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Catalog Entry |
Catalog Description:
An action packed play environment that recreates the Empire's successful raid against the rebels on the ICE PLANET HOTH. Press the levers on the ice trenches and the battle is on! The ice bridge collapses and creates battle rubble. The command post "blows up." A land mine even pops up and can make Action Figures fall. But the Empire fights on to victory with a laser machine gun that makes a firing sound when manually turned. STAR WARS Action Figures each sold separately. Assembly required. Ages 4 and up.
Source: 1981 Kenner Toy Fair Catalog
I knew the Empire had the Death Star on their side. I knew they were capable of destroying a planet with a single laser blast. But I didn't know--never even suspected--that they had their very own snow fort. That's exactly what the Imperial Attack Base was, a snow fort. Trust me, I've built hundreds of the things, with dozens of different friends, on a hundred different snowy afternoons. It's got the snow bank walls, the collapse prone snow bridge, even a platform for throwing snow balls. About the only thing it's missing is a yellow patch or two, representing those spots where snow eating is strictly off limits.
But, all kidding aside, the Imperial Attack Base Playset was a simple yet effective toy, which provided kids with a suitable environment in which to act out Hoth snow battles. As the above catalog description mentions, it incorporated several rather tame action features, including a combination bunker-ice bridge, which collapsed when a trigger was activated. The item is still readily found on the collectors market, although loose examples are typically missing a smaller piece or two.
First Issued: 1980 (ESB packaging)
Re-issues: None