Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 10th Anniversary Convention |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United States |
| Creation Conventions |
___ | Darth Vader SW 10th Anniversary Button |
___ | Darth Vader SW 10th Anniversary Logo Grey T-Shirt |
___ | Darth Vader SW 10th Anniversary Logo Red T-Shirt |
___ | Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia SW 10th Anniversary Button |
___ | R2-D2 & C-3PO SW 10th Anniversary Button |
___ | Starlog Salutes SW 10th Anniversary Convention LA, CA May 23-25, 1987 4pg Flyer |
___ | Starlog Salutes SW 10th Anniversary Convention San Jose, CA Feb13-14, 1988 4pg Flyer |
___ | Starlog Salutes SW 10th Anniversary Convention Sticker Badge |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Balloon (Black With Grey Logo) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Balloon (Grey With Blue Logo) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Black Logos Turquoise T-Shirt (Logos On Front, Back, & Sleeves) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Button (B&W logo) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Ceramic Black With Gold Logo Mug |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Circular Logo Pewter Pin |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Convention Program |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Enamel Pin (Blue With White Ring) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Felt Pennant |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Gold Logo Black Sweatshirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Gold Logo Black T-Shirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Grey & White Logo Red T-Shirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Hat (Gold Logo) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Hat (Silver Logo) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Jacket |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Logo Keychain |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Logo Sticker |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Magnet Clip |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Memo Pad (Lavendar) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Memo Pad (Light Blue) |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Note Pad |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Paperweight |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Photo |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Purple/Blue/Yellow Logo White Sweatshirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Purple/Blue/Yellow Logo White T-Shirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Purple/Blue/Yellow Puffy Logo Turquoise Long Sleeve T-Shirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Silver & White Logo on Turquoise T-Shirt |
___ | SW 10th Anniversary Yellow Logo on Red T-Shirt (Starlog Salutes SW Convention Info on Back) |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 1st Mexican Collectors Convention |
Mexico |
| Guadalahara Fan Club |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Guadalahara Fan Club Honorary Member Badge |
| Janos |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Flyer (Darth Vader Carry Case Color Flyer With Stapled Purple Flyer) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Flyer (Darth Vader Carry Case Color Flyer With Stapled Red Flyer) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Flyer (Darth Vader Carry Case Color Flyer) |
| Universo Star Wars |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con B&W Program |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Lanyard (Black with grey letters) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Lanyard (Grey with black letters) |
___ | 1st Collector's SW Con Organizer Pass (Darth Vader) |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 1st Mexican Convention |
Mexico |
| Primera SW Con |
___ | Special Guest Certificate of Appreciation |
| Universo Star Wars |
___ | Primera SW Con Press Badge |
___ | Primera SW Con VIP Badge |
___ | Primera SW Convention B&W Flyer |
___ | Primera SW Convention Plastic Shopping Bag |
___ | Primera SW Convention Program (Never Folded Proof Poster) |
___ | Primera SW Convention Program (Opens To Poster) |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 2nd Mexican Convention |
Mexico |
| Guadalahara Fan Club |
___ | Second Mexican Convention Honorary Member Badge |
| Universo Star Wars |
___ | Segunda SW Con Black & White Baseball Hat |
___ | Segunda SW Con Black & White T-Shirt |
___ | Segunda SW Con Dealer Pass (Watto) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Friday Pass (R2-D2) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Magnetic Pocket Address Book/Calendar (Mercado Libre.com) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Organization Committee Pass (Darth Vader) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Program (Opens To SW Connections Poster) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Saturday Pass (R2-D2) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Staff Pass (Stormtrooper) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Sunday Pass (R2-D2) |
___ | Segunda SW Con Three Day Pass (Boba Fett) |
___ | Segunda SW Con VIP Pass (Yoda) |
Event Collectibles / Public / Conventions / 3rd Mexican Convention |
Mexico |
| Guadalahara Fan Club |
___ | Third Mexican Convention Honorary Member Badge |
| Universo Star Wars |
___ | 3rd SW Con 'Staff' T-Shirt (Black On White, S & T Written Together Like SW Logo) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Dealer Pass (Watto) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Friday Pass (Anakin) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Organizer Pass (Raised Lightsaber) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Press Pass (C-3PO) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Program/Poster (Anakin/Darth Vader Poster) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Saturday Pass (Obi-Wan) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Security Pass (Super Battle Droid) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Staff Pass (Clone Troopers) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Sunday Pass (Mace Windu) |
___ | 3rd SW Con Three Day Pass (Jango Fett) |
___ | 3rd SW Con VIP Pass (Yoda) |
Audio / Narrated / 8-Track |
A New Hope |
Canada |
| Unknown |
___ | The Story of Star Wars 8-Track (Blue Cartridge) |
Audio / Music / 8-Track |
Italy |
| VB |
___ | The Caleps Star Wars 8-Track |
United Kingdom |
| Precision Tapes Ltd/20th Century Fox Records |
___ | SW Soundtrack 8-Track |
United States |
| 20th Century Fox Records |
___ | SW Soundtrack 8-Track |
| Damil Records |
___ | SW & A Stereo Space Oddyssey 8-Track |
| Homestead Marketing |
___ | Today's Top Hits Featuring 'You Light Up My Life' 8-Track |
| K-Tel |
___ | Superstar Collection 8-Track (Includes Meco SW Theme) |
| Musicor Records |
___ | Music From SW 8-Track (black cartridge, blue label) |
___ | Music from SW 8-Track (black label) |
___ | Music From SW 8-Track (white cartidge, blue label) |
| Pickwick Records |
___ | Themes From Star Wars, NY,NY, The Deep, etc 8-Track |
| RCA |
___ | Ford Motor Company Presents Quadrasonic Sound For Today 8-Track, 1979 Version DAT2-0346 |
Musical Instruments / Accessories |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
Japan |
| Fernandes |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Knob |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Pick |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Knob |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Pick |
___ | Chewbacca Guitar Pick |
___ | Darth Vader & Crossed Sabers Guitar Strap |
___ | Darth Vader & Stormtrooper Guitar Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Knob |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Pick |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | Empty Guitar Pick Counter Display Box |
___ | Empty Guitar Pick Wrapper |
___ | Ewok Guitar Pick |
___ | Galactic Empire Logo Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | Han Solo Guitar Pick |
___ | Hard Plastic Guitar Case |
___ | Jabba the Hutt Guitar Pick |
___ | Jawa Guitar Pick |
___ | Luke Skywalker Guitar Pick |
___ | Princess Leia Guitar Pick |
___ | R2-D2 Guitar Pick |
___ | Rebel Alliance Logo Guitar Pick |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Knob |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Pick |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Pick (hologram) |
___ | SW Logo Guitar Strap |
___ | TIE Pilot Guitar Pick |
___ | Tusken Raider Guitar Pick |
___ | Yoda Guitar Pick |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
Japan |
| Run'A |
___ | C-3PO Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Stormtrooper Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Yoda Cell Phone Strap |
Costumes and Masks / Accessories |
Mexico |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Trick or Treat Plastic Bucket |
United States |
| Don Post |
___ | Admiral Ackbar Hands |
___ | Cantina Band Member Hands |
___ | Greedo Hands |
Musical Instruments / Accessories |
United States |
| Fernandes |
___ | Boba Fett Guitar Knob (English Card) |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Knob (English Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Guitar Knob (English Card) |
___ | Guitar Pick Wrapper, Darth Vader |
___ | Stormtrooper Guitar Knob (English Card) |
Costumes and Masks / Accessories |
United States |
| Rubies |
___ | Extendable Lightsaber, Blue #1593 |
___ | Extendable Lightsaber, Red #1593 |
___ | Extendable Lightsaber, White #1588 |
___ | Extendable Lightsaber, White #1588 (white circle battery warning) |
___ | Jango Fett Blaster #5087 (2007 Target Card) |
Shadows of the Empire |
United States |
| Don Post |
___ | Prince Xizor Hands |
Phantom Menace |
United States |
| Don Post |
___ | Amidala Senate Headpiece |
___ | Amidala Theed Throne Headpiece |
___ | Jar Jar Feet |
___ | Jar Jar Hands |
| Rubies |
___ | Amidala Deluxe Make-Up Kit #1641 |
___ | Amidala Make-Up Kit #19661 |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Jedi Braid #1705 |
___ | Darth Maul Deluxe Make-Up Kit #19658 |
___ | Darth Maul Extendable Lightsaber, 2 Language Card #1613 |
___ | Darth Maul Extendable Lightsaber, 5 Language Card #1613 |
___ | Darth Maul Make-Up Kit #19656 |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Braid #1647 |
___ | Qui-Gon Jinn Extendable Lightsaber #1638 |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
United States |
| Tiger Electronics |
___ | Royal Starship Answering Machine |
Unknown |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Boss Nass Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | C-3PO Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Chancellor Palpatine Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Darth Maul Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Darth Sidious Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Jar Jar Binks Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Queen Amidala Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Watto Unlicensed Cell Phone Strap |
Attack of the Clones |
Japan |
| 20th Century Fox |
___ | AOTC 'B' Art Metal Square On Cell Phone Strap |
Musical Instruments / Accessories |
Japan |
| Fernandes |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Guitar Pick |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Anakin/Vader Guitar Pick |
___ | C-3PO Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (Red) Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (Red) Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (White) Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper (Yellow) Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Clone Trooper Helmet Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Count Dooku Guitar Pick |
___ | Count Dooku Icon Guitar Pick |
___ | Empty Guitar Pick Wrapper |
___ | Jango Fett Guitar Pick |
___ | Jango Fett Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Jedi Starfighter Guitar Pick |
___ | Mace Windu Guitar Pick |
___ | Obi-Wan Guitar Pick |
___ | Padme Guitar Pick |
___ | R2-D2 Guitar Pick |
___ | Super Battle Droid Guitar Pick |
___ | Yoda Guitar Pick |
___ | Yoda Hologram Guitar Pick |
___ | Zam Wesell Guitar Pick |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
Japan |
| Showa Note |
___ | C-3PO Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Clonetrooper Cell Phone Strap |
___ | R2-D2 Cell Phone Strap |
___ | Super Battle Droid Cell Phone Strap |
Musical Instruments / Accessories |
United States |
| Fernandes |
___ | Guitar Pick Wrapper, Yoda |
Costumes and Masks / Accessories |
United States |
| Rubies |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Accessory Kit #5062 |
___ | Jango Fett Accessory Kit #5092 |
___ | Padme Amidala Accessory Kit #5093 |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
Revenge of the Sith |
Belgium |
| Mobistar |
___ | Phone Tin, Clone Trooper Samsung X450 |
___ | Phone Tin, R2-D2 & C-3PO Sony Ericsson K700 |
___ | Phone Tin, Yoda Nokia 3100 |
China |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Boba Fett Bear Cell Phone Strap |
___ | C-3PO Bear Cell Phone Strap |
France |
| Petit Casino |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Cell Phone Strap |
Germany |
| Trendwerk 77 |
___ | Darth Vader J-Strap |
___ | R2-D2 J-Strap |
Japan |
| Heart |
___ | Mobile Cleaner, Darth Vader |
___ | Mobile Cleaner, R2-D2 & C-3PO |
___ | Mobile Cleaner, Yoda |
| Showa Note |
___ | Mail Block (Darth Vader Helmet) |
___ | Mail Block (R2-D2) |
| Unknown |
___ | Mobile Phone Seal, C-3PO & R2-D2 |
___ | Mobile Phone Strap, Darth Vader & Clone Trooper |
___ | Mobile Phone Strap, R2-D2 & C-3PO |
Thailand |
| AIS |
___ | One-2-Call.com Phone Strap With Clone Trooper Charm |
___ | One-2-Call.com Phone Strap With Darth Vader Charm |
United States |
| Cingular Wireless |
___ | SW Razz Headset |
Costumes and Masks / Accessories |
United States |
| Rubies |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Adult Gauntlet #1111 (ROTS Card) |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Child Gauntlet |
___ | Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber #599 |
___ | Chewbacca Hands |
___ | Darth Vader Adult Gloves |
___ | Darth Vader Breathing Device #2416 (2006 Target Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Breathing Device #2416 (2007 Target Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Breathing Devise #2416 (ROTS Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Breathing Devise #2416 (ROTS Target Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Child's Gloves #1196 (2006 Target Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Child's Gloves #1196 (2007 Target Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Child's Gloves #1196 (ROTS Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Over Lava Trick-or-Treak Plastic Bag #1095 |
___ | Darth Vader Lightsaber #570 (2006 Target Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Lightsaber #570 (ROTS Card) |
___ | Darth Vader Trick Or Treat Pail #1162 (2006 Target Tag) |
___ | Darth Vader Trick or Treat Pail #1162 (2007 Target Tag) |
___ | Darth Vader Trick Or Treat Pail #1162 (ROTS Tag) |
___ | Emperor Palpatine Hands |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber #1159 (2006 Target Card) |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber #1159 (2007 Target Card) |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber #1159 (ROTS Card) |
___ | Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber #1159 (ROTS Target Card) |
___ | Yoda Hands |
Electronics / Phones and Accessories / Accessories |
United States |
| Unlicensed |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Mobile Phone Sensor & Black Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Mobile Phone Sensor & Red Strap |
Unknown |
| Sony Ericsson |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet (Pointilist) in Cube Cell Phone Charm & Strap |
___ | Darth Vader Helmet Cell Phone Charm & Strap |
Coins / Action Figure |
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007) |
United Kingdom |
| Hasbro |
___ | 30th Anniversary Celebration Europe Coin: Celebration Europe Logo |
___ | 30th Anniversary Celebration Europe Coin: Luke Skywalker--McQuarrie Concept |
___ | 30th Anniversary Celebration Europe Coin: R2-D2 & C-3PO--McQuarrie Concept |
United States |
___ | 30th Anniversary 2007 Vintage Coin Set |
___ | 30th Anniversary Celebration IV Coin: Celebration IV Logo |
___ | 30th Anniversary Celebration IV Coin: Luke Skywalker--McQuarrie Concept |
___ | 30th Anniversary Celebration IV Coin: R2-D2 & C-3PO--McQuarrie Concept |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #01: Darth Vader--Sith Lord (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #02: Galactic Marine--Clone Trooper (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #03: Lava Miner--Separatist (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #04: R2-D2--Astromech Droid (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #05: Obi-Wan Kenobi--Jedi Master (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #06: Mace Windu--Jedi Master (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #07: Airborne Trooper--Clone Trooper (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #08: Super Battle Droid--Droid Army (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #09: Stormtrooper--McQuarrie Concept (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #10: Rebel Soldier--Yavin Honor Guard (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #11: Han Solo--Smuggler (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #12: Luke Skywalker--Yavin Ceremony (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #13: Death Star Trooper--Imperial Soldier (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #14: Biggs Darklighter--Rebel Pilot (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #15: Boba Fett--McQuarrie Concept (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #16: Darth Vader--Sith Lord (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #17: Biggs Darklighter--Tosche Station (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #18: Luke Skywalker--Moisture Farmer (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #19: Jawa & LIN-V8K--Tatooine Scavenger (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #20: Stormtrooper--Galactic Empire (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #21: Chewbacca--McQuarrie Concept (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #22: M'inyoom Onith--H'Nemthe (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #23: Elis Helrot--Givin (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #24: Boba Fett--Animation Debut (EU) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #25: Luke Skywakler--Jedi Knight (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #26: CZ-4--CZ-Series Droid (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #27: Umpass-Stay--Klatooinian (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #28: Darth Vader--McQuarrie Concept (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #29: Hermi Odle--Baragwin (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #30: C-3PO & Salacious--Jabba's Servants (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #31: Roron Corobb--Jedi Knight (CW) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #32: Yoda & Kybuck--Jedi Master (CW) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #33: Anakin Skywalker--Jedi Knight (CW) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #34: Darth Revan--Sith Lord (EU) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #35: Darth Malak--Sith Lord (EU) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #36: Qymaen Sheelai--Kaleesh Warlord (EU) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #37: Luke Starkiller--McQuarrie Concept (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #38: Han Solo--Rebel Leader (ESB) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #39: Lando Calrissian--Baron Administrator (ESB) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #40: General McQuarrie--Rebel Officer (ESB) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #41: 4-LOM--Bounty Hunter (ESB) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #42: Snowtrooper--McQuarrie Concept (ESB) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #43: Romba & Graak--Ewok Warriors (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #44: Tycho Celchu--A-Wing Pilot (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #45: Anakin Skywalker--Jedi Spirit (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #46: R2-D2--Astromech Droid (ROTJ) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #47: Han Solo--McQuarrie Concept (ANH) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #48: Darth Vader--Sith Lord (ESB) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #49: 7th Legion Trooper--Clone Trooper (ROTS) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #50: Hawkbat Battalion--Clone Trooper (CW) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #51: R2-B1--Astromech Droid (TPM) |
___ | 30th Anniversary Coin #52: Naboo Soldier--Royal Naboo Army (TPM) |