Audio / Music / 8-Track |
Canada |
| Ahed Products |
___ | Music from the sci-fi film composed by John Williams for Star Wars; also: A Stereo Space Odyssey 8Tk |
| GRT |
___ | Star Wars Soundtrack 8-Track |
| Quality Records Limited |
___ | Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk 8-Track |
Audio / Narrated / 8-Track |
Canada |
| Unknown |
___ | The Story of Star Wars 8-Track (Blue Cartridge) |
Audio / Music / 8-Track |
France |
| Distribution Discodis |
___ | 'Star Wars' Bang Bang Robot 8-Track |
Italy |
| VB |
___ | The Caleps Star Wars 8-Track |
United Kingdom |
| Pickwick Records |
___ | Sounds of Star Wars 8-Track |
| Precision Tapes Ltd/20th Century Fox Records |
___ | SW Soundtrack 8-Track |
United States |
| 20th Century Fox Records |
___ | Star Wars Soundtrack (black cartridge) 8-Track |
___ | Star Wars Soundtrack (blue cartridge) 8-Track |
___ | Star Wars Soundtrack (gray cartridge) 8-Track |
___ | Star Wars Soundtrack (white cartridge, black label) 8-Track |
___ | Star Wars Soundtrack (white cartridge, pink label) 8-Track |
___ | SW Soundtrack 8-Track |
Audio / Narrated / 8-Track |
United States |
| 20th Century Fox Records |
___ | The Story of Star Wars (blue cartridge) |
___ | The Story of Star Wars (gray cartridge) |
Audio / Music / 8-Track |
United States |
| Atlantic Recording Corp. |
___ | Music from Other Galaxies and Planets 8-Track |
| Damil Records |
___ | SW & A Stereo Space Oddyssey 8-Track |
| Homestead Marketing |
___ | Today's Top Hits Featuring 'You Light Up My Life' 8-Track |
| K-Tel |
___ | Superstar Collection 8-Track (Includes Meco SW Theme) |
| London Records |
___ | Zubin Mehta Conducts Themes from Star Wars and Close Encounters of the Third Kind 8-Track |
| Millennium Records |
___ | Star Wars and Other Galactic Funk 8-Track |
| Musicor Records |
___ | Music From SW 8-Track (black cartridge, blue label) |
___ | Music from SW 8-Track (black label) |
___ | Music From SW 8-Track (white cartidge, blue label) |
| Phonogram/20th Century Fox Records |
___ | Patrick Gleeson's Star Wars: Selections from the film performed on the world's most advanced synthesizer |
| Pickwick Records |
___ | Themes From Star Wars, NY,NY, The Deep, etc 8-Track |
| RCA |
___ | Ford Motor Company Presents Quadrasonic Sound For Today 8-Track, 1979 Version DAT2-0346 |
| Springboard International |
___ | Spaced Out Disco 8-Track |
| United Artists |
___ | Ferrante and Teicher Star Wars 8-Track |
Toys / Action Figure Related / Action Figure Accessories |
Canada |
| Kenner Canada |
___ | Vinyl Action Figure Carry Case |
France |
| Meccano |
___ | 1978-79 Meccano Diorama |
___ | Space Battle Display Stand |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Early Bird Certificate Package |
___ | Mini-Action Figure Collectors Case |
___ | Shipping Box for Theater Promotion Involving Early Bird Figures |
___ | Special Offer Star Wars Action Display Stand |
| Tara Toy Corporation |
___ | Space Case Figure Case |
___ | Star World Figure Case |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Knock-Off Vinyl Action Figure Carrying Cases |
Prototypes / Action Figure Related |
United States |
| Kenner |
___ | Acetate Sculpt for Death Squad Commander Action Figure |
___ | Aluminum Prototype Mold for End Cap of X-Wing Fighter |
___ | Ben Kenobi Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Blue Snaggletooth Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Blue Snaggletooth Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Blue Snaggletooth Unpainted Hardcopy Left Arm and Left Leg |
___ | Boba Fett 41-Back (Survival Kit Offer) Carded QC Sample |
___ | Boba Fett in Mailer Box Engineering Pilot |
___ | Boba Fett Large Size Action Figure Boxed First Shot |
___ | Boba Fett Large Size Action Figure Cape and Wookie Scalps Kenner Quote Samples |
___ | Boba Fett Large Size Action Figure Early Prototype |
___ | C-3PO Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | C-3PO Blue Harvest Hardcopy |
___ | C-3PO Chorus Line |
___ | C-3PO First Shot (Black) |
___ | C-3PO Large Size Action Figure Unpainted Hardcopy Head and Torso |
___ | Carded Small Wing Darth Vader TIE Fighter |
___ | Chewbacca Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Chewbacca Bagged Production Sample |
___ | Chewbacca First Shot |
___ | Concept Sketch for 12-Back Blister Card (Star Pattern) |
___ | Conceptual Imperial R2-D2 Action Figure |
___ | Darth Vader Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi Telescoping First Shots |
___ | Darth Vader Large Figure First Shot Pieces |
___ | Darth Vader TIE Fighter First Shot |
___ | Death Squad Commander Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Death Squad Commander and Blue Snaggletooth First Shots |
___ | Death Star Droid Painted First Shot |
___ | Diagnoga Hand Painted Prototype |
___ | Diecast X-Wing Pattern |
___ | Early Bird Figure First Shots |
___ | Early Telescoping Sabers With Mushroom Tips |
___ | Greedo Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Greedo Hardcopy Tooling Master |
___ | Greedo Painted First Shot |
___ | Greedo Painted Hardcopy |
___ | Greedo Unpainted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Hammerhead Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Hammerhead Painted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Hammerhead Protomolded Photosample |
___ | Hammerhead Unpainted Protomolded Figure |
___ | Han Solo Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Han Solo Painted First Shot |
___ | Han Solo Unpainted First Shot |
___ | Han Solo12 inch First Shot Head with Alternate Sculpting |
___ | Jawa Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Jawa Large Figure Early Prototype |
___ | Jawa Large Size Action Figure Kenner Quote Samples |
___ | Jawa Painted First Shot |
___ | Jawa Painted First Shot |
___ | Jawa Prototype Samples (Hand Painted Alternate Deco) |
___ | Jawa Sandcrawler Wood Pattern |
___ | Luke Skywalker Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Mock-Up Inflatable Lightsaber |
___ | Obi Wan Kenobi 12 inch Figure Clothing Prototype Pieces |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Engineering Pilot with Prototype Double Telescoping Saber |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi first shot in white |
___ | Original Wax Sculpting for Boba Fett Action Figure |
___ | Power Droid Early Prototype |
___ | Power Droid Painted First Shot |
___ | Princess Leia Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Princess Leia Engineering Pilot |
___ | Princess Leia Unpainted First Shot |
___ | R2-D2 Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | R2-D2 First Shot |
___ | R2-D2 First Shot with Gray, Un-metallized Dome |
___ | R2-D2 Large Figure Early Prototype |
___ | Red Snaggletooth Painted First Shot |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett (J-Slot Version) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett (L-Slot Version) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett (L-Slot Version) - No Firing Mechanism |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett *Yellow* (L-Slot Version) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Artwork - 20-back Mail-in Offer |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Artwork - Bin Display Header |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Hand Painted (L-Slot Version) - Early |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Hand Painted (L-Slot Version) - Revised |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Kit-Bashed - Final Concept |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Kit-Bashed - Original Concept |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Missiles |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Protomolded Photo Sample |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett Star Wars Proof Card |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Gray w/ COO & Copyright Stamp |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Mailer Box Sample Figure |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Mailer Box Sample Figure (Sealed) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Multicolored (L-Slot Version) |
___ | Rocket Firing Boba Fett, Toy Fair Carded Sample |
___ | Sand People Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Sears Cantina Figures Painted First Shots |
___ | Snaggletooth Unpainted Hardcopy Legs |
___ | Star Wars C-3PO 12-Back Quality Control Sample with 32-Back Sticker |
___ | Star Wars Han Solo 12-Back Quality Control Sample |
___ | Stormtrooper Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Stormtrooper First Shot |
___ | Stormtrooper Large Size Action Figure Unpainted First Shot |
___ | SW 20 Action Figure Hanger Mock-Up -'Get A Free Boba Fett' (Shows 12in. Doll) |
___ | Tusken Raider First Shot |
___ | Unproduced Luke X-Wing Outfit for 12" Figure |
___ | Unproduced Wind-Up Walking C-3PO |
___ | Walrus Man Action Figure Blueprint |
___ | Walrusman Head Silicone Mold |
___ | Walrusman Unpainted Hardcopy Arm Pair |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Chewbacca Figure |
___ | Wax Sculpt for Greedo Figure |
___ | Wooden Pattern for R2-D2 33/4 |
| Kenner Canada |
___ | Regal Chewbacca Store Display Prototype Doll and Costume |
Books / Activity and Coloring |
Canada |
| Kenner Canada |
___ | Chewbacca Coloring Book |
___ | Chewie & Luke Coloring Book |
___ | Luke & C-3PO Coloring Book |
___ | R2-D2 Coloring Book |
Colombia |
| Norma Editorial |
___ | SW Punch-Out & Make It Book |
France |
| Flammarion |
___ | SW Punch-out & Make It Book |
Italy |
| Sperling & Kupfer Editori |
___ | Il Libro delle Figurine da Staccare E Costrire (SW Punch-out & Make It) |
Japan |
| Bandai |
___ | SW Iron-On Transfer Book |
Spain |
| Ediciones Topela |
___ | Batalla en las Galaxias Unlicensed Coloring Book Nr. 1 |
___ | Batalla en las Galaxias Unlicensed Coloring Book Nr. 2 |
___ | Batalla en las Galaxias Unlicensed Coloring Book Nr. 3 |
United Kingdom |
| Armada |
___ | Chewbacca's Activity Book |
___ | Darth Vader's Activity Book |
___ | Luke Skywalker's Activity Book |
___ | R2-D2's Activity Book |
| Collins |
___ | SW Punch-Out & Make It Book |
United States |
| McCalls |
___ | McCall's Star Ways Iron-Ons Vol. 7 Book |
| Random House |
___ | Chewbacca's Activity Book |
___ | Chewbacca's Activity Book (Printer's Proof) |
___ | Darth Vader's Activity Book |
___ | Darth Vader's Activity Book (Printer's Proof) |
___ | Luke Skywalker's Activity Book |
___ | R2-D2 Activity Book ($1.95 Price On Back) |
___ | R2-D2 Activity Book (Scholastic Book Services On Back) |
___ | R2-D2's Activity Book (Printer's Proof) |
___ | SW Iron-On Transfer Book |
___ | SW Punch-Out & Make It Book |
Posters / Advertising |
Australia |
| General Electric/Kenner |
___ | SW 'GE' TV Banner |
___ | SW 'GE' TV Poster |
Canada |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Bottlecap In-Store Contest Poster (Large) |
___ | Bottlecap In-Store Contest Poster (Small, Blank Back with Adhesive) |
___ | Bottlecap In-Store Contest Poster (Small, Rules on Back) |
Costa Rica |
| Culturama de Centro America |
___ | SW Sticker Album Display Poster |
Germany |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | SW 'A' Art Silver Border with 59DM Burst Videocassette Price Display Poster |
Italy |
| Monda Dori Editore/Marvel Comics |
___ | SW Comic as Spaceship Display Poster |
Japan |
| Bandai |
___ | SW Novel Space Battle Display Poster |
___ | X-Wing & TIE Fighter Over Storybook & Photo Album Horizontal Display Poster |
___ | X-Wing & TIE Fighter Over Storybook & Photo Album Vertical Display Poster |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | Coca Cola Bottle Caps Promotion |
___ | Coca-Cola Poster |
___ | Coke Bottle Caps/T-Shirt/R2-D2 Radio Horizontal Display Poster |
___ | Coke R2-D2 AM Radio Poster |
___ | Space Battle Shimaoka Art Display Poster |
| Factors |
___ | SW Factors Buttons Display Poster |
| Fuji Film |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2 SW Super 8 Film Display Poster |
| King Records/20th Century Fox Records |
___ | R2-D2 and C-3PO on Blockade Runner |
___ | Story of Star Wars Record Promo Poster |
___ | X-wing vs Darth Vader's TIE Fighter |
| Meiji Seika |
___ | C-3PO & R2-D2 Over Candy & Premiums Display Poster |
| Morinaga |
___ | Darth Vader & X-Wing Art Over Candy Boxes Display Poster |
___ | Hildebrandt Art Over Candy Boxes Display Poster |
___ | Hildebrandt Art Over Candy Boxes Display Poster |
| Warner/Pioneer |
___ | SW Soundtrack Display Poster |
New Zealand |
| Tip Top Ice Cream |
___ | R2-D2 Ice Lolly Display Poster |
United Kingdom |
| Heinz |
___ | Pork & Beans School Set Offer Display Poster |
___ | Pork & Beans School Set Offer Display Poster |
| Mountain Films |
___ | SW Super 8 Film Black & White R2-D2 & C-3PO Display Poster |
| Reveille Newspaper |
___ | Reveille C-3PO Display Poster |
| Sphere SF |
___ | SW Novel Display Poster |
___ | SW Novel Display Poster (Hildebrandt Art) |
| W. H. Smith |
___ | Hildebrandt Art Display Poster |
United States |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | 20th Century Fox "26 for 76" Campaign |
| 20th Century Fox Records |
___ | Darth Vader Mylar Poster (Soundtrack Promo) |
___ | Story of SW Poster |
| American Marketing Association |
___ | San Diego American Marketing Association Poster |
| Bell & Howell |
___ | Bell & Howell Projector Promo Poster |
| Braun's Town Talk Bread |
___ | SW Trading Cards Premium Display Poster |
| Broderbund |
___ | Broderbund Video Game Cartridge Poster |
| Burger Chef |
___ | Burger Chef Fun Meal Promo Poster |
___ | Burger Chef Fun Meal Promo Poster |
| Casablanca Records |
___ | SW & Other Galactic Funk Album Cover Art Poster |
| Coca-Cola |
___ | 7-Eleven SW Tumblers (Set Of 8) Display Poster |
___ | Darth Vader Tumbler 'Snow Biz' Display Poster |
___ | Koolee SW Tumblers (Set Of 20) Display Poster |
___ | SW Cups Display Poster (Luke At Gun Turret) |
___ | SW Cups Mr. Pibb/Coke X-Wing Photo Display Poster |
| Del Rey/Ballantine |
___ | Splinter of the Mind's Eye Display Poster |
| Don Post |
___ | Men Of A Thousand Faces Poster |
___ | SW Masks from Don Post Poster |
| Drawing Board |
___ | R2-D2 & C-3PO (The Force Is With Us) Poster |
| Estes |
___ | Estes 'Flying Model Rockets' TIE Fighter vs X-Wing Poster |
___ | Estes Proton Torpedo Store Poster |
| Factors |
___ | Jewelry On Sale Here |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | SW 'A' Video Poster |
___ | SW Here on Videocassette Poster Banner |
___ | SW Here on Videodisc Poster Banner |
___ | SW on Videocassette and Videodisc Poster Banner |
| Fundimensions |
___ | Duel at Death Star Display Poster |
| General Mills |
___ | Cheerios Poster Offer Poster with Kenner Toys Tie-In |
| HBO |
___ | SW on HBO Poster (R2-D2 & C-3PO in Blockade Runner) |
| King Seeley Thermos |
___ | Lunch Box Display Poster |
| KMET |
___ | KMET Presents Music from Outer Space |
| Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
___ | SW Alvin R2-D2/C-3PO Concert Poster |
| NPR |
___ | SW Radio Drama Poster |
| Pendulum Press |
___ | Remedial Reading Multi-media School Kit Poster |
| RCA |
___ | Take Home SW Free Videodisc Poster |
___ | Take Home SW Free Videodisc Poster |
| San Diego Comicon |
___ | 1977 Comic-Con Poster with Star Wars Snipe |
| Supersnipe Gallery |
___ | B&W Window Poster For McQuarrie/Johnston Exhibit |
| Thermos |
___ | Thermos lunch box poster, X-Wing image |
| Unknown |
___ | Blue & White Hildebrandt Art Window Card (It's Here) |
| US Dept of Health, Ed, Welfare |
___ | Immunization Poster Version 1 (Do Your Records Show It...) |
___ | Immunization Poster Version 2 (Make Sure...Call Your Doctor) |
| Vymura/Imperial Chemicals LTD |
___ | Wallpaper Display Poster (SW 'C' Art) |
| Waldorf School Benefit Productions |
___ | Marin Laser Concert Poster |
Stickers / Albums |
Brazil |
| Editora Abril |
___ | 1, sticker for album |
___ | 10, sticker for album |
___ | 100, sticker for album |
___ | 101, sticker for album |
___ | 102, sticker for album |
___ | 103, sticker for album |
___ | 104, sticker for album |
___ | 105, sticker for album |
___ | 106, sticker for album |
___ | 107, sticker for album |
___ | 108, sticker for album |
___ | 109, sticker for album |
___ | 11, sticker for album |
___ | 110, sticker for album |
___ | 111, sticker for album |
___ | 112, sticker for album |
___ | 113, sticker for album |
___ | 114, sticker for album |
___ | 115, sticker for album |
___ | 116, sticker for album |
___ | 117, sticker for album |
___ | 118, sticker for album |
___ | 119, sticker for album |
___ | 12, sticker for album |
___ | 120, sticker for album |
___ | 121, sticker for album |
___ | 122, sticker for album |
___ | 123, sticker for album |
___ | 124, sticker for album |
___ | 125, sticker for album |
___ | 126, sticker for album |
___ | 127, sticker for album |
___ | 128, sticker for album |
___ | 129, sticker for album |
___ | 13, sticker for album |
___ | 130, sticker for album |
___ | 131, sticker for album |
___ | 132, sticker for album |
___ | 133, sticker for album |
___ | 134, sticker for album |
___ | 135, sticker for album |
___ | 136, sticker for album |
___ | 137, sticker for album |
___ | 138, sticker for album |
___ | 139, sticker for album |
___ | 14, sticker for album |
___ | 140, sticker for album |
___ | 141, sticker for album |
___ | 142, sticker for album |