Books / Activity and Coloring |
Phantom Menace |
| Egmont CR |
___ | Galactic Puzzles & Games |
Posters / Advertising |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| LucasArts |
___ | Jedi Outcast/Racer Revenge 2-Sided Display Poster |
___ | Jedi Outcast/Starfighter 2-Sided Display Poster |
Phantom Menace |
| Merlin |
___ | Episode 1 Sticker Album Display Poster |
| Pepsi |
___ | Amidala 'Ask for More' Poster |
___ | Anakin Skywalker 'Ask for More' Poster |
___ | Jar Jar Binks 'Ask for More' Poster |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi 'Ask for More' Poster |
___ | Qui-Gon Jinn 'Ask for More' Poster |
Attack of the Clones |
| Sony |
___ | AOTC Soundtrack Display Poster |
Stickers / Albums |
Phantom Menace |
| Merlin |
___ | Episode 1 Sticker Album |
Attack of the Clones |
| Merlin |
___ | AOTC Sticker Album |
Games / Board |
Return of the Jedi |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Board Game |
Calendars |
| Unlicensed |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (AT-ATs) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (Character Photos) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (Jabba and Slave Leia) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot) |
___ | 1984 Pocket Calendar Card (X-Wings) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (AT-ST) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Boba Fett and Nikto) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Boba Fett with Blaster Destroyed) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Darth Vader) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Emperor Palpatine) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Endor Bunker Battle) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Han Solo on Tauntaun) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Han Solo) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Jabba's Palace Exterior) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Lando Calrissian vs Nikto) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker Climbing Sail Barge Side) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker Fighting on Top of Sail Barge) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker Talking To Princess Leia) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Luke Skywalker) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Nien Nunb) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Rancor) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Rebels Hiking on Endor) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Salacious Crumb) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Skiff Over Sarlacc) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Skiff with Heroes and Guard, White Sky) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Skiff with Heroes and Guards, Blue Sky) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Speeder Bike) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Star Destroyer) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Wicket) |
___ | 1985 Pocket Calendar Card (Yoda) |
Games / Card |
| Unlicensed |
___ | SW Super-Mini Card Game 'Gyermekkartya' |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Unlicensed |
___ | ROTS Playing Cards |
Books / Childrens |
Return of the Jedi |
| Mokep |
___ | ROTJ Storybook |
Phantom Menace |
| Egmont CR |
___ | Anakins Race for Freedom |
___ | Droid Vagyok (I am a Droid) |
___ | Jar Jar vigyazz (Watch Out JarJar) |
___ | Jedi-lovag Vagyok (I am a Jedi) |
Attack of the Clones |
| Egmont CR |
___ | AOTC Storybook |
___ | Jedi-Novendek Vagyok: Anakin (I am a Jedi Apprentice) |
___ | Skywalker Csaladi Album (Skywalker Family Album) |
Comics / Comic Books |
A New Hope |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Csillagok Haboruja #1 |
___ | Csillagok Haboruja #2 |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Comic Book #2 (artist) |
___ | Unlicensed Hungarian Comic Books |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Unlicensed |
___ | A Birodalom Visszavag |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Botond |
___ | Botond Kepregeny Mazin #4 (Un-numbered SW Cover) |
___ | Botond Kepregeny Mazin #5 |
___ | Botond Kepregeny Mazin #6 |
___ | Botond Kepregeny Mazin #7 (Un-numbered Terminator Cover) |
| Semic |
___ | 1997/1 |
___ | 1997/2 |
___ | 1997/3 |
___ | 1998/1 |
___ | 1998/2 |
___ | 1998/3 |
___ | 1998/4 |
___ | 1998/5 |
___ | 1998/6 |
___ | 1999/1 |
___ | 1999/2 |
___ | 1999/3 |
___ | 1999/4 |
___ | 1999/5 |
___ | 2000/2 (SW Mesek [Tales] #1) |
___ | 2000/3 (SW Mesek [Tales] #2) |
___ | 2000/4 (Vader's Quest #1&2) |
___ | 2000/5 (Vader's Quest #3&4) |
___ | 2001/1 (SW Mesek [Tales] #3) |
___ | 2001/2 |
___ | 2001/3 |
___ | 2001/4 (Darth Maul #3&4) |
___ | 2001/5 (SW Mesek [Tales] #5) |
___ | 2001/6 (Jedi Kuldetes [Quest] #3&4) |
___ | 2002/1 |
___ | 2002/2 |
___ | 2002/3 |
___ | 2002/4 |
___ | 2002/5 (Jedi Tanacs [Acts of War] #1&2) |
___ | 2002/6 (SW Mesek [Tales] #9) |
Phantom Menace |
| Semic |
___ | 1999/6 |
Stickers / Decals |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Chewbacca, R2-D2, & C-3PO Art Oval Sticker |
___ | Princess Leia & Luke Skywalker Art Oval Sticker |
Return of the Jedi |
| Unlicensed |
___ | C-3PO Silenced By Princess Leia & Chewbacca Art Sticker |
___ | Gamorrean Guard Art Sticker, Large |
___ | Gamorrean Guard Art Sticker, Small |
Video and Film / DVD and VCD |
Phantom Menace |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | Episode 1 DVD |
Attack of the Clones |
| Fox Home Entertainment |
___ | AOTC DVD |
Food Products / Fast Food / Employee Items |
Phantom Menace |
| Pizza Hut |
___ | Jar Jar Black T-Shirt |
Catalogs / Flyers |
Attack of the Clones |
| Hollywood Multiplex |
___ | Club Hollywood Flyer |
___ | Duna Plaza Flyer |
___ | Duna Plaza Flyer |
| Intercom |
___ | DVD-Ujdunsagok |
| Nokia |
___ | Club Nokia Foldout/Postcard |
___ | Nokia Flyer |
| Unknown |
___ | Product Flyer |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Szolnoki Est |
___ | Tallinn Filmszinhaz |
Comics / Graphic Novels and Compilations |
Phantom Menace |
| Semic |
___ | SW I Rez |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Adoc Semic/Dark Horse |
___ | ROTS Movie Adaptation |
Posters / Movie |
A New Hope |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Stylized SW Art (Darth Vader, R2-D2, X-Wing) Color |
___ | Stylized SW Art (Darth Vader, R2-D2, X-Wing) Monochrome |
Empire Strikes Back |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Stylized ESB Art (Darth Vader, AT-AT, Star Destroyer) Color |
___ | Stylized ESB Art (Darth Vader, AT-AT, Star Destroyer) Monochrome |
Return of the Jedi |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Stylized ROTJ Art (Darth Vader, Star Destroyer, Speeder Bike) Color |
___ | Stylized ROTJ Art (Darth Vader, Star Destroyer, Speeder Bike) Monochrome |
Phantom Menace |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | Episode 1 'B' Poster (Baljos Arnyak) |
Attack of the Clones |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | AOTC 'B' Poster |
___ | AOTC International One Sheet (Anakin/Amidala) |
___ | AOTC International One Sheet (Jango Fett) |
___ | AOTC International One Sheet (Mace Windu/Obi-Wan) |
Revenge of the Sith |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | ROTS 'B' Poster |
Books / Non-Fiction |
Phantom Menace |
| Tessloff es Babilon Kindo |
___ | Making of Episode 1 |
Books / Novels |
A New Hope |
| Kozmosz Konyvek |
___ | Csillagok Haboruja (SW Novel) Oversize Paperback |
Empire Strikes Back |
| Kozmosz Konyvek |
___ | ESB Novel Oversize Paperback |
Return of the Jedi |
| Kozmosz Konyvek |
___ | A Jedi Visszater (ROTJ Novel) Oversize Paperback |
___ | Lando Calrissian es Sharu Varazskulcsa (Lando Clarissian And The Mind Harp Of Sharu) Paperback |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
| Brillant |
___ | A Jedi Hatalma (Power of the Jedi) Paperback |
| King Kiado |
___ | Lando Calrissian es Sharu Varazskulesa (Mind Harp of Sharu) Paperback |
___ | A Birodalom Visszavag (ESB Novel) Paperback |
___ | A Jedi Visszater (ROTJ Novel) Paperback |
___ | A Jedik Gyermekei (Children of Jedi) Paperback |
___ | A Jovo Latomasa (Vision of the Future) Paperback |
___ | A Kristalycsillag (Crystal Star) Paperback |
___ | A Mult Kisertete (Specter of the Past) Paperback |
___ | Az Uj Lazadas (New Rebellion) Paperback |
___ | Azsarnok Eroprobaja (Tyrant's Test) Paperback |
___ | Csilagok Haboruja (SW Novel) Paperback |
___ | Hazugsagok Pajzsa (Shield of Lies) Paperback |
___ | Kulonbeke (Truce At Bakura) Paperback |
___ | Szokevenyek (Courtship of Leia) Paperback |
___ | Tortenetek A Fejuadas Zokrol (Tales Of The Bounty Hunters) Paperback |
___ | Tortenetek Jabba Palotajabot (Tales from Jabba's Palace) Paperback |
___ | X-Szarnyuak: (Rogue Squadron) Paperback |
___ | X-Szarnyuak: A Bactahaboru (X-Wing: Bacta War) Paperback |
| Pendragon |
___ | SW #1 Han Solo Hadjarata (Stars End) Paperback |
___ | SW #2 Han Solo Bosszuja (Revenge) Paperback |
| Valhalla Paholy |
___ | A Birodalom Visszavag (ESB Novel) Paperback Luke on Tauntaun Art Cover |
___ | A Jedi Visszater (ROTJ Novel) Paperback Space Battle Art Cover |
___ | Csillagok Haboruja (SW Novel) Paperback Duel Art Cover |
___ | SW #0 Eroproba (Splinter of Mind's Eye) Paperback |
___ | SW #3 Han Solo Kuldetese (Lost Legacy) Paperback |
___ | SW #4 Han Solo Nomadjai (at Doomsday's Edge) Paperback |
___ | SW #5 Han Solo a Birodalmi Ugynok (Gambit) Paperback |
___ | SW #6 Han Solo es a Fejvadaszok (Bounty Hunters) Paperback |
___ | SW #7 Han Solo Haboruja (The War of Han Solo) Paperback |
Phantom Menace |
___ | I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Hardback, Anakin Cover |
___ | I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, 'B' Art Cover |
___ | I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, Amidala Cover |
___ | I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, Darth Maul Cover |
___ | I. Rez (Episode 1 Novel) Paperback, Obi-Wan Cover |
Attack of the Clones |
___ | AOTC Novel Hardback |
Food Products / Candy / Packaging |
Phantom Menace |
| Fundy Star |
___ | Amidala Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Amidala Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Amidala Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Amidala White Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Anakin Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Anakin Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Anakin Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Anakin White Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Darth Maul Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Darth Maul Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Darth Maul Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Darth Maul White Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Jar Jar Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Jar Jar Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Jar Jar Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Jar Jar White Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Obi-Wan Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Obi-Wan Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Obi-Wan Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Obi-Wan White Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Qui-Gon Black Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Qui-Gon Blue Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Qui-Gon Red Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
___ | Qui-Gon White Chocolate Bar Wrapper |
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging |
| Kellogg's |
___ | Smacks, Star Wars Statue (Lego side panel, Hungary sticker side panel) |
Food Products / Drinks / Packaging |
| Pepsi |
___ | Mirinda Orange 0.5L Bottle |
Food Products / Chips / Packaging |
Attack of the Clones |
| Chio |
___ | Chio Flips Foldimoryoros 100g with Clone Trooper Plastic Strip |
___ | Chio Master Crok Pizza 65g with Padme Amidala Plastic Strip |
___ | Chio Master Crok Sajtos 65g with Darth Vader Plastic Strip |
___ | Chio Master Crok Sajtos 65g with Padme Amidala Plastic Strip |
___ | Chio Popcorn Sajit Izu 75g with Clone Trooper Plastic Strip |
___ | Chio Popcorn Sajit Izu 75g with Padme Amidala Plastic Strip |
___ | Flips Chip Bag, Foldimogyros, Red, strip showing Clone Trooper figure & cards |
___ | Master Crok Chip Bag, Foldimogyros, Green, strip showing 2 cards & sabers |
___ | Master Crok Chip Bag, Grill Fuszerezesu, strip showing 2 cards & sabers (Hammock Cartoon Back) |
___ | Master Crok Chip Bag, Grill Fuszerezesu, strip showing 2 cards & sabers (Strength Test Cartoon Back) |
___ | Master Crok Chip Bag, Pizza, strip showing 2 cards & sabers |
___ | Master Crok Chip Bag, Sajtos, strip showing 2 cards & Yoda Figure |
___ | Master Crok Pizza 65g Chip Bag with Plastic Strip showing Amidala Action Figure & Cards |
___ | Master Crok Sajtas 65g Chip Bag with Plastic Strip showing Darth Vader Action Figure & Cards |
___ | Popcorn Sajt Izu 65g Bag with Plastic Strip showing Amidala Action Figure & Cards |
___ | Taccos Sonkas Izu 65g Chip Bag with Plastic Strip showing Darth Vader Action Figure & Cards |
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging |
| Nestlé |
___ | Chocapic, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Chocapic, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Chocapic, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Chocapic, Qui Gon/Darth Maul Card |
___ | Chocapic, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Chocapic, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
___ | Nesquik, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Nesquik, Anakin/Padme and Vader/Leia Card |
___ | Nesquik, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Nesquik, Mace Windu and Jango Fett Card |
___ | Nesquik, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Nesquik, Obi Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader/Anakin Card |
___ | Nesquik, Qui Gon/Darth Maul Card |
___ | Nesquik, Qui Gon/Darth Maul Card |
___ | Nesquik, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Nesquik, R2-D2/C-3PO and Battle Droids Card |
___ | Nesquik, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
___ | Nesquik, Yoda and Darth Sidious Card |
Food Products / Fast Food / Packaging |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Burger King |
___ | Paper Trayliner, Darth Vader & Lenticular Cups |
Food Products / Cereal / Packaging |
The Force Awakens |
| Kellogg's |
___ | Star Wars Cereal (BB-8, door hanger cut outs, sticker on side of Scandinavia box) |
___ | Star Wars Cereal (Kylo Ren, maze game, sticker on side of Scandinavia box) |
___ | Star Wars Cereal (Stormtrooper, maze game, sticker on side of Scandinavia box) |
Commercial Cards / Phone Cards |
Phantom Menace |
| Matau |
___ | Phone Cards, Cardboard sleeve, set of 4 |
Postcards |
| Koontz Entertainment Ltd. |
___ | 1/10 Anakin Skywalker Postcard |
___ | 10/10 Anakin's Podracer Postcard |
___ | 2/10 Qui-Gon Jinn Postcard |
___ | 3/10 Darth Maul Postcard |
___ | 4/10 Watto Postcard |
___ | 5/10 Jar Jar Binks Postcard |
___ | 6/10 Battle Droid Postcard |
___ | 7/10 Obi-Wan Kenobi Postcard |
___ | 8/10 Queen Amidala Postcard |
___ | 9/10 Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn Postcard |
Revenge of the Sith |
| Palace Studios |
___ | Clone Trooper Digitalisan Promo Postcard |
___ | General Grievous Digitalisan Promo Postcard |
___ | Mace Windu Digitalisan Promo Postcard |
___ | Yoda Digitalisan Promo Postcard |
Food Products / Chips / Premiums |
Phantom Menace |
| Frito Lay |
___ | Amidala Kira'lyno Can't Resist Card |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Can't Resist Card |
___ | Darth Maul Can't Resist Card |
___ | Darth Sidious Can't Resist Card |
___ | Jar Jar Can't Resist Card |
___ | Mace Windu Can't Resist Card |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Can't Resist Card |
___ | Padme Can't Resist Card |
___ | Qui-Gon Jinn Can't Resist Card |
___ | R2-D2 Can't Resist Card |
___ | Sebulba Can't Resist Card |
___ | Watto Can't Resist Card |
Food Products / Candy / Premiums |
| Fundy Star |
___ | Amidala Sticker |
___ | Anakin Sticker |
___ | Anakin's Podracer Sticker |
___ | Battle Droid Sticker |
___ | Darth Maul Sticker |
___ | Droid Starfighter Sticker |
___ | Jar Jar Sticker |
___ | Naboo Starfighters Sticker |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Sticker |
___ | Qui-Gon Jinn Sticker |
___ | Space Battle Sticker |
___ | Sticker Album |
___ | Watto Sticker |
Food Products / Chips / Premiums |
Attack of the Clones |
| Chio |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin & Sidious over Obi-Wan vs Dooku |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin Face/Heroes Down Right Side |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin Face/Heroes Montage |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin flanked by clone troopers |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin flanked by clone troopers over Jango Fett shooting |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin Kissing Padme over Ground Battle |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin Montage |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin over Mace Windu & Obi-Wan |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin/Padme kissing over Anakin/Padme back to back |
___ | Chio Card, Anakin/Padme over Luke/Leia |
___ | Chio Card, Boba Fett in Armor over ESB Bounty Hunters |
___ | Chio Card, Boba Fett in Armor over Slave I |
___ | Chio Card, Chewbacca over Cloud City Corridor |
___ | Chio Card, Chewbacca over Hoth |
___ | Chio Card, Darth Vader Helmet over Anakin & Obi-Wan |
___ | Chio Card, Darth Vader over B-Wings |
___ | Chio Card, Darth Vader over Star Destroyer & TIE Fighters |
___ | Chio Card, Darth Vader over Vader/Ben Kenobi Duel |
___ | Chio Card, Dooku & Planet over Sidious & Ground Battle |
___ | Chio Card, Dooku over Duel at Sunset |
___ | Chio Card, Dooku surrounded by AOTC villains |
___ | Chio Card, Dooku surrounded by Sith |
___ | Chio Card, Emperor over Luke/Vader ESB duel |
___ | Chio Card, ESB Bounty Hunters over Jango/Zam |
___ | Chio Card, Han over Falcon on Cloud City |
___ | Chio Card, Jango Fett Montage |
___ | Chio Card, Jango Fett with pistols in front of clone troopers |
___ | Chio Card, Leia over awards ceremony |
___ | Chio Card, Leia over Leia/R2-D2 |
___ | Chio Card, Leia over Skiff |
___ | Chio Card, Leia over Trash Compactor |
___ | Chio Card, Luke over AT-ATs |