Kenner 18450 Display Bin and Header for Wicket the Ewok Coloring Books
For a long time, I did not think this piece was ever released. There were photos of a mock-up in Kenner dealer catalogs, but I had never seen or heard of an example. When Jarrod Clark, who focuses on Preschool Ewok items, asked me to look out for one for him several years ago, I advised him to cross it off his list as unproduced. Lo and behold, about a year later I bought one from a friend, and Jarrod recently got a great deal on this one off eBay. His header is much nicer looking than mine, and the mis-alignment of colors in the bin is not that noticeable.
Description by: Todd Chamberlain
Photo: Jarrod Clark
From the collection of: Jarrod Clark
Country:United States
Film:Return of the Jedi
Category:Store Displays / Book


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

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