr Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Dulok Scout Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Logray Carded Engineering Pilots |
___ | Logray Conceptual One-Piece Hardcopy |
___ | Morag Painted First Shot |
___ | Paploo Carded Sample |
___ | Preliminary Wax Sculpting for Unproduced Ewoks Kaink Action Figure |
___ | Preliminary Wax Sculpting for Unproduced Ewoks Latara Action Figure |
___ | Preliminary Wax Sculpting for Unproduced Ewoks Princess Kneesaa Action Figure |
___ | Preliminary Wax Sculpting for Unproduced Ewoks Teebo Action Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Ewoks Chief Chirpa |
___ | Wicket Conceptual Mock-Up |
___ | Wicket Conceptual One-Piece Hardcopy |
Power of the Force |
United States |
| Hasbro |
___ | Collectors Series 12" Leia Slave Doll, with Unproduced Head |
___ | POTF2 Collectors Series 12-inch Han in Carbonite Original Wax Sculpting |
___ | POTF2 Collectors Series Yoda First Shot |
| Kenner |
___ | A-Wing Pilot Painted First Shot |
___ | Anakin Skywalker First Shot |
___ | Anakin Skywalker POTF Carded Sample |
___ | Barada Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Barada Plastic Master |
___ | Carded POTF Lando Skiff Guard Disguise Photo Sample |
___ | EV-9D9 Paint Master |
___ | Imperial Gunner Internal First Shot |
___ | Imperial Gunner Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Luke Stormtrooper Disguise Painted Harcopy Helmet |
___ | Painted Romba Hardcopy |
___ | Photograph of Prototypes of Power of the Force Figures |
___ | Photographs of Prototypes of Body Rigs |
___ | POTF2 Stormtrooper and Snowtrooper First Shots |
___ | POTF2 Wax Sculpting for Collectors Series 12 inch Boba Fett Head |
___ | POTF2 Wax Sculpting for Collectors Series 12 inch Wampa Hand |
___ | POTF2 Yak Face First Shot |
___ | Princess Leia Combat Poncho POTF Carded Sample |
___ | R2-D2 with Pop Up Saber Carded Sample |
___ | Tatooine Skiff Photosample |
___ | Yak Face Hardcopy Paint Master |
___ | Yak Face Painted First Shot |
___ | Yak Face Weapon Bagged Production Samples |
Books / Activity and Coloring |
A New Hope |
Canada |
| Kenner Canada |
___ | Chewie & Luke Coloring Book |
Posters / Advertising |
United States |
| General Mills |
___ | Cheerios Poster Offer Poster with Kenner Toys Tie-In |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Unlicensed Yoda Mardi Gras Poster: |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Burger King |
___ | Burger King ROTJ Movie Promotion Poster |
Games / Arcade |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Atari |
___ | SW Arcade Game--Upright |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Atari |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Arcade Game |
Banks |
A New Hope |
Canada |
| Reliable |
___ | Unlicensed Canadian R2-D2 Bank |
Return of the Jedi |
Canada |
| Irwin Toys |
___ | Gamorrean Guard Plastic Bank |
Apparel / Belts and Buckles |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Unlicensed Star Wars Fabric Belt ('Let The Force Be With You' Buckle) |
Store Displays / Food / Beverage |
Canada |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Cobot Lifesize Promotional Unit (Version 1) |
Toys / Role-Playing / Blasters |
United States |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Cap Gun (Galaxy Ray Gun) |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| CM |
___ | Sonic Laser Gun by CM (Han Solo Blaster Knock-Off) |
| Larami |
___ | Sonic Laser Gun by Larami (Han Solo Blaster Knock-Off) |
Games / Board |
Hungary |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Board Game |
Turkey |
| San |
___ | Unlicensed Turkish Board Game |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Yugoslavia |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Unlicensed Yugoslavian Board Game |
Store Displays / Book |
A New Hope |
United States |
| Random House |
___ | Countertop Display for Random House Books |
Return of the Jedi |
United States |
| Paradise Press/Bunch Books |
___ | Store Display for ROTJ Publications from Paradise Press |
Buttons, Badges, and Pins |
A New Hope |
Canada |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Cobot Badge (English), Black Text |
___ | Cobot Badge (French) |
Cast and Crew / Cards |
United States |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | 1979 Change of Address Card |
___ | 1979 Christmas Card (C-3PO Santa and R2-D2 with Antlers by Ralph McQuarrie) |
Empire Strikes Back |
United States |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | 1980 Christmas Card (Toy Workshop by Ralph McQuarrie) |
Prototypes / Coin |
Droids Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Droids C-3PO Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids C-3PO Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Droids Jann Tosh Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids Jann Tosh Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Droids Jord Dusat Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids Jord Dusat Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Droids R2-D2 Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids R2-D2 Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Droids Thall Joben Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids Thall Joben Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Droids Tig Fromm Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids Tig Fromm Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Droids Uncle Gundy Coin Softcopy |
___ | Droids Uncle Gundy Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Unproduced Droids Kleb Zellock Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
Ewoks Cartoon |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Ewoks Dulok Scout Coin Softcopy |
___ | Ewoks Dulok Scout Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Ewoks King Gorneesh Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Ewoks Logray Coin Softcopy |
___ | Ewoks Urgah Lady Gorneesh Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | Ewoks Wicket Coin Softcopy |
___ | Unproduced Ewoks Chief Chirpa Coin Softcopy |
Power of the Force |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | 1985 Toy Fair POTF Darth Vader Coin Mock Up Display (3-Dimensional) |
___ | 2-1b Coin Original Plaster Sculpting |
___ | 2-1B Coin Softcopy |
___ | 2-1b Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | 63rd Coin Softcopy |
___ | 63rd Coin Stage 1 Hardcopy |
___ | 6:1 Dynacast Presentation Coin - A-Wing Pilot |
___ | 6:1 Dynacast Presentation Coin - Barada |
___ | 6:1 Dynacast Presentation Coin - EV-9d9 |
___ | 6:1 Dynacast Presentation Coin - Imperial Dignitary |
___ | 6:1 Dynacast Presentation Coin - Luke w/ Speeder Bike |
___ | 6:1 Plaster Cast of Early Luke X-Wing Coin |
___ | A-wing Pilot Preliminary Coin Art |
___ | Amanaman Coin Softcopy |
___ | Amanaman Coin Stage 1 Coin Hardcopy |
___ | Amanaman Preliminary Coin Art |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Preliminary Coin Art |