
Case Insert Sides 1 & 2 (click to enlarge)
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Catalog Description:
Hold up to 24 Action Figures in this combination collector's carrying case and display stand. Case includes two removable trays which hold Action Figures. Turn them over and pegs hold figures in action poses! The front of the case has a post-like cover showing exciting scenes from STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI. The STAR WARS Collector's Case includes a photograph of all 65 Action Figures plus a pressure sensitive label sheet to identify your Action Figure's "home". Action Figures not included. Ages 4 and up.
Image Source: 1980 Kenner Fair Catalog
Description Source: 1983 Kenner Toy Fair Catalog
The toughest Star Wars storage case to find, the Return of the Jedi vinyl case featured some of the neatest graphics in the Kenner line. By the time Jedi rolled around, Kenner had several storage cases in their Star Wars line, including the then new C-3PO Collector's Case. So this little vinyl beauty had a fairly limited distribution and was cancelled by 1984 when the Laser Rifle Carry Case hit store shelves. It should be noted that both its interior and two plastic trays are red in color.
First Issued: 1983 (ROTJ graphics)
Re-issues: None