Books / Activity and Coloring |
United States |
| Doring Kindersly |
___ | Clone Wars Ultimate Sticker Book |
Posters / Advertising |
France |
| Cartoon Network |
___ | Clone Wars On Cartoon Network French Display Poster |
___ | Clone Wars On Cartoon Network French Display Poster |
United Kingdom |
___ | CW Vol 1 on DVD May 9th Display Poster |
United States |
___ | Clone Wars Season One Poster |
___ | Clone Wars Season One Poster |
___ | Clone Wars Season Two Poster (Micro Series Continues) |
___ | Clone Wars Volume Two Poster (The Revenge Begins) |
| Dark Horse Comics |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures/Little Lulu 2-Sided Display Poster |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Clone Wars Volume 1 on DVD Poster |
Art / Animation Cels |
United States |
| Acme Archives |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Animated Character Key |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Animation Cel Model Sheet Giclee |
___ | Anakin vs Asajj Ventress Framed Animation Cel Giclee |
___ | ARC Captain Animated Character Key |
___ | ARC Trooper Giclee Print |
___ | Asajj Ventress Animated Character Key |
___ | C-3PO Animated Character Key |
___ | Character Key Framed Set #1 |
___ | Character Key Framed Set #2 |
___ | Count Dooku Animated Character Key |
___ | Darth Sidious Animated Character Key |
___ | Durge Animated Character Key |
___ | General Grievous Animated Character Key |
___ | General Grievous Animation Cel Model Sheet Giclee |
___ | General Kenobi Sericel |
___ | Kit Fisto Animated Character Key |
___ | Mace Windu Animated Character Key |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Armor) Animated Character Key |
___ | Padme Amidala Animated Character Key |
___ | R2-D2 Animated Character Key |
___ | Roron Corrob Animated Character Key |
___ | Shaak Ti Animated Character Key |
___ | Starfighter Pursuit 3-D Panscape |
___ | Yoda Animated Character Key |
___ | Yoda Animation Cel Model Sheet Giclee |
Commercial Cards / Banks Books |
United States |
| Anthony Grandio Co |
___ | Cartoon Yoda Color Leather Checkbook Cover |
___ | Galactic Republic Full Color Leather Checkbook Cover |
___ | Separatist Full Color Leather Checkbook Cover |
Greeting Cards / Birthday |
United States |
| Hallmark |
___ | Yoda Animated Style (Smart & Clever You Are...And Brave For One So Young) Birthday Card |
___ | Yoda Animated Style (Strong With You The Force Is) Birthday Card |
Store Displays / Book |
United States |
| Del Rey/Ballantine |
___ | Shatterpoint Hardback Book Dump Header |
Buttons, Badges, and Pins |
Mexico |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Anakin Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Anakin vs Asajj Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | ARC Trooper Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Asajj Ventress Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | C-3PO Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Clone Trooper Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Count Dooku Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Durge Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | General Grievous Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Kit Fisto Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Mace Windu Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Padme Amidala Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | R2-D2 Aninmated Art Badge |
___ | Yoda Aninmated Art Badge |
United States |
| Pin USA |
___ | Clone Wars Character Pins Box Set |
Games / Card |
United Kingdom |
| Winning Moves |
___ | Clone Wars Top Trumps |
___ | Clone Wars Top Trumps Promo Card--Chancellor Palpatine |
Audio / Narrated / Cassette |
United States |
| Random House |
___ | Cestus Deception Audiocassette |
___ | Jedi Trial Audiocassettes |
Audio / Narrated / CD |
United States |
| Random House |
___ | Cestus Deception Audio Book CD |
___ | Medstar I: Battle Surgeons Audio Book CD |
___ | Medstar II: Jedi Healer Audio Book CD |
___ | Shatterpoint Audio Book CD |
___ | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous Audio Book CD |
Comics / Comic Books |
Norway |
| Egmont CR |
___ | Star Wars 2005 Nr. 1 |
United States |
| Dark Horse Comics |
___ | General Grevious #1 |
___ | General Grevious #2 |
___ | General Grevious #3 |
___ | General Grevious #4 |
___ | Obsession #1 |
___ | Obsession #2 |
___ | Obsession #3 |
___ | Obsession #4 |
___ | Obsession #5 |
___ | SW Clone Wars Adventure Free Comic Book Day 2004 Special |
___ | SW Clone Wars Free Comic Book Day 2004 Special (Obi-Wan/Anakin Cover) |
___ | SW Clone Wars Free Comic Book Day 2005 Special (Clone Cover) |
Video and Film / DVD and VCD |
United States |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 1 DVD |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 1 DVD (Long Box) |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 2 DVD |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 2 DVD (Long Box) |
Comics / Graphic Novels and Compilations |
Argentina |
| Gargola Ediciones |
___ | Aventuras en las Guerras Clonicas Vol 1 Digest Size |
___ | Aventuras en las Guerras Clonicas Vol 2 Digest Size |
___ | Aventuras en las Guerras Clonicas Vol 3 Digest Size |
___ | Aventuras en las Guerras Clonicas Vol 4 Digest Size |
___ | Aventuras en las Guerras Clonicas Vol 5 Digest Size |
___ | Aventuras en las Guerras Clonicas Vol 6 Digest Size |
France |
| Dark Horse Comics |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #1 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #10 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #2 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #3 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #4 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #5 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #6 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #7 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #8 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #9 |
| Delcourt |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 1 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 2 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 3 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 4 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 5 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 6 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 7 Hardback Graphic Novel |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 8 Obsession Hardback Graphic Novel |
Germany |
| Dino Entertainment |
___ | SW Sonderband #16 Klonkriege I: Die Verteidigung Von Kamino |
Netherlands |
| Sanoma Uitgevers |
___ | Clone Wars Deel 1: De Slag Om Kamino (Defense Of Kamino) |
___ | Clone Wars Deel 2: Triomf En Pijn (Victories & Sacrifices) |
Poland |
| Amber |
___ | SW Obsesja (Obsession) Graphic Novel |
United States |
| Dark Horse Comics |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #1 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #1 (Spanish Language) |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #10 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #2 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #3 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #4 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #5 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #6 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #7 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #8 |
___ | Clone Wars Adventures #9 |
___ | Clone Wars Graphic Novel With Bust-Ups (Copper Tint Chewbacca & Yoda) |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 1 The Defense of Kamino |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 1 The Defense of Kamino (Spanish Language) |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 2 Victories & Sacrifices |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 3 Last Stand On Jabiim |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 4 Light & Dark |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 5 The Best Blades |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 6 On The Fields of Battle |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 7 When They Were Brothers |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 8 The Last Seige, The Final Truth |
___ | Clone Wars Vol 9 Endgame |
Catalogs / In-Pack and In-Store |
United States |
| ConArgra Foods |
___ | Chef Boyardee Deep Dish Meals 75c Coupon |
| Paizo Publishing |
___ | SW Short Story Collection |
Toys / Role-Playing / Lightsabers |
United States |
| Hasbro |
___ | Anakin Skywalker's Electronic Lightsaber (horizontal box) |
___ | Anakin Skywalker's Electronic Lightsaber (vertical box) |
___ | Count Dooku's Electronic Lightsaber |
___ | Mace Windu's Electronic Lightsaber |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi's Electronic Lightsaber (Horizontal Box) |
___ | Yoda's Electronic Lightsaber (horizontal box) |
___ | Yoda's Electronic Lightsaber (vertical box) |
Art / Lithographs |
United States |
| Acme Archives |
___ | ARC Troopers Limited Edition Giclee |
___ | Heroes & Villains Limited Edition Giclee |
___ | Light of the Jedi Limited Edition Giclee |
___ | Shadow of the Sith Limited Edition Giclee |
___ | Women of the Clone Wars Limited Edition Giclee |
Store Displays / Miscellaneous |
United States |
| Cartoon Network |
___ | Clone Wars Micro Series Banner Display |
| Gentle Giant Studios |
___ | Clone Wars Bust-Ups Counter Display Box |
Store Displays / Food / Miscellaneous Food |
United States |
| ConArgra Foods |
___ | Coupon Dispenser Chef Boyardee Mini-Header Card |
Electronics / Computer Accessories / Mouse Pads |
United States |
| Entertainment Earth |
___ | Clone Troopers Action Figure Battle Scene Mouse Pad |
Ceramics / Mugs |
United States |
| Rawcliffe Pewter |
___ | Cartoon Yoda 'Coffee Makes One Great' Ceramic Mug |
Books / Novels |
Japan |
| Sony |
___ | Jedi Trial Vol 1 Paperback with Jacket |
___ | Jedi Trial Vol 2 Paperback with Jacket |
___ | Yoda Dark Rendezvous Vol 1 Paperback with Jacket |
___ | Yoda Dark Rendezvous Vol 2 Paperback with Jacket |
Poland |
| Amber |
___ | Punkt Przelomu (Shatterpoint) Paperback |
Russia |
| Eksmo |
___ | Shatterpoint Hardback |
Spain |
| Alberto Santos |
___ | Punto De Ruptura (Shatterpoint) Hardback |
United States |
| Del Rey/Ballantine |
___ | Jedi Trial Hardback |
___ | Jedi Trial Hardback (Book Club Edition) |
___ | Jedi Trial Paperback |
___ | Med Star I: Battle Surgeons Paperback |
___ | Med Star II: Jedi Healer Paperback |
___ | Republic Commando: Hard Contact Paperback |
___ | Shatterpoint Hardback |
___ | Shatterpoint Hardback (Book Club Edition) |
___ | Shatterpoint Paperback |
___ | The Cestus Deception Hardback |
___ | The Cestus Deception Hardback (Book Club Edition) |
___ | The Cestus Deception Paperback |
___ | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous Hardback |
___ | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous Hardback (Book Club Edition) |
___ | Yoda: Dark Rendezvous Paperback |
| Sci-Fi Book Club |
___ | Med Star Compilation Hardback |
| Sci-Fi Books |
___ | Republic Commando Hardback Book |
Ornaments |
United States |
| Hallmark |
___ | Clone Wars Mini-Ornaments (Asajj, Anakin, Yoda) 2006 Keepsake |
Food Products / Entrees / Packaging |
United States |
| ConArgra Foods |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli 6pk Plastic Wrapper |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Anakin on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Count Dooku on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Mace Windu on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli Label, Yoda on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Anakin on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Count Dooku on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Mace Windu on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Beefaroni Label, Yoda on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Anakin on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Count Dooku on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Mace Windu on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Lovers Lasagna Deep Dish Meal Box, Yoda on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Anakin on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Count Dooku on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Mace Windu on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheese Pizza Kit Box, Yoda on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Anakin on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Count Dooku on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Mace Windu on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Cheesy Burger Macaroni Deep Dish Meal Box, Yoda on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Anakin on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Count Dooku on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Mace Windu on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Mini Ravioli Label, Yoda on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Anakin on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Count Dooku on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Mace Windu on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Overstuffed Beef Ravioli Label, Yoda on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Anakin on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Asajj Ventress on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Count Dooku on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Mace Windu on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Obi-Wan on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Pepperoni & Sausage Rotini Deep Dish Meal Box, Yoda on inside of box |
___ | Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Anakin on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Asajj Ventress on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Count Dooku on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Mace Windu on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Obi-Wan on inside of label |
___ | Chef Boyardee Spaghetti & Meatballs Label, Yoda on inside of label |
Postcards |
United Kingdom |
| Cartoon Network |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Cartoon Art Postcard |
___ | Clone Trooper Cartoon Art Postcard |
___ | General Grievous Cartoon Art Postcard |
___ | Yoda Cartoon Art Postcard |
United States |
| Classico |
___ | Asajj, Anakin, And Yoda Over Clones Postcard (#106-114) |
___ | Clone Troopers Postcard (#106-111) |
___ | Heroes Over Clone Troopers Postcard (#106-112) |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Durge Postcard (#106-109) |
___ | The Jedi Postcard (Obi-Wan, Mace, Anakin, Yoda--All With Lightsabers) (#106-110) |
___ | Villains Over Super Battledroids Postcard (#106-113) |
| Del Rey/Ballantine |
___ | Republic Commando Hard Contact Novel Promo Postcard |
Posters / Premium |
United States |
| Hasbro |
___ | Four Color Clone Trooper Action Figure Scene Poster |
Food Products / Entrees / Premiums |
United States |
| ConArgra Foods |
___ | Chef Boyardee Scratch-Off Game Card |
Press Kits and Books / Press Kits |
Spain |
| Cartoon Network |
___ | Clone Wars Press Kit |
Posters / Retail |
United States |
| Mello Smello |
___ | Snow Padme Vividvision Lenticular Poster |
Store Displays / Retailer Specific |
United States |
| Walmart |
___ | New Releases At Wal-Mart Every Tuesday Stanchion Card (Clone Wars Vol 1 & Others) |
Art / Sculptures, Statues, and Maquettes |
United States |
| Gentle Giant Studios |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Maquette |
___ | ARC Trooper (Red) Maquette |
___ | Asajj Ventress Maquette |
___ | Bust-Ups Anakin Skywalker |
___ | Bust-Ups Clone Trooper (Blue) |
___ | Bust-Ups Clone Trooper (Red) |
___ | Bust-Ups Clone Trooper (White) |
___ | Bust-Ups General Grievous |
___ | Bust-Ups Obi-Wan in Clone Armor |
___ | Bust-Ups Padme Amidala |
___ | Bust-Ups Yoda |
___ | Clone Wars Yoda Monument |
___ | General Grievous Maquette |
___ | Luminara Unduli and Bariss Offee Maquette |
___ | Mace Windu Maquette |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Maquette |
___ | Padme Amidala Maquette |
___ | Republic Commando Full Color Maquette |
___ | Roron Corrob Maquette |
___ | Yoda (On Kybuck) Maquette |
___ | Yoda Maquette |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Small Action Figures (Licensed) |
Mexico |
| Hasbro |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Anakin Skywalker (Spanish Warning Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Clone Trooper (Spanish Warning Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Obi-Wan Kenobi (Spanish Warning Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Yoda (Spanish Warning Sticker) |
United States |
___ | Clone Wars #03-42 Anakin Skywalker (Army of the Republic) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-43 ARC Trooper (Blue Highlights) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-44 Yoda (Army of the Republic) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-45 Obi-Wan Kenobi (General of the Republic Army) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-46 Durge |
___ | Clone Wars #03-47 Asajj Ventress (Sith Apprentice) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-48 Mace Windu (General of the Republic Army) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-49 Kit Fisto (Army of the Republic) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-50 Clone Trooper (running pose) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-50 Clonetrooper (kneeling pose) |
___ | Clone Wars #03-51 Saesee Tiin (Army of the Republic) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Anakin Skywalker |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Anakin Skywalker Battle Outfit (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated ARC Trooper (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Asajj Ventress |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Asajj Ventress (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Clone Trooper |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Clone Trooper Blue Highlights (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Clone Trooper Red Highlights (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Clone Trooper Yellow Highlights (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Count Dooku |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Durge |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Durge (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated General Grievous (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Mace Windu |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Mace Windu (New Season III Sticker) |
___ | Clone Wars Animated Obi-Wan Kenobi |