Box Front

Box Back and Side (click to enlarge)
Catalog Entry |
Catalog Description:
He carries a distinctive crossbow LASER RIFLE, and his furry looking limbs are articulated for STAR WARS action poses. Ammunition cartridge can be removed from his bandolier and side-loaded onto his LASER RIFLE. Ages 5 and up.
Image Source:
1980 Kenner Pre-Toy Fair Catalog
Description Source:
1978 Kenner Toy Fair Catalog
At 15", Kenner's large size Chewbacca figure was tall. But in some ways it's always seemed to me like a blown-up version of the small Chewie figure: poorly sculpted "hair," plain brown plastic body and a curiously non-ferocious visage. But it did have ball joints at the shoulders, which allowed for a wide range of arm movement, and it came with a cool crossbow weapon. The combination bandolier strap-hip bag, however, was cheesy; it was made out of what must have been about the cheapest plastic available. Into this bandolier came inserted 16 gray plastic "ammo" cartridges, each of which had a small hole in its center, which allowed it to be clipped onto the barrel of the gun.
Chewie is among the few large size figures believed by some to have been commercially issued in an Empire Strikes Back box. It may well have been, albeit in very limited numbers. Loose, the figure is common, though it is frequently missing its accessories.
First Issued: 1978 (SW packaging)
Re-issues: 1980 (ESB Packaging)*
* = Commercial Release Uncertain
Parts List |
1 crossbow gun (two parts) |
1 brown plastic bandolier with hip bag |
16 gray plastic cartridges |