Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | 1978-79 Meccano Diorama |
___ | Space Battle Display Stand |
Toys / Role-Playing / Blasters |
France |
___ | Laser Pistol |
Stickers / Decals |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | Darth Vader Art Sticker |
___ | ESB French Sweepstakes Stickers |
___ | Luke Skywalker Art Sticker |
___ | Princess Leia Art Sticker |
Games / Electronic |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | Bataille Spatiale Electronique (Electronic Laser Battle Game) |
Toys / Employee Items |
Non Film Specific |
France |
___ | Miro Meccano playing card deck |
___ | Miro Meccano sticky notes memo cube |
Fakes |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | Star Wars Fake Vinyl Cape Jawa MOC |
Catalogs / Flyers |
France |
___ | 5 Maquettes A Monter (Remote Controlled R2-D2, Darth Vader Figure, Ships, etc) Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Large Size Luke & Leia Plus First 12 Action Figures Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Remote Controlled R2-D2 Magazine/Comic Ad |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | Boba Fett Celui-la, il Faut s'en Mefier Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | C-3PO Drole de Robot Hein Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Darth Vader's TIE Fighter & Three TIE Fighters Toy Scene Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Des Jouets Action Figures & Ships Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Han Hoth "Tu Las Reconnu C'est le Heros" Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Larege Size Chewbacca hits Large Size Darth Vader Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Large Size Boba Fett, IG-88, Ben Kenobi Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Large Size Figure Battle Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Les Quels Te Mangeunt Encore? Millennium Falcon & 36 Action Figures Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Millennium Falcon Le Faucon Contre-Attaque Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Spaceships Toy Scene Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | TIE Fighter "Chasseur Ennemi en Vue" Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--Chipboard Death Star with Action Figures Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--Large size Darth Vader & 3 Stormtroopers capture Ben & Leia Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--Large Size Darth Vader Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--Luke & C-3PO vs Cantina Figures Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--Luke in Landspeeder approaching X-Wing Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--X-Wing shoots TIE, Stormtrooper Ejects Magazine/Comic Ad |
___ | Toy Scene--X-Wing, Cloud Car, & Fireworks Magazine/Comic Ad |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | Magazine/Comic Ad, 8x10.75, AT-ST, Yoda Face, "Pour ne pas etre Attaque par un Scout Walker" |
___ | Magazine/Comic Ad, 8x10.75, Ewok Village, "Yipeehh", Contest to win Ewok Figures, in Le Journal de Mickey, Feb 85 |
Catalogs / In-Pack and In-Store |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | In-Store? Catalog/Poster |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | In-Pack/In-Store Catalog (2.75 x4.25, AT-AT back) |
___ | In-Pack/In-Store Catalog (2.75 x4.25, Ewok Village back) |
___ | Meccano 1984 ROTJ booklet |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Large Size Action Figures |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | Ben Kenobi Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Chewbacca Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Darth Vader Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Han Solo Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Jawa Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Luke Skywalker Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Princess Leia Organa Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Stormtrooper Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Z-6PO (C-3PO) Large Size |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | Boba Fett Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Chewbacca Large Size Action Figure |
___ | Darth Vader large size action figure ESB packaging |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Miscellaneous |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | Ewok Assault Catapult (Kenner Box, Meccano Sticker) |
___ | Ewok Combat Glider (Kenner Box, Meccano Sticker) |
Crafts / Paint/Color |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | Star Wars Poster Art: Galactic Dogfight/Forces of Good & Evil |
Models / Plastic |
France |
___ | Chasseur TIE (Darth Vader's TIE Fighter) |
___ | Chasseur X (X-Wing) |
___ | D2-R2 (R2-D2) |
___ | Dark Vador (Bust) |
___ | Z-6PO (C-3PO) |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Playsets |
France |
___ | Death Star |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | Imperial Attack Base |
Posters / Premium |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | Meccano Space scene giveaway poster |
Prototypes / Product Concepts |
A New Hope |
United States |
___ | Kit-Bashed 12 Inch Luke and Leia Prototypes from French Advertising |
___ | Kit-Bashed Figure Prototypes from French Advertising |
Video and Film / Projectors and Viewers |
France |
___ | Cinevue Movie Viewer |
___ | Mini-Cinex |
___ | Return to the Ship Cassette (Carded) |
___ | Star Wars Minema Projector (Give-A-Show) |
___ | The Attack on the Prison Cassette (Carded) |
___ | The Duel of Strength Cassette (Boxed) |
___ | The Duel of Strength Cassette (Carded) |
___ | The Heroes Escape Cassette (Carded) |
___ | The Market of the Jawas Cassette (Carded) |
Germany |
___ | Cinevue Movie Viewer |
Prototypes / Prototype Packaging and Proofs |
France |
___ | Transparencies for Meccano square cardbacks |
Toys / Radio-Controlled |
France |
___ | Radio Controlled R2-D2 |
Catalogs / Retailer |
France |
___ | 1978 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | 1979 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | Meccano/ Lines Bros 1978 Ad-Plan |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | 1980 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | 1980 Miro/Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | 1981 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | 1982 Meccano Product Catalog |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | 1983 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | 1984 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | Meccano Space scene poster offer kit |
___ | Meccano Space scene poster offer leaflet |
___ | Meccano/General Mills 1985 Ad-Plan |
Power of the Force |
France |
___ | 1985 Meccano Product Catalog |
___ | 1986 Meccano Product Catalog |
Wicket the Ewok |
France |
___ | Meccano/General Mills France Early Age Toys 1985 Retailer Catalog |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Bootleg) |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Squad Commander Pilot-run |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Licensed) |
France |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Ben Kenobi |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Chewbacca |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Death Squad Commander |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Han Solo |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Jawa |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Luke Skywalker |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Princess Leia |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back R2-D2 |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Sand People |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Stormtrooper |
___ | Star Wars 12-Back Z6-PO (C-3PO) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Ben Kenobi |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Chewbacca |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Squad Commander |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Squad Commander 8-pack |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Death Star Droid |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Greedo |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Hammerhead |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Han Solo |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Jawa |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Luke Skywalker (Original) |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Power Droid |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Princess Leia |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back R2-D2 |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back R5-D4 |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Sand People |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Snaggletooth |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Stormtrooper |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Walrusman |
___ | Star Wars 20-Back Z6-PO (C3PO) |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | Empire Strikes Back AT-AT Driver |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Bespin Security Guard (White) |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Bossk |
___ | Empire Strikes Back FX-7 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Hoth Stormtrooper |
___ | Empire Strikes Back IG-88 |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Imperial Commander |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Lando Calrissian |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Lobot |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Rebel Soldier |
___ | Empire Strikes Back Ugnaught |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | Meccano ROTJ 45 and 65-backs YODAs |
___ | Return of the Jedi 3-Pack (Nien Nunb, Ree-Yees, Stormtrooper) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-back 2-1B (Meccano) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back AT-AT Driver |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back Darth Vader |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-back FX7 |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-Back Princess Leia |
___ | Return of the Jedi 45-back Stormtrooper (Meccano) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Admiral Ackbar |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Bib Fortuna |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Biker Scout |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Boba Fett |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Chief Chirpa |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-back Death Squad Commander (Meccano) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Gamorrean Guard |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back General Madine |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Jawa |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Klaatu |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Lando Calrissian (Skiff Guard) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Logray |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Luc (Tenue Bespin) (Luke Skywalker Bespin Outfit) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Nien Nunb |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Princess Leia (Boushh Disguise) |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Rebel Commando |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Ree-Yees |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Royal Guard |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Squid Head |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Weequay |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Yan (Han) Solo |
___ | Return of the Jedi 65-Back Yoda with Trilogo bubble |
___ | Trilogo FX-7 (french release) |
___ | Trilogo R2-D2 (Sensorscope) French variant |
Store Displays / Toy |
France |
___ | Meccano ROTJ/Action Force 2-Sided Store Display |
___ | Meccano Space scene poster offer banner |
___ | ROTJ Logos French Shelf Talker |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Vehicles |
A New Hope |
France |
___ | Darth Vader TIE Fighter |
Toys / Small Scale Toys / Vehicles |
France |
___ | Die Cast Landspeeder (Meccano Sticker) |
___ | Die Cast TIE Fighter (Meccano Sticker) |
___ | Die Cast X-Wing (Meccano Sticker) |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Vehicles |
France |
___ | Imperial TIE Fighter (Meccano Logo) |
___ | Imperial Troop Transport (Palitoy with Meccano Sticker) 'Includes 3 Figures' sticker |
___ | Kenner Landspeeder (Meccano Aeroglisseur Sticker) |
___ | Kenner TIE Fighter (Meccano Sticker) |
___ | Land Speeder (Aeroglisseur) Meccano box |
___ | X-Wing (Planet & Night Sky Background) |
___ | X-Wing Fighter (Red Background) Double 'M' Miro-Meccano Logo |
___ | X-Wing Fighter (Red Background) Meccano Flat Logo |
Empire Strikes Back |
France |
___ | Millennium Falcon (Palitoy with Meccano Sticker) |
___ | Snowspeeder (Palitoy with Meccano Sticker) |
___ | Twin-Pod Cloud Car (Palitoy with Meccano Sticker) |
Return of the Jedi |
France |
___ | Imperial Shuttle with Meccano sticker |
___ | ISP-6 Vehicle Kenner Box with Meccano Sticker |
___ | Rebel Transport ROTJ Palitoy Box with Meccano Sticker |
___ | Scout Walker Vehicle ROTJ Palitoy Hoth Box with Meccano Sticker |
___ | Speeder Bike Vehicle (Meccano sticker) |