X-Wing Fighter Photoart
These shots showcase two pieces of photoart (photographic elements combined with air-brushed paint), which were used to generate two images from the front of the package for the Micro Collection X-Wing Fighter toy.

First up is the primary image, the one used on the front panel of the box. Gotta love that sky, all of which was created via air-brushing.

Next we have the image used to generate the insert photo from the upper left of the front panel, which was intended to demonstrate the crash feature of the toy.

In this close-up, you might be able to see that the X-Wing element of the piece is actually a cut-out, which has been pasted onto the yellow background. Both the X-Wing and the pilot figure have also been enhanced through the application of painted highlights.

Description by: Ron Salvatore
Photo: Ron Salvatore
From the collection of: Rob Amantea
Country:United States
Film:Empire Strikes Back
Category:Prototypes / Micro Collection


Checklist by Duncan Jenkins, Gus Lopez, and the Star Wars collecting community
Software by Chris Nichols

All information © 2025 Star Wars Collectors Archive