Items from licensee: VGS

Posters / Advertising
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Darth Vader/SW Books Display Poster
Phantom Menace
___ Episode 1 Visual Dictionary & Incredible Cross-Sections Poster
Books / Non-Fiction
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Magie und Mythos (Magic & Myth) Hardback
___ Von SW Bis Indiana Jones: Das Beste Aus Den Lucasfilm Archiven (SW To Indy: Best Of LFL Archives)
Books / Novels
___ Darksaber Der Todesstern Hardback
___ Der Geist des Dunklen Lords (Dark Apprentice) Hardback
___ Der Pakt von Bakura (Truce at Bakura) Hardback
___ Derkristallstern (Crystal Star) Hardback
___ Die Meister der Macht (Champions of the Force) Hardback
___ Entfuhrung Nach Dathomir (Courtship of Leia) Hardback
___ Entscheidung Bei Koornacht (Tyrant's Test) Hardback
___ Flucht ins Ungewisse (Jedi Search) Hardback
___ Palpatine's Auge (Children of Jedi) Hardback
___ Rebellion der Verlorenen (New Rebellion) Hardback
___ Vor Dem Sturm (Before the Storm) Hardback
Shadows of the Empire
___ Schatten des Imperiums (SOTE Novel) Hardback
Books / Star Wars Reference
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Das Diplomatische Korps (Diplomatic Corps Entrance Exam)
Phantom Menace
___ Episode 1 Die Illustrierte Enzyklopadie (Visual Dictionary)
___ Episode 1 Incredible Cross-Sections
Attack of the Clones
___ AOTC Incredible Cross-Sections
Books / Young Adult
Star Wars Saga (1986-2007)
___ Galaxy of Fear band 1 & 2 (Eaten Alive & City of the Dead) Hardback
___ Galaxy of Fear band 3 & 4 (Planet Plague & Nightmare Machine) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #1: Die Huter der Macht (Heirs of the Force) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #2: Akadiemie der Verdhammten (Shadow Academy) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #3: Die Verlorenen (Lost Ones) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #4: Lichtschwerter (Lightsabers) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #5: Die Ruckkehr der Dunklen Ritters (Darkest Knight) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #6: Angriff Auf Yavin 4 (Jedi Under Siege) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #7: Gefange auf Ryloth (Jedi Bounty) Hardback
___ Young Jedi #8: Allianz der Vergessenen (Diversity Alliance) Hardback

Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive