Comp Sheet for Blister Card to 12 inch Leia Leisure Outfit
At one point in the late '70s, Kenner had plans to release "fashion outfits" for use with their Luke and Leia large size figures. Unfortunately, none of these outfits was ever released. But Kenner did develop packaging for the items. Like the the outfits for the company's similarly scaled Six Million Dollar Man figures, the Star Wars fashion outfits were planned to be packaged on colorful blister cards. Each card was to be decorated with both a photo of the character's head and another of the outfit as it would look on the figure. As you've no doubt noticed, this particular piece represents the proposed blister card design for the Princess Leia figure's "Leisure Outfit".

This piece is what is known as a comp. Basically, it's the imagery planned to be used on the blister card, printed in color on a piece of paper. When the time came to make prototypes of the outfit packages, for photography or display purposes, the color portions of this sheet could be cut out and glued to a generic backer card. So far, no cardboard "proofs" of this item have been discovered.

It should be noted that this represents a preliminary design. It includes no Kenner logo, no product number and the Star Wars logo includes 1977 copyright text.

A prototype of the Leia Leisure Outfit can be viewed here.

Description by: Ron Salvatore
Photo: Cloud City Collectibles
From the collection of: Lisa Stevens, Vic Wertz
Country:United States
Film:A New Hope
Category:Prototypes / Prototype Packaging and Proofs


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive